±IYRST | ||||||||||
HYHTENDLIC | 173 | |||||||||
hyngrig = hungrig hŷnnes f. persecutiow, BH345. [hēan] hynnllǽo (Ep)=ynnilēao hŷnð, hŷnSu=hīen8o +hypan (Æ) =+hēapian hypbān n. hip-bone, WW2019. hype m. 'hip,' El,WW; Æ,CP. hype f. heap, Æ. hypebān =hypbān hŷpel m. heap, mound, GL. hypesex=hupseax +hypsan (LPsO^J-^hyspan hypwærc (i1, e2) n. pain in the hips, WW 11316. hŷr (5) f. 'hire,' wages, Æ,LL : interest, usury, Æ. hyra gp. of he, hēo, hit. hŷra m. servant, follower, mercenary, hire- ling, CP. hyran to spit, MkR1465. [op. +horian] ±hŷran = (l)hīeran ; (2) hyrian hyronian =heorcnian hyrd f. door, GBN2G95. [Goth, haurds] hyrd-, heord-, hyrwd-= hierd- hyrdel m. 'hurdle,' Æ,WW. hyre gds. of hēo; hŷre = hēore hŷreborg (īe) m. interest on money, WW 5151. hŷred = hīered; hŷrefter = hēræf ter hŷre-geoc, -geoht = hŷrgeoht hŷregilda m. mercenary, hired servant, WW 111" hŷremann = hīeremann hŷrgeoht n. hired yoke of oxen, LL24[60]. hyrian to imitate, Bo. hyrian to 'hire' ('i-hire'), Æ,Mt. hŷrigmann I. m. hireling, A,Mk. ['hire- man '] II. = hīeremann hyring f. imitation. hŷrling m. 'hireling,' Mkl20. hŷrmann = hŷrigmann hyrnan to jut out like a horn, Ct. hyrne f. angle,corner, CP,Mt; Mdf. ['hern'] ±hymedhornid, beaked, icd;Æ. ['i-horned'] hyrnednebba† horny-billed, horn-beaked. [horn] hyrnen I. of horn, LRPs976. II. angular, OEG720. hŷmes = hlemes hymet, hyrnetu f. ' hornet,' Gl, W W : gadfly? WW121™. hyrnful angular, having many angles, OEG 121. hyrnig angular, OEG 121. hyrnstān m. corner-stone, keystone, ÆH1-106 hŷroxa m. hired ox, LL116B. hyrra (KGL) = heorra, heorr hŷrra I. v. hēah. II. = hŷra hyrst† I. f. (±) ornament, decoration, jewel, treasure : accoutrements, trappings, armour. [Oer. riistung] II. m. hillock, eminence, height, wood, wooded eminence, Bd,OET; Mdf. ['hurst'] hyrst- = hierst- | ||||||||||
+hyhtendllc to be loped for, GD26913. hyhtf ul (e, i) hopeful : full of joy, mirthful, pleasant, glad. hyhtgiefu i pleasing gift, RIM 21. hyhtgiīa m. giver of joy, EL 852. hyhting (i1) f. exultation, WW233". hyhtlēas (i1) unbelieving, GEN2387. hyhtllc† hopeful, joyful, pleasant, adv. -lice. +hyhtllc commodious. hyhtplega† m. joyous play, sport. hyhtwilla† m. hoped-for joy. hyhtwynn† f. joy of hope, joy. hŷh«o = hīeh8u; hyl = hyO . hylc (i) m. 6end, tarn, QL. +hylced divergent, GPH398. hyld (e, i) m. grace, Gen : loyalty, fidelity, Chr(e),LL. ['held'] hyldan I. (e) = hieldan. II. to fiay, skin, Æ,WW. ['hild'; hold II.] hyldāð m. oath of allegiance, LL396B. hylde f. declivity, slope, KC, W W(e). ['MeU'] hyldemǽg† m. near kinsman. hyldere m. flayer, butcher, GL. [hold II.] +hyldig patient, SPs712. hyldtog f. curve, inclination, WW3822. [heald] hyldo f. favour, grace, kindness, protection : allegiance, loyalty, reverence, AO,CP. [hold I.] hyldrǽden f. fidelity, TC61031(e1). hyldu (Æ) = hyldo hylest pres. 2 sg. of helan. hylf (Æ) = hielf hyll I. mf. ' hill,' Æ; Mdf. II. = hell hyllehāma (i) m. 'cicada,' cricket, grass- hopper, GL. +hylman=helmian; -hylman v. for-, ofer-h. hylp = help hylpð pres. 3 sg. of helpan. hylsten baked (on the hearth), WW39331. hylsung f. 'tympanum,' timbrel? (BB4-82), EPs ISO4. hylt = hielt pres. 3 sg. of healdan. -hylte v. hēah-h. hylto = hielto hylwyrt f. 'hillworl,' pulegium, WW. hym=him; hymblice (GL)=hymlic Hymbre sbpl. Northumbrians, OET571. hymele f. hop plant, WW; Mdf. [L. humulus] hymelle=hymlio; hymen = ŷmen hymlio (e) m., hymlīce f. 'hemlock,' Ol,Lcd, WW. hŷn = hēan; hŷnan (Æ) = hīenan hynd↔hind -hynde v. six-, twelf-, twi-h.; of-hende. hynden f. community of 100 men, LL. hyndenrnann m. chief man in the community of 100 men, LL175; 178. hŷne = hine as. of he. ǽhyngran, hyngrian (i) to be hungry, 'hunger,' (impers.) Æ,JnL; (intr.) Cr,L/c : (trans.) hunger for, Mt56. | ||||||||||