Norðanhyrnbre, NorShymbre mp. North- norðwestgemǽre m. north-west limit, bovn-
umbrians, Chr : Nor'tlmmbria. ['North- dary, A0831.
timber'] norðwind m. north wind, WW3788.
norðanweard northward. nōse† f. ness, promontory.
norðanwestan adv. from the north-west, nosgrisele = nosugrisle
north-westerly, AO. nosle ( W W153) = nostle
norSanwBstanwind m. north-ivest wind, WW nostle f. fillet, iand, CP,WW. ['nostel']
810. nos-ftīrl, -Sŷr(e)l, -terl (WW) n. 'nostril,'
norðanwind m. north wind.
norðdǽl m. north quarter, northernnorth, Æ,AO,Chr. ['nortiideal']
norðduru f. north door, BL203.
nortSēast sbm. and adv. 'north-eastChr.
nortSēastende m. north-cast end, AO 14
norðēasthyrne f. north-east corner, LV
norðēastlang extending north-eastward
norðemest = norSmest
norðende m. northern quarter.
norðerne 'northern,' Northumbrian,dinavian, Æ,Chr,Met.
norðerra (BC,Chr) comp. adj. v.[' north er']
norðeweard adj. northward, north, AO
norðfolc n. northern folk : people of N
norðgemǽre n. northern limit, AO.
norðheall f. north side, north,

nosu f. gds. noaa, nose 'nose,' Æ,Chr,CP.
nosugrisle f. nose-gristle.
not m. mark, note, A 8-333. [L. nota]
nōtere m. one who makes notes, scribe, writer,

OEG2840. [L. notarius]
nōteðǽshwōn = nāteshwōn
notgeorn industrious, W729. [nēotan]
±notian to enjoy : use, employ, Bo,BB,WW ;

Æ,CP : discharge an office :( + )' note,' MtL.
notu f. enjoyment, use, advantage, utility,

AO,RB : employment, office, discharge of a
duty, BB;CP. ['note'; nēotan]
notwrītere m. one who makes notes, scribe,

nōð†f. daring, boldness -.booty, plunder (GK),

WHALE 28 ?
nōðer (OP) = nāhwæSer. ['nother']
AO,Bl. nōwend m. shipmaster, sailor, NC312.
nōwēr = nāhwǽr

norðhere m. army from the north, CHR910A. nō-wiht (CP.F-Ps), -wuht, -wyht = nāht.
Nor,5hymbre = (l) NorSanhymbre; (2) ['nought^]

nōwðer (SC)=nāhwæSer.
nū I. adv. 'now,' at present, at this time,
A,AO,Bl,VPs;CP : very recently, A,Bo :
introducing commands, requests (Bl,Cr,Ps)
and arguments (Æ,Bo,CP).
nū gen still.
nū gīet as yet, still, nū Sā now, already, Æ
Il.conj. now that, inasmuch as,
because, since, when, Bl,Bo, VPs;
III. intcrj. lot behold! come! Ǽ. nū la now.

numen I. pp. of niman. II. 'vulsio,' MkL
p. 2" (v. A16-74).

numol (æl, e2, u2) 'capax,' holding much,
quick at learning, Æ(rr,WW : 'mordax,'
quick at seizing,
NG313. ['nimble']

nūna adv. now, WW25424.
Norðhymbrisc Northumbrian, Æ.
norSīand n. northern land or shore, AO,Chr.

norðlanu f. north lane, Gt.
norðlēode mp. northern folk, Angles, LL.
norðlic northern, WW3611.
norðmann m. dweller in the north, Scandi-
navian, Æ,AO,Chr. ['Northman'}
norðmest (AO,Met) superl. of norS adj. and

adv. ['northmost'] norðor (AO) v. nor'ð. ['norther']
norðportic m. north porch, BH1062.
norðra v. nor'ð.

norðrodor m. northern sky, Gtr 1253.
norðryhte adv. direct northwards, due north,

AO IT9-12.
norðsǽ f. northern sea, 'North Sea,' Æ,Chr. nunfǽmne f. nan, GD50, 340.
norðscēata m. northern point, promontory, nunhīred m. nunnery, TG2328.

A0283. nunlīj n. life of a nun, GD199".
norððēod f. northern people, BH5012. nunmynster, nunnanmynster n. convent,

norðSunor rn. thunder from the north, ES
Norð-wēalas, -wālas mp. North Welsh (i.e.

not Cornish) : Wales.

nunne f. 'nun,'
Æ,BH : pagan priestess,
vestal, AO.
nunserūd n. nun's dress, TG53812.
nusēoða = newesēoSa ; nūðā v. nū.
nybðe (VHy) = nym'Se
+nyoled (Gt) = +eyncled
nŷdl. =nīed. II. =nēod
nŷd- = nēad-, nīed-
nŷdbebod n. command, GREAT 72.
nŷdbe-hōf, -hōflio needful, necessary.

Norðwēaleynn n. inhabitants
Wales, dm.
norðwea.'d adj. and adv. north,

of (North)
' northward,'

Chr; AO.
norðweardes adv. ' northwards,' Chr..
norðweg m. a way leading northwards,

Ex 68 : Norway.
norðwest adv. 'north-west,' AO,BC.
norSwestende m. north-west end, AO.

nŷdboda m. messenger of evil? Ex 474.