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nýju Danavirki, they restored the Danish wall, Fms. i. 121. β. to found, raise, endow; efla stað, kirkju, to endow or raise a church, bishopric, Barl. 65, Fms. iv. 110; e. bú, to set up one's house, Band. (MS.) 3: milit., e. her, lið, to raise troops. Fms. v. 279; e. flokk, to raise a party, 140; e. ófrið, to raise a rebellion, make war, xi. 268: e. e-n, to aid, side with one, in a fight or lawsuit; efldi Dofri hann síðan til ríkis í Noregi, Bárð. 164; ok hét honum liðveizlu sinni at hann skyldi e. Steinar, Eg. 722: e. e-n til rangs máls, to help one in a wrong case, Js. 8; Danir höfðu þá herrana eflt upp á Svíaríki, Fms. x. 50; bað liðit e. sik, Fagrsk. ch. 179. γ. to perform solemnly; e. heit, to make a vow, Gísl. 90; e. blót, to perform a sacrifice, Nj. 158; e. at brullaupi, to hold a wedding, Fms. ix. 21: poët., e. dáð (dáð eflir, a hero); e. tafl, to play a game, Orkn. (in a verse), Lex. Poët. δ. neut. to be able; sem vér eflum ok orkum, Stj. 149; sem þú eflir ok orkar, id., 186, (rare.) II. reflex. to grow strong; hversu staðrinn hefir eflzk ok magnask. Bs. i. 59; hann fann at mótstüðumenn hans efldusk, grew strong; eflask at her, liði, to gather, raise troops, Gísl. 7, Fms. i. 199, vii. 23; síðan var efldr (raised) flokkr í móti honum, iv. 140: eflask til ríkis, to win a kingdom, get a kingdom by force of arms, Bárð. 165: erlask við e-n (poët.) = mægjask, to marry into one's family, Hdl. 15.
ef-lauss and if-lauss, adj. undoubted, Greg. 25, Mart. 121, Fas. ii. 539.
efling, f. growth, increase in strength and wealth, Bret., Greg. 43: strength, help, assistance, Glúm. 346, 347, Ld. 88, Hkr. iii. 185, Mork. 128.
eflir, m. a helper, promoter, Lex. Poët.
EFNA, d, (að, Nj. 189, Fms. ix. 453, xi. 286), [Swed. ämna; A. S. efnan, æfnan, = to perform] :-- to perform, chiefly to fulfil a vow or the terms agreed upon; e. orð sín, to keep one's word, Fms. i. 4; þat efndi Gunnarr, Nj. 45; þat skal ek e. sem ek hét þar um, Fms. i. 217; e. sætt, to fulfil an agreement, Nj. 258: Ólafr efnir vel við ambáttina, Olave behaved well to the handmaid, Ld. 156. β. reflex. to turn out so and so, come to a certain issue; efndisk þat ok vel, Nj. 72; þat efnask (better efnisk) opt illa, it comes to a bad end, 189. II. efna, að, to prepare for a thing, make arrangements; ekki er þess getið at hann efnaði til um fégjaldit, Fms. xi. 286; hann efnaði þar til vetrsetu, x. 1; þeir efnuðu til vetrsetu í Oslo, ix. 453; þar hafði Ólafr konungr efnat til kaupstaðar, king O. had there founded a town, iv. 93: efnaði Ólafr konungr þá til ágætrar veizlu, king O. made a great feast, ii. 133; þeir Ingjaldr efna þar seið, Ingjald made a great sacrifice, feast, Fs. 19.
efnaðr, adj. rich, having ample means.
efnd, f. fulfilment of a pledge, promise. Sturl. iii. 170, Fms. vi. 29, vii. 121.
EFNI, n. [Swed. ämne = stuff, materia, and Dan. ævne = achievement] :-- a stuff, originally like Lat. materia, timber; and so the stuff or material out of which a thing is wrought; auðskæf mærðar e., Ad. 16; at allir hlutir væri smíðaðir af nokkru efni, that all things were wrought (created) of some stuff, Edda 147 (pref.); skapa af engu efni, to create from nothing (of God), Fms. i. 304; efni (materials) til garðbóta, Grág. ii. 263, Sks. 287 (of a cloth); ek em görr af ústyrku efni, I am made of frail stuff, 543, Barl. 140, Stj. 17, 67; smíðar-efni, materials; efni-tré, a block, tree; efni í ljá, orf, etc., or of any piece fitted as materials. β. in a personal sense; manns-efni, a promising young man: karls-efni, a thorough man, a nickname, Landn.: the proverb, engi veit hvar sæls manns efni sitr, of youths of whom no one can tell what may be hidden in them; þegns e. = manns-efni, Stor. 11: gott manns-e., gott bónda-e., promising to be an able man; and on the other hand, ónýtt, illt manns-e., in whom there is nothing. γ. merely in temp. sense, applied to persons designate or elect; konungs-e., a crown prince; biskups-e., a bishop-elect; brúðar-e., a bride-elect; konu-e., one's future wife. δ. a subject, of a story, book, or the like, Lat. argumentum, plot; yrkis e., Íd. 11; e. kvæða, a plot, subject for poetry; sögu-e., a subject for tales or history; in old writers it rarely occurs exactly in this sense: the contents of a written thing, bréfs-e., efni í bók; hence efnis-laust, adj. void, empty writing; efnis-leysa, u, f. emptiness in writing; Björn hafði ort flim um Þórð, en þau vóru þar efni í, at ..., but that was the subject of the poem, that ..., Bjarn. 42; þótti mönnum þar mikit um, hversu mikil efni þar vóru til seld, i.e. people thought the tale interesting, Ld. 200; eigi með sönnu efni, falsely, with untrue statements, Sturl. iii. 305: hvárt efni þeir höfðu í um rógit, how they had made (mixed) their lies up, Eg. 59; meir en efni sé til seld, i.e. (related) more than what was true, the tale was overdone, Bs. i. 137; talar af sama efni (subject) sem fyrrum, Fms. ix. 252. 2. metaph. a matter, affair; til sanninda um sagt e., Dipl. i. 8; segir konungi frá öllu þessu e., Sturl. i. 3; er þat merkjanda í þessu e., Rb. 250; fátt er betr látið enn efni eru til (a proverb), few things are reported better than they really are, Band. 2; fyrir hvert efni, for this reason. β. a cause, reason; látask báðir af því e., both died from this cause, Ísl. ii. 197; með hverju e. Sturla hefði þessa för gört, what was the reason of S.'s doing so? Sturl. ii. 132; gleði e., sorgar e., matter of joy, sorrow, etc.: the proverb, en hvert mál, er maðr skal dæma, verðr at líta á tilgörð með efnum (causes), Eg. 417; fyrir þat efni (for that reason) keypti hann landit, Hrafn. 22, H. E. i. 471; en þetta efni (cause) fundu þeir til, Sks. 311. γ. a state, condition, affair; Rútr sagði allt e. sitt, Nj. 4; í úvænt efni, a hopeless state, Band. (MS.) 13, Ísl. ii. 225; ek veit eigi görla efni Gunnlaugs, I know not how Gunlaug's matters stand, 240; Helgi kvað eigi þat efni í, at láta lausan þjóf fjölkunnigan, H. said that it would never do, to let a thief and wizard go, Sturl. i. 62; ef þess eru efni, if that be so, Grág. i. 76; sér, hvers efni í eru, he saw how matters stood, Band. (MS.) 11; sagði hver efni í voru, said how matters stood, Nj. 99; mér þykir sem málum várum sé komið í únýtt efni, ef ..., 150; munu ill efni í, some mischief may have happened, Fs. 144; gott, þungt e., Karl. 402, Bs. i. 815; e-t gengr, kemr svá til efnis, happens so and so, Mar. (Fr.); skipta sitt líf í betra e., to repent, id.; bera til efnis, to happen, Pr. 410. 3. plur. means, ability; minni nytjamenn af meirum efnum en hann, Sturl. i. 126; eptir sínum efnum, to the best of their ability, Hom. 123; ok bjoggusk um eptir þeim efnum sem þeir höfðu til, Orkn. 360; sjái þér nökkuð ráð (possibility) eðr efni vár (means), 358; grunar mik, at Þórólfr muni eigi görr kunna at sjá efni sín, i.e. I fear that Th. will overrate his own means, power, Eg. 76; þá væri þat efni nú í vóru máli, it would be a chance for us, Fms. ix. 239; þar vóru engi efni önnur, there was no other chance, xi. 144; nú eru þess eigi efni, if that be impossible, Grág. ii. 140; hér eru engin efni til þess at ek muna svíkja hann, i.e. I will by no means deceive him, it is out of the question that I should do so, Eg. 60. β. in mod. usage, means, property, riches. COMPDS: efna-fæð, f. want of means, Bs. i. 457. efna-lauss, adj. wanting means. efna-leysi, n. want of means, Hrafn. 5. efna-lítill, adj. poor; vera vel við efni, to be a well-to-do man. efna-skortr, m. shortness of means, Bs. i. 525.
efni-ligr, adj. (-liga, adv.), hopeful, promising, e.g. of a youth, Nj. 39, Eg. 147, 599, Fms. i. 17, v. 263, Orkn. 202; efniligt ráð, a wise issue, Fms. xi. 21; sögðu allt hit efniligasta, made a flattering report, ix. 488; ekki efniligt, not advisable, Sturl. i. 186.
efni-mark, n. a sign, 732. 17.
efning, f. keeping ( = efnd), Grág. i. 316
efni-tré, n. a block, timber, Gísl. 146, Fas. ii. 210, Stj. 618, Mork. 91.
EFRI, compar.; EFSTR, superl.; older form öfri, Hkv. 2. 36, Ó. H. ch. 248 (in a verse), Greg. 42, N. G. L. i. 10, 384, Íb. 5, Hom. 116; öfstr, Fms. x. 394, 686 C. 2, Ls. 50, 51, Hbl. 18, Edda 115, 116 (Gl.); compar. and superl. without the positive [as Lat. superior, supremus. Gr. GREEK, but formed from the root syllable 'of-,' cp. ofar, yfir; very old MSS. therefore mostly spell with ö, a vowel change of o; the mod. form, as well as that of most MSS., is with e, efri, efstr, Am. 50, Og. 23: I. the upper, higher; the phrase, bera efra skjöld, to carry the higher shield, i.e. carry the day, Fms. x. 394 (MS. æfra): opp. to neðri = upper, at Mosfelli enu öfra, Íb. 5: the adverb, phrase 'it efra' denoting the upper or inland road, opp. to the shore; allt hit efra suðr, Eg. 58; sumir fóru it efra til Þríhyrnings-hálsa, Nj. 207; hit efra um Upplönd, Fms. i. 22: by land, opp. to the sea, Hkr. ii. 8: of the inner part of a building, opp. to fremri or the part nearest the door, Eg. 43: in the air, opp. to the earth, Sks. 115: superl. efstr, the hindermost, e. liðr, the hindermost joint, 623. 32: neut. efst as adv. highest up, uppermost, efst á stólpanum, 655 xxv. 2. β. metaph. superior, better; er öllum öfri er, Greg. 43. II. the latter, last part: 1. temp., á efra aldri, in the decline of life, Eg. 4; inn öfri, the latter, opp. to fyrri, N. G. L. i. 342; efri hluti sumars, in the decline of summer, Eg. 712; Ólafs-messa hin öfri ( = síðari), the latter (i.e. second) day of St. Olave (viz. Aug. 3), opp. to Ólafs-messa fyrri (July 29), N. G. L. i. 10; efsti dómr, the last judgment, Stj. 58; öfsti dómr, id., 686 l.c.; efsta vika, the last week of Lent = the Passion week, Orkn. 386, Mar. 78; öfsti dagr Paska, the last day in Easter, N. G. L. i. 348; efsta bæn, the last prayer, 623. 50; þeim gef ek erni efstum bráðir, Fas. i. 429 (in a verse); efsta sinni, for the last time, 227; þó vér ritim hana öfri en aðrar, Hom. 116. 2. loc., where aptari and aptastr or eptri and eptstr are the common words; fyrstr and efstr are opposed, foremost and last, in a rank, Ls. l.c.; sá fyrstr er efstr gekk inn, Grág. i. 32.
EFSA, t, [cp. Swed. efsing = thrum, stump], to cut; e. e-m skör, to cut one's head off, Sighvat, (GREEK)
egðir, m., poët, an eagle.
Egðskr, adj. from Agðir, a county in Norway, Fms., Landn.
EGG, n. [A. S. äg; Engl. egg; Swed. ägg; Dan. æg; Germ. ei], an egg, Eg. 152, Grág. ii. 346; arnar-e., æðar-e., álptar-e., hrafns-e., dúfu-e., kriu-e., etc., an eagle's egg, eider duck's, swan's, raven's, dove's, etc.; also, höggorms egg, a snake's egg: eggja-hvíta, f. the white of an egg: eggja-rauða, f. or eggja-blómi, m. the yolk; verpa eggjum, to lay eggs; liggja á eggjum, to sit on eggs, brood; koma, skríða ór eggi, of the young, to come out of the egg, Fagrsk. 4 (in a verse): an egg is glænýtt fresh, stropað half-hatched, ungað hatched; vind-egg, a wind-egg, addled egg; fúl-egg, a rotten egg; vera lostinn fúlu eggi, proverb of a sad and sulky looking fellow that looks as if one had pelted him with rotten eggs, Gísl. 39 (in a verse); fullt hús matar og finnast hvergi dyrnar á, a riddle describing an egg; but fullt hús drykkjar og finnast hvergi dyrnar á, the berry: eggja-fata, f. a bucket in which to gather eggs: eggja-kaka, f. an 'egg-cake,' omelet: eggja-leit, f. a gathering of eggs, etc.
EGG, f., gen. sing, and nom. pl. eggjar, old dat. eggju, mod. egg; [Lat. acies; A. S. ecg; Engl. edge; Hel. eggja; lost in Germ.; Swed.