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LEGERBÆRE | |||||||||||
±lengan to lengthen, prolong, protract, delay, Da : extend, reach, attain : belong, ['lenj'] lengcten- =lencten- lenge (se) I. adj. (±) belonging, related : near (of time), B 83. II. v. lange. †lenge belonging to, related to, Æ : addicted to. longest (Chr,Mk) auperl. of lang, lange. | |||||||||||
legerbǽre sick, ill, TC61120. legerbedd n. bed, sick 6ed, Æ : bed of death, grave. • +legereð confined to bed, Æ. legerfæst sick, ill, RB64'. +legergield n. 'lupercalia,' WW437". tegerstōw f. burial place, Æ. legertēam m. cohabitation, marriage, legerwīte fm. fine for unlawful cohabitation, LL. ['toirjcite'] leges =lēages'gs. of lēah. legeð pres. 3 sg. of lecgan. legie f. legion, AO. [L,] -legu v. ealdor-1,; leh-=leah- lēh = lēah; lēh-=lēac-; lēhnan=]ŷgnian lēht↔lēoht; lehtan = lihtan lehte pret. 3 sg. of leooan. lehtor = leahtor; lēl (KGi,) = lǽl leloðre f. silvenveed? GL. lemb = lamb lēmen (KGt8240)=lǽmen ±lemian (æ) to subdue, CP30311 : lame, dis- able, B905. lernpedu f. lamprey, WWiZS". ['limpet'; larnpreda] lernphealt limping, Ol,WW. ['limphalt'] lēnan (KGL) = lǽnan lencten (æ) I. in. springtime, A,Lcd;Æ : the fast of Lent, W. II. adj. pertaining to Lent, A,BB(ts). ['lenten'] lenctenādl f. spring fever, tertian ague. lenctenbere rn. Lent barley, ANS84326. lenctenbryce ra. breach of the Lenten fast, LL344[47]. lenctendæg rn. day of Lent. lenctenerðe f. land ploughed in spring, WW 105'. [eortSe] lenctenfæsten n. Lent, Æ. lenctenhǽto f. heat, of spring, AO 102"? ienctenlic of spring, vernal, Ǽ : lenten, Æ. lenctenlifen f. Lenten fare, NC306. lenctensufel (længt-) n. Lent food, LL450[9]. lenctentīd f. spring, Lent, Æ. lenctentīrna m. spring, OEG3837. lenctenwuce f. a week in Lent. lenctin- = lenc ten- +lend I. furnished with land (by the lord), LL448'. n. = +lynd +lenda m. one rich in land, OEG3154. lendan to land, arrive, Chr; Æ,AO,CP : (+) endow with land, Æ. ['lend'; land] lende-=lenden- lendenbān n. loin-bone, WWl5ðls. ['lend- bone'} lenden-brǽde, -brēde f. loin. lendensld reaching to the loins, NC306. lendenu (æ) np. loins, reins, Alt, W W; Æ. ['lered'; Oer. lenden] lendenwyrc m. a disease of the kidneys, WW 11312. [wære] -lendlsc v. dun-, up-, ūre-, ut-1. lēne=lǽne leng I. (æ) f. length, height, Æ, II. adv. (comp. of lange) longer, Æ,Lk. ['teng'] | |||||||||||
lengfære more durable, ANSI 19-435. lengian (impers. w. a.) to long for, ask for, SOL270 (GK). lenglīfra comp. of langlīf e. lengo=lengu lengra (BH) comp. of Jang. ['lenger'] lengten↔lenoten lengtogra comp. adj. drawn ou.t farther, more prolix, Sol61iS. lengðu f. 'length,' ^401441. lengu f . length, Bo,BH : height. Sol. [' le»gh *] lent f. lentil, Gl>. [L. lentem] lenten = lencten lēo mf . gdas. lēon, also da. lēone, lēonan, asf . lēo, and dp. lēonum 'lion,' lioness, AO, Æ. [L.] lēoc(WW283al) = lēac lēod I. m. man, LL14[25] : 'wergeld' for manslaughter, LL (=lēodgeld) : (+)fellot8- countryman, compatriot : (†) chief, prince, king, B. ['lede'] II. f. (usu. in pi. lēode) people, nation, B,Bl ; Æ,AO. ['lede'] Ieoda=lida lēoda I. =+lēod I. II. (LWS)=lēode lēodan2 to spring up, grow : spring from. lēodbealu† n. calamity to a people. lēodbisceop m. suffragan bishop, provincial, Æ. lēodburg† f. town, lēodbygen f . sale of one 's compatriots, slave- traffic, LL20[llLd] (v. 2-133). lēodcynlng m. king, luhr, B54. iēode fp. men, people, country, B,Llc;AO (v. lēod). lēoden = lŷden lēodfruma‡ m. prince, patriarch, chief. lēodgeard† m. country. lēodgebyrga† m. lord, protector, prince, king. lēodgeld n. 'wergeld'for manslaughter, LL. lēodgeðincð f . order, rank, LL. lēodgewinn n. strife, JTJL201. lēodgota =lēadgeota lēodgryre m. general terror, SOL 278. lēodhata m. persecutor, tyrant, QD, lēodhete† m. popular hatred, hostility. lēodhryre† m. fall of o prince (or nation f), B2030.2391. lēodhwæt very valiant, EL 11. -lēodlsc v. Sider-1. lēodmǽg‡ m. relative, comrade, lēodmægen† n. might of the people, host power, virtue. lēodmearc‡ f . domain, country. leodræden f, country, region, | |||||||||||