minute in the same position. Had his French pronunciation been more perfect I should rather
have taken him for a Frenchman than a German. After that I went and saw the " Convict," as it is
called ; this is an immense old hall, in which 300 or 400 poor hungry students, mostly theologians,
are fed twice a day at Government cost; mid-day they get meat and vegetables, in the evening a
soup, and what they call a "brei," i.e. a sort of porridge, and each a loaf about the size of an
English twopenny loaf.'

On the 15th of March he was back at Dresden, by Eilwagen, where he resumed
his studies. On the 5th of May his friend Professor Chalybćus took him to see Tieck
and to hear him read, as he was in the habit of doing every Sunday evening to a select
circle of twenty or thirty persons. On the i5th he set off with the same friend for a
pedestrian tour in Saxon Switzerland, and on the i yth he quitted Dresden with much
regret. He was now on his way home again, passing by Cassell, Göttingen, Brunswick,
Hamburg, Bremen, and Holland, taking the steamer for London at Rotterdam, and
arriving on the i4th of June. In England Cleasby stayed till the outbreak of the
French Revolution in that year; as soon as it was thought safe to visit France, he
crossed on the I yth of August from Brighton to Dieppe, and made his way by Rouen
to Paris. There he was surprised to see no traces of any recent tumult or excitement.
The only thing unusual which he seems to have remarked was the utter absence of
priests in the streets. On the i yth of August he left Paris for Nancy and Strasburg,
and, crossing the Rhine, arrived at Leipzig on the 4th of September, just in time to see
a little riot in the streets, in which, while the troops remained inactive, the populace
entered the houses of obnoxious persons and destroyed their furniture. On the 5th
Cleasby notes :

' The police establishment ceased yesterday to exist, and all military interference seems to be

On the 6th he left Leipzig, and travelled to Munich by way of Baireuth and
Nuremberg, and on the I2th he reached the Bavarian capital, which ever after he
considered his head-quarters in Germany, and to which, in his latest years, he fondly
imagined that he should return after he had finished his labours in the North. His
first friend in Munich was the eccentric Hoffmann, who shewed him all the lions which
he had not already seen, and introduced him to many literary men. By this time
Cleasby was a very good German scholar, and he began at once to attend Schelling's
lectures on Philosophy, and to study Old German under Massmann and Schmeller,
with the last of whom he contracted a lasting friendship. On the loth of November
he notes:

' I heard yesterday Professor Schelling deliver his introductory lecture to the course he intends
reading this season on the Philosophy of Mythology, in which he expressed the deepest regret at
the declining state of the Gymnasia, i. e. the schools where the youths are prepared for the
universities. . . . He received a treble " Lebe Hoch " on appearing, and was much moved in reading
the first part of his lecture.'

On the 29th of December he writes :

' There had been a little row with a few tipsy students on Christmas Eve, which the Govern-
ment foolishly made a great fuss about, and pretended to see in it a Revolution, so that the military