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dīo- = dēo-, dig-; dlowl- (NG) = dēofol- dippan = dyppan dirige dirge, ' vigilia, ' CM. dīrHng(CP) = dēor!ing dim- = diem-, dyrn-; dis- = dys- dlsc m. 'dish,' plate., bowl, GlŷMi. discberend m. dish-bearer, seneschal, WW. discipul m. 'disciple,' scholar, BH,Mt. dlscipula female disciple, BH2363*. discipulhād m. 'disciplehood,' BH. dlsc-Segn, -o'ēn m. dish-servant, waiter, seneschal, steward, Æ. disg, disig = dysig dism (oism) m. 'vapor,' 'fumus,' ES41-324. dlsma m., disme f? musk? mow? OEG46* (A30-123) : 'cassia,' Ps44» (y). dlstæf m. 'distaff,' WW;M. dlwl- = dēofol; dob- = dof-, dop- dōc rn. bastard son, WW. docce f. ' dock, ' sorrel, Led. docga rn. 'dog,* OPH. dōcincel n. bastard. dōele v. +dēfe. dōeg, dðenia (NG) = dæg, dērna dōere rn. doer, worker, DR1988. | dol-lle audacious, rash, foolhardy, foolish. adv. -Hoe, CP. dolman us =dulmunns dolsceaða m. fell destroyer, B479. dolseipe m. folly, error, CP38734. dolsmeltas = dollismeltas dolsprǽe f. silly talk, CP3856. dolwillen I. rash, bold, JTJL451. II. n. rashness, madness, JtJX.202. doiwlte n. pain of a wound? (BT), punish- ment of the wicked, pains of hell? (Tupper), RD27". dōm in. ' doom,' judgment, ordeal, sentence, BH,JnL; Æ.CP : decree, law, ordinance, custom, Æ,VPs : justice, equity, VPs : opinion, advice : choice, option, freewill : condition : authority, supremacy, majesty, power, might, Jn; AO : reputation, dignity, glory, honour, splendour, AO : court, tri- bunal, assembly : meaning, interpretation, -dōm mase. abstract suffix = state, condition, power, etc., as in freedom. dōmærn n. judgment-hall, tribunal. dōmbōc f. code of laws, statute-book, manual of justice, Æ,LL. ['doom6oofc'] dōrndæg rn. ' doomsday,' judgment-day. dōrnēadig† mighty, renowned. dðrnere in. judge, Bo,LL; CP. ['doorner'] dōrnern (Æ) = dōrnærn dōrnfæst† just, renowned, mighty. ddrnfæstnes f. righteous judgment, LPs 1001 ddrngeorn† ambitious : righteous, dōrnnūs n. law-court, tribunal, GL. dōrnhwæt adj. eager for renown? strenuous in judgment? OR 428. dōrnlan to glorify, magnify. dōrnisc adj. of the day of judgment. dōmlēas† inglorious, -powerless. dōmlic famous, glorious, praiseworthy ' judicial, Æ : canonical, CM 268. adv. -lice. domne mf. lord, CHE : nan, abbess, [i.] dōmsetl n. judgment-seat, tribunal, Æ. dōmsettend m. jurisconsult, WW4296V dōmstōw f. tribunal, W14831. dðmweoi*Sung† f. honour, glory. ±dōn anv. pres. ptc. dð(e)nde, pres. 2 sing, dēst, 3 dēð, pret. sg. dyde, pi. dydon (æ, i), pp. dðn to 'do' ('i-do'), make, act, perform, Gu,Met,Ps;Æ,AO,Cf : cause {often fol- lowed by the inf. with a passive sense or by Sæt), CP.VPs. hig dydon ricu settan= they caused kingdoms to be founded (^foun- ded kingdoms), AO : put, place, take (from or to), OP,Mt,Ps, d. up put ashore. +d. up exhume : giue, bestow, confer, Ps : con sider, esteem : observe, keep : to avoid repetition of another verb, Æ,Oen,Mk : (+) arrive at, CHE : (+) halt, encamp, cast anchor, CHB, : (+) reduce, CHK. d. to hīerran hade promote, advance to a higher position, d. to nāhte annul, make of none effect, d. to witanne cause to know, betre, furSor, d. prefer. +d. forS manifest, show forth. | ||||||||||
dofen pp. of dūfan. doflan (dobian) to 6e doting, GL. dot ung f . stupidity, frenzy, madness, GL. dōger = dōgor ; dogga = docga doglan to endure? RD I9. dōgor rnn. (as. dōgor and dōsore) day, AO, CP. dōgor-gerīni, -rīrn† n. series of days, time, allotted time of life. dōh = dag ; dohtar, dohter = dohtor dohte pret. 3 sg. of dugan. dohtig competent, good, valiant, 'doughty,' Chr. [dugan] dohtor f. gs. dohtor, ds. dohtor, dehter. nap. ±doh-tor, -tra, -tru 'daughter,' Mt;M,AO, CP : female descendant, Jn. dohtorsunu rn. daughter's son, grandson, CHE982C. dohx = dox dol I. adj. foolish, silly, CP : presumptuous. [Goth, dwals; Ger. toll] II. n. folly, CP. dole = dale ; dolcswaðu = dolgswatSu doifen pp. of delfan. dolg (dolh) nrn. wound, scar, cut, sore : boil, tumour, Ǽ. dolgbenn f . wound, AN 1399. dolgbōt f. five or compensation for wounding, LL62[23,2]. ǽdolgian to wound, RD. dolgllp rn. idle boasting, B509. dolgrūne f. pellitory, LoD25a. dolgsealf f. poultice for a wound, LCD. dolgslege† rn. wounding blow, AN- dolgswæð n., dolgswa&'u f. sear, Æ. dolhi=klolg dolhdrenc in. drink for a wound, antidote, dolhsnieltas mp. linen bandages, WW 1075S. dolhwund† wounded. | |||||||||||