nāðinc n. nothing, HL184S.
nāðŷlǽs notwithstanding, nevertheless, AO
nauht = naht
nāwa adv. never, Lcn94b. [ne, āwa]
nāwer = nāhwāīr

nāwērn [=nāhwǽrn] adv. nowhere, WW.
nāwht, nāwiht = nāht; nāwðer = nāhwæSer
nāwuht (CP) =nāwiht, nāht
ns I. adv. not, no, Æ,CP. II. conj. neither,

nor, .-E.CP.
nēa- = nēah-

nēad =nīed; nēad- v. also nīed, nŷd-.
nēadclamm n. necessity, extremity, LPs 10628.
nēadoofa m. prison, AN 1311.
nēadgafol n. tax, tribute, LL.
nēadgewuna m. enforced custom, WW2218.
nēadgylda m. debtor, WW22110.
nēadhād m. compulsion, force, WW48021.
nēadhæs £. order which one must obey, LL12.
^nēadian to compel, force, constrain, urge,

impel, Æ,
nēadignes f. obligation, OEG2106.
nēadinga (AO), nēadlunga = nēadunga
nēadSearflic necessary, useful, adv. -lice,

nēadðearlnes f. opportunity, occasion, LPs

nēadðingn. necessary thing, RE ol; ÆP137?
nēadung f. compulsion, Æ.
nēadunga, nēadunge adv. compulsorily,

forcibly, Æ.
nēadwīs needful, fitting, due, Æ. adv. of

necessity, Æ.
nēadwīsnes f. necessity, OEG2396.
nēadwīte n. inevitable punishment, MF

(Vesp. D xiv).
nēadwraca ra. avenger by necessity, TC61129.
nēah I. (e, i) fcomp. nēara, superl. nīehsta

q.v.] adj. 'near,' nigh, close, BH; AO,
CP : late. II. adv. 'near,' nigh, about,
almost, nearly, lately, AO,Bo,Q,Lcd,Met,
etc.; CP. near and near nearer and nearer.
æt nīehstan next, at length, finally. III.
prep. w. d. near, close to : according to,
+nēah I.† sufficiency, abundance. II. pres.

8 sg. of +nugan.
nēahbūend m. neighbour, RD2G2.
nēahceaster f. nearest town, BH5227 (nēh-).
nēahcyrice f. neighbouring church. GD.
nēahdǽl m. neighbourhood, GD7130.
nēahdūn f. neighbouring hill, NAU146.
nēahēa f. neighbouring river, NAR220.
nēahēaland n. neighbouring island, MH841'.
nēahfæder m. 'vicinus paler,' GD1797.
nēah-feald, -fcaldlic (GD) intimate.
nēahfrēond (ē1) m. near friend, near kinsman,

nēahgangol (w. d.) placed near, ÆL23131.
nēaligebūr m. 'neighbour,' CP.
nēahgebŷren (nēhhe-) f. neighbour, Lkl58.
nēahgebŷrild (nēhe-) m. neighbour, LkL159.
nēahgehūsa (ē) m. neighbour, JVPs.

±neah-he, -hi(g)e (usu. +) sufficiently :
abundantly : often, frequently : earnestly.

nēahhebūr = nēahgebūr
+neahhelīce (nehl-) sufficiently, frequently,

nēahhergung f. war close at hand.
neah-hie, -luge = neahhe
+nēahian to draw near to, LPsOO10.
nēahlǽcan = nēalǽcan
nēahland n. neighbourhood, GD09-8.
nēah-mǽg m. nap. -māgas near relation.
nēahmægð f. neighbouring tribe, BH.
nēahmann m. neighbour, BH.
nēahrnunt m. neighbouring mountain, GD.
nēahnes f. nearness, neighbourhood, BH.
nēahnunnmynster neighbouring convent, BH

nēahsibb I. adj. related. II. f. affinity,

nēahsta = nīehsta
nēahstōw f. neighbourhood, place near.
neaht(j¥et) = niht
nēahtīd f. approaching time, BH 29029.
nēahtūn (ē) m. neighbouring town or village.
nēahðēod f. neighbouring nation, AO.
nēahwæter n. neighbouring piece of water,

+nēahwian (ē) to draw near, cleave to, NG.
nēahwudu m. neighbouring wood, GD22920.
±nēalǽcan (w. d.) to draw near, approach,
Æ ;
AO,CP : be near, GD859 : cling to, CPs
1366. ['nehleche'; nēah, lǽcan]

nēalǽcung f. approach, access, Æ.
nēalic (ē) near, neighbouring, adv. -līoe
nearly, about, Bl;CP. ['nighly']

nealies adv. not, not at all, by no means,

neam = neom ; nēam- = neahm-
nēan adv. from near by : close at hand, near :
'nearly, about.

-f nēan — +nēhwian ; neap~hnæpp
near comp. of nēah, adv. near, nearer, AO.
+near = +ner
nēara, nēarra (AO), comp. of nēah, adj.
later, latter, nearer.

neara-=nearo-; nearo (A0) = nearu
nearobregd f. craft?/ trick, JTJL302
nearocræft m. skill in enclosing? B2243.
nearofāh intensely hostile? B2317.
nearogrāp f. close grasp, RD81C.
nearolic oppressive, straitened, EL913. adv.
-lice narrowly, closely, briefly, accurately,
Æ,CP : strictly, stringently, oppressively.

nearonēd f. urgent need.
nearones f. strait, AO : oppression : distress,
anxiety, trouble.

nearoðancnes f. wickedness, LPs274.
nearoðearf f. dire need, CR69.
neart art not, Bo. ['nart'; ne eart]
nearu I.† f? n? gs. nearu, near(o)we strait,
danger, distress, difficulty,
n. Srōwian to
be in straits : confinement, imprisonment :
prison, hiding place.
II. adj. narrow, con-
fined, A0,0 : limited, petty : causing o