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133; mod., feila sér, id. This word hardly occurs before the 14th century; cp. however fól, fælinn, fæla, which are all of Teut. origin.

feilinn, adj. faltering, shy, vide ú-feilinn.

feima, u, f. [prob. of Gaelic origin, fjamh = fear, Armstrong], poët. a bashful girl, a young lass, in Edda 108, Gl., Rm. 22, Fms. xi. (in a verse of the year 994).

feiminn, adj. bashful, and feimni, f. shyness, bashfulness.

feita, tt, to fatten, K. Þ. K. 130, Hm. 82, Hom. 72, Greg. 44.

feiti, f. fatness, Stj. 106, 309.

feiting, f. fattening, Eb. 316.

feit-laginn, part. disposed to grow fat.

feit-leikr, m. fatness, ubertas, Stj. 167.

feit-meti, n. fat meat, butter, etc.

FEITR, adj. [Lat. pinguis; Gr. GREEK; A. S. fætt; Engl. fat; Hel. feit; early High Germ. feiss; mod. but Low Germ. form fett; Dan. feed; Swed. fet] :-- fat, Nj. 52, Eg. 137, Fbr. 19, Lv. 18, Fms. i. 36, v. 93, x. 303, Stj. 42; vide fita.

feit-æti, n. = feitmeti; feit-ætr, adj. liking fat.

FEL, f. [fill or fela = a maw, Ivar Aasen], the rough inside of an animal's maw. β. metaph. a ragged coat: hann lagði í felina (acc. sing. with the article), he pierced the rags of the cloak, Lv. 85.

FELA, pret. fal, 2nd pers. falt, pl. fálu; pres. fel; pret. subj. fæli; part. fólginn: in mod. usage, pret. faldi, part. falinn, and sup. falið, with weak declension, if in the sense to hide; but fól, pl. fólu, part. fólginn, if in the sense to commend; thus, undir trjánum sig faldi, Pass. 33. 6; einn fyrir engum faldist, 33. 7; but, þá Frelsarinn í Föðurs hönd fól nú blessaðr sína önd, 45. 1; fól and falinn, however, never occur in old MSS. :-- [Ulf. filhan = GREEK, GREEK; Hel. bi-felhan; O. H. G. felahan; Germ. be-fehlen and emp-fehlen; Lat. se-p&e-long;lio contains the same root, properly meaning to hide, shut up: cp. Engl. bury, which really means to hide.] I. to hide, conceal; allt veit ek Óðin, hvar þú auga falt, Vsp. 22; þú falt fé þitt í svá mikilli þoku, Band. 12; hrís-kjarrit þat er Vaði risi fal sverðit, Þiðr. 69, Gm. 37; fálu þeir gullit í Rín, Edda 76; tóku likit ok fálu þar, Ó. H. 225 (fólu, Hkr. ii. 380, wrongly); ek mun fela yðr her í gamma mínum, Fms. i. 9: barnit var fólgit, Fs. 60, Gullþ. 26; fel sverð þitt, sheathe thy sword, Fms. xi. 348; felðu (= fel þú) sverð þitt í umgörð, 656 C. 4; þær austr ok vestr enda fálu, Hkv. 1. 2; fólgit, hidden, preserved, Vsp. 31; fólginn, hid, Þkv. 7, 8; örlög fólgin e-m, fate hidden, in store for one, Vsp. 36, Akv. 16; fólginn endi lífs, poët. the hidden thrum of life, i.e. death, Ýt. 17. β. to bury, Ýt. 24; liggja fulginn, to lie buried (in a cairn), on a Runic stone, Rath 178. 2. metaph., hefir þú fólgit nafn hennar í vísu þessi, Eg. 325; fólgit í rúnum, Edda 47; yrkja fólgit, to use obscure phrases (in poetry), 110. 3. impers., fal þá sýn (acc.) milli þeirra, they lost sight of one another, with the notion of a hill or object coming between, Ó. H. 182; þegar er sýn fal í milli þeirra Egils, Eg. 545. 4. the phrase, fela e-n á brott (= in mod. usage koma e-m fyrir), to put one out (for alimentation), of one sick or old, a child, etc., Grág. i. 155; or, fela e-n inni, id.; sá bóandi er hann felr sik inni, the husbandman with whom he boards and lodges, 158; ef sá maðr andask er fólginn var inni, 155: of cattle, to put out to keep, nú felr maðr búfé inni at manni at fúlgu-mála réttum, N. G. L. i. 25; hence fúlga, q.v. = meðgjöf. II. to give into one's keeping, entrust; hann fal Óðni allan þann val, he gave all the slain to Odin, Fas. i. 454; mey frumunga fal hann (entrusted to) megi Gjúka, Skv. 3. 4: to invest, auð hefi ek minn ílla fólginn, Fms. vii. 49 (in a verse). β. in the phrase, fela e-m e-t á hendi (mod. á hendr); þér fel ek á hendi, Skarphéðinn, at hefna bróður þíns, Nj. 154; fal hón sik ok allt sitt föruneyti á hendr lifanda Guði, Fms. i. 226; Kristi á hendi fólgin, 655 xxiii; fel'k þér á hendi ábyrgð hans at öllu, Grág. i. 245; fálu sik ok sálur sínar Guði Almáttkum á hendi, Bs. i. 139; at Jón Loptsson fæli Petri postula á hendi þá hjörð ... en Jesus Kristr fal sína hjörð á hendr Föður sínum, 145; fela undir e-m, to put under one's charge; er und einum mér öll um fólgin hodd Niflunga, i.e. all the hoard of Niflung is kept by me only, Akv. 26; fela ván sína alla undir Guði, 686 B. 2; mun hér öll vár vinátta undir felask, all our friendship will depend upon this, Eb. 130: a law term, skulu þeir fela undir eið sinn, they shall avouch it on their oath, Grág. i. 9; fela undir þegnskap sinn, to vouch upon one's honour; þó rangt sé undir þegnskap fólgit, 33. III. reflex. to hide oneself; ek mun felask, Fs. 48: hann falsk í Kröflu-helli, Landn. 183; mörg leyni þau er felask mátti í, Fms. x. 218; í skógi þar er þeir höfðu fólgizk, Ó. H. 152; en fálusk at degi, id.; felask í faðmi e-m, to be shut in one's arms, Hkv. 2. 27. 2. felask á hendi e-m, to put oneself in another's hands, enter his service; Kolskeggr falsk á hendi Sveini Dana-konungi, Nj. 121.

FÉ-LAG, n. [this word and the following are of Scandin. origin, and found neither in early A. S. nor South-Teut. dialects; the Germans use genosse and genossenschaft; the E. Engl. felaw (mod. fellow) is a northern word] :-- prop. a laying one's fee together, i.e. fellowship, partnership, Grág. i. 330, ii. 72, 73 (passim); eiga félag saman, Fbr. 102; nú leggja menn félag sitt saman, ok verja ór einum sjóð, Jb. 406; skipta til félags, to share in partnership, Sks. 32; eiga félag við e-n, to be in partnership with one, Eg. 76; leggja félag við e-n, to enter into partnership with one, Fms. iv. 124; hafa félag við e-n, id., 296: Hallr fór milli landa, ok hafði félag Ólafs ens Helga konungs, Hall traded in divers countries, and was in partnership with king Olave, Ó. H. (pref.), Fb. iii. 239; leggja til félags, to contribute to a common fund, Fms. vi. 183, viii. 20: in the law even matrimony is a félag or partnership (between man and wife),--in respect to the common fund of mundr and heiman-fylgja, vide the Grág.--In COMPDS, denoting common: félags-bú, n. household in common, Sturl. i. 180; félags-fé, n. a common fund, Landn. 33; félags-görð, f. entrance in partnership, Grág. i. 331, Sks. 33, 632: a contract, nema annan veg hafi mælt verít í f. þeirra, Grág. i. 331; félags-hross, n. a horse owned in partnership with others, Grág. i. 436; félags-lagning, f. a 'laying' of, or entering into, partnership, Grág. i. 331; félags-maðr, m. a partner, Hkr. ii. 157, Sks. 32; félags-vætti, n. a witness in matters of félag, Grág. i. 330, v.l. II. a society, association; mann-félag, an association of men; mannlegt félag, etc.; vísinda-f., etc., literary society, is a modern turn of the word, and scarcely occurs earlier than the 17th or 18th century. It is now used in a great many compds: the passage in Sd. ch. 5, p. 123, where it means agreement, is a sure proof that these chapters are spurious.

fé-lagi, a, m. [E. Engl. felaw, vide félag] :-- prop, a 'fee-layer,' i.e. a partner, shareholder of any kind, esp. in trade, Fbr. 74 new Ed., cp. konungs-félagi, a king's partner, for the kings of old carried on trade, Fbr., Fb. iii. l.c.; sailors who had food in common were félagar; the law provides that even a poor man, if he contributes all that he has, is a lawful félagi, Grág. ii. 72; enda á hann hvárki félaga né mötu-naut, er einn í mötu-neyti ok á engan félaga, 73, passim in the Grág.: félaga-erfð, f. a partner's inheritance, N. G. L. i. 50. β. in the law it is also used of married people (vide félag), a partner, mate, consort; hvat segir þú mér frá Hrúti félaga þínum, Nj. 12; ef því hjóna batnar heilsa er vitfirring hafði, þá skal þat hverfa aptr til félaga síns ok hjúskapar, Grág. i. 287; ek vil skilja við félaga minn, I wish to part with my mate, a formulary in pleading before a court of divorce, 326. 2. metaph. a fellow, mate, comrade; this sense of the word occurs as early as the old Hm. 51,--með hálfum hleif ok með höllu keri fékk ek mér félaga, where it however has some slight notion of partnership, with half a loaf and a half-drained cup I got me fellows; félagi is a frequent word in Icel., both ancient and modern, and used just as in English; gamansamr félagi, a merry fellow, Sks. 634; félagi minn ok frændi, my fellow and kinsman, Fms. x. 88; góðr félagi, a good fellow, Sks. 432: in addressing one, hverr ertu, f., who art thou, fellow? Fb. iii. 239: a dear fellow, þér mun ek þykkja úlíklega spyrja, f., Ld. 268; hversu hefir í dag at farit, f., Vápn. 4. β. in a pun, Fms. xi. 150. 3. mod. a fellow, member of a society.

félag-ligr, adj. 'fellowlike,' kind, H. E. i. 470.

félag-skapr, m. fellowship, partnership. Eg. 1. β. metaph. fellowship, friendship, Eg. 27; görðisk þar brátt f. góðr, they soon became intimate friends, Fms. iv. 127; binda saman lag sitt ok félagskap, to bind their fellowship together, enter into close alliance, 295; var þeirra f. at öllu merkilegr, Fs. 15; görðisk með þeim öllum enn mesti f., 29; þykki mér þú hafa lýst í því við mik mikinn félagskap, Boll. 346. II. association, mod. in many compds.

feld-kápa, u, f. = feldr, Ld. 274, v.l.; vide fellikápa.

FELDR, m., gen. feldar, pl. feldir, a cloak worn by the ancients, esp. one lined with fur; hvítr-f., a white cloak, Fbr. 145 sqq.; rauð-f., a red cloak, Landn. (a nickname); grá-f., a grey cloak, Hkr. i. 176; skinn-f., a skin cloak, Orkn. 326 (in a verse); bjarn-f., q.v., a bear-skin cloak; röggvar-f., a woollen cloak, Grett. 114; varar-f., a common cloak; loð-f., a shaggy cloak, a fur cloak, = loði; blá-f., a blue cloak, N. G. L. i. 74; feldr fimm alna í skaut, a cloak measuring five ells square, Korm. 86; a feld four ells long and two ells broad, Grág. i. 500, was in trade the usual size, but here the ell is a 'thumb ell,' measuring only about sixteen inches; stutt-f., a short cloak, Fms. vii. 152 (a nickname); feldr, kápa, and skikkja seem to be synonymous, cp. Ls. ch. 14, 15, Glúm. ch. 3, 8, Grett. ch. 23, Lv. ch. 17. Tac. Germ. ch. 17 -- 'tegumen omnibus sagum, fibulâ, aut, si desit, spinâ consertum;' the cloaks were often made of (or lined with) costly furs, Glúm. ch. 6; breiða feld á höfuð sér, to wrap the head in a cloak, Nj. 164, Kristni S. ch. 11, Fms. vi. 43 (Sighvat), as a token of deep thinking: feldar-dálkr, m. a cloak-pin, Hkr., vide dálkr; feldar-röggvar, f. pl. the patches or 'ragged' hairs on the outside of a cloak, Lv. 55, cp. Grág. i. 500; feldar-skaut, n. (-blað, n., Finnb. 342), a cloak's skirt, Fb. i. 416; feldar-slítr, n. pl. the tatters of a cloak, Grett. The etymology of feldr is uncertain, scarcely from Lat. pellis, but rather from falda, to fold, wrap; even Tacitus, l.c., makes a distinction between the 'sagulum' (= feldr) and 'ferarum pelles,' the latter being a mark of more savage habits, such as that of the berserkers; feldr is never used of a woman's cloak (möttull, skikkja); the passage Fm. 43 is corrupt: the phrase, það er ekki með feldi, it is not right, something is wrong, is a corrupt form instead of með felldu, part. from fella, q.v.

feljóttr, adj. [filled, Ivar Aasen], shabby; f. sem laki, rough as a sheep's maw, Fbr. 156.