. 140 GUÐFLA ±grōwan' to 'grow,' increase,, Bo,Cji,Bd, gryrefæst terribli; firm, Er.76a. WW : germinate, Kfil,Mk. gryrefāh† adi, (used as sh.) spotted horror, B. grōwende 'growing,' Gen, KGl. gryregsest (ǽ?) m. terrible stranger, B2560. grðwnes f, growth, BH. gryregeatwe fp. war-gear, B324. grummon pret. pi. of grimman. gryrehwīl f. terrible time, AN468. grund m. ''ground,' bottom, B,Gen,Sol, FP* : gryrelēoð† n. terrible song, foundation, LkL : abyss, hell: plain, country gryrelic† terrible, horrible, land, earth, An,B,Bl, Wid : sen, water. gryremiht f. terrible power, W19520. grundbedd n. ground, soil, RD8121, gryresīð m. way of terror, dangerous ex grundbūend† m. earth-dweller. pedition, B1462. grunden pp. of grindan. gryrran to gnash, DD195. grundeswelge (i3, u3, vs) f. 'groundsel,' Led. grys-, grŷs-=gris-, grīs- grundfūs hastening to hell, MOB 49. grŷt I. pres. 3 sg. of grēotan. II. v. grūfc. grundhyrde m. keeper of the abyss, B2136. grŷto f. greatness, NAB822. [great] grundinga=grundlunga grytta, gryttan pi. coarse meal, bran, chaff, grundlēas bottomless, unfathomable, Bo : Ep,Lcd,WW. ['grit'} boundless, vast, ['groundless'} grytte f. sand, Ps. grundlēaslic boundless, vast, CP41710. grŷttra (A4-151) = *grietra cp. of great. grundling m. groundling (fsh), BC3-525 ['greater'] (Mdf). gry«-=griS-; gū↔gēo grundlunga (i2) adv. from the foundation, guidon pret. pi. of gieldan. completely, Æ : to the ground, prone, prof- guilon pret. pi. of giellan. trate, Æ. gulpon pret. pi. of gielpan. grundon prot. pi. of grindan. gurna† in. man, hero, B. ['gome'] grundsceat† m. region, gumeynn† sn. human race, men, mankind, grundsele† m. abysmal dwelling. nation, grundstān m. foundation-stone, WW. gumcyst† f. excellence, bravery, virtue, ['groundstone'] liberality, adv. -um excellently, +grundstaðellan to establish firmly, ÆL821. gumdrēam m. enjoyment of life, §2469. grundwæg m. earth, AN582. gumdryhten m. lord, B1642. grundwang† m. (ground-plain), the earth : gumfētSa m. troop, B1401. bottom (of a lake). gumfrēa m. king, DA651. grundweallm. foundation, Æ,Lk. ['ground- -gumian v. ofer-g. t«all'] gummann m. maw, B1028. +grundwealllan to establish,found, EPs232. gumrīce† n. kingdom, earth. grundwela m. earthly riches, GEN 957. gumrinc† m. man, warrior. grundwyrgen f. water-wolf, B1518. gurnstðl rn. ruler's seat, throne, B1952. grunian, grunnian (OEG) to grant. guniðegen rn. man, CEA83. grunnettan to 'grunt,' Cp. gumðēod Lfolk, people, GEN226. grunung, grunnung f. grunting, bellowing, gund m. matter, pus, Led. ['gound'] OEG. gundeswilge (Ep,Erf,Ln)= grundeswelge grut m. gulf, chasm, abyss : stone, rock, gung=geong; gung- = ging- OEG1814. gungon pret. pi. of gangan. grūt f, (ds. grvt, grūt) groats, coarse meal, Cp, gunnon (BH) pret. pi. of girmaa. Ct,Lcd: grains, the spent grain after brewing, gupan 'clunibus, renibus, coxe,' WW20541 Led. ['groat'] (v. A31-522). grutt, grutte = grut; gryllan = griellan gurron pret. pi. of gyrran. gryms=^grim(m) guton pret. pi. of gēotan. grymet-tan, -tian (i) to grunt, roar, rage. guttas mp. 'guts,' entrails, HG14Q8. grymet-ung, -tung f. grunting, roaring, gūð† f. combat, battle, war. bellowing. gūðbeorn m. fighting-hero, B314. grymrn = grinam; grymman=gremman gūðbill† n. battle-bill, sword. gryn = gyrn; grjn=grīn gūðbord† n. war-shield. +grynd n. plot of ground, TC23122. gūðbyrne† f. corslet, coat of mail. gryndan I. to set, sink (of the sun), WW. gūðcearu f. war-trouble, B1258. ['grind'; grand] II.=grindan gūðcræft m. war-craft, B127. grynde‡ n. abyss. gūðcwēn† f. warrior queen. grynel (WW2913) = cyrnel gūScynlng† m. warrior king. grŷnlan = grīnian gūðcyst f. troop, warrior band? (Kluge) : grynsmið m. worker of ill, AN919. bravery? (BT), Ex343. grŷpe (OEG4290; 4744) = grēpe gūSdēa'ð m. death in battle, B2249. gryre‡ m. horror, terror : fierceness, violence, gūðfana m. gonfanon, war-banner, ensign, DD8 : horrible thing. standard, Æ,AO. gryrebrōga† m. terror, horror. gūt5-flā ? f., -flan ? mf. battle-arrow, GIN 2063. | |||