OFERRICSIAN | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
OFERHELUNG | 221 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
oferhelung f. covering, veiling, concealing, oferlecgan to place over, CM 899 : overburden, Sc2235. surfeit, HL1189; 12". | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
vehemence of feeling, 166*0, oferhergean to overrun, ravage, AO. oferhīdig = ofcrhygdig oJerhleran (ēo, ŷ) to 'overhear,' hear, AO : disobey, disregard, neglect, AO. bferhīernes (ō, I, ŷ) f. neglect, disobedience : | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
o | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
by : transgress, PslOO3. C. ['overlive'] 'overly'] 48. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
olerlīflan = oferhlīfian oferlīhlan to light upon, ÆL23b568 : excel in brightness. oferlfSan1 to pass over ['overlove'] oJerlŷftlic above the air, NC314. ofermæcga† m. very illustrious being. oiermægen† n. overpowering might. ofermæstan to over-fatten. ofermǽte excessive, immoderate, AO,CP. ' overmete'] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
fine for transgression of law or legal orders (='superauditio'), LL. oferhigd = of erhygd oferhige? m. przde, PPs877. [hyge] oferhigian to delude, turn the head of, B2766. oferhīran (A0) = oferhīeran oferhlæstan to overload, AO. oferhlēapan' to jump over, surmount, over- come, BH : pass over, Led. ['overleap'] oferhlēapend m. over-leaper, WW190-. oferhlēoðrian to surpass in loud-ness. Oferhlēoður failing to hear, PPs93". | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
oferhlllan1 (OKG), oferhlīfian (Æ,CP) to otcrmætlic vast, A05210. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ofermæto = of ermētto ofermagan swv. to have greater power, pre- vail, Sc9719. ofermāðum m. costly treasure, B2993. A ofermearcung f. superscription, MkL p5l. ofcrmēde I. n. pride, CP. II. adj. proud, arrogant, [mod] ofermēdla m. haughtiness, pride. ofermēdu (CP) = ofermētto ofermete m. gorging, gluttony, CP. ofermētto f. (often in pi.) pride, Æ,AO,CP. olermicel over-much, excessive, AO,BB. [' ouermickle'] ofermicelnes f. excess, So 13. ofermōd (1) n. pride, insolence, Gen,Ma. ['overmod'] (2) adj. proud, overbearing, insolent, Bl; Æ.CP. ofer-mōdgian (CP), -mōdig(i)an to be •proud, arrogant. ofermōdgung f. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
tower over, overtop, excel, exceed, surpass. olerhlīfung f. loftiness, sublimity, GL. ofer-hlūd, -hlŷde clamorous, noisy, WW ['overloud'] adv. -hlūde. oferhlŷp m. a jump (over something), 8-308; 316. oferhlyttrian to clarify, strain, ÆGR2228. oferhoga m. despiser, proud man. oferhogian to despise (Bl,Bo). ['overhow'oferhogiend m. despiser, RB486. oferhogodnes f. pride, disdain, GD1443. oierholt n. phalanx of shields, Ex 157. oferhrǽgan (w. d.) to tower above? SOL35. oferhrēfan to roof over, cover. oferhrēred overthrown, WW. oferhrops greediness, WW10219. oferhrŷian = of erhrēf an oferhrŷred =oferhrēred oferhycgean to despise, AO,CP. ofer-hŷd, -hŷd-=ofer-hygd, -hygd- | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
oferhygd (i) I. fn. pride, conceit, arrogance, ofermōdig proud, arrogant, Lcd;AO. CP. II. adj. haughty, proud. 'overmod'] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
oferhygdgian to be proud, CVPsO2-. oferhygdig I. n. pride. II. adj. ha proud. ofer-hygdiglīce, -hīdlīce, arrogantly, Noferhygdu f. = oferhygd I. oferhylmend m. dissembler, PPsllS119oferhŷran = oferhīeran oferhŷre heedless, neglectful, LL(24422) oferhyrned having horns above, RUN 2. oferhŷrnes f. heedlessness, neglect, obedience, LL. +oferian to elevate, HGL428. oferīdyllīce vainly, emptily, CPsSO'. ofering f. superabundance, Bo. oferlād f. ' translatio,' solemn removalbody or relics of a saint to a shrine, D oJerlǽdan to oppress, SI. ['overlead' oferlǽfan to be left over, remain, ['overleave'] oferlagu f. cloak, GL. | ofermōdignes f. pride, haughtiness, arro- gance, Mk. [v. 'overmod'] oierniōdlic proud, haughty, insolent, CP. adv. -Hoe. oJerrnōdnes = oferrnōdignes ofernēod f. extreme need, Bx,LL. oierniman4 (y) to take away, carry off, seize, ravish. ofernōn fn. afternoon (after 3.0 p.m.), WW | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
dis- | 175". | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
oferorn = oferarn pret. 3 sg. of oferyrnan. oferprūt 'over-proud,' presumptuous, arro- gant, haughty, Sc. oferprŷda m. excessive pride. oferrǽdan to read over, M : consider, infer, ['over-read'] olerrane too luxurious, W46-. ['overrani'] LkLB. oferrecean to confute, convince, convict, CP. oferrenou f. extravagance, W462. oferrīcslan to rule over, OP119IS. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||