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Fms. iv. 143. III. impers. in the phrase, sögu endar, endar þar sögu frá honum, it ends the tale, i.e. the tale is ended, Ld. 50: in mod. usage Icel. can say, saga endar, sögu endar, and saga endast, here the story ends.
endemi and endimi, n. pl. an abomination, scandal, shame, esp. in exclamations; sé undr ok endemi! Niðrst. 6; ok þykir nauðsyn, at eigi verði þau e. í, Fms, xi. 27; nú era slíkt mikil e., vii. 36; heyr á endemi, hear the abomination! for shame! heyra á firn ok e., 21, ii. 14; heyr á e., segir Hallgerðr, þú gerir þik góðan, Nj. 74; vissum vér eigi vánir slíkra véla ok endema, Blas. 46; mörg e. tóku menu þá til önnur, Bs. i. 62; hér lýstr í e., segir hann, Fms. xi. 94. endemismaðr, m. a monster, Fs. 38. The etym. is doubtful, either = ein-dæmi, what is unexampled, or rather from dámr and the prefix and-; endemi is always used in a very bad sense; the passage Fms. v. 206--veiztu ef þau e. (= wonder) eru sönn, at konungrinn sé heilagr hjá okkr--is an exception and perhaps incorrect.
ENDI, a, m., and endir, s, m. [Ulf. andeis = GREEK; A. S. ende; Engl. end; O. H. G. enti; Germ. ende; Swed. ände; Dan. ende] :-- the end, conclusion; as in the proverbs, endirinn skyldi í upphafi skoða, Lat. quidquid incipias respice finem; allt er gott ef endirinn er góðr, all's well that ends well; sjá fyrir enda á e-u, to see the end of a thing (how it will end); göra fyrir enda á e-u (a weaver's term), to bring to an end, Grett. 100 new Ed.; leysa e-m illan (góðan) enda (a weaver's term), to bring to an ill (good) end, Korm. 164 (in a verse); mun einn endir leystr vera um þá úgiptu. it will all come to one end, Gisl. 82; binda enda á e-t, to fulfil, finish, Snót 169; göra enda á, to bring to an end, Dipl. i. 6; vera á enda, to be at an end, Fms. xi. 427 (to be at one's wit's end); standask á endum, Nj. 111; allt með endum, adv. from end to end, Lex. Poët.; til annars endans, Nj. 176; öðrum endanum, Eg. 91; dyrr á báðum endum, Fms. iv. 220; at sínum enda hvárir, Grág. ii. 48; til enda jarðar, 656 B. 4; endanum (with the article), 655, xxxii; til enda, to the end of life, Nj. 39; endir líkams, Hom. 103; upphaf ok endir, 146; engi endir, 157; hér skal nú ok endir á verða, it shall come to an end, Nj. 145; sá varð endir a, at ..., that was the end of it, that ..., Fas. ii. 514; annarr endir hersins, Fms. ix. 353; hinn neðri endir, Sks. 167 B. COMPDS: enda-dagr, m. (enda-dægr, n.), the last day, day of death, Fms. viii. 93, x. 388, Sks. 355, Fas. i. 223. enda-fjöl, f. a gable end, Pr. 413. enda-knútr, m. the 'end-knot,' final issue. enda-lauss, adj. endless, Fms. v. 343, Sks. 617, Hom. 87. enda-lok, n. pl. and enda-lykt, f. the end, conclusion, Finnb. 248, Fbr. 29, Hom. 152, Fms. iii. 163, v. 343, Stj. 20, 49. enda-mark, n. the end, limit, H. E. ii. 70, Fms. v. 343. enda-merki, n. id., D. N. enda-mjórr, adj. thin at the end, tapering, in the phrase, láta eigi verða endamjótt við e-n, to treat one well to the end; Icel. say, e-t verðr enda-sleppt, n. adj. it has an abrupt end, etc. enda-þarmr, m. the great gut, Pr. 473.
endi-land, n. borders, confines, Stj. 406, 531, 546.
endi-langr, adj. 'end-long,' from one end to another; eptir endilangri mörkinni, Eg. 58; með endilöngum bekkjum, along the benches, Nj. 220; útlaga fyrir endilangan Noreg, 368, Fms. iv. 319, Grett. 97: as adverb. phrases, 'endwise,' opp. to 'across,' at endilöngum skipum, Fms. vii. 94; um endilangan, Stj. 290; um endilangt, Bs. i. 644; at endilöngu, El. 32.
endi-lauss, adj. endless, Hom. 87.
endi-leysa, u, f. nonsense, 'without end or aim,' Fms. vi. 375.
endi-liga, adv. finally, Stj. 225, Fms. ix. 355, v.l.
endi-ligr, adj. final, Stj. 110, Dipl. ii. 11, Bs. i. 8.
endi-lok, n. pl. the end, conclusion, 625. 172.
endi-mark, n. esp. pl. a boundary, confine, Grág. ii. 166, Hom. 48, Stj. 275, 345, Sks. 338, Dipl. ii. 4, Pm. 92: a limit, end, Hom. 52, Skálda 206, Gþl. 44, Sks. 272 B, Fms. ii. 89, H. E. i. 466.
endi-merki, n. (and endi-mörk, f.) = endimark, Sks. 207, 338 B.
ending, f. ending, termination, Fms. v. 225, Vígl. 16.
endir, v. endi.
end-langr, adj. = endilangr, Grág. ii. 257, Vkv. 7.
ENDR, adv. [cp. Lat. ante]. I. in times of yore, erst, formerly, before; very freq. in old poetry, Am. 1, Ad. 3, Ýt. 12, 13, Eg. 751 (in a verse), vide Lex. Poët.; in prose very rare, or only in the phrase, endr fyrir löngu, a long time ago, Fas. iii. 250, 347; cp. eðr. 2. in the phrases, endr annan veg en endr = now one way, now another, 677. 2; endr ok sinnum, mod. endrum og sinnum, from time to time, now and then, Sks. 208; endr ok stundum, id., 703 B. endra-nær and endrar-nær, adv. at other times, otherwise; bæði þá ok endra-nær, Bs. i. 533; sem jafnan endra-nær, as always else, 526, 538; sem ávalt endrar-nær, Fas. ii. 144; at enum sama hætti sem e., Rb. 28; en þat er endra-nær, at ..., but else, that ..., Fms. viii. 410. II. again; svá kom Óðins son endr at hamri, Þkv. 32. Mostly as prefix to nouns and verbs, answering to Lat. re-, chiefly in a biblical and theological sense, esp. after the Reformation.
endr-borinn, part. born again, Sæm. 118, Sturl. iii. 269, Fas. iii. 68.
endr-bót, f. making good again, repentance, Hom. 41.
endr-búa, bjó, to restore, 655 xiii B. 3.
endr-bæta, tt, to repair, restore, 671. 3, 655 A. 13: reflex., 625. 69, Fms. ii. 212, Greg. 34, Stj. 53, 228, 632.
endr-bæting, f. restitution, restoration, Stj. 52, 632, 625. 69.
endr-bætingr, m. a thing repaired, patchwork, N. G. L. i. 75.
endr-fórn, f. an offering, presenting again, Stj. 49.
endr-fórna, að, to offer, present again, Stj. 49.
endr-fæða, dd, to regenerate, Hom. 154, 1 Peter i. 3.
endr-fæðing, f. regeneration, Matth. xix. 28.
endr-gefendr, part. those who give again, Hm. 40.
endr-geta, gat, to bear (give birth to) again; sonu þína sem Heilög Kristni endrgat, 623. 28; endrgetinn fyrir vatn ok Helgan Anda, Hom. 55, Fms. iii. 166; endrgetinn af vatni ok Helgum Anda, Hom. 3: reflex. to be born again, Post. 656 B. 11, Niðrst. 104.
endr-getnaðr, m. the being horn again, Niðrst. 104.
endr-getning, f. = endrgetnaðr, 655 vi. 2, Titus iii. 5.
endr-gjalda, galt, to reward, Mar. 175, Bs. ii. 25, Rom. xii. 19.
endr-gjaldari, a, m. a rewarder. Heb. xi. 6.
endr-græða, dd, to heal again. Barl. 148.
endr-göra, ð, to restore, reconstruct, K. Á. 28.
endr-hreinsa, að, to purify again, Hom. (St.)
endr-hræra, ð, to move again, Barl. 130.
endr-kaupa, t, to redeem, 2 Peter ii. 1.
endr-laginn, part. replaced, Skv. 3. 65.
endr-lausn, f. redemption, Luke xxi. 28, 1 Cor. i. 30; this and the following two words were scarcely used before the Reformation.
Endr-lausnari, a, m. the Redeemer, Job xix. 25, etc.
endr-leysa, t, to redeem, Matth. xvi. 26, Luke xxiv. 21.
endr-lifna, að, to come to life again, Stj. 221, Greg. 58, Luke xv. 32.
endr-lífga, að, to call to life again, Stj. 30.
endr-lífgan, f. a refreshing, revival, Acts iii. 19.
endr-minnask, t. dep. to remember, call to mind, Stj. 23, 40, 51.
endr-minning, f. remembrance, recollection, Hom. 9, Skálda 204.
endr-mæðing, f. tribulation, Stj. 49.
endr-mæla, t, to repeat, Matth. vii. 2.
endr-mæling, n. repetition, Sturl. iii. 71 C.
endr-nýja, að, to renew, repeat, Fms. ix. 248, 499, Jb. 156, K. Á. 28: impers., Eb. 278: reflex. to grow again, Str.
endr-nýjung, f. renovation, renewing, Titus iii. 5.
endr-næra, ð, to refresh, Matth. xi. 28, Rom. xv. 32, 2 Cor. vii. 13.
endr-næring, f. refreshing.
endr-reisa, t, to raise again, Fms. x. 276.
endr-rjóða, adj. ind. downcast, forlorn; Ketill kvað þá mjök e., K. said that they were much cast down, disheartened, Fas. ii. 16, Fspl. 12; it occurs only in these two passages, see a note of Dr. Scheving to Fspl. l.c., where he says that the word still survives in the east of Icel.
endr-semja, samði, to recompose, renew, Bs. i. 735.
endr-skapa, að, to create anew, Eluc. 52, Str. 52.
endr-skikka, að, to restore, Acts iii. 21.
endr-taka, tók, to retake, Stj. 29.
endr-tryggja, ð, to reconcile, Bs. i. 686.
endr-vinda, vatt, to turn back (of things), Orkn. 202.
endr-þága, u, f. retribution, Hm. 4.
ENG, f., pl. engjar, (spelt æng, O. H. L.), [Dan. eng; Swed. äng; A.S. ing, found in local names in North. E., as Ings, Broad Ing] :-- a meadow; opp. to akr, in the allit. phrase, akr né eng, Grág. i. 407, Hrafn. 21, Gþl. 136, 360, K. Þ. K. 90; í enginni, Stj. 193; veitti hann lækinn á eng sína, Landn. 145; hálfs mánaðar eng, half a month's meadow-land, Dipl. ii. 12: in pl. engjar is in Icel. used of the outlying lands, opp. to tún, the home-field, and hagi, the pasturage, vide Grett. ch. 50; engjar manna, Grág. ii. 264: þótt fé gangi í engjar, 233: used in many COMPDS: engja-brigð, f. the escheatage of an eng, Grág. ii. 277. engja-grasnautn, f. right of grazing, making hay in the eng, Vm. 48. engja-hey, n. hay of the eng, = út-hey, 'out-field hay,' opp. to taða, hay from the well-manured home-field. engja-merki, m. marks, borders of the eng, Grág. ii. 219. engja-skipti, n. division of the eng, Grág. ii. 259. engja-sláttr, m. the time of mowing the eng, in August, opp. to túna-sláttr, mowing of the home-field, in July. engja-vinna, f. and engja-verk, n. making hay in the eng. engja-vöxtr, m. meadow-produce, Jb. 146.
engi, n. (= eng), meadow-land, a meadow, Grág. i. 123, ii. 264, Háv. 51. COMPDS: engis-höfn, f. possession of a meadow, Grág. ii. 274. engis-lé, m. a scythe to mow a meadow, Korm. 4 (in a verse), (engissler, MS.); this seems to be the correct reading of the passage. engis-maðr, m. the owner of a meadow, Grág. ii. 289.
engi-búi, a, m. a neighbour who has to appear in an engidómr.
engi-dalr, m. a meadow-valley, Stj. 163.
engi-dómr (or engja-dómr), m. a court to decide the possession of n meadow, sitting on the spot, Grág. (L. Þ. ch. 17) ii. 269 sqq.
ENGILL, m. [Gr. GREEK; Lat. eccl. angelus: hence in the Teut. dialects, Goth. aggilus; A. S. and Germ. engel; Engl. angel] :-- an angel, Rb. 78, Nj. 157, 625. 4, N. T., Pass., Vídal., etc.; englar, höfuð-englar, veldis-englar, Hom. 133; engils andlit, 623. 55. COMPDS: engla-fylki, n, a host of angels, Stj., Hom. 133, Fms. v. 340, Mar. 656 A. 8.