1845.46. RICHARD CLEASBY. xcix
England again in September, and returned to Copenhagen on the i2th of October,
having passed some clays in Schleswig, where he observes :
'Heard throughout Schleswig that the Dano-German question as to language has rather
increased than diminished in heat and difficulty of solution.'
He was now living at 159 Gammel Strand, where he 'found all in order to
receive him/ On this occasion he returned loaded with creature comforts for his
Danish friends, and on the loth of October he distributed to them ; but finding that
the authorities of the town had overcharged him for the tax on his horse, he
' Wrote to the magistracy on the I4th, begging them to rectify their demand for tax
on my horse from ten dollars, yearly charge as a foreign horse, to two dollars, the proper tax
for a Danish one, which he is/
On the loth he was delighted at hearing Jenny Lind for the first time; and, after
expressing his admiration in warm terms, he adds :
' Such was the rage to get a seat in the theatre to hear her, that people stood last week in
the most horrid storm and rain all the night through, from the time of the theatrical performance
closing at ten o'clock at night till eleven o'clock the next morning, when the doors were opened
again for the disposal of tickets. Those costing a dollar were easily sold at five or six dollars !!'
For the rest of the year 1845 ne worked steadily on with his amanuenses, paying
them regularly for their work. On the very last day of the year he dined with his
friend Ellis, the English clergyman, and on his way back ' heard everywhere the firing
which here begins on New-Year's Eve as soon as it gets dark. It is a sort of com-
pliment in this country to fire off a pistol or two before folks' windows! Every land
has its customs!' With January, 1846, his health seemed to fail him, and he went
to consult a Dr. Bendz, who prescribed leeches and herb-tea and physic, and advised him
not to drink too much cold water in the morning; and for some time after this the
recurrence of the name of Bendz in the Diary shews that Cleasby was still in his
hands. On the 6th of April he left for England, having paid Fridriksson 20 dollars
' for work to be done for me, of which I gave him particulars, during my absence/
On the 9th he reached London, and was soon deep in business. On the I4th, however,
he ' had a visit from Sir Benjamin Brodie, before whom I laid my complaints of the
three past months,' and accordingly had to take blue-pill and senna. His property
at Brighton and in Westmoreland, besides some house-property at Chelsea, were an
endless trouble to him. After stru^liiiLr with his tenants and agents for the rest of
oo o o
that month and all the next, he left Dover for Ostend on the 3ist of May, on his
way to Marienbacl, which he reached on the 5th of June. There it is the same old
story of KreiUz-Brunn and Schlammbacler for a month. On the 8th of July he left it,
and went by way of Magdeburg to Wölfenbiittel, to inspect the Icelandic MSS. there,
which he collated. Thence he returned to England, reaching it on the I5th of the
month. As soon as he got back he rushed clown to Brighton, on hearing that his
next-door neighbour was building up a wall behind his premises. On the 2yth of July,
1846, he writes :
' Went to Brown, Great Russell Street; ordered finally a slab to be erected to my father's