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on-set, -setl, n. a sitting on, riding on, GD183. onsetenes f. laying on (of hands), MH848. onsetnes I. f. constitution, founding. II. f. snare, DR121". [sittan] onsetnung f. snare, DR1477. onsettan to impose, oppress, bear down. onsīcan1 to sigh, groan, Bo. onsīen = ansīen onsīgan1 to .sink, decline, descend : approach, impend, Æ : assail, Æ. onsit = onset onsittan I. sv5 to seat oneself in, occupy, Æ : oppress. II. sv5 to fear, dread (=ond-). onsittend m. rider, CH^1. onslæge m. blow, WW. [siege] onslǽpan' and wv. to go to sleep, sleep, BH. onslāpan = onslǽpan onslūpan7 to become loose, W 83. onslŷpan to loosen. onsnǽsan (LL69[36]) v. snǽsan. onsnīðan1 to cut up, LCD (ES43-321). onsond = onsand onspǽo f. imputation, charge, claim. onspannan7 to unfasten, unbind, unloose, open, disclose, release. onspeca m. accuser, claimant, LL138 [1,3]. onspecend m. accuser, TC16917. onspornan = onspurnan onspornend (=un-) not stumbling, Scl878. onsprǽc f. speech, discourse, GD3329 (an-). onsprecan5 to accuse : address. onspreccan to enliven, RIM 9? onspringan3 to spring forth, originate, rise, burst forth, burst asunder. onsprungennes f. eclipse, WW22539. onspurnan3 to strike against, stumble. onstæl m. order, arrangement, G0796. onstǽlan to impute to, accuse of, MFH170. onstæpe (e) m. ingress, ESPs6726. onstæppan6 to walk, go. onstal (=ea?) m. provision, supply, CP41. onstāl m? charge, reproof, OEG. onstandende urgent, importunate, Sell I14. onstellan to institute, create, originate, establish, give the example of, Bl; AO,CP. ['onstell'] onstēpan (=īe) to raise.† Hy438. onstīgend m. one who ascends or mounts, VHy41. onsting m. claim, authority, jurisdiction, Ct. onstīðian to harden, JnLR 1240. onstregdan3 (and wk.) to sprinkle, BJPs 509; VPs(i2). onstydfullnes f. instability, DR. onstŷran to govern, BH27611 (v.l.). onstyr-ednes, -enes f. movement. onstyrlan to move, rouse, disturb, stir, agitate, excite, CP. onsund!=4 ansund onsun-dran, -dron, -drum adv. singly, separately, apart: privately : especially. onsundrian = āsyndrian onswāpan' to sweep on, blow on, GL : sweep away, banish. | |||||||||||
onrǽsan I. to rush (on), VPs. ['onrese'] II. nap. of wk. sb. irruptions, WW. onred m. name of a plant, LCD. onrēodan v. onhrēodan ; onrettan=ōrettan onrid n. riding horse, CC. onrldan1 to ride (on a raid, etc.), CHB871A. onriht rig/it, lawful, proper : partaking of? Ex358. adv. AS138. also -lice, BL4316. onrihtwīsnes = unrihtwīsnes onriptīd f. harvest-time, ES 39-352. onrīsan (Æ) = ārīsan [' onrise' ] onryne m. running on, course : incursion, attack, assault. onsacan6 to contest, dispute, strive against, resist, repel : (†) attack : refuse, deny, con- tradict : exculpate, excuse oneself. onsæc I. denying : excused. II. (LL24[41] Ld) = andsæc onsǽgan† to prostrate. onsægd- = onsæged- onsǽge assailing, attacking, [sīgan] onsægednes (e) f. sacrifice, offering, Æ : oblation, (sacrificial) victim. onsægnes f. holocaust, sacrifice, BLPs65ls. onsægung f. sacrifice, WW. onsǽlan to untie, loosen. onsæt I. pret. 3 sg. of onsittan. II.=onset onsagu f. affirmation, accusation, reproach, Mt;Æ. ['onsaw'] onsand f. sending against, VPs. ['onsand'] onsang m. incantation, GD7326. onsāwan7 to sow : introduce into, implant, CM 658. onsceacan6 (a) to shake, shake off, remove. onsceacnes f. excuse, EPs. [=onsacnes, Swt] onsccamian = ofsoeamian onsceon- = onscun- onsceortian to grow short, MH10423. onscēotan2 (un-) to c«t, up, open, eviscerate. onscillan (=y2) to give 6ack a sound, reply, OEG8265. onscōgan to unshoe, pp. onsoōd unshod. onscrŷdan to clothe, EPs,So. onscunian (eo, y) to shun, avoid, fear, detest, hate, LL; Æ,C.P : put away, reject, despise : irritate, ['ashun'] on-scuniendlic (CP), -scunigendlio (Æ) hate- ful, detestable. onsounigend m. h«ter, Btlll29. onscunung f. execration, abomination : exasperation. onscynian — onscunian onsoyte m. attack, assault : defamation, calumny. onseacan (Cp6G5) = onsceacan onsēcan require, exact, Jul. ['onseek'] onsecgan to renounce, deny : offer sacrifice, AO : impute, Æ : inform, Æ. onsēgednes = onsǽpednes onsēn (VPs)=ansīen onsendan to send out, send forth, transmit, yield up, AO,CP. onsēon I. (sv5) to see, look on, behold, regard, take notice of, AO. II. (A)—ansīen | |||||||||||