fōdorgifu (foddur-)food, PPs. folcmðt = folcgemōt
fōdorhec (fodder-) rack for food or fodder, foicnēd f. people's need, PPs7716.
LL455[17]. foicrǽd† m. public benefit.
fōdornoð m. sustenance. folcrǽden f. decree of the people, C»A42.
fōdorðegu† f. partaking of food, feeding, loicrlht I. n. right of the people, common, law,
repast, food. LL. ['folkright']
II. adj. according to
Jōdorwela (foddur-) m. wealth of food., pro- common law.

visions, RD3310.

folcsæl n. house, Ro25.
fōdra-5 m. provisions

, AO.
folcscearu† t'. people, nation, province :

people's land, B73 (Earle).
folcsceaða m. villain, AN 1595.
lolcsclpe m. nation, people. Up S310.
foieslite n. sedition, WWIH26.
folcstede† m. dwelling-place : battlefield.
folcstōw f. country place, BH1601S.
folcswēot m? troop, multitude, Ex577.
folctalu f. genealogy.
foe- (N)=fe-, K-
+fōg n. joining, joint.
+fōgstān (fōh) m. keystone, CP25319
fōh impera-t. of fōn.
foht = feoht
fohten pp. of feohtan.
fol (wk. adj.) = full
+fol adj. with foal.

foletoga† m. chieftain, commander.
foletruma m. host, LPs.

folc ri. folk, people, nation, tribe, Æ,B; AO, toleū = folcoū
CP : a collection or class of persons, laity, folcweleg populous, WW4761*.

Bl,Bo : troop, army.
folcāgende† ruling.
folebealo u. great tribulation, MEsl2ō.
folcbearn† n. man.

folccō (foloū) f. people'$ cow, PPs67s'.
folccūS noted : public, BH.
lolccwēn f. queen of a nation, B641.
folccwide n. popular saying, NC287.
tolccyning† rn. king of a nation,
fo.edryht† f. multitude of people.
folceftren† f, public crime.
foleegetrurn = foJcgetrum
foicegsa m. general terror, PPsSS33,
folcfrēa m. lord of the people, GES 1852.

folcwer† m. mare.
lolcwlga rn. warrior, Ri>15S3.
tolewita rn. public councillor, senator, CKA
folewōh n. deception of the public, ÆL23691.
foldærn† n. earth-house, grave.
foldāgend rn. earth-possessor, earth-dweller,

Pa 5. (MS. folcāgend)
foldbold n. house, castle, B773.
foldbūend rn. earth-dweller, man, inhabitant

of a country, CP.
folde (eo) f. earth, ground, soil, terra firma,

B,Jud : land, country, region : world.
foldgræl† n. earth-grave.

folcfrlg having full rights of citizenship, LL foldgrǽg grey as the earth? QsCSl.
13[8]; 344[45], foldhrērende walking on the earth, PA5.
JolegedrēJnes f, tribulation, NC287. foldrsest f. rest in the earth, CE 1029.
folcgefeoht n. pitched battle, AO. foldwæstrn rn. fruits of the earth, Pa654.
folcgemōt n. meeting of the people of a town foldweg† m. way, path, road : earth.
foldweia m. earthly riches, RIM68.
foldwong† m. plain, earth.
folen, folgen pp. of fēolan.
folgere m. 'follower,' attendant, disciple, Æ,
CP : successor, AO ISO2' : freeman who is
not a householder.
±folgīan (often w. d.) to 'follow,' Jn,Lk :

accompany, Ps : follow after, B : (+) attain,
CP3S327 : obey, serve, oberve, El. (v. also
or district, LL, [foil-moot'1}
folcgerēla m. public officer, WW.
f olcgeriht = f olcriht
folcgesetnes f. statute.
folcgesīð† in. prince, noble.
folcgestealla† m. companion in w*ar.
folcgestrēon n. public treasure, GEN 1981.
lolcgetæl n. number of fighting men, Ex 229.
tolcgetrum† n. army, host.
folcgeðrang n. crowd, A013426.
folcgewinn n. fghling, war, MET I10.

folcisc of the people, popular,secidar,common* folgoðm. body of retainers, following, retinue:
folclǽsung = fololēa3ung pursuit, employment, service, dignity, office,
folclagu f. law of the, people, public law. rule, Æ,AO,CP : jurisdiction, district: con-
folclīind n, l«?i.d held by freemen according to dition of life, destiny,
tribal rules of family inheritance, v. LL foim†, folme f. palm, hand, [fēlan]
Jolclār f. homily, GIX
folclēasung f, slander. LL.
folclic public, common, popular, plebeian.
folcmsegen† n. public force, army.
tolemǽgð† f. tribe, nation.
lolcmǽium = flocomǽlum
folcmǽre celebrated, GEN 1801.

f on = farm
fōn' (±) to take, grasp, seize, catch, B,BS;
CP,Æ : capture, make prisoner, Chr :
receive, accept, assume, undertake,
CP : meet with, encounter, f. on take up,
begin, resume, Ǽ : take to, Æ,Bo. i.
to rice
ascend the throne, Æ,AO. f. tōgædre join
together, join issue, engage in battle,