±lengan to lengthen, prolong, protract, delay,
Da : extend, reach, attain : belong,

lengcten- =lencten-
lenge (se) I. adj. (±) belonging, related : near
(of time),
B 83. II. v. lange.

†lenge belonging to, related to, Æ : addicted

longest (Chr,Mk) auperl. of lang, lange.
legerbǽre sick, ill, TC61120.
legerbedd n. bed, sick 6ed, Æ : bed of death,
grave. •
+legereð confined to bed, Æ.
legerfæst sick, ill, RB64'.
+legergield n. 'lupercalia,' WW437".
tegerstōw f. burial place, Æ.
legertēam m. cohabitation, marriage,
legerwīte fm. fine for unlawful cohabitation,

LL. ['toirjcite']
leges =lēages'gs. of lēah.
legeð pres. 3 sg. of lecgan.
legie f. legion, AO. [L,]

-legu v. ealdor-1,; leh-=leah-
lēh = lēah; lēh-=lēac-; lēhnan=]ŷgnian
lēht↔lēoht; lehtan = lihtan
lehte pret. 3 sg. of leooan.
lehtor = leahtor; lēl (KGi,) = lǽl
leloðre f. silvenveed? GL.
lemb = lamb

lēmen (KGt8240)=lǽmen
±lemian (æ) to subdue, CP30311 : lame, dis-
able, B905.
lernpedu f. lamprey, WWiZS". ['limpet';

lernphealt limping, Ol,WW. ['limphalt']
lēnan (KGL) = lǽnan
lencten (æ) I. in. springtime, A,Lcd;Æ :

the fast of Lent, W. II. adj. pertaining to
Lent, A,BB(ts). ['lenten']
lenctenādl f. spring fever, tertian ague.
lenctenbere rn. Lent barley, ANS84326.
lenctenbryce ra. breach of the Lenten fast,

lenctendæg rn. day of Lent.
lenctenerðe f. land ploughed in spring, WW

105'. [eortSe]
lenctenfæsten n. Lent, Æ.
lenctenhǽto f. heat, of spring, AO 102"?
ienctenlic of spring, vernal, Ǽ : lenten, Æ.
lenctenlifen f. Lenten fare, NC306.
lenctensufel (længt-) n. Lent food, LL450[9].
lenctentīd f. spring, Lent, Æ.
lenctentīrna m. spring, OEG3837.
lenctenwuce f. a week in Lent.
lenctin- = lenc ten-
+lend I. furnished with land (by the lord),

LL448'. n. = +lynd
+lenda m. one rich in land, OEG3154.
lendan to land, arrive, Chr; Æ,AO,CP : (+)

endow with land, Æ. ['lend'; land]
lendenbān n. loin-bone, WWl5ðls. ['lend-

lenden-brǽde, -brēde f. loin.
lendensld reaching to the loins, NC306.
lendenu (æ) np. loins, reins, Alt, W W; Æ.

['lered'; Oer. lenden]
lendenwyrc m. a disease of the kidneys, WW

11312. [wære]
-lendlsc v. dun-, up-, ūre-, ut-1.

leng I. (æ) f. length, height, Æ, II. adv.
(comp. of lange) longer, Æ,Lk. ['teng']

lengfære more durable, ANSI 19-435.
lengian (impers. w. a.) to long for, ask for,

SOL270 (GK).
lenglīfra comp. of langlīf e.

lengra (BH) comp. of Jang. ['lenger']
lengtogra comp. adj. drawn ou.t farther, more

prolix, Sol61iS.
lengðu f. 'length,' ^401441.
lengu f . length, Bo,BH : height. Sol. [' le»gh *]
lent f. lentil, Gl>. [L. lentem]
lenten = lencten
lēo mf . gdas. lēon, also da. lēone, lēonan, asf .

lēo, and dp. lēonum 'lion,' lioness, AO,
Æ. [L.]
lēoc(WW283al) = lēac
lēod I. m. man, LL14[25] : 'wergeld' for
manslaughter, LL (=lēodgeld) : (+)fellot8-
countryman, compatriot : (†) chief, prince,
king, B. ['lede'] II. f. (usu. in pi. lēode)
people, nation, B,Bl ; Æ,AO. ['lede']

lēoda I. =+lēod I. II. (LWS)=lēode
lēodan2 to spring up, grow : spring from.
lēodbealu† n. calamity to a people.
lēodbisceop m. suffragan bishop, provincial,

lēodburg† f. town,
lēodbygen f . sale of one 's compatriots, slave-

traffic, LL20[llLd] (v. 2-133).
lēodcynlng m. king, luhr, B54.
iēode fp. men, people, country, B,Llc;AO

(v. lēod).
lēoden = lŷden

lēodfruma‡ m. prince, patriarch, chief.
lēodgeard† m. country.
lēodgebyrga† m. lord, protector, prince,

lēodgeld n. 'wergeld'for manslaughter, LL.
lēodgeðincð f . order, rank, LL.
lēodgewinn n. strife, JTJL201.
lēodgota =lēadgeota
lēodgryre m. general terror, SOL 278.
lēodhata m. persecutor, tyrant, QD,
lēodhete† m. popular hatred, hostility.
lēodhryre† m. fall of o prince (or nation f),

lēodhwæt very valiant, EL 11.
-lēodlsc v. Sider-1.
lēodmǽg‡ m. relative, comrade,
lēodmægen† n. might of the people, host

power, virtue.
lēodmearc‡ f . domain, country.
leodræden f, country, region,