CP : errand, business, Æ(ēo) : hardship,
distress, difficulty, trouble, pain, AO : force,
violence, VP-i(ē) • what is necessary : in-
evitableness : fetter, DEOHŌ : name of the
rune for n, II. = nēod
nled- v. also nēad-, nŷd-.
nīedan (ē, ī, y) to compel, force, urge, press,

Æ(\), Bo,NG(ē-) ; AO.CP. ['need']
nīedbād (ē, ŷ) f. toll, exaction, blackmail,
nīedbādere (ē) m. toll-collector, TC2910.
nīedbehǽfdlio necessary, BH39624.
nīedbehǽfednes f. necessity, Æ(ē1).
nīedbehēfe needful, necessary, Æ(y1).
nīedbeðearf (y3) necessary, CP77.
nīede, nīedes (ēa, ēo, ī, ŷ) adv. (instr. and

gs. of nled) of need, needs, necessarily, com-
pulsorily, CP.
+nīededl'ic (ē) compulsory, BH6223(v.L).
nīedenga, niedunga adv. necessarily, by force,

forcibly, CP.
nīedfaru† f. compulsory journey, death,
nīedhæmed (ē, ŷ) n. rape, LL,
nīedhīernes (e1, e2) f. slavery, ER65,
nīedling m. slave, AO : sailor.
nīedmJeel (ē) urgent.
nīednǽm f. seizure,
nīedscyld f. moral necessity, CPS76,
nīedslbb (ēa) f. relationship, OEG.
nledðearf I. f. need, necessity, compulsion,

force, CP : distress : leant, thing needed.
II. adj. necessary.
nīedðearfnes (ēa, ē, ŷ) f. weed, necessity :

compulsion : distress, trouble,
nīedðēow (ē, ŷ ) m. slave.
nīed«rafung i. reproof, CP29722.
nledwāsdla m. poor wretch, GEN 929.
nīehst I. adv. (snperl. of nēah) most nearly,

in closest proximity ; last (in time), HI,
Geri(ē), II. adj. lotei-t. last, Æ,Jud, VPs(ē) :
•nearest, 'next,' CP, Chr,KC,MkL(ē). æt
nīehstan at last, next.
nīehsta mf. closest friend, CP : (± ) neighbour,

MI;L,VPs : next of kin, LL. ['next'}
nieht (CP) = niht
nierwan = nearwian
nīeten (ē, ēo, ī, v) n. small animal, beast,

cattle, Bo,Lcd ; ĀO.CP. ['neten' ; neat]
nleteneynn n. kind of animal.
nīetenlic animal, brutish, Bo3528(ē). adv.

-līce like an animal, Wtj51(!(ŷ).
nīetennes f, brutishness, Æ(ŷ).

neowol (i) precipitous : headlong : prone,
prostrate, Æ,Bo(i] : obscure, deep down,
abysmal, ['miel']
neowoliic (i1, e2) profound, deep, ÆL766.
neowolnes f. depth, abyss, chasm, Æ(i1).
nēp only in phr. for'ðsanges n, without power

of admitting? Ex 469.
nēpflōd m. neap-tide, ebb, low tide, GL.
nepte = neft e

+_ner (ea) n. refuge, protection, ÆL,AO.
ner = nēar

+ner-ednes, -renes f. deliverance.
nergend m. saviour, preserver (Christ, God),
±nerian to save, rescue, liberate, Æ.AO.Cī* :

preserve, defend, protect. [Goth, nasjan;
Ger. nāhren]
nerlend, Berigend= nergend
nērra = nēar(r)a

+nerstede in. refuge, sanctuary, WW18623.
nerung f. guard, protection, OEG5395.
nerw-=nearw-, nirew-; nerx-=neorx-
±nesan5 (usu. +) to escape from, survive, be

nese (æ) adv. no, Æ,CP. [ne, sī]
nest I. n. 'nest,' MtL,Ph;JĒ : young bird,

brood. II. n. food, provisions, victuals.
nest, nēsta (VPs)=nīehst, nīehsta
nestan <o spin, NG.
nestig = nistig

nestiian to make a nest, LPslOS16.
nestpohha m. wallet, Mt-LlO10.
net = nett; net- = nyt-
neta IB. caul, WW26620.
netan = nytan
netel, netele f. 'nettle,' Led.
nēten (Bo, l'Ps)==!nīeten
netenes = ny tennes ; nētl (Op) = nædl
netle (Cp) = netele
neton = nyton pres. pi. of rytan.
netrāp m. snare, gin, WW.
nett (y) n. 'net,' Æ,Bo,WW '• netting, net-
work, spider 's web, PPs. [Goth,
nette (y) f. the net-like caul, WW.
nettgern n. knitting yarn, EC377. [gearn]
+ nettian to ensnare, OEG4596.
±nēðan to venture on, dare, risk, AO. [nōS]
+nēSediie = + nīededlic
+ne"Serian = +niðerian
nēðīng f. boldness, daring, AO.
nēðl (Ā)=nǽdl
neurisn f, aneurism, LCD.
newesēoða (i1) m. pit of the stomach? bowels?

newest = nēawest
next (LWS)r=i,nīehst; nī- = n!g-, nīw-
nio, nice adv. not I (=no). [ne, ic]
nioor (e2) m. nap. nicras mater-sprite, sea-

rnons†er, B,Bl: hippopotamus, walrus, Nar.
nicorhūs n. sea-riion.ster's dwelling, B1411.
nīd = nJed ; nīd- = nēad-, nīed-, nŷd-
nīed I. {ē, ēa, ēo, I, y) fn. 'need,' necessity,

compulsion, duty, Ii(f),BH(ē),NG(ē); AO,
nlewe = nīwe,
nīJara m. new comer, stranger, PPs3815.
nifol dark, gloomy [= neowol]
nitt f, niece, BU,Ep,TC : granddaughter :
step-daughter, ['nij'l']
nīg- = nīw-; nigant=i.nigon ; nlge- = nigo-
nīgeeyrred newly converted, OEG 3447.
nīgefara = nlf ara
nīgehalgod newly consecrated (of a king),

newly crowned,, ÆL 1 832e.
nīgehwyrfed newly converted, Æ~L5lie.
nigenda = nigoSa