flothere m. piratical fleet, B2915.
(lotian to 'fioat,' Chr. [flēotan]
flotlic nautical, naval, WW2052'.
flotmann m. sailor, pirate, Æ.
flotorian = floterian
flotselp n. ship, bark, WW.
flotsmeru n. floating grease, fat, LL453[4].
flotweg m. ocean, Hū41.
flōwan' to 'flow,' stream, issue, Ps,Sol,VPs;
AO,CP : become liquid, melt, VPs : abound :
(+) overflow, AO.
flōwednes, flōwnea f. flow, flux, overflow,

torrent, CP.
Qōwende 'flowing,' Afa65.
flōwendlic flowing, LPsl4718.
flowing f. 'flowing,' MtL.
flugolfieet, swift: fleeting.
flugon I. pret. pi. of flēogan. II. pret. pi.

of flēon. III. = fulgon pret. pi. of fēolan.
fluton pret. pi. of flēotan.
flycerian = flieerian
flycge fledged, OEG.
flyeticlāð (GL) = flihteclāS
flyge (i) m. fiight.
flŷge = flēoge

flygepīl n. flying dart, MOD27.
nygerēow wnld inflight, Gu321.
flygul = flugol
flŷhst pres. 2 sg. of flēon.
flyht m. I. flying, 'flight,' Æ(i),OET. on

flyhte on the wing. II. = fliht
flyhthwæt† swift of flight.
flŷhð pres. 3 sg. of flēon.
flŷm-=flīem-; +flŷn =+flīan
flyne (e) f. batter, LCD.
flŷs (Æ)=flīes; flyt, flvt- = flit, flīt-
flŷt pres. 3 sg. of flēotan.
flŷte I. m? 'pontomium,' boat, WW. [ep.

flēot] II. f.=fl!ete
flŷtme f. fieam (blood-letting instrument).

[L. phlebotornurn]

±fnæd n. nap. fnadu fringe, border, hem, Æ.
Inǽran, fnǽrettan to breathe heavily, snort,

fume. v. NC356.
fnæs I. n. dp. fnasurn fringe, WW425".

II. pret. 3 sg. of fnesan.
fnǽstrn. blowing, blast,breath, Led. ['fjiaāt']
fnǽstian to breathe hard, Led. [v. 'fnast']
fnēosan to breathe hard, sneeze.
fnēosung f. sneezing, WW. [v. 'fnese']
±fnēsan6 to sneeze : pant, gasp.
Jnora rn. sneezing, Æ,GL.
fð pres. 1 sg. of ion.

foca rn. cake (baked on the hearth), ÆL181".
fōda rn. 'food,' sustenance, nourishment, Æ,

CD : fuel, Sc.
1 odd er = f odor
foddor, foddur = fōdor
fōdor n. 'fodder' (for cattle.), food (for man),

Æ,LL : case, sheath, GL.
fōdorbrytta (fodder-) rn. distributor of food,

herdsman, WWlll-».
flintgrǽg gray like flint, RD419.
fllo = flēah I.; flīs = flies
±flit (usu. +) n. strife, Ps : dispute, con-
tention :'scandalum';
to +flītesemulously.

±flītan1 to strive, quarrel, dispute, contend,
flitcræft m. dialectics, logic, OEG.
flitcræftlic logical.
flītend m. contentious person.
flītere m. disputer, chider, quarreler, schis-
matic, Ep. ['fliter']
±ftit-ful (OEG), -fullic contentious.
+ūitfulnes f. litigiousness, All-10284.
±flitgeorn m. contentious person.
+flitgeorn contentious, RB13020.
+flitl!ce emulously, BH406".
±flltmǽlum continuously, emulously.
-mtme? v. un-f.

fliusum (OET) = flēosum dp. of flēos.
flōc n. flounder? WW.
flōcan' to clap, applaud, RD2134.
flocc m. 'flock,' company, troop, Æ,Chr.
floccmǽlum in troops, AO. ['flockmeal']
flocgian to shine forth, GPH399.
flocrād f. invading band, troop, CHR.
flocslite m. sedition, WW11628; A8-451.
flōd mn. mass of water, 'flood,' wave, Æ,Gen,

Mt,VPs; AO,CP : flow (of tide as opposed
to ebb), tide, flux, current, stream, Chr; AO :
the flood, deluge, B,Lk;Æ.
flōdblāc pale as water? pale through fear of

drowning, Ex 497.
flōde f. channel, gutter, GL : flood? (Earle),

flōdegsa m. flood terror. Ex 446.
flōden of a river, WW240,
flōdhamm m. piece of land surrounded by

water? KC1-28918.
flōdlic of or belonging to a stream, ÆGī.549.
flōdweard† f. sea-wall.
flōdweg† m. watery way, sea.
flōdwudu m. ship, CR854.
flōdwylm† m. flowing stream, raging billows.

flōdŷð f. wave of the sea, B542.
flogen I. pp. of flēon. II. pp. of flēogan.
floggettan to fluctuate, [flēogan]
flogoða m. liquor, GPH402.
flōh f. chip, WW4164.
flohtenfōte web-footed, LCD 33b.
flōr fm. ds. flora, flōre 'floor,' pavement,

ground, B,Llc; Æ : bottom (of a lake, etc.),
flōrisc fiowery, CM 44.
flōrstān m. paving-stone, tessella.
flot n. deep water, sea. on flot(e) afloat.

flota m. (floater), boat, thip, vessel : fleet

sailor : (†) pirate, ['float']
+flota m. floater (whale), WHALE?.
floten pp. of flēotan.
floterian to flutter, fly, Æ : float, 6e flooded,

overflow, ÆJ.