oferrīdan1 to n'cle across, BH. ['override']
oferrōwan' to row over, Æ.
olersælio on the outer side of the sea, BH2463.
ofersǽlig excessively happy, 1)1)246.
olersǽltS f. excessive pleasure, METŌ'-'.
ofersǽwisefrom. across the sea, foreign.
olersāwan' to sow over, lit 13-'.
oterscēadan' to scatter o>-er, sprinkle over,

ofer-seeadian (CP), -sceadewian to over-

olersceatt m. usury, interest, MtR252',
oferscēawian to superintend, LL.
olerseēawigend m. overseer, bishop, LL.
oferscīnan1 to illuminate.
oferseūan to overshadow.
ofersēam m, bag, LkL1233.
ofersēcan to overtax, B2686.
otersegl m, top-sail, WW74.
ofersegllan to sail across, J/t. ['oversail']
ofersēgon = ofersāwon pret, pi. of ofersēon.
ofersendan to transmit, ÆGi,17213.
ofersēoones f. great illness, LL.
olerseollrian (y) to cover over with silver, AO.
ofersēon3 to see over, overlook, survey, observe,
see, Bo : despise, neglect, W. ['oversee']

ofersettan to set over, VPs : overcome, GD

ofersittan5 occupy, possess, Bo, VPs ; forbear,
desist, refrain from, Ji,B. ['oversit']

oferslæge = of erslege
oferslǽp m. too much sleep, LCD 1-34213.
ofers!ēans to subdue, overcome, RB3215.
Oferslege n. lintel, Æ.
Olerslop n. loose upper garment, surplice,
stole, Lcd,LkL. ['overslap']

oterslype m, over-garment, surplice, Æ.
ofersmēaung f. too exhaustive consideration,

otersprǽc f. loquacity, CP.
Ofersprǽce talkative, tattling, tale-bearing,

Ofersprǽdan to overlay, cover, RB,
oferspreca m.onewhotalkstoomucli, OEG289.
Ofersprecan5 to say too much, be abusive.
Olersprēce = ofersprǽce
Ofersprecol talking too much, tattling,

Ofersprecolnes f. talkativeness, CP30816.
oferstǽlan to confute, convict, convince, M,

oferstæppan5 to over-step, cross : exceed.
oferstandan6 to come upon, BH30825.
ofersteall m. opposition. ǼH1-534™.
oferstealla m. .survivor, MH21088.
oferstellan to jump over, BH4002'-.
ofersteppan = oferstæppan
oferstīgan1 to climb over, mount, scale, sur-
mount, overcome,
^0;Æ,CP : surpass,
excel, exceed, BH;
Æ,CP. ['orersty']

oferstlge m. astonishment, ÆL23655.
oferstīgendlic superlative, ÆGr.1518.
oferstigennes 'extasis,' passing over, OEG

oferswrmman1 to swim over or across, B
2307. ['overswim']
oferswingan3 'transverberare' \ GD34433.
oferswfSan (ŷ) wv. and sv1 to overpower,

ova-come, conquer, vanquish, Æ,AO,CP :
excel, surpass.
oterswrSe adv, over-much, excessive.
oferswrSestre f. 'viclrix.' WW22439.
oferswrSnes f. pressure,, distress, NG.
olerswrSriaii to prevail, conquer.
ofsrswlðung f, pressure, distress, NG.
oterswōgan' to cover, choke, BL 2039,
oferswŷðan = of erswfðan
ofersylfrian (AO) = oferseolfrian
ofersŷman to overload, oppress, [seam]
olertæl n. odd number, LCD 1-288.
ofertǽle superstitious, >Sc"21810.
oferteldan3 to cover over, Ex 81.
ofertēon2 to draw over, cover, Æ : finish.
ofertogennes £. the condition of being covered,
ofertrahtnian to treat of, ÆHl-202-8.
ofertredan to tread doiim, QPH. ['over-
ofertrūwa m. over-confidence, LL 180,8,7,

[' overtrow']
otertrūwian to tntsi too much, CP.
oferðearf f. great need, extreme distress,
ojerðearfa m. one in great need, CK 153.
olerSeccan to cover over, hide, Æ.
ofertSēon1'3 to excel, surpass, Æ,CP.
oferSoht thought over, considered, GD31620.
oferðrēawian (a3)' increpare,' EPs6731.
olertSryccednes (i) f. pressure, oppression,

oferSrymm m. excessive power, ÐD52.
oferwacian to watch over, Æ. ['overwūke']
oferwadan6 to wade across, A07233. ['over-

oferwealdan7 to get the better of, LL454[7].
oferwealdend m. over-lord, ruler, EL 1236.
oferweaxan6 to overgrow, overspread, Æ,Bl.

[' owu'az']
ofervveder n. storm, tempest, Cint794£.
oferwelig very rich, NC314,
ofsr-wennan, -wenian to be proud, become

insolent or presumptuous.
olerweoro n. sarcophagus, tomb, Æ,OEG.

oferweorpan3 to throw over, overthrow, CP,

Led : throw down, assault, LL56[11,1]: cast
something over another, sprinkle : stumble?
B1543. ['overwarp']
oferwlgan to overcome, SOL299.
oJerwillan' to boil down, [weallan]
o{erwinnan3to contend with,overcome, subdue,

Æ,AO;CP. ['overwin']
olerwintran to go through the winter, WW.

oferwist f. gluttony, excess, CP.
oferwistlic supersubstantial, MtL6J1.
olerwlenean to be very wealthy, A04412.

oterwleneu f. excessive riches, GTJ 389.
oterwrecan5 to overwhelm, WW35".