This is page 68 of An Icelandic-English Dictionary by Cleasby/Vigfusson (1874)
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68 XXX
blána, að, to become black, livid, Nj. 203 (iron in fire); Hkr. i. 103 (of
a plague-stricken corpse), Fms. ii. 42.
BLÁR, adj., fern, blá, neut. blátt, [Scot. b!a, which has the Icel. sense
of dark blue, livid: cp. A. S. bleov; Engl. bine; Germ, blau; Swed. -Dan.
blå: cp. also A. S. bleo = co lour], prop. Lat. lividtis; of the colour of
lead, Snot 231; blár sem Hel, cp. Engl. black as death, Eb. 314, cp. Edda
13; of the livid colour caused by a blow, in the alliterative phrase, blar-
ok blóðugr, Korm. 108; sárir eða lostnir svá blátt eðr rautt sc eptir, Grág.
ii. 13: blár is the colour of mourning, tjalda blám reflum, Fms. xi. 17;
falda blá, to wrap the head in black, Ísl. ii. 351 (in a verse); cp. kolblár,
Blámaðr, etc.; blár logi, a pale ' lowe, ' of a witch's flame, Gullþ. 5: of
cloths; möttull, Nj. 24; kápa, 255; kyrtill, 184; murk, stripes, Ld.
•244. P. metaph. /oo li s h, insipid; cp. bluheimskr; hann er ekki blur
innan, a popular phrase, he is no goose.
blá-rendr, adj. [rönd], blue-striped; braekr, Nj. 184.
BLÁSA, blós, bk'-su, blásit; pres. blæss, [Ulf. blcsan, a redupl. verb;
Germ, blasen; Swed. bla s a; cp. Engl. blow (blast); A. S. blâvan; Lat.
flare. ~] I. to blow, Lat. flare, of the wind; the naut. alliterative
phrase, blásandi byrr, a fresh breeze, Fms. vii. 287; vindrinn blæs og
þú heyrir hans þyt, John iii. 8. 2. act. to blow a trumpet, sound
an alarm, with dat. of the people and the instrument, the act of blow-
ing in acc.; b. lúðri, Fms. vii. 287; var blásinn herblastr, so unded
an alarm, ix. 358; b. liði (troops) til ofanganngu, Orkn. 350, Bret.
46; b. til stefnu, to a meeting, Fms. vii. 286; konungr let b. öllum
niünnum ór bænum, ix. 304; b. til þings, viii. 2IO; til heraðstefnu, ix.
255, v. 1.: absol., þá bað hann b., sound the attack, viii. 403. P. t o
hl ow the bellows; blásíu (imperat.) meir, Landn. 270 (in a verse), Edda
69, 70. Y- '0 welt, cast, the metal in acc.; hann bli's fyrstr manna
rauða á Islandi, ok var hïnn af því kallaðr Rauðabjörii, Landn. 'jï, cp.
Sks. 163; b. gullmalm, Bret. 4; sumir blésu ok steyptu af malmi Guos
Hkneski, Bad. 139; sem af glóanda járni því er ákarliga er blúsit í eldi,
Fms. viii. 8; yxn tveir or eiri blásnir (cast), Bret. 22. S. to swell,
blow tip; lótt sem belgr blásinn, Fms. x. 308. II. to breathe,
Lat. spirare; svá sem andi blxsk af nmnni, Eluc. 4: to blow with the
mouth, hann blés í kross yfir drykk sinum, Fs. 103; bless hann á bá og
sagði, með-takið þeir Heilagan Anda, John xx. 22; b. við, to draw a
deep breath; hón blés við ok svarar, Clem. 50; jarl blés þá við mæðiliga,
Fs. 1O, Magn. 444: to sigh, of a sick man, Gísl. 47; b. halt við, Bjarn.
24: without ' við, ' Sturl. i. 20; b. eitri, eldi (of serpents or dragons), t o
snort, Edda 42; of a horse, Greg. 49. 2. theol. to inspire; Guð
bids sinum auda (dat.) í brjost honum, Fms. i. 142, 199; Guð blés henni
því í brjóst, Stj. 160 (cp. innblástr). 3. b. mod e-m, to conspire
against one, Fms. vii. 164: in the phrase, ' to blow not a hair off one's
head, ' Jarl mælti, at eingi skyldi b. hár af höfði Sveini, no one should dare
to make a hair move on his head, Orkn. 252. III. impers.: 1.
medic, t o ' boulne, ' swell, from sickness, wounds ..., the wound or swollen
limb in acc.; hann svall svá ákafliga, at allan blés kviðinn, Bs. i. 319; sár
Grims varð ilia, ok blés upp fótinn, Dropl. 36, Grett. 153; hann blés
allan, Bs. i. ll6. 2. of land, to be laid bare, stripped of the turf by
wind; hafði blásit hauginn ok lá silfrið bert, Fms. iv. 57. 3. in
supine, and partic. the personal construction reappears; á Ormarsstöðum
þar sem er blásið allt, where all is stripped, barren, Landn. 280; meltorfa
blásin mjök, stripped, barren, Hrafn. 27: medic., hin hægri geirvartan
var blásin upp, 655 xxxii. 10; hans horund var allt blásit, Fas. i. 286,
Rb. 374; syndist fótrinn blásinn ok kolblár, Grett.
blá-saumaðr, part, blue-embroidered, Pm. 12.
blá-silfr, n. bad silver, opp. to skirt silfr; þrim tigum sinna skal b.
vega móti gulli, tiu sinnurn skirt silfr móti gulli, 732. 16: the propor-
tion of bad to pure silver is thus as three to one.
blá-síða, u, f., cp. grásíða, a cognom., Ísl. ii. 52.
blá-stafaðr, adj. blue-striped; segl. b., Fms. x. 345.
blá-stjarna, u, f. the blue star, i. e. Hesperus, Snot 131.
blástr, rs, m., dat. blæstri, blæsti, Hom. 47; pl. biástrar: 1. t o
bla s t, Sks. 213. 2. breath; b. af lopti, Eluc. 19; málit görisk af
blæstrinum, Skálda 170: the blast of a trumpet, Fms. ix. 30: hissing of
serpents, breathing of whales (hvala blástr), Gullþ. 8: blowing a bellows,
Edda 70. 3. medic, swelling, mortification, Nj. 209, Dropl. 36, Bs.
i. 182. COMPDS: blastr-belgri m. a bellows, Karl. 18. blástr-
hol, n. the blow-hole of a whale. blástr-horn (blástrarhorn), n. a
trumpet, horn, 655. 8, Rb. 372. blástr-járn, n. blast iron, c a s t, not
wrought, Gnig. i. 501, Jb. 345. blástr-samr, adj. windy, Sks. 41.
blástr-svalr, adj. co ld blowing, Sks. 41, v. 1.
blá-tönn, f. a cognom. having a blue, black tusk, Fas. ii. 390.
bleðja, að, [blað], prop, to prune, lop trees and plants, Bs. ii. 165,
N. G. L. i. 241: esp. in the metaph. phrase, b. af, to destroy, kill off one
by one; mun hann svá setla at b. hirðina, Fms. ii. 55, vii. 36, Fs. 96.
blegðr, m. [bleyg and blöyg, Ivar Aasen; Germ, pflock; Engl. plug] ,
a plug, Krók. 56, where in pl.
bleik-álóttr, adj., bleikálingr, m., ana bleikála, f. a dun horse with
a dark stripe down the back, Nj. 81, Sturl. ii. 145, Grett. 91.
bleik-hárr, adj. auburn, Hkr. iii. 174, P'ms. vii. 101.