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held I. =hyld, hyldo, II. =hield heldan=hie!dan helde I. f. tansy, Lcd,WW;M, ['Mde'] II.=hy!do hele f. subterfuge, LL(320"). ['Aefe'] hele- = helle-, eie- ; hēlend = hffilend helerung = heolorimg ; heieS c= hæjeð helf- = healf-,hieIf-% helfan to halve, Cp303B? (herbid). helgod = hellgod ; helhrūne = hellerūne ±hellan to conceal, cover, hide, M,LL, ['hele'l hēlic, hēlīce=hēahlic, hēaltoe hell f. Hades, Æ,VPs : 'hell,' infernal regions, place of torment, Gehenna, Bo,RB ; AO.CP.Æ. [hokn] hellbend inf. 6ond of hell, B3072. helleniht m. devil,- demon, ÆLS372. hellcrætt m. hellish power, AH 1104. hellcund of hell, W25416. hellcwalu† f. pains of hell. helldor† n. gate of hell, hellebeahi n. hell-bale, CH1427. hellebrðga m. terror of hell, LPs. hellebryne m. hell-fire, Jui>,W. hellecǽgan pi. keys of hell, MFH 128. helleoeafl m, jaws of hell, AN 1702. helleclnn n. hellish race, CB1620. helleeiamm m. hell-bond, QEF373. heliedēofol† mn. devil. helle-dor‡ n., -duru‡ f. gate of hell. helleflðr m./oor of hell, courts of hell, S.«70. hellelŷr n. hell- fire, heilegǽst† (as) m. spirit of hell. hellegeat n. gate of hell, /EH 1-288. heUegrontJ‡ m. ahyss of hell, heSlegrut m. pit of hell", OEG684. hejlegryre m. horror of hell, SAT433. helle-hæft‡, -hæfta‡, -hæftling† m. prisoner of hell, devil. hellehēat m. mailings or holdings of hell, GEN 88. hellehlnca m. hell-limper, devil, AH 1173. [cp. Oer, hinken] hellehund m. hell-hound, KCS-SSC18. hellehūs n. hell-home, Gu649. | |||||||||
ǽhefeldlan (as) to fix the weft, 6egin the wǽ, GL. hefeldtirǽd m. thread (for weaving), GL. heJelgyrd (es) i, 'lif,iatorium,' weaver's shuttle, GL. hefe-Ilc, -lice =hefig-Ho, -lice hefen I. (») f. terdes, load? RB49ts. H.= heofon hefetime = hefigtime hefeð pres. H sg. of hebban, hefglan =hefigian heflg (æ) 'heavy,' Met,Mt : important, grave, severe, serious, A,Bl,Mt : oppressive, grievous, Ps,LL, [hebban] adv. hefige, Ps, ±heflgian to make heavy, VP» : weigh doiffti, oppress, afflict, grieve, BH,CP,Mt : aggra- vate, increase : become heavy, depressed, weakened, CP,Gu. l' heavy'] heflgiic weighty, serious, severe, burdensome, grievous, sad, Æ. adv. -līce, M,OP,Q. ' | |||||||||
hefigmōd oppressive, ERPs54*. hefignes (æ) f. 'heaviness,' weight, burden, affliction, MIL ; CP : dulness, torpor, Bo{æ). heflgtŷme (i3) grievous, severe, troublesome, oppressive, Æ. [team] heflgtŷmnes f. trouhlt, Æ. hefod wk. pp., hef'S prea. 3 sg. of hebban. heton = heofon ; heft- = haef t- hefug = hefigu pi. of hefig, CP2851. aēg↔hīeg ±hSgan† to perform, achieve : hold (a, meeting). hegdtg = hygdig hege (ea) m. * hedge, 'fence, Æ,Ql; Mdf. hegeclife f. hedge-divers, LODSOa, hegegian = hegian hegehymele f. hop-plant, WW3025. hegel (VPs) = hægl, bagol hegerǽw f. 'hedgerow,' KC(ē3). hegerlf e f . cleavers, goose grass, Led, [' hairif'} hegesāhJ m. hedge-Make, GD2428. hegessugge hedge-sparrow, WW. [sucga; 'haysvgge'] ±heglan to fence in, hedge, enclose, So, grep h. to cut a grip, LL455[13]. ['hay'] hēgnes =hēanes hegstæf m. fence, enclosure, WW20531. hegstald- = hægsteald- hēh (VPs, N), hēh-=hēah, hēah- +hēhan (VHy) = hēan III. he he iadiōates laughter, ÆOr. ['Āe'] hehstald, hehstald- =hagosteaid, hægsteald- hēht pret. 3 sg. of hātan. hēh«u=hīehSu; +heige (KGL8340)=+hæge hēlsta = hēhsta v, hēah. hēlweg m. highway? EC130'. hel)"-.hell hēla (æ) m. 'heel,' JnL,Lt4,OET,WW. ±heian4 to conceal, cover, hide, AO,VPs; CP. ['hefe'; Oer. hehlen] hēlan I. (oe) to calumniate, MtRō44. 11.-= hælan I. | |||||||||
heileloo n. hell-prism,, GD32530. hellernægen n. troop of hell, MFH 166. hellernere in. Stygian lake, WW. hellenfS m, torments of hell, GEN 775. hellerfine f, pythoness, sorceress, Æ. hellescealc m'. devil, SAT 133. heHesceaUa = hellsceatSa hellesēað m, pit of hell, hellesūsl n. hell-torment, Æ. helie'Segn (hel-)† m, dei-il. heilewlte n. hell-pains, torment, M. hellewltebrðga m. horror of hell-torment, W151-1. helSflren f. hellish crime, PAHTfi. hellfūs† hound for hell. hel'geðwing n. confinement in hell, G EN 696. hellgod n. god of the lower world, hellheort terrified, NC301. | |||||||||