This is page 30 of An Icelandic-English Dictionary by Cleasby/Vigfusson (1874)
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Icel. commonly of an onslaught or armed aggression, Fms. i. 54, Nj. 93, 93, 99, 113, Sturl. iii. 237, Ann. 1252. 3. method =aðferð, Fms. ii. 328. COMPDS: atfarar-dómr, m. sentence of execution for payment, Gþl., N. G. L. i. 154. atfarar-þing, n. court of execution, MS. 302, 172 (Norse). atfara-lauat, n. adj. quiet, with no act of violence between tivo hostile parties, Eb. 244, Sturl. ii. 40.
at-ganga, u, f. 1. attack in a fight, onslaught, Fms. i. 36, Nj. 36, Lv. 13, Bret. 6. 2. peaceful help, Fms. xi. 86, Nj. 99, Ísl. ii. 210. COMPD: atgongu-mikill, adj. unruly, quarrelsome, aggressive, Fs. 41.
at-gangr, m. 1. fighting, combat, aggression, Ísl. ii. 268, Korm. 242: injury, violence, = ágangr, Fms. vi. 239. 2. help, co-operation,
Grett. 157, 162, Vígl. 19. 3. now, redress, recovery of a claim.
COMPD: atgangs-mikill, adj. = energetic, Grett. 129 A.
at-geirr, m. (false spelling UNCERTAIN ), a bill or halberd, undoubtedly a
foreign weapon, rarely mentioned in the Sagas, but famous as the favourite
weapon of Gunnar of Hlíðarendi; mentioned besides in Sks. 392, Landn. 163, Eb. 120, Fms. iii. l00, v. 249, Fas. iii. 462, but esp. Nj. 44, 45, 84,
95, 97, 108, 114, 119: in the Nj. used generally of thrusting, but also of
hewing; Högni hjó í sundr spiót skaptið með atgeirinum, en rekr atgeirinn
i gegnum hann, H. hewed in sunder the spearshaft with the bill, and drives
the bill through him, Nj. 119; in Landn. 163 mentioned as a javelin.
at-gengiligr, adj. acceptable, inviting, Bs. i. 372.
at-gerð, atgervi, atgeyrð, v. atgörð, -görvi.
at-gœzla, u, f. supeærintendance, care, caution, Sturl. iii. 58 (now freq.)
atgörð, f. 1. plur. measures, steps taken; litlar atgöðir, small
measures, Ísl. ii. 355, Fs. 4; var eigi vaent til atgerða, few expedients,
Grett. 124. 2. repair of a building or the like (now freq.), Dipl. v.
145. β. a surgical operation, medical help, Bs. i. 108, 618, 644: Sturl.
i. 43 is a bad reading. COMPDS: atgörða-lauss, adj. helpless, lazy,
inactive, Al. 25: neut., atgörðarlaust er um e-t, no steps are taken, Fms.
vi. 38. atgörða-maðr, m. a ready man, El. 15, Sturl. ii. 127.
atgörðar-mikill, adj. active, Nj. 56.
at-görvi, atgerfl, atgjörfl, f.; neut., Fms. x. 293 C. [görr at sér,
accomplished] ; endowments, accomplishments derived from good training
added to natural gifts; in olden times esp. those of an athletic or physical
kind; fríðleik, vöxt, afl, ok alla a., beauty, stature, strength, and all accom-
plishments whatever, Eg. 29, Fbr. 56, Fms. vi. 5, 268, i. 30, viii 140,
x. 293; at íþróttum, a. ok vinsæld, Hkr. i. 212: of spiritual qualities and
character (rare in old writers), af Guðs góðgipt ok sjálfs sins a. göfgastr
maðr á Íslandi, Bs. i. (Hv.) 70; at lærdómi, vitrleik ok a., 130. Páls S.
COMPD: atgörvi-maðr, and more freq. atgörvis-maðr, m. a man of
great (physical) accomplishments, Fms. i. 17, Eg. 685 (where it is used of
a young promising poet), 22, Ld. 12; used of an artist, Ísl. ii. 171: a. um
marga hluti, man of great capacity, 191; used of a musician, Grett. 158.
at-hald, n. constraint, coercion, restraint, Fbr. 2, Fms. xi. 228.
at-hjúkan (now aðhjúkrun), f. [hjuka at e-m], heed, attention, care
in the most tender sense of that word, e. g. that of a mother to her sick
child; attention to a sick, frozen, shipwrecked, or destitute person, Fms.
viii. 444, Finnb. 234, v. 1.
at-hlaup, n. onslaught, assault, Fms. viii. 35, Bjarn. 37; í einu a., in
one rush in a battle, Ld. 64; veita manni a. eðr sár, violence or wound,
K. Á. 48; tókst nú þegar a., a hand to hand fight, Gullþ. 12.
at-hlátr, m. [hlægja at], a laughing-stock, Fms. ii. 182.
at-hlægi, n. ridicule, mockery; með a. ok sköm, ridicule and shame,
Fms. x. 279; ef a. er vert, if it be ridicule, vi. 208; a. eðr úmannan, a
laughing-stock and a wretch, Sturl. iii. 240.
at-hlægiligr, adj. ridiculous, Band. 13.
at-huga, að, to heed, bethink oneself, pay attention to, consider; a. sik,
to t a ke heed, Sturl. iv. 75 in a mod. MS.; cp. Bs. i. 744 (now freq.)
at-hugall, adj. heedful, careful, Sturl. iii. 125, Sks. 296.
at-hugi, a, m. heed, care, attention, consideration, Hom. 5 2; af öllum a.,
carefully, Post. 656 B; hið elzta (barn) hefir ekki a. hit minsta, the
eldest bairn has no head on his shoulders, El. 19, Sks. 482; með a. ok
áhyggju, with care and concern, Fms. x. 281. COMPDS: athuga-lauss,
adj. heedless. athuga-leysi, n. beedlessness, Stj. 6, Fas. i. 245; hlýtr
jafnan íllt af a., ' Don't care' comes ever to a bad end (a proverb), Grett.
118 A. athugaliga, adv. attentively, Sks. 360. athuga-litill,
adj. little careful, heedless, Bs. i. 190. athuga-sarnliga, adv. and
-ligr, adj. attentively, attentive, Sks. 600, 360, 6, 472. athuga-samr,
adj. heedful, attentive, Hom. 58, Fms. viii. 447. athuga-verðr, adj.
worthy of attention, Fms. x. 276.
at-hvarf, n. [hverfa at, to turn towards]: a. in the phrase, göra
e-m a., to pay one compliments, pay attention to, Bs. i. 801; hann er vel
við þormóð ok görði meir at athvarfi við hann, he treated Th. respectfully
or cultivated his friendship, Fbr. 119; Sighvatr görði at athvarfi um sendi-
menn konungs, ok spurði þá margra tíðenda, he communicated with them
or paid themvisits, attended to them, Hkr. ii. 214. β. athvarf is now
freq. in the sense of shelter, refuge.
at-hygli, f. [athugall], beedfulness, attention; með a., Sks. 1, 445 B,
564, Fms. vi. 446, (now used as neut.)
at-hyllast, t, dep. (qs. athyglast), to lean towards, be on the side of, do homage to; with acc., af því skolu vér a. þenna engil í beonum varum, to cultivate his friendship, Hom. A. M. 237. 7; at a. ok sækja e-n at ámaðar orði, 655 xiii. B. 4, Bs. i. 202; setlum vér þann yðvarn at a. er mestan görir várn sóma, take his part, who ..., Fms. v. 273.
at-hæfi (not athœfi, vide Sks. B., which carefully distinguishes between œ and œ), n. conduct, behaviour; a. kristinna manna, their rites, service,
Fms. ii. 37, cp. Ld. 174; í öllu sínu a., conduct, proceeding, Fms. xi. 78,
viii. 253: manners, ceremonies, Sks. 301; konunga a., royal manners,
Hom.: þetta hefir verit a. (instinct) þessa skrímsls, Sks.: deeds, doings; skal
nú þar standa fyrst um a. þeirra, Mag. 11. Now freq. in a theol. sense.
at-hæfiligr, adj. . fit, fitting, due, Eg. 103, Finnb. 228.
at-hofn, f. [hafast at, to commit] , conduct, behaviour, business; hvat
er hann hafði frétt um a. Skota konungs, his doings and whereabouts, Eg. 271; fengin var þeim önnur a., occupation, Fbr. 19; ganga til skripta ok
segja sínar athafnir, to go to shrift and confess his behaviour, Fms. i. 301;
í athöfnum margir, en sumir í kaupferðum, Orkn. 298; er þat ok
likligt at þú fylgir þar eptir þinni a., (ironically) that you will go your
own foolish way, Fs. 4. COMPDS: athafnar-lauss, adj. inactive, Fms.
iii. 128, 154. athafnar-leysi, n. inactivity. atliafoar-maðr and
athafna-, m. a busy enterprising man, Hkr. ii. 255, Fær. 209. In a bad
sense, a laughing-stock; gora e-n at athafnarmanni, to make a butt of him,
Sturl. i. 24, 181, this last sense seems to be peculiar to the first and second
part (þáttr) of the Sturl., which were not written by Sturla himself, but by
an unknown author.
at-kall, n. demand, call, request, solicitation, Bs. i. 735, Al. 64, Ver. 48.
at-kast, n. a casting in one's teeth, a rebuke, reproach, Mag. 65.
at-keri, anchor, v. akkeri.
at-kváma, and later form aðkoma or atkoma, u, f. arrival, Ld. 78,
Fms. vi. 239; metaph. (eccl.) pain, visitation, Hom. 68, 121. Now used
in many compds: aðkomu-maðr, m. a guest, etc.
at-kvœði, n. [kveða at orði]. I. a technical phrase, esp. in
law; svá skal sækja at öllu um fjártökuna, sem þjófsök fyrir utan a.,
the proceeding is all the same with the exception of the technical terms,
Grág. ii. 190; at þeim atkvæðum er Helgi hafði í stefnu við þik, the expres-
sions used by Helgi in summoning thee, Boll. 354. β. a word, expres-
sion in general; þat er þrífalt a., mannvit, siðgæði ok hæverska, Sks. 431,
303; en þó vér mælim alla þessa hluti með breiðu a., in broad, general terms,
Anecd. 21, þiðr. I. γ. now used gramm. for a syllable, and in many
compds such as, eins atkvæðis orð, a monosyllable; tveggja, þriggja ...
atkvæða ..., etc., a dissyllable, etc.: ' kveða at' also means to collect
the letters into syllables, used of children when they begin to spell. Old
writers use atkvæði differently in a grammatical sense, viz. = pronunciation,
sound, now framburðr; þeir stafir megu hafa tveggja samhljóðenda a., hverr
einn, Skálda (Thorodd) 165; eins stafs a.; a. nafns hvers þeirra; þá er
þat a. hans í hverju máli sem eptir lifir nafnsins (in the last passage = the
name of the letter), 168. II. a decision, sentence, almost always
in plur.; beið hann þinna atkvæða, Nj. 78; var því vikit til atkvæða
(decision) Marðar, 207; bíða atkvæða Magnúss konungs um álög ok
pyntingar, Fms. vi. 192: sing., var þat biskups a., his decision, v. 106;
hvi gegnir þetta a. (sentence) jarl, rangliga dæmir þú, 656 B; þínu boði
ok a., command and decisive vote, Stj. 203; af atkvæði guðanna, by their
decree, Edda 9, Bret. 53. β. now a law term = vote, and in a great
many compds: atkvæða-greiðsla, division; atkvzða-fjöldi, votes; a.
munr, majority, etc. III. a decree of fate, a spell, charm, in a
supernatural sense, = ákvæði; af forlogum ok a. ramra hluta, Fs. 23;
konungr sagði úhægt at göra við atkvæðum, ... to resist charms (MS. ak-
vedni, where it is uncertain whether the reading is ákv- or atkv-); a.
Finnunnar, the spell of the Finnish witch, 22; svá mikil a. (pl.) ok ilska
fylgði þessum álögum, Fas. i. 404, iii. 239, Fms. x. 172., COMPDS:
atkvæða-lauss, adj. [kveða at, to be important] , unimportant, of no
consequence, Fas. ii. 242. atkvæða-maðr, m. a man of weighty
utterance, of importance, Fms. xi. 223. atkvæða-mikill, adj. of
weight, note, authority, Nj. 51
atla, að, to 'ettle', intend, purpose, Bret. 144; so according to the modern
pronunciation of ætla, q. v.
at-laga, u, f. an attack in a sea fight, of the act of laying ships alongside;
skipa til a., Fms. i. 169, iv. 103; hörð a., hard fight, xi. 133, Hkr. ii. 272,
Nj. 125, Sturl. iii. 63, etc.: more rarely of an attack on land, Fms. vii.
244, Al. 122, Ísl. ii. 83, Bret. 50. β. an advance, landing, without
notion of fight, Fms. ix. 430. COMPDS: atlögu-flokkr, m. the name
of a poem describing a battle by sea, Sturl. iii. 63. atlögu-skip, n. a
ship engaged in battle, Fms. viii. 382.
at-lát, n. [láta at e-u, to comply with] , compliance, Hom. 47; synda a.,
indulgence in sin, Greg. 31. Now, atlæti, n. and atlot, n. pl. treatment;
gott atlæti, kindness; ill atlot, harshness, esp. in respect to children.
at-lega, u, f. shelter for sheep and cattle on the common pastures; hag-
beit á vetrum ok a. fé sínu at selinu, Dipl. v. 4 (rare).
at-mæli, n. abuse, offensive language, Bs. ii. 181.
atoma, u, f. an atom, Rb. 114; a weight, subdivision of an ounce, 532. 1.
at-orka, u, f. energy, activity. COMPDS: atorku-maðr, m. an active
man. atorku-samr, adj. active. atorku-semi, f. activity.