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LÆDENLAR | ||||||||||||
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accusation, exculpate oneself: let off, excuse, Æ,A0,0P. lādiendlie excusable, WW23331. lādrnann m. conductor, guide, Æ. ['lode- man'] lād-rine? -rincman m. conductor, escort, LL 3[7] (v. 2-441). Iadsar=laser ^^ lādscipe m. leadership, VVW4818. lādtēow, lādSēow↔lāttēow iādung f. exculpation, excuse, defence, apology, Æ,CP. , lǽc = (1) lēao ; (2) lāe; lǽca = lǽce -lǽca v. āg-, ellen-1. etc. +_lǽca emulous, GPH391. lǽcan to spring up, rise, flare up, SAT 716. +lǽcan to emulate, GPH391 : join with, make common cause with ? CPs 1401. [lac] ±læccan to seize, grasp, comprehend, Æ : capture, catch, Ghr,0,LL : receive, ÆL. ['latch,' 'i-lecche'] lǽce (ē, ŷ) m. physician, doctor, BH,LkL; Æ,0P: 'leech,' WW;M. læcebōc f. book of prescriptions, LCD. lǽcecræft m. 'leech-craft,' art of healing, Bo,Lcd; Æ : medicament, remedy, prescrip- tion, Æ. lǽcecræftlg skilled in medicine, LCD 186b. lǽcecynn n. race of physicians, RD 610. læcecyst f. medicine chest, GD3441'. lǽcedðm m. medicament, medicine, BH, WW(p,);Æ,CP : salvation, i'leechdom'] lǽcedōmlic salutary, A5-458. lǽcedōmnes f. cataplasm, WW. læcefeoh n. doctor's fee, LL(14819). lǽceflnger m. ('leech-finger'), fourth finger, Led. lǽcegeatwa? (-getea) fp. medical apparatus, v. NC304. lǽcehūs n. sick room, hospital. lǽcelren n. surgeon's knife, lancet, GD32. lǽcesealf f. medicinal ointment, WW51421. lǽceseax n. lancet, CP1S79. lǽcewyrt f. medicinal herb, drug, Æ : rib- wort. lǽcnlan =lācnian lǽdan (±) to 'lead,' guide, conduct, carry, lift, take, bring, Æ,BH,Bl,Chr,VPs;CP. wīf 1. take a wife, marry : (±) produce, bring forth : pass, lead (life), BH,Mel: lo mark or beat the bounds of land, EC 155 : perform, do. An : place, lay, Æ : sprout forth, grow, spread. lǽde (BH4002) = lǽwede lǽden I. (ē, ēo) n. 'Latin,' A,BH,CP : any foreign language, Led ('leden'). II. adj. Latin. lǽdenboc (e) f. Latin book, Æ. lǽdend I. m. bringer. II. m. excuser, apologist. [*lǽdan] lǽdengereord n. Latin language, LCD. lǽdengeðēode n. Latin language, CP. lǽden-isc, -lie Latin. ISdenlār f. knowledge of Latin, W12412. 12——2 | ||||||||||||
īslgfeðera with frosted wings, SEAF24. Isiht icy, ÆL23b572. īsfSes adv. immediately, LL(338U). īsmere m. icy lake, MET2862. ±īsnian to cover with, iron. pp. īsnod iron- clad, WW23619. I test, itst prea. 2 sg., iteð, itt pres. 3 sg. of etan. Ið^īeS Iðan (ǽ, ē, ŷ) to lay waste, ravage, devastate, desolate, destroy, Æ. lu-, iū=geo-, gēo; iuc^geoo lūdēas sbmp. the Jews, G. lūdēisc Jewish, G. lugian=geocian; īuih (NG) = ēowie, ēow īuwian (AS719)=īewan īw (ēow) m. 'yew,' yew-tree, Æ; Mdf. Iwberge (ēow) f. yew-berry, LCD. | ||||||||||||
K Words beginning with k will be found under e. | ||||||||||||
la interj. lo! behold! oh! ah! Æ. la lēof O Lord! 0 sir! : indeed, verily, Æ. hwæt la what / wā la wā! alas ! label = (*lafel), læfel; laber (Lcd)=lǽfer lac nf. play, sport: (†) strife, battle : sacrifice, offering, Æ,CP: gift, present, Mt;Æ: booty, B : (†) message, ['lake'] +læ† n. tumult, commotion, sweorda +1. battle : crowd, host, CR896. lācan7 pret. 3 sg. leolc to move up and down, leap, jump, swing, fly, Jul : play (instru- ment) : (†) fight, contend, B : (+) incite to, AO : be rewarded, ['lake'] lāedǽd f. munificence, 0EG3833. lācgeofa rn. generous giver, PPs 6718. +lācian to present, bestow. lāclic sacrificial, LL(38018). ±lācnlan (ǽ, ē) to heal, cure, treat, look after, Æ,BH,LkL;AO,CP : foment, dress (a wound), ['lechne'] lācnigendlic surgical, HGL478. lācnlrnende only in bēon 1. ' munerari,' BHy 319. lācnung f. healing, cure : medicament, remedy. lācsang rn. offertory hymn, WW1302. lactuc, laotu-ce, rn. -oa f. lettuce, Æ. [L.] iacu f. running water, stream, pool, 'lake,' Chr656E. lad I. f. course, journey, An,B : (±) way, street, water-way : leading, carrying, LL : maintenance, support, ['load,' 'lode'] II. f. clearing from blame or accusation, pur- gation, exculpation, GP. ladan (NG)=hladan ±lādian to clear oneself from blame or | ||||||||||||