NYDBRICE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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NOR0ANHYMBRB | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Norðanhyrnbre, NorShymbre mp. North- norðwestgemǽre m. north-west limit, bovn- umbrians, Chr : Nor'tlmmbria. ['North- dary, A0831. timber'] norðwind m. north wind, WW3788. norðanweard northward. nōse† f. ness, promontory. norðanwestan adv. from the north-west, nosgrisele = nosugrisle north-westerly, AO. nosle ( W W153) = nostle norSanwBstanwind m. north-ivest wind, WW nostle f. fillet, iand, CP,WW. ['nostel'] 810. nos-ftīrl, -Sŷr(e)l, -terl (WW) n. 'nostril,' | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
norðanwind m. north wind. norðdǽl m. north quarter, northernnorth, Æ,AO,Chr. ['nortiideal'] norðduru f. north door, BL203. nortSēast sbm. and adv. 'north-eastChr. nortSēastende m. north-cast end, AO 14 norðēasthyrne f. north-east corner, LV norðēastlang extending north-eastward norðemest = norSmest norðende m. northern quarter. norðerne 'northern,' Northumbrian,dinavian, Æ,Chr,Met. norðerra (BC,Chr) comp. adj. v.[' north er'] norðeweard adj. northward, north, AO norðfolc n. northern folk : people of N norðgemǽre n. northern limit, AO. norðheall f. north side, north, | Æ,Lcd. nosu f. gds. noaa, nose 'nose,' Æ,Chr,CP. nosugrisle f. nose-gristle. not m. mark, note, A 8-333. [L. nota] nōtere m. one who makes notes, scribe, writer, OEG2840. [L. notarius] nōteðǽshwōn = nāteshwōn notgeorn industrious, W729. [nēotan] ±notian to enjoy : use, employ, Bo,BB,WW ; Æ,CP : discharge an office :( + )' note,' MtL. notu f. enjoyment, use, advantage, utility, AO,RB : employment, office, discharge of a duty, BB;CP. ['note'; nēotan] notwrītere m. one who makes notes, scribe, WW45135. nōð†f. daring, boldness -.booty, plunder (GK), WHALE 28 ? nōðer (OP) = nāhwæSer. ['nother'] AO,Bl. nōwend m. shipmaster, sailor, NC312. nōwēr = nāhwǽr | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
['northhalf] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
norðhere m. army from the north, CHR910A. nō-wiht (CP.F-Ps), -wuht, -wyht = nāht. Nor,5hymbre = (l) NorSanhymbre; (2) ['nought^] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
nōwðer (SC)=nāhwæSer. nū I. adv. 'now,' at present, at this time, A,AO,Bl,VPs;CP : very recently, A,Bo : introducing commands, requests (Bl,Cr,Ps) and arguments (Æ,Bo,CP). nū gen still. nū gīet as yet, still, nū Sā now, already, Æ ('nowthe'). Il.conj. now that, inasmuch as, because, since, when, Bl,Bo, VPs; AO,CP. III. intcrj. lot behold! come! Ǽ. nū la now. +neah numen I. pp. of niman. II. 'vulsio,' MkL p. 2" (v. A16-74). numol (æl, e2, u2) 'capax,' holding much, quick at learning, Æ(rr,WW : 'mordax,' quick at seizing, NG313. ['nimble'] nūna adv. now, WW25424. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Nor'ðhymbriso Norðhymbrisc Northumbrian, Æ. norSīand n. northern land or shore, AO,Chr. ['northland'] norðlanu f. north lane, Gt. norðlēode mp. northern folk, Angles, LL. norðlic northern, WW3611. norðmann m. dweller in the north, Scandi- navian, Æ,AO,Chr. ['Northman'} norðmest (AO,Met) superl. of norS adj. and adv. ['northmost'] norðor (AO) v. nor'ð. ['norther'] norðportic m. north porch, BH1062. norðra v. nor'ð. norðrodor m. northern sky, Gtr 1253. norðryhte adv. direct northwards, due north, AO IT9-12. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
norðsǽ f. northern sea, 'North Sea,' Æ,Chr. nunfǽmne f. nan, GD50, 340. norðscēata m. northern point, promontory, nunhīred m. nunnery, TG2328. A0283. nunlīj n. life of a nun, GD199". norððēod f. northern people, BH5012. nunmynster, nunnanmynster n. convent, | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
norðSunor rn. thunder from the north, ES 39-351. Norð-wēalas, -wālas mp. North Welsh (i.e. not Cornish) : Wales. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
nunnery. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
nunne f. 'nun,' | Æ,BH : pagan priestess, | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
vestal, AO. nunserūd n. nun's dress, TG53812. nusēoða = newesēoSa ; nūðā v. nū. nybðe (VHy) = nym'Se +nyoled (Gt) = +eyncled nŷdl. =nīed. II. =nēod nŷd- = nēad-, nīed- nŷdbebod n. command, GREAT 72. nŷdbe-hōf, -hōflio needful, necessary. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Norðwēaleynn n. inhabitants Wales, dm. norðwea.'d adj. and adv. north, | of (North) ' northward,' | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Chr; AO. norðweardes adv. ' northwards,' Chr.. norðweg m. a way leading northwards, Ex 68 : Norway. norðwest adv. 'north-west,' AO,BC. norSwestende m. north-west end, AO. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
nŷdboda m. messenger of evil? Ex 474. nŷfl6rice(ē)m.reg'ttire»!«Mt,n«.2o',ÆH21144"1. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||