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crowd, Edda 24. all-þungliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very hard, unwill-

ing, reluctant, Sturl. ii. 120; taka a. á e-m, to be very hard upon, Mag. 1.

all-þungr, adj. very unfavourable, Hkr. ii. 358; hostile, badly disposed

towards, Eb. 108, Eg. 332; þykja a., to dislike, Fms. viii. 441; a. orð, to

blame, Sturl. ii. 62. all-þykkr, adj. very thick, Fas. i. 339: n. sing.

as adv. thickly, Fms. vii. 70 (of great numbers slain on the battle-field).

all-æfr, adj. very furious, wrath, Ísl. ii. 258, Lv. 60, Fas. i. 404. all-

ægiligr, adj. very terrible, Dropl. 18. all-æstr, adj. very incited,

vehement, Nj. 231. all-örorðr, adj. very quick-tongued, frank, out-

spoken, Eg. 340. all-öruggliga, adv. very steadfastly, very firmly,

Grett. 153 A. all-öruggr, adj. very unflinching, Bs. i. 624.

all-föðr, m. father of all, Edda 2, 6, 13 (a name of Odin), v, alföðr.

al-ljóss, adj. quite light; dagr a., broad daylight, Eg. 219; n. sing.,

vera alljóst, in broad daylight, Grett. 95 A, 112 A, Fms. ix. 35, Sturl.

ii. 108; metaph. quite clear, Sks. 490.

al-loðinn, adj. very hairy, shaggy all over, Fms. iii. 125.

al-lokit, n. part., a. allri ván, when all hope is gone, Bs. i. 198.

ALLK, oil, allt, and alt, adj. [Ulf. alls = GREEK; A. S. eall;

Engl. and Germ. all] .

A. In sing, as adj. or substantively, cunctus, totus, omnis: I.

all, entire, the whole; hón á allan arf eptir mik, she has all my heritage

after me, Nj. 3; um alla þingsafglöpun, every kind of þ., 150; gaf hann

þat allt, all, 101; at öllum hluta, in totum, Grág. i. 245; allr heilagr dómr,

the whole body of Christians, ii. 165; á öllu því máli, Fms. vii. 311; allu

fólki, thewhole people, x. 273; hvitr allr, white all over, 655 xxxii. 21;

bú allt, thewhole estate, Grág. i. 244; fyrir allt dagsljós, before any dawn

of light, Hom. 41: with the addition of saman = GREEK -- Icel. now in fem.

sing. and n. pl. say öll sömun, and even n. sing. allt samant; in old writers

saman is indecl., -- the whole, Germ, sänmtlich, zusammen; allt saman féit,

thewhole amount, entire, Grág. ii. 148; þenna hernað allan saman, all

together, Fms. i. 144; fyrir allan saman ójafnað þann, Sd. 157. Metaph.

in the phrase, at vera ekki allr þar sem hann er sénn (séðr), of persons of

deep, shrewd characters, not to be seen through, but also with a feeling

of something 'uncanny' about them, Fms. xi. 157 (a familiar phrase);

ekki er oil nótt úti enn, sagði draugrinn, the night is not all over yet, said

the ghost, 'the Ides are not past' (a proverb), v. Ísl. þjóðs. 2. all,

entire, full; allan hálfan mánuð, for the entire fortnight, Nj. 7; þar til

er Kjartani þykir allt mál upp, until Kjartan thought it was high time,

of one nearly (or) well-nigh drowned, Hkr. i. 286. II. metaph.

past, gone, dead, extinct; perh. ellipt., vera allr í brottu, quite gone,

Eb. 112 new Ed.; var Hrappr þá allr í brottu, Nj. 132; then by an

ellipsis of 'brottu,' or the like, allr simply == past, gone: α. past, of

time; seg þú svá fremi frá því er þessi dagr er allr, when this day is past,

Nj. 96, Fms. ii. 38, 301; var þá öll þeirra vinátta, their friendship was all

gone, Fms. ix. 428; allt er mi mitt megin, my strength is gone, exhausted,

Str. β. dead; þá er Geirmundr var allr, gone, dead, Landn. (Hb.) 124;

siz Gunnarr at Hlíðarenda var allr, since G. of Lithend was dead and

gone (v. l. to lézt), Nj. 142; sem faðir þeirra væri allr, after his death, Stj.

127; þá er Nói var allr, 66; en sem hann var allr, 100; eptir þat er Sara

var öll, after all Sara's days were over, 139, 140, 405; á vegum allr

hygg ek at at ek verða munu, that I shall perish on the way, Gg. verse

5; með því at þú ert gamlaðr mjök, þá munu þeir eigi út koma fyr en þú

ert allr, Háv. 57; still freq. in Swed., e. g. blifwa all af bekumring, be worn

out with sorrow; vinet blev alt, fell short; tiden er all, past. III. used

almost adverbially, when it may be translated by all, quite, just, entirely;

klofnaði hann allr í sundr, was all cloven asunder, Nj. 205; er sá nú allr

einn í þínu liði er nú hefir eigi höfuðs, ok hinn, er þá eggiaði hins versta

verks er eigi var fram komit, where it seems, however, rather to mean one

and the same ... or the very same ..., thus, and he is now one and the same

man in thy band, who has now lost his bead, and he who then egged tbee

on to the worst work when it was still undone, or the very same, ... who,

Nj. 213; vil ek at sú görð häldist öll, in all its parts, 256; kváðu Örn

allan villast, that he was all bewildered, Ld. 74. IV. neut. sing,

used as a subst. in the sense of all, everything, in every respect; ok for

svá með öllu, sem ..., acted in everything as..., Nj. 14, Ld. 54; ok

lát sem þú þykist þar allt eiga, that you depend upon him in all, Fms. xi.

113; eigi er enn þeirra allt, they have not yet altogether won the game,

Nj. 235: í alls vesöld, in all misery, Ver. 4; alls mest, most of all, espe-

cially, Fms. ii. 137 C, Fs. 89 (in a verse); in mod. usage, allra mest, cp.

below. The neut. with a gen.; allt missera, all the year round, Hom.

73; allt annars, all the rest, Grág. ii. 141; at öllu annars, in all other

respects, - K. Þ. K. 98; þá var allt (all, everybody) við þá hrætt, Fas. i.

338. In the phrases, at öllu, in all respects, Fms. i. 21, Grág. i. 431;

ef hann á eigi at öllu framfærsluna, if he be not the sole supporter, 275:

úreyndr at öllu, untried in every way, Nj. 90; cp. Engl. not at all, prop.

not in every respect, analogous to never, prop, not always: fyrir alls sakir,

in every respect, Grág. ii. 47, Fas. i. 252: í öllu, in everything, Nj. 90,

228: með öllu, wholly, quite, dauðr með öllu, quite dead, 153; neita

með öllu, to refuse outright, Fms. i. 35, 232, Boll. 342: um allt, in respect

of everything, Nj. 89; hence comes the adverb ávalt, ever = of allt = um

allt, prop, in every respect, v. ávalt. V. the neut. sing, allt is used

as an adv., right up to, as far as, all the way; Brynjólfr gengr allt at honum,

close to him, Nj. 58; kómu allt at bænum, 79; allt at búðardyrunum,

right up to the very door of the booth, 247; allt norðr urn Stað, all along

north, round Cape Stad, Fms. vii. 7; suðr allt í Englands haf, iv. 329;

verit allt út í Miklagarð, as far out as Constantinople, ii. 7, iv. 250, 25;

allt á klofa, Bárð. 171. 2. everywhere, in all places; at riki Eireks

konungs mundi allt yfir standa í Eyjunum, might stretch over the whole of

the Islands, Eg. 405; Sigröðr var konungr allt um Þrændalög, over all

Drontheim, Fms. i. 19; bjoggu þar allt fyrir þingmenn Runólfs goða, the

liegemen of R. the priest were in every house, ii. -234 (= í hverju húsi, Bs. i.

20); allt norðr um Rogaland, all the way north over the whole of R., Fms.

iv. 251; vóru svirar allt gulli búnir, all overlaid with gold, vi. 308; hafið

svá allt kesjurnar fyrir, at ekki megi á ganga, hold your spears every-

where (all along the line) straight before you, that they (the enemy) may not

come up to you, 413; allt imdir innviðuna ok stafnana, vii. 82. 3.

nearly = Lat. jam, soon, already; vóru allt komin fyrir hann bréf, warrants

of arrest were already in his way, Fms. vii. 207; var allt skipat liðinu til

fylkingar, the troops were at once drawn up in array, 295; en allt hugðum

vér (still we thought) at fara með spekt um þessi héruð, Boll. 346. 4.

temp. all through, until; allt til Júnsvöku, Ann. 1295; allt um daga Hák-

onar konungs, all through the reign of king Hacon, Bs. i. 731. 5. in

phrases such as, allt at einu, all one, all in the same way, Fms. i. 113. In

Icel. at present allt að einu means all the same: allt eins, nevertheless; ek

ætla þó utan a. eins, Ísl. ii. 216; hann neitaði allt eins at..., refused all

the same, Dipl. iii. 13; allt eins hraustliga, not the less manly, Fms. xi. 443.

The mod. Icel. use is a little different, namely = as, in similes = just as;

allt eins og blómstrið eina (a simile), just as the flower, the initial words

of the famous hymn by Hallgrim. 6. by adding 'of' = far too ...,

much too ..., Karl. 301 (now freq.) 7. with a comparative, much,

far, Fms. vi. 45 (freq.) VI. neut. gen. alls [cp. Ulf. allis = GREEK;

A. S. ealles], used as an adv., esp. before a negative (ekki, hvergi), not

a bit, not at all, no how, by no means; þeir ugðu alls ekki at sér, they

were not a bit afraid, Nj. 252; hræðumst vér hann nú alls ekki, we do

not care a bit for him, 260; á hólmgöngu er vandi en alls ekki (none

at all) á einvigi, Korm. 84; en junkherra Eiríkr þóttíist ekki hafa, ok

kallaði sik Eirik alls ekki (cp. Engl. lackland), Fms. x. 160; alls hvergi

skal sök koma undir enn þriðja mann, no how, in no case, by no means,

Grág. i. 144: sometimes without a negative following it; ær alls geldar,

ewes quite barren, Grág. i. 502; hafrar alls geldir, id.; alls vesall, alto-

gether wretched, Nj. 124; alls mjök stærist hann nú, very much, Stj.; a.

mest, especially, Fs. 89, Fms. ii. 137. In connection with numbers, in all,

in the whole; tólf vóru þau alls á skipi, twelve were they all told in the

ship, Ld. 142; tíu Íslenzkir menn alls, 164; alls fórust níu menn, the

slain were nine in all, Ísl. ii. 385; verða alls sárir þrír eða fleiri, Grág. ii.

10; alls mánuð, a full month, i. 163; þeir ala eitt barn alls á aefi sinni,

Rb. 346. β. with addition of 'til' or 'of' = far too much; alls of lengi,

far too long a time, Fms. i. 140; hefnd alls til lítil, much too little, vi. 35.

B. In pl. allir, allar, öll, as adj. or substantively: 1. used absol.

all; þeir gengu út allir, all men, altogether, Nj. 80; Síðan bjoggust þeir

heiman allir, 212; Gunnarr reið ok beir allir, 48; hvikit þér allir, 78,

etc. 2. as adj., alla höfðingja, all the chiefs, Nj. 213; ór öllum fjórð-

ungum á landinu, all the quarters of the land, 222; at vitni guðs ok allra

heilagra manna, all the saints, Grág. ii. 22; í allum orrostum, in all the

battles, Fms. x. 273; Josep ok allir hans ellifu bræðr, Stj., etc. 3. by

adding aðrir, flestir, etc.; allir aðrir, all other, everyone else, Nj. 89, Fms.

xi. 135: flestir allir, nearly all, the greatest part of, v. flestr; in mod. use

flestallir, flest being indecl.: allir saman, altogether, Nj. 80. 4.

adverb., Gregorius hafði eigi öll fjögr hundruð, not all, not quite, four

hundred, Fms. vii. 255. 5. used ellipt., allir (everybody) vildu leita

þér vegs, Nj. 78. 6. gen. pl. allra, when followed by superl. neut.

adj. or adv., of all things, all the more; en nú þyki mér þat allra sýnst

er ..., all the more likely, as ..., Ld. 34; allra helzt er þeir heyra, par-

ticularly now when they hear, Fms. ix. 330; allra helzt ef hann fellr meir,

all the rather, if ..., Grág. ii. 8; allra sízt, least of all, 686 B. 2; bæn

sú kemr til þess allra mest, especially, Hom. 149: very freq. at present in

Icel., and used nearly as Engl. very, e. g. allra bezt, the very best; a. hæst,

neðst, fyrst, the very highest, lowest, foremost, etc.

C. alls is used as a prefix to several nouns in the gen., in order to

express something common, general, universal. COMPDS: alls-endis

or alls-hendis, adv. -- scarcely to be derived from 'hönd' -- in every

respect, quite, thoroughly, used almost exclusively in connection with a

preceding negative, eigi, eingi, or the like, and giving additional force to

the negation; er þat hugboð mitt, at vér berim eigi agæfu til um vár

skipti, it is my foreboding, that we shall not carry luck with us to the

very end of our dealings, Ld. 160; eigi til allsendis, id., Eg. 75; þat er

reynt at eingi maðr heldr sínum þrifnaði til allsendis, it is proved that no

man holds his thriving thoroughly, Fms. i. 295. alls-háttar, adv.

[háttr], of every sort, kind; a. kurteysi, thoroughly good manners, Fms.

i. 17 (freq.) alls-herjar, an old, obsolete gen. from herr; Drottinn

Sabaoth is in the Icel. transl. of the Bible rendered by Drottinn AUsherjar,

the Lord of Hosts. It is esp. used as an adv. in some political and legal