Ixviii RICHARD CLEASBY. 1831-33.

Then he goes on to describe how he had consoled his disappointment at not seeing
Greece by a tour through the Tyrol, Switzerland, and the Italian Lakes, and says his
address till further advices will still be Munich.

On the 27th of October he returned to his old quarters in that city, and on the
ist of November dined with Dr. Martins, Professor of Botany, where he

' Heard the famous amateur piano-player, Mendelsohn, quite a )^oung man .... he executed
some sonatas of Beethoven in a style perfectly wonderful.'

On the 2nd he resumed his Greek with Joseph Miiller, and on the 22nd of
November he notes :

'We began to-day with Professor Schmeller to read the Anglo-Saxon version of the Gospel of
St. Matthew belonging to the /th century, to be continued every Wednesday.'

At Munich he remained hard at work till the 23rd of April, 1832, when he started
with Louis Halm for a pedestrian tour to Gastein and Salzburg, returning on the gu\ of
May, and almost immediately set off for England, via Frankfort and the Rhine, where
we find him, in London, on the 2oth of that month. Nothing particular occurred on
this visit to England, except that his horrible Kruuter-Kur followed him home, for we
find him taking every morning half a pint of a mixture of dandelion, ground-ivy, and
white horehound, prepared by a herbalist in Covent Garden. At the same time he
procured from Dr. Bandinel, of the Bodleian Library, a copy of the Anno Lied for his
friend Baron Lassberg. On the 4th of June he was off again for Germany, and on the
24th of the month was back at the everlasting Carlsbad drinking the Spriidel. On the
2Qth of July his cure was over, and he was at Munich attending Schelling's lectures.
On the 15th of August Cleasby notes :

' Schelling closed his lectures on the Philosophy of Revelation, completing, with his Philosophy
of Mythology, an entire and perfect course. I gave a crown dollar (4^. 6d.] towards a serenade for
him this evening.'

On the 3Oth of the month Cleasby set off for a lengthened tour in the Austrian
Tyrol, Styria, and the Upper Engadine, from whence he returned on the 5th of October.
Philosophy rather than Philology seems still his favourite study; his Diary is full of
Schelling's lectures, and on the 29th of November he writes:

' Schelling told me to-day, that during the troubles of the war in Germany, when there was
scarcely any telling what might be the result, he had formed a plan for going to England to give
instruction in the Latin language, having excogitated a method by which to teach it in half .the
usual time.'

On the 6th of December he notes :

'Otto, the second son of the King of Bavaria, King of Greece, left Munich this morning to take
possession of his new kingdom.'

In Munich Cleasby remained till the year turned and spring came again, and on the
22nd of April, 1833, he set off on a lengthened tour through Austria and Hungary, in
which latter country he was treated with marked distinction by Graf Mailath and
Pyrker the Archbishop of Erlau. Having covered an immensity of ground, he was
back at Munich on the 20th of May. On the 8th of June he wrote to his father, saying