EASTERÐENUNG | ||||||||||
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ēaðgeorn (ēS-) easily pleased, WW21816. ēaðgesŷne (e1, y1, ē3)† easily seen, visible. ēað-gēte, -gēate easy to obtain, prepared, ready, Æ. ēaðhrēðig=ēadhrē8ig ēaðhylde contented, satisfied, RB. ēað-læce (a2), -lǽone easy to cure. ēaClǽre (ēad-) capable of being taught, in- structed. ±ēaðmēdan, -median to humble, humble one- self, prostrate oneself, adore. Saðmēde = (l) ēaSmōd, (2) eaSmēdu ēaðmēdllce (ēad-) humbly. ēaðmēdu,-mēdo(CHE)f. gentleness, humility, Ps : obedience, submission, reverence : good- will, kindness, affability, ['edmede'] ēaðrnēdurn humbly, kindly. ēaðrnelte = ēaSrnylte ēað-rnēttu, -rnētto np. humility, weakness, impotency, CP. ēað-mōd (CP), -mēde humble-minded, gentle, obedient, Ps : benevolent, friendly, affection- ate, gracious, ['edmede'] ±ēaðmōdlan to humble or submit oneself, obey : (+) condescend : (+) adore, worship. ēaðmōdig!=1ēaSmōd ēaðmōdlic humble, respectful, CP. adv. humbly, meekly, Cf : kindly. ēaðmōdnes f. humility, meekness, con- descension, Bo (ēad-). [' edmodness'] ēaðmylte easily digested, LCD. ēaðnes f. easiness, lightness, facility, ease : gentleness. āaðrǽde (§S-) easy to guess, ES 36-326. ēaðwylte (ēS-) easily turned, OEG1151. ēaum dp. of ēa. ēaw = (l)ēa; (2) ēow V.; (3) ǽ(w). ēawan = īewan ēawdnes f. 'ostensio,' disclosure, LL412[3]. āawenga (A0) = ēawunga ēawesc-=ēawisc-; ēawfæst↔ǽwfæst ēawian = īowan ēawisclic manifest, open. adv. -lice. ēawisflrina = ǽ wiscfirina ēawlā = ēalā; ēawu = ēowu ēawunga (CP,Æ), ēawunge (LG) adv. openly, plainly, publicly, [īewan] ēawyrt f. river-wort, burdock, LCD. eax (æ) I. f. axis, axle, axle-tree. II. =æes eaxelgespann n. place where the two beams of a cross intersect, ROOD 9. eaxl, eaxel f. shoulder, Æ. eaxlclāð m. scapular, Æ. eaxle = eaxl eaxlgestealla† m. shoulder-companion, com- rade, counsellor : competitor? (BT). eb- = ef-, eof-; ēb- = ǽb- ebba (æ) m. 'ebb', low tide, Ma. ±ebbian to 'ebb,' Gen. ebbind (ēbind) 'tenacitas ventris,' Ln338. [ON. abbendi] ebol- (N)=yfel- Ebrēisc (e, i) Hebrew, A,Jn. ['Hebreish'} ēc = ēao | ||||||||||
ēasterðēnung f. Passover, Mt2619. ēasterwucu f. Easter-week. ēasteS = ēastæS ēasteweard (e2) east, 'eastward,' Mt. ēastfolc n. eastern nation, WW39630. ēastgārsecg m. eastern ocean, AO1322S. ēastgemǽre n. eastern confines, A013229. ēasthealf f. east side, Cin.894A. ēastland n. the East, Æ : Estlionia, AO. ['Eastland'] ēastlang to the east, eastwards, extending east, CHE893A. ēastlēode mp. Orientals, BH. ēastmest v. east. ēastnorð north-easterly, AO. ēastnorðerne north-east. ēastnorðwind m. north-east wind, GL. ēastor- = ēaster- ēastportic n. eastern porch, Æ. ēastra v. east. ēastre (usu. in pi. ēastron, -an; gs. -es in N.) f. 'Easter,' BH,WW : Passover, Bl,Mk : spring. ēastrēam m. stream, river, DA 385. +ēastrian to elapse (during Easter), W20824. ēastrīce n. eastern kingdom, eastern country, empire : the east, Æ,ĀO : East Anglia. ēastrihte due east, eastwards, A01714 (y). ēastrihtes (ēst-) due east. ēastro, ēastru = ēastre; ēastro- = ēaster- ēastrodor m. eastern part of the sky, PPs 10212. ēastron dp. of ēaster. ēastsǽ f. east sea. East-Seaxan, -Seaxe mpl. East-Saxons, people of Essex : Essex. ēaststæð n. east bank of a stream, Ct. ēastsūð south-eastwards, AO. be ēastsūðan to the south-east. ēastsūðdǽl in. south-east part, BH26422. ēastsūðlang from east to south, A02217. ēastðēod f. an eastern people. ēast-weard, -werd east, 'eastward,' Ct,Mt. ēastweardes eastwards, Æ. ēastweg† m. path in or from the east. eata (N)=eta imperat. of etan. eatan = etan; eatol = atol ēað (ē, ŷ) = (l) ēaSe, (2) īeS ēað-bede, -bēne easy to be entreated, PS. ēaðbe-gēate, -gēte easy to get. ēaðbylgnes f. irritability, NC288. ēaðbylJg (y-, e2) easily irritated, W25311. ēaðcnǽwe easy to recognise, ÆGi.1478. ēaðdǽde (ŷ) easy to do. ēaðe (ē, ēo) I. easy, smooth, agreeable, kindly. II. adv. easily, lightly, soon, Æ.AO.CP : willingly, readily, Æ. ē. mæg perhaps, lest. III. n. an easy thing. ēaðellc easy, possible, Mt : insignificant, scanty, slight, BH(æ); Æ. ['eathly'] adv. -lice (Lk). ēaðelicnes (ēS-) f. easiness, WW40039. ēaðfēre easy for travelling over, WW14629. ēaðfynde (ē, ŷ)† easy to find. | ||||||||||