mlddelgesculdru np. part of the body between
the shoulders, WW 15917.
middelniht† f. midnight.
middelrīce n. the middle kingdom, CHK887A.
midden- =middan-
midde-niht, -neaht, middernæht (LkL) f.

'midnight.' [v. ES39-350]
mlddesumer = middansumer
middeweard I. adv. in the middle of, through

the midst, AO. II. adj. middle. III. sb.
middle, LPs. ['midward']
middewinter = middanwinter
middun- (N) = middan-
mideard = middangeard
midel = middel; midemest v. midd.
midfæsten m. mid-Lent.
mid-feorh, -feorwe (CP), -ferh(S) mn. youth,

middle age, ('juventus' GL).
midfyrhtnes f. middle age, BL163.
midgearwung f. preparation, MkL p 5l°.
midgesīð n. companion, OEG680.
midheip [miS-] f. help, assistance, DR2918.
midhlŷte m. 'consortium,' NC309.
midhrif nm. 'midriff,' diaphragm, Led :

mid-hriðre, -hrySre n. diaphragm, Cp,WW.

[' midred'; hreSer]
-midian v. a-.
mīdl n. bit (of a bridle), Æ : oar-thong.
midle = middele, ds. of middel.
+midleahtrian to reproach? So2006.
midlen (e) n. middle, centre, midst.
midlencten n. mid-Lent.
midlest superl. of middel.
mīdlhring m. ring of a bit, WW45614.
-fmidlian to halve, divide, VPs.
±mīdlian to bridle, check, curb, CP : muzzle,

midligend m. mediator, BH20626.
midlung f. middle, midst, adv. -lunga to a
'moderate extent.

mldmest v. midd; midmycel = medmice]
midnedæg m. mid-day.
midnes f. middle, midst.
midniht f. midnight, Æ.
midor eompar. of midd, adj.
midrād f. riding in company, LL175[4].
mīdrece •= mŷderce ; midrif = midhrif
midsingend m. one who sings with another,

±midsIS(eg)ian to accompany, associate with.
midspecend m. interlocutor, MP1 '592.
midspreca m. advocate, ÆH1-388.
midsumer (e3) m. 'midsummer,' A.
rnidswēgan *' concinere,' EPs573.
midSarn, midSy = mid Sam, mid Sŷ
midðeahtian to consent, RHy627.
midweg m. midway, CP39913,GD314".
midwinter m. 'midwinter,' Christmas, Led.
midwist f. presence, society.
midwunung f. living in company, Æ.
midwyrhta m. worker together with, co-

midyrfenuma m. coheir, Scl484.
micelhēafdede big-headed, WW38012.
micelian = mielian
mlcellic great, splendid, magnificent, adv.
-līce greatly, grandly, splendidly : very,

micelmōd magnanimous, PPs 1443.
mieelnes (y) f. greatness, size, Æ,CP :
multitude, abundance : magnificence.

mlcelsprecende boasting, LPs 114.
micelu (y) f. largeness, size, LCD.
micga m., micge f. urine, Led. ['mig']
micgða = migo'Sa ; micl- = micel -
micle, micles, miclum adv. (obi. cases of
micel) much, very, greatly.

±miclian (y) to become great, increase, An;
AO : make great, make larger, magnify,
extol, El. ['mickle']

±miclung f. the doing of great things.
micul = micel
mid I. prep. w. d. inst. (WS) and a. (A only)
with, in conjunction with, in company with,
together with, Æ,BC,BH,Chr : into the
presence of : through, by means of, by, BH,
Gen : among, in : at
(time) : in the sight of,
opinion of, ÆL,MtL.
m. ealle, eallum
altogether, completely, entirely, Æ,Chr. m.
Sam with that, thereupon, m. Sam Se
when. m. Sam Sæt through- that, on that
account, because, when.
m. Sŷ (Se) when,
II. adv. at the same time, together,
simultaneously, likewise, Led.
III. = rnidd

rnidd super], rnid(e)rnest mid, middle, mid-
way, BH,CP,Lcd.
to rniddes adv. in the
midst, ['mid']

middæg m. 'mid-day,' noon, Led : one of the
canonical hours, sext, W W.
f ram middæge
o'ð nōn from noon to 3 p.m., Æ.

middægīīc adj. mid-day, meridian.
mlddægsang m. mid-day sen-ice, sext.
middægtīd f. noon, WW4506.
middægðēnung f. dinner, NC309.
middan (on) v. onmiddan.
middandæglie =middæglic
middaneard (Jn)i=4middangeard
middangeard m. the globe, world, earth, B;
Æ,AO,CF: mankind, ['middenerd'
; ON.

middangeardlic earthly, BH11819.
middansumer m. midsummer (24 June).
middanwīnter m. midwinter, Christmas.
midde I. adj. mid, middle. II. f. middle,
(only in phr. on middan).

middel I. n. 'middle,' centre, El,Mk,Ps,WW :
waist, Bl.
11. adj. (superl. midlest) middle,
intermediate, BC,BH.

mlddeldæg m. mid-day, noon, LCD.
middeldǽl m. middle, AO 106.
middelflnger m. middle finger.
mlddel-flēra m., -flēre f. partition, septum,

middelfōt m. instep, WW16025.
mid.lelgemæru npl, central region, SOL 255.