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flothere m. piratical fleet, B2915. (lotian to 'fioat,' Chr. [flēotan] flotlic nautical, naval, WW2052'. flotmann m. sailor, pirate, Æ. flotorian = floterian flotselp n. ship, bark, WW. flotsmeru n. floating grease, fat, LL453[4]. flotweg m. ocean, Hū41. flōwan' to 'flow,' stream, issue, Ps,Sol,VPs; AO,CP : become liquid, melt, VPs : abound : (+) overflow, AO. flōwednes, flōwnea f. flow, flux, overflow, torrent, CP. Qōwende 'flowing,' Afa65. flōwendlic flowing, LPsl4718. flowing f. 'flowing,' MtL. flugl-(OET26)=fugl- flugolfieet, swift: fleeting. flugon I. pret. pi. of flēogan. II. pret. pi. of flēon. III. = fulgon pret. pi. of fēolan. fluton pret. pi. of flēotan. flycerian = flieerian flycge fledged, OEG. flyeticlāð (GL) = flihteclāS flyge (i) m. fiight. flŷge = flēoge flygepīl n. flying dart, MOD27. nygerēow wnld inflight, Gu321. flygul = flugol flŷhst pres. 2 sg. of flēon. flyht m. I. flying, 'flight,' Æ(i),OET. on flyhte on the wing. II. = fliht flyhthwæt† swift of flight. flŷhð pres. 3 sg. of flēon. flŷm-=flīem-; +flŷn =+flīan flyne (e) f. batter, LCD. flŷs (Æ)=flīes; flyt, flvt- = flit, flīt- flŷt pres. 3 sg. of flēotan. flŷte I. m? 'pontomium,' boat, WW. [ep. flēot] II. f.=fl!ete flŷtme f. fieam (blood-letting instrument). [L. phlebotornurn] flyð=%ht ±fnæd n. nap. fnadu fringe, border, hem, Æ. Inǽran, fnǽrettan to breathe heavily, snort, fume. v. NC356. fnæs I. n. dp. fnasurn fringe, WW425". II. pret. 3 sg. of fnesan. fnǽstrn. blowing, blast,breath, Led. ['fjiaāt'] fnǽstian to breathe hard, Led. [v. 'fnast'] fnēosan to breathe hard, sneeze. fnēosung f. sneezing, WW. [v. 'fnese'] ±fnēsan6 to sneeze : pant, gasp. Jnora rn. sneezing, Æ,GL. fð pres. 1 sg. of ion. foca rn. cake (baked on the hearth), ÆL181". fōda rn. 'food,' sustenance, nourishment, Æ, CD : fuel, Sc. 1 odd er = f odor foddor, foddur = fōdor fōdor n. 'fodder' (for cattle.), food (for man), Æ,LL : case, sheath, GL. fōdorbrytta (fodder-) rn. distributor of food, herdsman, WWlll-». | |||||||||
flintgrǽg gray like flint, RD419. fllo = flēah I.; flīs = flies ±flit (usu. +) n. strife, Ps : dispute, con- tention :'scandalum'; to +flītesemulously. pfiite'] ±flītan1 to strive, quarrel, dispute, contend, B,BH;Æ,CP. flitcræft m. dialectics, logic, OEG. flitcræftlic logical. flītend m. contentious person. flītere m. disputer, chider, quarreler, schis- matic, Ep. ['fliter'] ±ftit-ful (OEG), -fullic contentious. +ūitfulnes f. litigiousness, All-10284. ±flitgeorn m. contentious person. +flitgeorn contentious, RB13020. +flitl!ce emulously, BH406". ±flltmǽlum continuously, emulously. -mtme? v. un-f. fliusum (OET) = flēosum dp. of flēos. flōc n. flounder? WW. flōcan' to clap, applaud, RD2134. flocc m. 'flock,' company, troop, Æ,Chr. floccmǽlum in troops, AO. ['flockmeal'] flocgian to shine forth, GPH399. flocrād f. invading band, troop, CHR. flocslite m. sedition, WW11628; A8-451. flōd mn. mass of water, 'flood,' wave, Æ,Gen, Mt,VPs; AO,CP : flow (of tide as opposed to ebb), tide, flux, current, stream, Chr; AO : the flood, deluge, B,Lk;Æ. flōdblāc pale as water? pale through fear of drowning, Ex 497. flōde f. channel, gutter, GL : flood? (Earle), EC12031. flōdegsa m. flood terror. Ex 446. flōden of a river, WW240, flōdhamm m. piece of land surrounded by water? KC1-28918. flōdlic of or belonging to a stream, ÆGī.549. flōdweard† f. sea-wall. flōdweg† m. watery way, sea. flōdwudu m. ship, CR854. flōdwylm† m. flowing stream, raging billows. [weallan] flōdŷð f. wave of the sea, B542. flogen I. pp. of flēon. II. pp. of flēogan. floggettan to fluctuate, [flēogan] flogoða m. liquor, GPH402. flōh f. chip, WW4164. flohtenfōte web-footed, LCD 33b. flōr fm. ds. flora, flōre 'floor,' pavement, ground, B,Llc; Æ : bottom (of a lake, etc.), Sat. flōrisc fiowery, CM 44. flōrstān m. paving-stone, tessella. flot n. deep water, sea. on flot(e) afloat. ['float'] flota m. (floater), boat, thip, vessel : fleet sailor : (†) pirate, ['float'] +flota m. floater (whale), WHALE?. floten pp. of flēotan. floterian to flutter, fly, Æ : float, 6e flooded, overflow, ÆJ. | |||||||||