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to us the strongest, Dipl. ii. 5. β. with dat., venju framarr, more than usual; því framarr sem, all the more, Fms. i. 184. γ. with 'en' following; framar en, farther than, more than; mun hér því (therefore) framarr leitað en hvarvetna annars-staðar, Fms. i. 213; at ganga framarr á hendr Þorleiki en mitt leyfi er til, Ld. 154; hversu Þorólfr var framarr en ek, Eg. 112; framarr er hann en ek, he is better than I, Nj. 3; sókn framarr (rather) en vörn, 236; framarr en (farther than) nú er skilt, Js. 48; því at hann væri framarr en aðrir menn at sér, better than other men, Mar. 25. 2. superl., svá sem sá er framast (foremost) elskaði, Fs. 80; svá sem framast má, 655 xi. 2; sem Guð lér honum framast vit til, Js. 5: with gen., konungr virði hann framast allra sona sinna, Fms. i. 6; at Haraldr væri framast þeirra bræðra, 59; framast þeirra at allri sæmd, viii. 272.

frama, að, [A. S. fremman; Dan. fremme], to further; frama sik, to distinguish oneself, Fms. v. 282: with dat. to further, promote a thing, hvárir-tveggju hafa svá mjök framat kvöð sinni, at ..., proceeded so far with their suit, that ..., Grág. ii. 50: of a pregnant woman, ek veit at þú ert með barni, ok mjök framat, and far advanced, Finnb. 212, Ld. 142.

fram-altari, a, m. a side-altar, opp. to the high altar, Vm. 77.

framan, vide fram C.

framandi, part. a man of distinction, Bs. i. 797, 805, Orkn. 358. II. [Ulf. framaþeis; Germ. fremder], a stranger, Pass. 30. 6, (mod.)

framan-verðr, adj. [cp. Ulf. fram-vairþjis], 'fore-ward,' in the front; á framanverðri brekkunni, Fms. vii. 298; nesinu, Eg. 399; framanverðar fylkingar, Fms. vi. 69; um hökuna framanverða, Orkn. 288; í framanvert nefit, Nj. 29.

framar-liga, contracted framarla, adv. 'forwardly,' in front; þá má hverr vera svá framarla sem hann vill (of ranks in battle), Fms. viii. 403, v.l.; lagði konungr framarla skip sitt, Eg. 33; þeir kómu svá f. í landit, went so far, Fms. xi. 360: Icel. say, framarliga í dalnum, nesinu, far off in the dale, etc., where old writers would prefer í framanverðum dalnum, nesi: f. á sjötta hundraði, high up in the sixth hundred, Sturl. iii. 84. 2. metaph. fully, highly, much; treysta f., to trust fully, Fms. v. 236, vi. 151; svá framarla, so far, to that point, x. 7, Hom. 40; svá f. sem, so far as, 87; sjá f. við e-u, to be fully ware of, Sks. 358; hann man f. á horfa um kvánfangit, he will look high, i.e. make great pretensions, Ld. 88.

fram-boðligr, adj. that can be offered, Fms. iii. 180.

fram-bógr, m. the shoulder of an animal, Hkr. iii. 283.

fram-bryggja, u, f. the gangway leading to the bow of a ship, Eg. 121.

fram-burðr, m. delivery, esp. of a speech: með snjöllum framburði, Fms. ii. 199, Stj. 151, 260, 261: specially a law term, pleading, delivery, Grág. i. 42; f. um kviðinn, delivery of the verdict, Nj. 87: in mod. usage a gramm. term, pronunciation.

fram-búð, f. lasting for the time to come: in the phrase, vera til lítillar frambuðar, to be of little lasting use, Barl. 63.

fram-byggjar, -byggvar, m. pl. 'bow-sitters' the men placed on the bow of a ship of war, Fms. ii. 312, Eg. 32, Hkr. i. 86, Orkn. 230.

fram-bær, m. the front or fore part of a house.

fram-dráttr, m. carrying, launching a ship, Grág. ii. 399: metaph. support, maintenance, Fms. v. 23. framdráttar-samr, adj. putting oneself forward, Sturl. ii. 227.

fram-eggjan, f. an egging on, Nj. 61, Fms. viii. 118, xi. 261.

fram-fall, n. a falling on one's face, Karl. 552.

fram-farinn, part. departed, Fær. 264; fram-farandi, part. act. departing, K. Á. 20.

fram-ferð, f. procedure, course of procedure, Bs. i. 840, Fms. i. 126, vii. 296: conduct, Stj. 141.

fram-ferði, n. = framferð, Fms. ii. 37: conduct, 655 xxxii. 2, Stj. 8, 142, Bs. i. 840, Fms. vi. 133: freq. in mod. use, N. T., Vídal.

fram-ferðugr, adj.; f. maðr, a ready man, Ann. 1348, (rare.)

fram-flutning, f. maintenance, Eg. 77, Fms. i. 222, xi. 234: gramm. pronunciation, Skálda 175, 181.

fram-flutningr, m. pleading, Bs. i. 769.

fram-fótr, m. the fore leg (of a quadruped), Fas. iii. 295.

fram-fúss, adj. eager, forward, willing, Bs. i. 238.

fram-færa, ð, to maintain, Grág. passim, (better as two words.)

fram-færi, n. furtherance, Sturl. i. 72; koma e-u á f., to further it.

fram-færing, f. pronunciation, Skálda 179; Lat. translatio, 194.

fram-færinn, adj. (fram-færni, f.), a putting oneself forward; úframfærinn, shy; óframfærni, shyness.

fram-færsla, u, f. a 'bringing forward,' bringing up, maintenance, Dipl. iv. 8, Grág. i. 62, 454, Jb. passim. COMPDS: Framfærslu-bálkr, m. the section in the Jb. treating of alimentation. framfærslu-kerling, f. an old pauper woman, Fbr. 95. framfærslu-lauss, adj. without means of support, Grág. i. 454, Jb. 179. framfærslu-maðr, m. a pauper. Jb. 181, Þorst. St. 55; = mod. sveitar-ómagi.

fram-för, f. advancing, Fms. iv. 270, Hom. 181: departing from life, Fms. ii. 164, Bs. i. 742, Post. 686 C. 2. 2. metaph. progress, freq. in mod. usage.

fram-ganga, u, f. a 'going forth,' proceeding, Sks. 520, 563: a going towards the door from the inner rooms (vide fram), Fs. 140 :-- advancing, in battle, and metaph. valour, exploits, Ó. H. 216 sqq., Eg. 33, Nj. 127, Fms. xi. 131, Lv. 89, Ísl. ii. 368, Grett. 159. framgöngu-maðr, m. a forward, valiant man, Glúm. 331.

fram-gangr, m. a 'going forward,' advancing, in battle, Fms. viii. 117: metaph. success, vi. 133, vii. 280, ix. 508, Eg. 20 (advancement): aggression, ofsi ok f., Fms. xi. 93, K. Á. 232.

fram-genginn, part. performed, Sks. 32, 560. 2. of persons, departed, deceased, Sks. 12.

fram-gengt, part. n. (fem., Fms. x. 401), brought about, successful; in the phrase, verða f., to succeed, come to pass. Ld. 238, Fms. i. 277, vii. 5, 183, Sks. 32, 560, Ýt. 1.

fram-girnd, f. = framgirni, Barl. 62.

fram-girni, f. forwardness, Fms. v. 246, Fbr. 121.

fram-gjarn, adj. striving forward, H. E. i. 250, Thom. 28.

fram-hald, n. continuation, (mod.)

fram-heit, n. pl. fair promises for the future, Sturl. iii. 232, 255.

fram-hleypi (fram-hleypni), f. forwardness, Thom. 175.

fram-hleypiligr, adj. forward, Stj. (pref.)

fram-hleypinn, adj. leaping forward, intruding.

fram-hlutr, m. the fore part, Fms. vi. 351.

fram-hrapan, f. a rushing on, H. E. i. 501.

fram-hús, n. a 'fore-house,' porch, entry, Njarð. 376, Fs. 149.

fram-hvass, adj. forward, sharp, Fms. ii. 45, Thom. 46, 180.

fram-hvöt, f. encouragement, Ld. 260, Sturl. iii. 6, Bs. ii. 72.

frami, a, m. advancement, but esp. distinction, renown, fame, Sl. 70, Vþm. 11, Hm. 104, Eg. 19, 106, Nj. 38, Fms. i. 287, vi. 133, vii. 149, viii. 336: forwardness, vi. 303; lang-frami, lasting fame, Orkn. 466. COMPDS: frama-ferð, f. a feat, famous exploit, Fs. 4. frama-leysi, n. obscurity, Al. 118. frama-maðr, m. a man of distinction, Bs. i. Laur. S. frama-raun, f. a trial of fame, dangerous exploit, Fas. iii. 43. frama-skortr, m. listlessness, Fms. v. 338. frama-verk, n. a 'forward-work,' exploit, feat, Fms. iii. 97, Fs. 4, Orkn. 80.

fram-játan, f. a promise, 655 xxxii. 21, Th. 24.

fram-kast, n. a forecast, empty words, Eb. 46, Mar. (Fr.)

fram-kirkja, u, f. the 'fore-church,' nave, opp. to the choir or chancel, Vm. 26, Jm. 13, Bs. i. 829.

fram-kváma, u, f. 'coming forward,' fulfilment, Greg. 32, Hom. 51.

fram-kvæma, d, to fulfil, bring about, Ó. H. 62, Bs. i. 133, ii. 147.

fram-kvæmd, f. fulfilment, success, prowess; vit ok f., Fms. i. 195, ii. 119, vii. 280, 300, ix. 7, 625. 175, Sks. 609. COMPDS: framkvæmdar-lauss, adj. listless. framkvæmdar-leysi, n. listlessness, Fær. 246. framkvæmdar-maðr, m. a man of prowess, Nj. 181, Fms. i. 15, xi. 232. framkvæmdar-mikill, adj., full of prowess, Fms. vii. 431.

fram-lag, n. a 'laying forth,' an outlay, Fms. iv. 33, Sks. 27, Grág. i. 478: contribution, Fær. 69, Fms. vi. 307, xi. 320, 428. 2. display, Fms. ix. 495, v.l.

fram-laga, u, f. an advancing, in battle, Hkr. iii. 122.

fram-leiðis, adv. [Dan. fremdeles], further, in future, K. Á. 20, Jb. 406, Sturl. iii. 269.

fram-leiðsla, u, f. a 'leading on,' conduct; f. lífdaga, Fms. iii. 89.

fram-leistr, m. the fore part of a sock, N. G. L. iii. 13.

fram-ligr, adj.; f. maðr, a fine man, Sturl. ii. 134 C, Fms. xi. 56.

fram-lundaðr and fram-lyndr, adj. courageous, Lex. Poët.

fram-lútr, adj. 'louting forward,' prone, 655 xxxii. 3, Bs. ii. 20.

fram-löpp, f. a fore-paw.

frammi, vide fram B.

frammi-staða, u, f. a 'standing forth,' behaviour, feat, Karl. 149, but only used in peculiar phrases; in Dipl. v. 18 the missal is called frammistöðu-bók, f., from being read by the priest while standing, frammistöðu-maðr, m. a steward at a wedding or feast.

fram-mynntr, adj. with a projecting mouth, Sturl. ii. 133 B.

framning, f. performance, Magn. 480, Hom. 26, 655 xxxii. 3.

framr, adj., compar. fremri or framari, Stj. 127; superl. fremstr or framastr, Fas. i. 320; [A. S. freme, fram = bonus; cp. Germ. fromm] :-- forward; in the positive, used almost always in a bad sense, impertinently forward, intrusive (but ó-framr, shy); this distinction is old. e.g. mjök eru þeir menn framer, er eigi skammask at taka mína konu frá mér, says the old Thorodd, Skálda 163 :-- in a good sense, prominent, Bs. ii. 70, 155; framr ok góðr klerkr, i. 824; framr spámaðr, Stj. 33. β. neut. framt as adv. so far, to such an extent, Stj. 254; ganga framt at, to deal harshly, Dipl. ii. 19; treysta framt á, to put full trust in, Fms. iii. 184: svá framt sem ..., in case that ..., Dipl. ii. 13, -- better svá framarlega, as soon as, Stj. 287; svá framt sem hann hefir lukt, as soon as he has paid, Dipl. iii. 9. II. compar. the foremost (of two); til hins fremra austrrúms, to the fore-pumping room, Fms. viii. 139; enum fremrum fótum, with the fore-feet (mod. fram-fótum), 1812. 16. β. neut., hit fremra, the place nearest the door, Eg. 43: of a road, the 'fore-road,' the road along the coast, (opp. to 'the in-road,' across the inland), Nj. 207, Orkn. 6. 2. metaph. superior, with dat.; öllum fremri, Fas. i. 205; fremri í öllum hlutum, Fær. 47; göfgari maðr né fremri, Þórð. 9 new Ed. III. superl. fremstr, foremost, Fms. i. 176, ii. 317, Al. 90, Ó. H. 121: metaph. the best, foremost, Stj. 93; fremstr at allri sæmd, Fms. viii. 272; jafn