LEOÐSANG | LICPYTT | ||||||||||
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lēoðsang m. song, poem, poetry, BH. leoðu I. f. retinue, following? RIM 14 (GK). II. v. liS. leoðubend† mf. chain, fetter, bond. leoSueǽge f. limbs which served as a key, CB334. leoBucræft† m. skill of hand. lēoðucræf t = lēotScræf t leoðucræftig agile, PH268. leoSufæst able, skilful, CBA95. leoðulic appertaining to the limbs, bodily. leoðusār n. pain in the limbs, WW2138. leoðusyrce† f. corslet. leofluwāc (i) with supple limbs, flexible, pliant, Cra84. ['leathwake'] leoðuwāclan to mitigate. leoðuwācunga (liSe-)? ' compeditorum,' EPs 78". ±leoðuwǽcan to become pliant, be sub- missive, grow calm, soften. lēoðweorc n. poetry, WW18830. lēoðwīse f. verse, poetry, Æ. lēoðword n. a word in a poem, AN 1490. lēoðwrence rn. poem, A 8-334. lēoðwyrhta rn. poet, ÆGn. lēow (ǽu) n. ham. thigh. -lēow (ē, a) v. rnund-1. leowe f. league (distance), WW14722. lēower pi. of lēow. lepewince = læpewince leppan to feed (a hawk), Wy89 (v. ES 37-195). lēran (KGL)=lǽran lere (KGL8319)=lyre; lērēow-= ISrēow- lēs- = 15es- lesan5 to collect, pick, select, gather, glean, Æ. ['lease'; (7er. lesen] lēsca = lēosca -lesende, -lesendlic. -lesung v. ed-1. lest = last; lesu = lysu; 16sw-=lǽsw- lēt I. prct._ 3 sg. of lǽtan. II. = lǽt pres. 3 sg. of lǽdan. III. =lēat pret. of lūtan. lētan=lǽtan lētanīa m. litany. [L. litania] letig(KGL) = ly'tig ±lettan (æ) to 'let,' hinder, delay, impede, oppress, Æ,Bo,Gu(w.g.), W ;AO,CP. lettend m. hinderer, ES39-349. letting (æ) f. 'letting,' hindrance, delay. BB; CP. lēð=lǽS; -leðer v. heals-, weald-1. leðera = HSera leðercodd m. leather bag, W W 117s. [v. ' leather'} leSeren =IeSren leSerhelm m. leathern helmet, WW1421. leðerhose f. leathern gaiter, WW. leðern = le'Sren leðerwyrhta m. leather-maker, tanner, currier, GL. Iēðr-=lŷi5r- leðren (i) 'leathern,' WW. lēud = (1) lēod ; (2) lǽwede lew i t weakness, W165° (cp. lēf I.). | +lēwed weak, ill? M (Ex2210, cp. limlǽweo or ? read +lēfed. lēwend = lǽwend; lēwer=lēower lēwsa m. weakness : 'inops,' EPsl3913 (hlēw-). [lēf I.] lex = leax; lēxnlan (WW24121) = lācnian lib-,libb- = lif-,lyb- libban (y) pret. 3 sg. lif(e)de to 'live,' be, exist, Æ,B,BH,Lcd,VPs; AO.CP. llbr- = lifer- Hc n. body, B,Cr : corpse, AO,B; Æ,CP. ['lich'; Oer. leiehe] +līc adj. (w. d.) 'alike,' similar, equal, Mt; Æ,OP. +līeost double, twin. +līca, +līoe wk. forms used as sb. an equal, Æ,OP. adv. ±līee (usu. + ; and +līe in NO), El. +līce and like as if. līcam- = līoham- līcbeorg f. coffin, sarcophagus, Cp45s. +līcbisnung f. imitation, DR761. itcburg f. cemetery, Cp433c. liccere, liccetere = lieettere Hccettan (Æ)= licet tan licclan to ' lick,' Æ,Ps : lap, lick up, Led. lieeung f. licking, ÆHl-33023. līcema=līohama; līcendlic'F-^.līciendlic līcettan to feign, pretend, dissimulate, CP : flatter, BH. līcettere m. deceiver, hypocrite, CP. llceUung, līcetung f. feigning, deceit, hypocrisy, flattery. līcewyrlSe = līowyrSe līcfæt† n. body. licgan6 (±) to 'lie,' be situated, be at rest, remain, be, Ph;Æ,AO,CP : (±) lie down, lie low, yield, subside, lie prostrate, fail, lie dead, Æ,AO,B,Chr,0 : lead, extend to, Æ; AO : flow, go, run, AO : belong to. 1. for take the part of, LL152[3]. 1. mid cohabit with. witS licgendum fēo for ready money. līchama m. body, corpse, Bo,Mt; Æ.CP. ['licham'; Oer. leichnam] līchamlēas incorporeal, Æ. Uchamlic (o2) corporeal, bodily, carnal, mate- rial, Bo,Lk; Æ. adv. -lice bodily, person- ally, in the flesh, BH ; Æ. ['lichamly'] +līchamod i?icarnate. -ilchamung v. in-1.; llchom- = līcham- līchord† n. interior of the body. līchrægel n. winding-sheet, MH7626. līchryre m. bodily decay, death, GEN 1099. Hehryst = licrest; līchwamlic = lichamlic Hcian (w. d. or impers.) to please, Æ,Bl,Bo; CP. ['like'] llciendlic agreeable, pleasant, adv. -līce. +līclǽtan7 to liken, compare. MkLR430. līclēoð n. dirge, OEG. līclic relating to the dead, funeral, GPH401. +līclic fitting, proper, adv. -lice equally. līcmann m. bearer, pall-bearer, Æ. līcnes (±) f. 'likeness' ('i-likeness'), figure, stature, image, Æ,MtL : (+) parable. līcpytt m. sepulchre, grave, ÆGR6610? (or ? die, pytt). | ||||||||||