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frið-sæla, u, f. the bliss of peace, Bs. i. 723.
frið-sæll, adj. blessed with peace, Hkr. i. 17.
frið-vænligr, adj. promising peace, Fms. i. 26, 132.
frið-vænn., adj. promising peace, safe, Fms. ix. 5.
frið-þæging, f. propitiation, Vídal.
frið-þægja, ð, to propitiate, of Christ, Vídal.
FRIGG, f. a pr. name, gen. friggjar, [cp. A. S. frigu = love], the heathen goddess Frigg, Edda, Vsp. COMPDS: Friggjar-elda, u, f. a bird, prob. = mod. Máriatla, the wagtail, motacilla alba Linn., Edda (Gl.) Friggjar-gras, n. 'Frigg's herb,' the mandrake, Hjalt. Friggjar-stjarna, u, f., astron. 'Frigg's star,' Venus, Clem. 26.
frilla, v. friðla.
fritt, n. adj. peaceful, Eg. 572, Stj. 471, 475; in the phrase, e-m er fritt (or eiga fritt), one's person being safe; hversu vel mun honum fritt at koma á yðvarn fund, how safe will it be for him to come to you? Fms. vii. 167; Högni spurði, hvárt þeim skyldi fritt vera, Sturl. ii. 144 C; eiga í flestum stöðum ílla fritt, Fbr. 48 new Ed.; ef eigi væri allt fritt (safe) af Steingríms hendi, Rd. 277; þá var ílla fritt, things were ill at ease, uneasy, Bs. i. 363; hvárt skal mér fritt at ganga á fund yðvarn, Fb. iii. 453.
FRÍ, adj. = fráls, free, released, vacant, used in a less noble sense than frjáls, q.v.; frí is foreign, but freq. in mod. writers :-- used as adv. freely, truly, in mod. poets, Pass. 7. 12, 18. 9, 19. 8, 38. 5.
FRÍ, m. [Dan. frier = a wooer, cp. frjá], a lover, = friðill, an GREEK, Hým. 9, cp. friðla; Höfuðl. 15 is dubious.
frí, n. a mod. college term, vacation, probably from Lat. feria.
fría, að, to deliver, Lv. 94 better firrum: reflex. to free oneself, Fms. xi. 424.
frían, f. (in Ó. H. 206 frion), remission, an GREEK, Fms. v. 55, Pass. 13. 13.
fríða, að, to adorn, Fms. vii. 276, Fas. ii. 196, Ld. 198.
fríðendi, n. pl. good things; heita e-m fríðendum, to make fair promises, Gísl. 70, Fms. v. 157, Niðrst. 6; allir kostir ok öll f., Clem. 29; er nökkut þat er til fríðenda sé um mik, is there anything good in me? Fms. vi. 207; revenue, reki með öllum fríðendum, Ám. 12, 15; heimaland með öllum fríðendum, 52.
fríðka and fríkka, að, to grow fine and handsome.
fríð-leikr (-leiki), m. personal beauty, Eg. 29, Fms. x. 234; fríðleikr, afl, ok fræknleikr, Hkr. i. 302; fríðleikinum samir hinn bezti búnaðr, iii. 264. 2. fríðendi; svá mikla penninga at vexti ok fríðleik, Dipl. i. 11; fimmtán kúgildi með þvílíkum fríðleik sem ..., ii. 12, Vm. 74; með þeim fríðleika sem fyrr segir, Jm. 31.
FRÍÐR, adj., neut. frítt, compar. fríðari, superl. fríðastr, [a Scandin. word, not found either in A. S. or Germ.] :-- fair, beautiful, handsome, chiefly of the face; fríðr sýnum, Eg. 22. 23, Nj. 2, Fas. i. 387, Fms. i. 2, 17: fine, lið mikit ok frítt, 32, vii. 231; mikit skip ok frítt, Fagrsk.; fríð veizla, Fb. ii. 120; með friðu föruneyti, Ld. 22: metaph. specious, unfair, Fms. x. 252. II. paid in kind; tólf hundruð fríð, twelve hundred head of cattle in payment, Finnb. 226; tólf álnum fríðum, Dipl. ii. 20; hve margir aurar skulu í gripum (in valuables), eða hve margir fríðir (in cattle), Grág. i. 136; arfi ens fríða en eigi ens ófríða, he inherits the cattle but not the other property, 221; fjóra tigi marka silfrs fríðs, forty marks of silver paid in cattle, Eg. 526, v.l. Icel. at present call all payment in kind 'í fríðu,' opp. to cash; í fríðu ok úfríðu, H. E. i. 561. III. as noun in fem. pr. names, Hólm-fríðr, Hall-fríðr, etc., Landn.; and Fríða, u, f. as a term of endearment for these pr. names.
FRÍSIR, m. pl. the Frisians, Fms., Eg. passim. Frís-land, n. Frisia. Frískr, adj. Frisian, Fms. vi. 362.
FRÍSKR, adj. [O. H. G. frisc; mod. Germ. frisch], frisky, brisk, vigorous, (mod. word); frísk-leiki, a, m. friskiness, briskness, vigour; frísk-legr, adj. (-lega, adv.), friskily, briskly.
frjá, f. a sweetheart, Skv. 3. 8, and perh. in Fsm. 5 for fán of the MS.
FRJÁ, ð, [Ulf. renders GREEK and GREEK by frijon, and GREEK by frjaþva; akin to friðr, friðill; in Icel. this word has almost entirely disappeared, except in the part. frændi, which is found also in Engl. friend, Germ. freund: frjá has thus met with the same fate as its antagonist fjá (to hate); both have been lost as verbs, while the participles of each, fjándi and frændi, fiend and friend, remain :-- vrijen, to woo, still remains in Dutch; and the mod. High Germ. freien and Dan. frie are borrowed from Low Germ.] :-- to pet, an GREEK in Mkv. 5, -- annars barn er sem úlf at frjá, to pet another man's bairn is like petting a wolf, i.e. he will never return your love. The passage Ls. 19 is obscure and probably corrupt.
FRJÁ-, in the COMPDS: Frjá-aptan, m. Friday evening, Sturl. ii. 216. Frjá-dagr, m. Friday, Rb. 112, 572, Jb. 200; langi F., Good Friday, K. Á. 68 passim: Frjádags-aptan, m. Friday evening, Sturl. ii. 210 C: Frjádags-kveld, n. id., Sturl. ii. 211 C: Frjádags-nótt, f. Friday night, Fms. viii. 35 (v.l.), Nj. 186: Frjádags-þing, n. a Friday meeting, Rb. 332: Frjádaga-fasta, u, f. a Friday fast, Fms. x. 381. Frjá-kveld, n. = frjáaptan, Hkr. iii. 277, Sturl. ii. 211 C. Frjá-morginn, m. Friday morning, Fms. viii. 35, Orkn. (in a verse, App.) Frjá-nótt, f. = frjádagsnótt, Fms. viii. 35. It is remarked above, s.v. dagr, that this 'frjá' is derived from the A. S. form Freâ, answering to the northern Freyr, Goth. Frauja, and is a rendering of the eccl. Lat. dies Veneris, as in eccl. legends the Venus of the Lat. is usually rendered by Freâ (Freyja) of the Teutonic. This word is now obsolete in Icel., as Friday is now called Föstudagr, vide fasta.
FRJÁLS, adj., dat. and gen. sing. fem. and gen. pl. frjálsi, frjálsar, and frjálsa in old writers, but mod. frjálsri, frjálsrar, frjálsra, inserting r, [a contracted form from fri-hals; Ulf. freihals; O. H. G. frihals; the A. S. freols is prob. Scandin., as it is not used in old poetry: frjáls therefore properly means 'free-necked,' a ring round the neck being a badge of servitude; but the Icel. uses the word fri only in the compound frjáls, which is lost in Dan., though it remains in Swed. frälse and ufrälse man; the mod. Dan. and Swed. fri is borrowed from the Germ. frei, and so is the Icel. frí :-- Ulf. renders GREEK by freihals, but GREEK by freis] :-- free, opp. to bondsman; frjáls er hverr er frelsi er gefit, N. G. L. i. 32; ef þræll getr barn við frjálsi konu, Grág. (Kb.) i. 224; skal þik bæta sem frjálsan mann, Nj. 57: metaph. free, unhindered, láta e-n fara frjálsan, Fms. i. 15: of property, frjálst forræði, eign, yfirráð, free, full possession, D. N. passim; skógar frjálsir af ágangi konunnga ok íllræðis-manna, Fs. 20: neut., eiga ... at frjálsu, to possess freely, without restraint, Fms. xi. 211, Jb. 187, Ó. H. 92; með frjálsu, unhindered, Hrafn. 24.
frjálsa, að, to free, vide frelsa, Stj., Barl., D. N., Sks., Karl., passim.
frjálsan, f. rescue, Stj. 50.
frjálsari, a, m. = frelsari, Stj. 51.
frjáls-borinn, part. freeborn, vide frelsborinn.
frjáls-gjafa (-gefa), u, f. a freed-woman, N. G. L. i. 327, 358.
frjáls-gjafi, a, m. a 'free-given' man, freed-man, in the Norse law distinguished from and lower than a leysingi, q.v., N. G. L. i. 345, 347. II. one that gives freedom, Grág. i. 227.
frjálsi, f. freedom, an unusual form, = frelsi, cp. Ulf. freihals.
frjálsing, f. deliverance, Karl.
frjáls-leikr (-leiki), m. liberty, 655 xxxii. 4: metaph. liberality, frankness, Fms. xi. 422, Stj. 201.
frjáls-lendingr, m. a free tenant, franklin, Karl.
frjáls-liga, adv. freely, frankly, Hkr. i. 138, Fms. v. 194, Sks. 619, Stj. 154.
frjáls-ligr, adj. free, frank, independent, Sks. 171, 523, 546.
frjálsmann-ligr, adj. like a free man. Grett. 109.
FRJÓ, n. (and freo), dat. freovi, = fræ, seed, Th. 23, Stj. 97, 196, H. E. i. 513. COMPDS: frjó-korn, n. = frækorn, Gþl. 351 A. frjó-laun, n. pl. reward for the seed sown, N. G. L. i. 240. frjó-lauss, adj. seedless, barren, Magn. 494. frjó-leikr (-leiki), m. fertility, Stj. 56, 202, 398. frjó-ligr, adj. fruitful, Stj. 76, Fb. ii. 24.
frjór,, adj. fertile, Stj. 75, passim.
FRJÓSA, pret. fraus, pl. frusu; pres. frýss, mod. frýs; pret. subj. frysi, but freri, Gísl. 32; part. frosinn, sup. frosit; an older declension analogous to gróa, gröri, is, pret. fröri or freri, part. frörinn or frerinn, mod. freðinn, altering the r into ð, whereto frer (q.v.) belongs: [O. H. G. friosan; mod. Germ. frieren; A. S. freosan; Engl. freeze; Dan. fryse; Swed. frysa] :-- to freeze; often used impers. it freezes them (of earth, water, etc.), i.e. they are frozen, ice-bound, stiff with ice; þar fraus þá (acc.) um naetr, A. A. 272; fraus um hann klæðin (acc.), the clothes froze about his body, Fs. 52; aldrei skal hér frjósa korn (acc.), Fms. v. 23; hann (acc., viz. the well) frýss svá, at ..., Stj. 96; þeir ætluðu at bíða þess at skip (acc.) Ólafs konungs freri þar í höfninni, until king Olave's ship should be ice-bound, Fms. v. 167 :-- of the weather, absol., veðr var kalt ok frjósanda, cold and frosty, Grett. 134; vindr var á norðan ok frjósandi, Sturl. i. 83; aldrei festi snjó útan ok sunnan á hangi Þorgríms ok ekki fraus, ... at hann mundi ekki vilja at freri á milli þeirra, Gísl. 32; but frysi, l.c., 116; áðr en frjósa tók, Fms. v. 167; þótt bæði frjósi fyrir ofan ok neðan, 23: the metaph. phrase, e-m frýs hugr við, one feels horror at a thing, iii. 187; perh. better hrjósa, q.v. II. part., frerin jörð, Grett. 111; frerin þekja, 85 new Ed.; tá frerin, Edda 59; vátir ok frernir, wet and frozen, Bjarn. 53; skipit sollit ok frörit, Bs. i. 355; but frosit, l.c., 330; frörnar grasrætr, Sks. 48 new Ed.; skór frosnir ok snæugir, Gísl. 31; flestir menn vóru nokkut frosnir, Fms. ix. 353, where = kalnir.
frjóva, að, and frjóa, mod. frjófga or frjóvga, to fertilise, Stj. 69, 73; frjóvandi, part. blossoming, Sks. 630, 632 :-- reflex. to multiply, be fertile, Fms. i. 159, Fas. i. 177, Stj. 61.
frjóvan, f. fertilising, Stj. 13: mod. frjófgan, Pass. 32. 2.
frjóv-samr, adj. fertile (ófrjósamr, barren), Sturl. 101.
frjóv-semi, mod. frjóf-semi, f. fertility.
FROÐA, u, f. (cp. frauð), froth, e.g. on milk, Fas. i. 425, freq. in mod. usage. COMPDS: froðu-fall, n. a frothing or foaming at the mouth. froðu-fella, d, to foam.
frosk-hleypa, t, to let (a horse) leap like a frog, Gþl. 412.
FROSKR, m., in olden times prob. proncd. fröskr, cp. the rhyme, öðlingr skyli einkar röskr | æpa kann í mörum fröskr, Mkv.; [A. S. frox, cp. Engl. frog; O. H. G. frosc; mod. Germ. frosch; Dan. frö] :-- a frog, Hkr. i. 102, Stj. 23, 269, Fms. x. 380. 656 A. 2. 11.
FROST, n. [frjósa; A. S. fyrst; Engl., Germ., Dan., and Swed. frost] :-- frost: allit., frost ok funi, Sl. 18, Fas. iii. 613; frost veðrs, Fms. ix. 241: often used in pl., frost mikil ok kuldar, ii. 29; frosta vetr, a frosty