kan det ikke være nödvendigt at jeg siger Dem noget, ti De kenne desangaaende nöiaktigt min
Plan og mine Önske. Jeg haaber inden omtrent en Maaned at vor^ i Stand til at skrive og sige
Dem temmeligt bestemt Tiden naar De kan vente at see mig igjen ibland mine Danske Venncr.
Jeg bar beskæftiget mig meget, saa meget som Helbreden har tilladt det, mcd Snorro og Fornmanna-
Sögur ogsaa med Islendinga (sögur) og Vatnsdæla og jeg haaber förend jeg tager bort igjen jeg
skal have sorgfaltigt gjennemgaaet en anseelig Portion.'
We now find him, in better health, dining with Henry Reeve at 16 Chester Square,
and running down to see Kemble at Addlestone. On the 5th of April he set off with
his father on an expedition to look at the family property in Westmoreland, which, what
with leases and repairs and tythe squabbles, seems to have been a perpetual trouble.
While Richard Cleasby was enquiring into all these things and struggling to reduce
them to order, his father spent the morning of the 13th of April
' Searching the registers at the clergyman's, the result of which was its appearing probable
that our family came over to Stainmoor from Yorkshire somewhat before the middle of the
seventeenth century.'
On the same day they left Westmoreland to return home, starting from Brough
in a post-chaise, and ' crossing bleak Stainmoor, with a shower of hail to conduct us
out of Westmoreland.' That night they got to Barnard's Castle, and the next day,
about four miles from Darlington, on the Yorkshire side of the Tees, ' saw the little
village of Cleasby, with its beautiful land running down to the river.'
On the 15th of April they were back in town again. For the next few days he
buys presents of cutlery and creature comforts for his friends at Copenhagen, and
on the 23rd he embarked in the 'Neptune' for Hamburg. In that city he stayed
a day, leaving it on the 24th, and reaching Copenhagen on the 27th. As soon as
he returned he resumed his labour at the Dictionary, and his two amanuenses are
now Pjeturson and Gislason, who each receive twenty dollars a month for four hours'
work a-day. On the 3rd of May he begins taking his 'juice of spring herbs' again ;
and on the i8th left Copenhagen for Germany, making before leaving the following
entry in his Diary :
' Left Copenhagen. Left with Gislason Preposition-book, also Verb-book ; also the two books,
one of Njall etc. begun by Pjeturson, the other my own extracts * ; also fourteen bundles, A to G
of the slips with words upon them; also paid him twenty dollars for this month of May, and was
not a little surprised, when offering to pay him for June, to find that he talked of going to Sweden
for the summer, which, and his remaining silent upon up to this moment, appeared very strange, and
quite contrary to what I thought was understood between us. ... I sent to Captain Röder a
deal case containing my two folio books containing skeleton of the Icelandic Dictionary f.'
He was now bound for Marienbad, as a change from Carlsbad. On the 25th of
May he reached his ' beloved Munich/ and immediately called on the Martius's, ' my
cherished friends, whom I found in even increased domestic felicity, from the delightful
promise with which the daughters have grown or are growing up.' Next he called
* These two books have not as yet been returned from Copenhagen.
t These two ' skeleton books' are probably the same as those which Cleasby elsewhere] calls ' control
books;' they have not been returned from Copenhagen.