Hlst- = fylst-
fllð pres. 3 sg. of fealian.
fin f. heap, pile. v. OEG2456.
flna m. ivoodpecker, WW492.
Hne m. 'finch,' Ep,WW.
find = fiend
flndan3 (butoccl. wk.pret.funde) (±)tofind,
meet with, B,Gen.Jul,Met : discover, obtain
bit search or stztdy. Cr,MtL,Ps : provide :
consider, devise, arrange, dispose, decide,
AO,CP : show, infonn. f. <st obtain from.
flndend m. finder, GPH391.
±flndlg (y) capable, ÆGK691.
Bndlng f. invention, initiative, CM 1082.
finel = fimil

finger m. 'finger,' MtJ'Ps; Æ.CP.
flnger-æppla, -appia npl. finger-shaped
fruits, dates,
fingerdocea'! in * finger-muscle, GL.
flngerlie belonging to a finger or ring, WW

flngartið n. finger-joint, NC343.
flngermæl n. finger's length, NR228.
flnig (y)=fynig
flniht finny.
nnn m. 'fin,' Æ.

flnst = findest pres, 2 sg. of findan.
flnt pres. 3 sg. of findan,
flnta† m. toil: consequence, result.
flnul (e1, y1, o2), finugl m., finu(g)le

'fennel,' Ep,WW. [L. foenuoulum]
ftnulsǽd (oa) n. fennel-seed, LCD 157a.
flo↔fēo; fīr = fŷr
firas† mp. men, human beings.
flrd = fierd; flrd- = fierd-, fyrd-
flren f. transgression, sin, crime : oiitrage,

violence : torment, suffering.
flrenbealu n. transgression, C»1276.
flrencræft m. wickedness, JtrLl4.
ftrendæd‡ f. wicked deed, crime.
flrenearfeSe n. si?ifwl woe, GEN 709.
flrentremmende sinful, Cull IS.
flrenful (y) sinful, inched.
flrengeorn sinful, CB1606.
Hrenhicga (y1, y2) m. adulterer, GPH389.
flrenhlcge (fyrn-) f. adulteress, OEG.
Srenhfcgend (fyrn-) adulterous, OEQ.
±flrenian (y) to .sin : commit adultery ; revile.
flrenīīc (v) wicked, adv. -īīce vehemently,

rashly, WAL0120.
flrenllgerian to commit fornication, RSPs

flrenlust m. lust, sinful desire, luxury,

wantonnesSf AO,CP.
flrenlustf ul wanton, luxurious, A12-50210.
nrenlustgeorn wanton, W2536.
firensynnig sinful, CīU379.
flrentācnian (y) to commit misdeeds, RHy

ftrenðearl (y) f. dire distress, B14.
ftrenum excessively, very, intensely •

malignantly, [dp. of firen]
flrenweorc† n. evil deed, sin.

fife v. fīf.
fifecgede having five angles, ÆQR28915.
fitel n. (huge) sea-monster, giant, WALD210.
fitelcynn n. race of sea-monsters, B 104.
nfeldōr n. door of sea-monsters, river Eider,

lītele f. buckle, WW403'. [L. 'fibula']
Hfelfota 'petilus,' A8-449.
flfeistrēam m. ocean, sea, MET 26M,
fīfeiwǽg m. ocean, sea, EL237.

fiffeald 'five-fold,' Æ -.five each- CM 840.
Hffēted five-looted, OEG130.
fiffingre f. 'potenlilla,' 'primula,' cinque-
foil, oxlip? Led. ['fivefinger']
fifflēre five-storied, M. '[flōr]
Hfgēar n. period of five years, lustrum, WW

Ef-hund, -hundred num. five hundred.
Dflæppede having five lobes, LcDSOb.
fil-lēaf n., -lēafe f. ' potentilla,' cinquefoil,

Led. ['flveleaf']
fifmægen n. magic power, SOL 130. [fīfel,

fifnihtefii'e days old, ANS129-22.
fifta 'fifth,' Æ,Mk; AO,CP.
flftafæder v. fæder.
ūtte fifthly, LLlo8[16].
fifteg = fif'tig; fifteg-Sa
fifteogoða 'fiftieth' Æ; CP.
Ef-tēoða (ŷ'), -tēSa, -tegSa 'fifteenth,' BH,

nttīene (ŷ1, ē", ŷ2) (often w. g.) 'fifteen,'

fiftīenewintre (e2)fifteen yearn old, Bl.2131.
fiftig num. 'fifty,' Æ : sb'. a set of fifty, Mk.
Fiftigdæg m. Pentecost, MkL p510.
Hftigeða, fīttigoða = fīfteogoSa
fittigf eald 'fifty/old,' containing fifty, Æ.
flftŷne (Æ) =fīftīene
fifw.ntre five years old, ÆGR287".
fīgan1 'frigere,' Ep.
flnln? cloth, rag, NG. [?]
flht I. pres. 3 sg. of feohtan. II. = felit
fiht- = fyh t -; fihtan = fŷhtan
+ flhð pre3. 3 sg. of +fēon.

+fflan = +fŷjan; +fUce = +fylee
Bid sb milking, LcD53b.
fiidcumb m. milk-pail, LCD 122h.
Hide field-like, of the nature of a plain, AO

+ fljde n. field, plain, AO 1210. [feW]
fligð, filli'ð pres, 3 sg. of fēolan.
flU- = fy]g-

flUende ptc. rubbing, WW407-*.
nllðe n. hay.
flliðlēag m. meadow, Ci.

fllle thyme? OEG5658. [=corfilie?]
flllen = fellen
flimen (y) n. 'film,' membrane, thin skin,

Led; Æ : foreskin, Æ.