DRYHT | |||||||||||
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dryht (i)† f. (±)multitude, army, company, body of retainers, nation, people, Ex : pi. men, [' dright'; drēogan] +dryhta rn. comrade. dryhtbealo = dryhtenbealo dryhtbearn n. princely youth, B2035. dryhtcwēn f. noble queen, WlD98. dryhtdōrn rn. noble judgment, VPs. dryht-ealdorrnan (NC), -ealdor (WW) rn. ' paranymphus,' bridesman. dryhten (i) m. ruler, king, lord, prince, Æ,B : the Lord, God, Christ, CP. ['drightin'] dryhtenbēag (drihtin-) m. payment (to the king) for killing a freeman, LL. dryhtenbealu† n. great misfortune. dryhtendōm? m. rule, majesty, glory, AN 1001. dryhtenhold (i) loyal, GEN 2282. dryhtenllc lordly : divine, of the Lord, Æ. adv. -Jīce. dryhtenweard m. lord, king, DA535. dryhtfolc† n. people, troop. dryhtgesīð m. retainer, warrior, FīN44. dryhtgestrēon n. princely treasure, RD 18*. dryhtguma m. †warrior, retainer, follower, man : bridesman. dryhtln- = dryhten- dryhtlēoð n. national song, hymn, Ei>342. dryhtilc (i) lordly, noble, B,Gen. d. gebed the Lord's Prayer, ['drightlike'], adv.-lice. dryhtmann in. bridesman, GL. dryhtmāðm m. princely treasure, B 2483. dryhtnē m. warrior's corpse, Ex 163. dryhtscipe† m. lordship, ruīership, dignity : virtue, valour, heroic deeds. dryhtsele† m. princely hall. dryhtsibb† f. peace, high alliance. +dryhtu 'ekmenta,' OEG. dryhtwēmend, -wēmere (i) m. bridesman, OEG 1774. dryhtweras† mp. men, chieftains. dryhtwunlende‡ living among the people. dryhtwurð (i) divine, Æ. dryhtwurða (i) m. theologian. drŷhð pres. 3 sg. of drēogan. drŷicge f. witch. drŷlic magic, magical. drŷman (ē;=ī) to sing aloud, rejoice, LPs. ['dream'] drŷmann m. sorcerer, magician, Æ. ±drŷrne (ē), +drŷrned melodious, harmoni- ous, cheerful. dryno rn. 'drink' ('drunk'), potion, draught, drinking, Cp. dryno- v. also drenc-, drinc-. dryncehorn (i) drinking-horn. drynoelēan (i) n. scot-ale, the ale given by a seller to a buyer on concluding a bargain (BT). v. LL2-56. dryncfæt (i) n. drinking vessel. ^dryncgernet (i) n. a measure of drink, NC « 287. +drynones f. immersion, baptism, ÆL23b, 723. | dryncwlrig drank, WW437". ±drŷpan to let drop, cause to fall in drops, Æ,AO : moisten, Æ. ['dripe'] | ||||||||||
dryre† m. ceasing, decline : fall, deposit. [drēosan] dryslie terrible, WW19128. drysmian† to become obscure, gloomy. ±drysnan to extinguish, NG, [drosn] +drysnlan to vanish, disappear, LkL2431. dubbian to 'dub,' strike, knight (by striking with a sword), ChrlOSSE. dūce f. 'duck,' Ct. ± dūfan- to duck, ' ditie,' Rd; Æ : immerse, BH,Rd : (+) sink, be drowned, AO.CP. dufedoppa m. pelican, LPs. ['divedap'] dugan pres. 1, 3 dēag, dēah, pi. dugon, pret. dohte swv. (usu. impers.) to avail, be worth, be capable of, competent, or good for any- thing, MtL : thrive, be strong : be good, vir- tuous kind, B,Sat. ['dow'] dug-að, -eð, -o<5 = duguS duguð fm. body of noble retainers, people, men, nobles, the nobility, Ex; AO : host, multitude, army: the heavenly host: strength, power : excellence, worth, Hy; Æ,AO : mag- nificence, valour, glory, majesty : assistance, gift : benefit, profit, wealth, prosperity, sal- vation, Cr : what is fit, or seemly, decorum, ['douth'] duguðealdor m. chief man, president. duguðgilu (a2, e1) f. munificence, GL. duguðlic authoritative, chief, noble, OEG. adv. -lice. duguðrniht f. supreme power. duguðnǽrnere rn. 'municeps,' OEG7". duhte = dohte (v. dugan). dulfon pret. pi. of delfan. dulhrune = dolgrune dulrnunus? rn. a kind of warship, AO. dumb ' dumb,' silent, An,Mt; Æ,OP. -dumbian v. ā-d. dumbnes f. dumbness, NC282. dun = dunn dun fm. nap. dūna, dune 'dotcn,' moor, height, hill, mountain, Bl,Chr,Mt; Æ; Mdf. of dune down, downwards. dūn-ælf, -elf, -ylf f. mountain elf. dune down, downwards, [dun] dūnelfen f. mountain elf, WW 189*. dūnestigende descending, VPs 87'. dunf ealu dun-coloured, WW. dung I. f. ds. dyng, ding priion, AN 1272. II. f. 'dung,' WW. dungrǽg dark, dusky, WW246*. [dunn] dunh- = dimh- dūnhunig n. honey from downland, LCD 132a. duniendllc (dunond-) falling down, tottering, LPs 10810 (BT). dūnland n. downland, open country. dūnlendlsc mountainous. dūnlic of a mountain, mountain-dwelling WW3766. | |||||||||||