cnōsl n. stock, progeny, kin, family : native colpytt m. (char-)coal pit, Ct.
country. colsweart coal-black, NC277.
cnossiān to strike, hit upon, SEAFS. colt ni. 'colt,' Æ.
enotmǽlum 'strictim,' A13-35201. coltetræppe f. a plant, 'caltrop,' WW,
enotta m. 'knot,' fastening, M : knotty point, coltgræg f? colt's-foot, WW13618.
puzzle, M, eo.trseppe=coltetnēppe
±cnueian to 'knock' (door), Æ,Mt : beat, col-ðrǽd, -tired m. plumb-line, GL.
pound, IM,Lcd(o). columne f. column.
cnūian, enflwian to pound. * com pret,. 3 sg. of enrnan.
+cnycc n. bond, DR. coman (AO7021)=cuman
±cnyccan pret. 3 sg. cnyete, enyhte to tie, comb, combol = eamb, cumbol
+cnycled bent, crooked, WW45833. comēta m. comet, †CHK975. [L.]
cnyht = cniht eommuc=cainmoe
cnyll m. sound or signal of a bell, SB,WW. cōmon pret, pi. of cuman.
[' knell'] comp↔camp
±cnyllan to toll « bell : strike, knock, LkS, con = can pres. 1, 3 sg. of eunnan.
NIL. ['knett'] condel = candel
cnyllsian (LkL) = cnyllan; cnyrd- = eneord- conn = oann pres. 1, 3 sg. of cunnan.
±cnyssan to press, toss, strike, hew to pieces, consolde f. comfrey. [L.]
dash, crash (together), beat, Æ,AO,CP : over- const = canst pres. 2 sg. of cunnan.
cowie, overwhelm, oppress, CP. consul m. consul, AO. [L.]
cnyssung f. striking, stroke, ÆOR. coorte f. cohort, AO. [L.]
±cnyttan to fasten, tie, bind, 'knit' ('i-knit,'scop = oopp

Ml, WW), Æ,Lc-d; CP. [enotta] cop m? 'ependyles,' cope, vestment.
cnyttels m. string, sinew, OEG2935. +cōp proper, fitting, CP.

cope! unsteady, rocking? (BT),BC3-624.
cōpenere m. lover, CP.

coc = cocc
cōc m. 'cool;' Æ,Ps; CP. [L. coquus]

coco m. cock, male bird, Æ,Lcd,Mt; CP.Mdf, coper, copor n. 'copper,' Led. [L. cuprum]
coceel m. 'cockle,' darnel, tares, Alt.
copian to plunder, steal, WW37917.
cocer m. quiver, case, sheath : sword, spear. +cōpllc proper, fitting, adv. -lice.
cocerflā f. 'framea,' A
cōoerpanne f. cooking-pan, frying-pan.
+cōcnian (coca-) to season food.
cðcnung f. seasoning, LCD.
cocor = cocer
cōcormete m. seasoned food, WW2816.
+cōcsian to cook, roast, RPslOl4.
cōeunung = eðcnung; cocur (Æ)=eoeer
codd m. 'cod,' husk, Led : bag, Mt: scrotum.
coddæppel m. quince, WW41115.
codie (eoydie) 'lapsana,' charlock? A37-47.
coe-, eōe- (N) = ee-, cē-
cofa m. closet, chamber : ark : cove, den.
cofgodas mp. household gods, GL.
cofincel n. little chamber, WW.

-cofrlan T. ā-c.
cohhetan to make a noise, cough f JUB270.
col n., nap. coin, cola 'coal,' live coal,
col I. 'cool,' coH, B,Bo,Lcd : tranquil, calm.

II. pret. 3 sg. of calan.
-cole v. ōden-, wīn-c.
copp I. m. toj), summit, tIGl. ['cop'] II. ni.
cup, NO. ['cop']
-coppe T. ātor-e.

eopped polled, lopped, pollard, Ct.
cops (WW)'f=4cosp
+cor n. decision, [cēosan]
corclð m. increase f choice growth? LCD 3-212*

(v. A31-56).
cordewānere m. 'cordwainer,' shoemaker,

EC. [OFr.J
±eoren (pp. of oēosan) chosen, elect, choice,

fit, Æ : precious, dear.
corenbēg m. crown, A9-172. [L. corona]
±corenes t. choice, election : (+) goodness.
+corenlle elegant, adv. -Hoe, WW.
±corenscipe m. election, excellence.
corlen pp. of eeorfan.
corfllan to mince, [eeorfan]
corn n. 'corn,' grain, Chr,CP; Æ,AO : seed,

berry, CP,Jn,Lcd; Æ : a corn-like pimple,
eornæseeda fp. chaff, WW1181.
cornappla np. pomegranates, OEG.

cōlcwyld f. 'frigida peslis,' ague? WW24311. corn-bære, -berende corn-bearing.
cōlia n to' cool,' grow cold, be cold, An,Ou,Lcd. corngebrot n. corn dropped in carrying to
coiiandre f. coriander, LCD. barn, LL451[17].
coll = col; -colla v. morgen-c. corngesǽlig rich in corn, LCD.
oollecta f. collect, CM.LL. eorngesceot n. payment in corn, Ct.
+collenferhtan to make empty, exhaust. cornhūs n. granary, WW18528.
eollen-ferhð, -fyrhS, -ferS† proud, elated, cornhwicce f. cornǽin, Æ.
bold. [*ewellan (to swell)?] cornlā_d f. leading of corn, LL453[21,4].
eolloncrog m. water-lily, nymphaia. cornsǽd n. a grain of corn, GD2531.
colmāse f. 'coal-mouse,' tit-mouse, WW. corntēoðung f. tithe of corn, W.
cōlnes f. 'coolness,' Ps corntrēow n. cornel-tree, WW.