C 236 PSALTERE plont- = plant- prafostfolgoS m. order or rank of provost, plot plot of ground, LL400[3]. RB 126". pluccian to 'pluck,' tear, Æ,Ml,WW. prafostselr f. provostship, RB12416. plūmblǽd f. plum, LcD86a. prariga v. wranga. plūme'f. 'plum,' Æ,Cp : plum-tree, Cp,Ep, prass m. array, pomp, Æ. Erf; Mdf. prattas v. prsott; prēan=prcon plūmle-Ser f. doirn, ES9-39. [L. pliima] prēde = prŷde, prŷte plūmsēaw n. plum-juice, LcD3-ll421(ē). prēdicere m. preacher, ÆGK2761. plūmsiā f. wild plum, sloe, WW139*. prēdicīan to preach, LkS1. plūmtrēow n. plum-tree, Ǽ. prēdicung f. preaching. NC315. piycean only in plice 2 sg. subj. (/J/1.22) prēon m. 'fibula,' pin, brooch, TC,ll'W, and plyce (imperat.) (IM 127) to pluck, ['preen'} pull, snatch, NC315. ['pKtch'] prēost (ēa, ē, io) m. 'priest,' presbyter, BH, plyhtlic = plihtlio LL,Mt, W W; AO,CP. plŷme f. plum, plum-tree, GL. [L. *prunea] prēostgesamnung f. community of priests, pocādl f. eruptive disease, pox, LCD. NC315. poec m. 'pack,' blister, pustule, blrtin, ulcer, prēosthād m. 'priesthood,' BH.OEQ; Æ,f!P. Led. prēosthēap m. body of priests, GD30225. pocea (L/tL) = pohha prēosthired (ŷ2) m. body of priests. pohha, poh(ch)a m. pocket, bag, CP,MkL. prēostlagu f. ecclesiastical law, canon law ['pough'] ' L'L380[2,3]. pohhede baggy, KB. ['pough'} prēostlic 'priestly.' canonical, CM667. pel m. 'pool,' CP,JnL ; Æ ; Mdf. prēostrēaJ n. priestly garment, NC316. polente? f. parched corn, Æ. ['•polenta'; L.} prēostregol m. canonical rule, NC316. poliegie f. pennyroyal, LCD. [L. pulegium] prēostscŷr f. parish, LL. ['priestshire'] pollup m. scourge? (BT), LL(27826). prēowthwīlf. tivinkUng of an eye, moment, Æ. pon- = pan-; pond=pynd press f. press, A9-26312. popæg (Cp) = popig prioa m., price f. 'prick,' point, spot, dot, Æ, popelstān (OJĒ?G1815) = papolstān Lcd,Mt;smallportionofspaceorlime,A,Æ, popig in? 'poppy,' Gl,WW. -pricean v. ā-p. por, porr, porlēao n. leek, Æ. [L. pornim] pricel, pricels m. 'prickle,' goad, point, Lk, port I. mn. 'port,' harbour, AO : town with OEG : jot, tittle, MtL,LkL. a harbour, BH; Mdf. [L, portus] II. m. ±prlcian tr. to pierce, Æ: intr. 'prick,' sling, portal, door, gate, entrance, J[tL,Ps ; Mdf. Sc : ( + ) point out, A8'324. ['port'; L. porta] priemǽlum adv. by points. portcwēne f. prostitute, NG. pricung f. '-pricking,' remorse, Æ2-8822. porte f. =porfc II. prīm n? the first hour (6 a.m.) : the service portgeat n. city gate, Æ. held at 6 a.m., 'prime,' WW. [L. prima portgerēfa m. 'port-reeve,' mayor, Æ,LL, (sc. hora)] IK IK. prtmsang m. prime-song, service of prime. portgeriht n. town-due, ICCS-ISS10. prince? twinkling of an eye, moment, v. 0EQ ±portian to bray {in a mortar), CP. 2369. portic mn. portico, 'porch,' vestibule, sane- prior m. 'prior,' TO. [L.] tuary, chapel, BH,Jn;Ǽ. [L. portious] pr!t = prŷt portmann m. townsman, burgess, Æ,WW. prodbor (prot-) n. auger f MtR, ['portman'] profast = prafost portstræt f. public street, Ct, prōflan to assume to be, take for, ILL. [L. portweall m. city wall, Æ. probare] port-wer, -weora (=-wara) m. citizen, projost = prafost ±pos n. cold in head, Led. ['pose'] prut 'proud,' arrogant, OEG,Sc. posa=pusa prutene (ū?) f. southern-wood, wormwood, posl, postling m. 'pellet, pill, LCD. LCD. [L. abrotanum] post m. 'post,' Æ,WW. • [L. postis] prūtian to be 'proiid,' NC3W, postol m, apostle, LkR. ['postle'] prūtliee adv. 'proudly, pompously, magnif.- potian to push, butt, goad, Æ,W. ['pote'] cently, pott m. 'pot,' Led 1-37-9 (v. late). prūtseipe m, arrogance, pride. pottere m. potter, BC3'49', prūtswongor overburdened with pride, W prsett m. nap. prattas trick, craft, art, Æ, TF, 25712 (v.l.). ZDA. ['prat'] prūtung f. pride, arrogance, OEO. [v. prættig (e) tricky, sly, cunning, wily, astute, 'proud'] H7IK;Æ. ['pretty'] prŷde=prŷte; prŷdecere = prēdioere prafost (o1, a2, e2) m. officer, 'provost' (of a prŷto, prŷte f. 'pride,' haughtiness, pomp, monastery), KC,MH,BB;Æ. [L. pro- Æ,LL,OEG,W. pos(i)tus] psaltere (Lcd)=saltere | ||||