FYRST | ^ÆSTHTJS | ||||||||||
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chief, LL. II. adv. in the first place, firstly, at first, originally, Ct. III. (Æ) = first I. and II. +fyrst n. frost, LL454[11J. lyrst-=£orst-, first- Iŷrstān m. 'firestone,' stone used for striking fire, flint, WW. lŷrsweart black wiih smoke, C»984. tŷrtang {. ('fire-)tongs,' A9-263. lŷrtorr m. beacon, lighthouse, WW. lŷrtSllng = f ēorSling tŷrlSoHe f ? furnace, stage on which martyrs were burned, OEG. ±tyrttran (GL.AO), fyrSian (fto;Æ) to 'further,' urge on, advance, promote, benefit fyrSringnes f., fyrSrung (Led; W) f. further- ance, promotion, ['furthering'} fyrwet=fyrwit fyrwetlul curious, anxious, fyrwetgeorn curious, anxious, inquisitive, adv. -lice (GD17428). fyrwetgeornes f. curiosity, BL692a. {yrwit I. n. curiosity, yearning, Æ. II. adj. curious, inquisitive. fyrwitnes f. curiosity, Æ. lŷrwyim m. wave of fire, B2672. ±fŷsan to send forth, impel, stimulate : drive away, put to flight, banish ; (usu. reflex.) hasten, prepare oneself, An,Gen. ['fuse'] fŷslan (ē) to drive away, LL,W, ['feeze'] fŷst (ē) f. 'fist,' Æ,OET; CP. fŷstgebēat n. blow with the fist, CP315. +fŷstiian to strike with the fist, Sc715. fŷstslægen strack with thsfist, WW39633, ry8er- = fi"5er-, fēower- fyðera, fySeras, fyS(e)ru, nap. of fiSere. fyx=fisc fyxe (GET) f. she-fox, vixen. fyxen (i) I. f. she-fox, vixen. II. adj. of a fox. fyxenhŷd (i) f. she-fox's skin. | |||||||||||
ǽgadrlan (æ) to 'gather,' unite : (+) (refl.) assemble, Chr : collect, store up, An,O,Ps; Æ,CP : pluck (flowers, etc.) : compile : (+) associate (with) : (+) concentrate (thoughts), Bo. [geador] gǽ=gēa; gǽc=gēao gæd n, society, fellowship, Soi,449. gǽd =gād I. gædeiing† m. kinsman, fellow, companion in arms, comrade, B,Da. ['gadling'] gæder-, gædr-=gader-, gadr- gæf =gea£ pret. 3 sg. of giefan. gæfe=giefu gæfel I. =geafl I. II. (MtL) =gafol gæfon =gēafon pret. pi. of giefan. -gǽgan v. for-, ofer-g. gæglbǽrnes =gago!bsernes gǽlan to hinder, impede, keep in suspense, CP : (intr.) linger, delay, [gal] gæleð pres. 3 sg. of galan, gǽling f. delay, CP391. gǽlnes=gālnes gǽlsa (ē) m., gǽk? (OEG611) f. pride, wantonness, luxury, Æ,W : (worldly) care, MtL1322 : a greedy person, [gal] gǽlsiic 'luxuriosus,' NC291. gælS pres. 3 sg. of galan. gæmnian = gamenian; gǽn- = gēan- -gænan v. tō-g.; +gænge=+genge gǽp = gēap; gær-=gear-, gras- gǽr↔gēar gǽred wedge-shaped, BC3-251'. [gar] -gǽrede v. twi-, Sri-g. gærs (græa) n. 'grass,' blade (of grass), herb, young corn, hay, plant, An,Cp,CP; Æ. gsersama =gærsuma gærsbedd n. (grass-bed), grave, PPs 1021S. gærscīð m. blade of grass, AO3811. gærsgrēne grass-green, WW 19924. gærs-hoppa m., -hoppe (e-'Jf. 'grasshopper,' locust, MtR (græs-), Ps, VPs(e). gærsstapa=gærstapa gærsswŷn n. pasturage-swine, LL445[2]. gærstapa m. grasshopper, locust, Æ,AO. gærstūn m. grass-enclosure, meadow, LL. ['garston'] gærstūndlc m. meadow-dike, Ct. gærsum mn., gærsnma f. jewel, costly gift, treasure, riches, Chr. ['gersum'] gærswyrt f. 'herba,' grass, APs36a. gærsyrS f. pasturage in return for ploughing- labour, iL447,4,lo. ['grassearth'] gæsne (ē, ēa) w. g. or on. deprived of, want- ing, destitute, barren, sterile, An,Cr : dead. ['geason'J gæst (a, e, i, ie, y) m. (nap. gastas) stranger, MtL(e),Sd : 'guest,' B,Gen(ie); RB(y) : (†) enemy. gǽst I. m.i=!gāst. II. pres. 2 sg. of gān. gæstærn (e1, y1, e!) n. guest-chamber : inn. gǽstan to frighten, JullT. ['gast'] gæsthof n. guest-house, CR821. gæsthus (ie) n. 'guest-house,' guest-chamber, inn, Mk. [Ger. gasthaus] | |||||||||||
G gā imperat. and pre8. 1 sg. ind. of gān. gab- (Gi,)=gaf gabote (u!) f, side-dish, EQx.. [L. gabata] gad I.† n. lack, want, need, desire. [Goth. gaidw] II. f. 'goad,' point, arrow-head, spear-head, Cp,Sol. ±gada m. comrade, companion, J5L. [Ger. gatte] gaderian (Æ) =gadrian ±gadersoipe f B) m. matrimony, OEG. gadertang continuous, united. gadectangnes (æ) f. continuation. ±gaderung (æ) f. gathering together : 'gathering,* Led : union, BH : assembly, A,Jn. +gaderwyrhtan np. assembled workmen, ÆL6-186, gid-īren (TjL455,15), -īsen n. goad. gador = geador; ±gadori(ge)an = gadrian ±gadorwist f. companionship, WW. | |||||||||||