Jnboden proclaimed, [onbēodan]
inbolgen exasperated, [=onb-]
inboren ptc. indigenous, native, GPH390.
inborh m. bail, security in cases of theft, LL,

Inbrēdan3 to b«rst in upon, GPH393.
in-brengan, -bringan to bring in, present,

Mk. ['inbring']
inbryne (byr) m. conflagration.
inbryrd- = onbryrd-
inbūan to inhabit, MtL23".
inbūend m. inhabitant, WW21013.
to-burg, -burh f. hall, WW.
inbyrde born on the estate, Ct.
inbyrdling (e) m. slave born in a master's

house, Æ.
inbyrne (DR) = inbryne
inbyrS pres. 3 sg. of inberan.
Ine (Mt,Mt) da, of git, dual pers, pron,

inca m. question, scruple, suspicion, doubt :

grievance, quarrel, grudge, BH, inoan
witan to have a grudge.
ineaffēode = ingeSēode; ince = ynce
incēgan to call upon, DR1193. [oīgan]
Jncēgung f, invocation, DR.
incempa m. soldier of the same company,

incer (y) I. gen. of git, dual pers. pron,

II. adj. pron. of or belonging to both of you,
Mt, [' inker']
+incfulllan to offend, scandalize, MtR. [inca]

incit ace. of git, duai personal pronoun.
incleofa (i, y) m. chamber, closet : cave, den.
incniht m. household servant, Æ.
Incofa m. inner chamber, ÆL : breast, heart,

incoCu f. internal disease, Æ. .
Incuman4 to come in, go into, enter, Æ.

Incund interior, internal, inward, secret,

Æ.CP. adv. -Hoe, Æ.
Incundnes f. inward conviction, sincerity,

W10530 : inward part, recess, DHy.
Incūð strange, extraordinary, adv. -lice.
Incyme m. entrance, LV32.
indǽlan to infuse, DR.
indēpan to dip in, LkL1624.
Indisc Indian, Æ.
Indrencan = ondrenoan
Indrlfan1 to ejaculate, utter, SAT 80.
Indrincan3 to imbibe, drink, indruncen

plied with drink.
todryhten distinguished, noble, excellent.
indryhto† f. honour, glory.
ineardian to dwell in, inhabit, VPs.
Inēddisc n. household stuff, furniture, WW

14732. [ŷddiso]
inelfe=innelfe; inerte = innierfe
Infær n. ingress, entrance, entry, Æ,WW.

[' infare']
Infæreld n. in-coming, entrance, Æ : interior :
!nfangene-i5ēo.?, infangen-Sēf sb. right of

judging thieves caught within the limits of
one.'s jurisdiction,, and of taking the fines for
the crime, Ct; v. LL2-523. ['infangthief']
Infaran4 I. to enter, Æ,Jn. ['infare']

II. = innefaran
infaru f. incursion, inroad, Ciral048.
tofeallan' to fall in, VPs.
infeccan to fetch in, Bi.1751.
Infēran to enter in, Æ.
inflht n, brawl in a house, LL597'.
tafindan8 to find, discover, NG.
tnflēde† full of water.
inflēon2 to fy from, RIM 44.
Infōster n. bringing up, rearing, LL396'.
infrōd† very aged, experienced.
Ing I. name of the rune for ng. II, =ging,

-tag suffix, as in earming, lytling (originally

!n-gān anv. pret. -ēode to go in, enter, BH,

Mt. ['ingo']
Ingang m. ingress, entrance, access, beginning,

BH,Ps (inn-) : entrance fee. ['ingang']
tagaagan' to go in, enter, Æ.
Ingeted n. earnest prayer, PPs872.
Ingeberigan (NG) = onbyrgan
tagebringan3 to bring in, LLloO'.
inge-cigan, -oēgan 'invocare,' VPs; CPsOO15.
Ingedōn anv. to put in, BH434-0.
Ingedrincan (GPH391) = indrincan
ingefeaUan7 'incidere,' Ps.
ingefeoht n. internal war, BH.
Ingefolc n. native race. Ex 142.
ingehril (-gerif) n. womb, LPs218.
Inge-hygd, -hŷd (Æ), -hid f. consciousness,

mind, conscience, sense, understand
intention, purpose, design.
togehygdnes f. intention, LPs485.
togelǽdan =inlsBdau
Ingelaðian to invite.
Ingemang v. gemang prep.
Ingemynd† fn. recollection, memory, mind,
ingemynde well-remembered, EL 896.
Ingenga m, visitor, intruder, B1776.
ingeongan (NG)=ingangan
tagēotan2 to pour in, fill.
ingēoting (yn-?=ymb-) f. inpouring, OEQ.
Ingeree n. broil, BH. [=ungerec]
ingerif = ingehrif
Ingeseted placed in, inserted.
Ingesteald household goods, B1155.
Ingeswel n. internal swelling, WW1135.
tageSano mn. thought, mind, conscience, in-
ingeSēod† f. nation.
Ingeweaxen implanted, WW4278.
ingewinn n. civil war, AO 8829.
Ingewitnes f. consciousness, conscience, BH.
Ingong (CP)=ingang
Ingyte m. pouring in, infusion, inspiration,

CM424. [gēotan]