MÆn'NES • | |||||||||||
195 | MÆSTEN | ||||||||||
†mǽnnes f. community, fellowship, inter- course, union, Shr : land held in common, BC 1-597'. [v. 'i-mene'] +mǽnscipe m. community, fellowship : union, W24823. ±mænsumian to participate in, have fellow- ship with : live with, marry : partake of Eucharist, Æ. ±mǽnsum-nes, -ung f. fellowship, partici- pation, Æ. mænu = menigu mǽrāc f. boundary-oak, KC3-37929. mǽran (a) I. (±) to declare, proclaim, cele- brate, glorify, honour. II. ( + ) to determine, fix limits, WID 42. mǽrapeldre f. apple-tree forming part of a boundary, KC3-3905. mærbrōc m. boundary-brook, KC. mærc (l)↔mearc; (2) = mearg mǽrcnoll m. boundary-knoll, EC445. mǽrdīc £. boundary-dyke, KG. mære = (l) mare; (2) mere I. mǽre I. (ē) famous, great, excellent, sublime, splendid, ÆjAOjCP. [cp. Ger. mare, mārchen] II. pure, sterling (of money). [v. 'mere' adj.] III. (±, usu. +) boun- dary, border, Mk, VPs; Mdf. [' mere' sb. ] mǽrelsrāp m. ship 's rope, cable, WW. mæretorht = meretorht; mærgen = morgen mærh (Cp,Ep), mærh-=mearg, mearh- mǽr-hege, -haga, -hege m. boundary-] EC447. mærhllsa m. notoriety, WW38210. mǽrian to be distinguished, DHy. mæringcwudu n. mastic of sweet basil? LcDlSla. +mǽrlacu f. boundary stream, EC387. mǽrlic (ŷ) great, splendid, glorious, famous, Æ.AO.CP. adv. -lice, Æ. mærnes f. greatness, honour, fame. mǽrpul m. boundary-pool, EC445. mǽrpytt m. pit that forms part of a boundary (BT), KC. mærsc = niersc mǽrsere (ē) m. herald, DR561'. ±mǽrslan (ē) I. to make famous, celebrate, proclaim, declare, announce, Æ,CP : cele- brate : glorify, honour, exalt, praise, Æ : spread (of fame): enlarge. II. to mark out, bound, limit. mǽrstān m. boundary stone, BC. ['mere- stone'] mǽrsung (ē) f. fame, report, renown : cele- bration, festival, Æ : exalting, magnifying : (±) magnificence, celebrity. mǽrsungtlma m. time of glorifying, ÆH 2-36025. mærð = mearS mǽrð f. glory, repute, fame : famous exploit, glorious achievement, Æ,AO,CP. mǽrðorn m. boundary-hawthorn, KC. mǽrðu=mǽrS mǽrðum (inatr. of mǽrtS) adv. gloriously. mæru=meara | |||||||||||
+mærung? 'consummalio,' RHyō10. mærw- =mearu- ±mǽrweg m. boundary road, Ct. mǽrweorc m. noble work, PPsllO4. mǽrwyll m. boundary stream. mæsere (ǽ?) f. mesh, WW45010. mæsen brazen (Earle); of maple (BT), EC 250. mæslere m. sacristan, GD. mæsling, mæslen (J/itZ.) = maessanhaeele = mæssehacele mæsse (e) f. 'mass,' Eucharist, celebration of Eucharist, Æ,BH,OET; CP : special mass day, festival of the church. [L. missa] msesseǽfen m. eve of a festival. mæsse-bōc f. nap. -bēo 'mass-book,' missal, LL. mæssecrēda m. creed said at mass. Nicene creed. mæssedæg m. 'mass-day,' festival, Bl. mæssegierela m. mass-vestment, surplice, CP8719. mæssehacele f. moss-vestment, cope, chasuble, LV40.WW32722. rnæssehrægl n. vestment, surplice, CP. rnæsselāc n. mass-offering, host, WW. rnæsseniht f. eve of a festival. mæsseprēost m. 'mass-priest,' clergyman, high priest, Æ,AO ; CP. mæsseprēosthād m. office or orders of a mass- priest, BH. mæsseprēostscīr f. district for which a mass priest officiated, LL. mæsserbana m. murderer of a priest, W 16528. mæssere m. priest who celebrates mass, Az. ['ma&ser'] mæsserēaf n. mass-vestment, Æ. mæssesang m. office of mass. mæssesteall m ? seat in a church choir, v. NC 307348. mæssetld f. time of saying mass, LL(14020). mæsseðegn m. mass-priest, LL460[5]. msesseðēnung f. service of the mass, celebra- tion of mass, All'8. mæsse-ūhta? m. or -ūhte? n. hour, or service, of matins on a feast-day, NC307. mæssewīn (e) n. wine used at mass, WW. mæssian (±) to celebrate 'mass,' Æ : ( + ) attend mass. mæst I. m. (ship's) 'mast,' B;Æ,AO. II. m. 'mast,' food of swine, acorns, beech- nuts, BC. mǽst (a, ē) I. adj. (superl. of micel), AO, Chr,Bo,Mt. ['most'} II. adv. mostly, for the most part, in the greatest degree, chiefly, especially, eal m., m. eal almost, nearly. m. ǽlo nearly every one, Æ,AO,CP. III. n. most. ±rnæstan to feed with mast, fatten, Æ,CP. [Ger. māsten] mæstcyst f. mast-socket, WW. mæstelberg m. fattened hog, MtL67. [bearg] mæsten m. mast, pasture for simne. | |||||||||||