±lewan (ēa, ēo, ŷ) to show, display, reveal,
disclose, point out, CP. [ēage; cp. ēowan]
īfegn = īfig

īflg n. 'ivy,' Gl,Lcd,Shr.
īflgbearo ivy-grove, CO 50.
īflg-crop, -croppa m. cluster of ivy berries.
Ifiglēaf n. ivy leaf, LcDll7b.
īflg-tearo, -tara n. ivy tar, resin from tar,

īflht ivy-covered, KC.
ig=ic ; Ig = īeg ; IgbŪend = īegbuend
igdæges = īdæges; igel=īl; Igg=ieg
Iggafi, iggoS, Ig(e)o8 m. 'ait,' eyot, small

island, Æ,Chr.
Igll, igl(Æ)=fl

īgland (ē) n. 'island,' BH,Bo,Chr,Whak.
Igoð, īgS = iggaS; lh=ic
Ihte pret. 3 sg. of īecan.
11 (igil) rn. hedgehog, porcupine, Shr,WW;

CP. ['il']
Hand = īgland
llca (y) pron. (always wk) the same, An,Bo,

Chr,OET;CP. ['ilk']
ilce adv. v. swā; ild- = ield-
ile (y) rn. sole of the foot, Æ : callosity, corn,

Æ. [cp. Ger. eilen]
ilfetu, ilfe(t)te (y) f. swan, GL ; Mdf.

illeracu f. surfeit, WW37815.
+illeroead surfeited, CVPs7765.
Unetu (WW367«)=ilfetu
ilugsecg v. eolhsecg; lmbe=yrnbe II.
imberdUng, imbyrdling = inbyrdling
impa? m., impe? f. graft, shoot, scion, CP
381". ['imp']

Irnplan to 'imp,' implant, graft, LL454[12] :
(+) busy oneself with, CP13225.

in I. prep, with a. and d. (instr.) (local) 'in,'
into, upon, on, at, to, among : (temporal)
in, at, about, towards, during : (purpose)
in, to, for. II. sb. and adv. =inn

In- (v. BH xxxiii ff.) = on-
ināberan1 (inn-) to bring in, Æ.
inādl f. internal disease, LCD.
inǽlan (VPs) = onǽlan; lnāgān=ingān
ināgēode = inēode pret. 3 sg. of ingān.
ināsendan to send in.
ināwrittlng f. inscription, LkL2024.
inbærnednes (CPsGG); inbærnes (GL) f.
burning, incense, frankincense. [=onb-]

InbecwelSan5 to inculcate, WW42938.
inbelǽdan to lead in.
inbelūcan2 to shut, BL21728.
inbend mf. internal bond, Gtr928.
inber- = on-, in-byr-
inberan to carry in, LL386[1].
inbernes (VPs)=inbærnes
inbeslēan to hack into (any one), LL86[74].
Inbesttagan3 to penetrate, LL7[64,2]
inbetŷnednes f. life of a recluse, GD2125.
Inbewindan3 to enfold, enwrap.
inbirdling = inbyrdling
inblāwan' to inspire, breathe upon, JnB :
inflate, puff up, EO. ['inblow']

ieldian (y) to pat off, delay, Æ.
ieldlng f. delay, tarrying, CP : dissimulation.
leldo (æ, e, i, y) f. age, Æ,Gu,Lcd : period :
old age, old people, Æ,Bl; CP : an age of the
world, Æ,Gu. ['eld'; eald]
leldra (y) (comp. of eald) used aa sbpl.

parents, ancestors, B,Bo,El,Bd. ['elder']
ieldrafæder (æld-) m. grandfather, WW734.

ielfe (y) mp. elves (v. ælf).
ielfen (æ, e, y) f. elf, fairy.
ielflg (y) raving, frantic, mad, WW. [v.

lēmung(WW27722) = gēmung; lerd=gierd
lerf- v. also yrf-.
ierfe (æ, e, i, y) n. heritage, bequest, property,
CP : cattle. [Ger. erbe]
ierflan (i) to inherit, possess : (+) to stock
with cattle.

lergan to dishearten, [earg]
lergðu f. remissness, sloth, cowardice, AO.

ierllc (i) angry, vehement, ArT.
±ierman to harass, vex, afflict, CP. [earm]
lerming (eo, e, y) m. person of no account,
poor wr
etch, AO.CP.

term*, iermSu (e, ea, eo, y) f. misery, dis-
tress, poverty, B,Bo,Ps : disease : crime :
reproach, calumny,
CPsllS134. ['ermth';

lernan3 (æ, i, y; rhinan) pret. 3 sg. arn,
orn, pi. urnon; pp. urnen (±) to run,
move rapidly, hasten, flow, spread, Æ,AO,
CP,Lcd, VPs : pursue, Bo,Ps : cause to move
rapidly, turn, grind, AO,BH : (+) get to,
attain, meet with : (+) occur (to one's mind),
GD : (+) coagulate, Led : (+) grow up.

ierning (e) f. discharge, flow, NG.
lerre I. (i, y) wandering, erring, perverse,
depraved, Ps,8ol : angry, fierce, Æ,£l,Chr,
AO. II. n. anger, Bl,GP,El,Lk.

ierremōd (y) wrathful, wild, B 726.
ierrenga (eo1, y1, i2, u8) adv. angrily, fiercely,

ierreðweorh (y) very angry, SAT 399?
iersclpe (y) m. anger, LPs925.
±iersian (i, io, y) to be angry with, rage :
enrage, irritate,

lersigendlic passionate, emotional, Æ(y).
iersung (i, y) f. anger, CP.
iersunga adv. angrily.
lerð-=eorS-, yrS-
iesca (Ep,Erf) =geocsa
iesend, iesende entrails, WW. [=gesen]
ieteð pres, 3 sg. of etan.
īe'S adv. comp. (=ēað) easily, An,Met;
AO,CP. ['eath']

+īeðan (ē) to alleviate, Gull79.
īeðe I. easy, good-natured, pleasant, B; AO.
II. (†) = ēðe

īe tfegean = ŷðgian
īetfelie easy, CP : adv. -lice easily, AO,CP.
īeðnes f. ease, pleasure, CP42511.