This is page 320 of An Icelandic-English Dictionary by Cleasby/Vigfusson (1874)
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íviði, n. a dub. word, Vsp. 2, prob. an ogress = íviðja, which is the reading of the Hb. l.c.; see Sæm. (Möbius), p. 265.
í-viðja, u, f. an ogress, prob. from inwid, and not from í and viðr, Hdl. 44, Edda (Gl.); see the preceding word.
í-vist, f. an abode, in-dwelling, N. G. L. i. 47. II. a local name, Uist, one of the Hebrides, Fms.
ÍÞRÓTT, f., also spelt iðrótt, prob. from ið- and þrótt or þróttr, power, qs. ið-þrótt; the long vowel seems due to absorption, analogous to Svíþjóð = Svið-þjóð; the rhyme, iþróttir ... níu, Orkn. l.c., shews that the vowel was sounded long: [Dan. idræt; Swed. idrott; but not in Saxon nor Germ.] :-- accomplishment, art, skill, in olden times esp. of athletic exercises, but also of literary skill; king Harold (in the verse in Mork. 15, íðróttir kann ek átta) counts eight íðróttir, -- poetry, riding, swimming, sliding in snow-shoes, shooting, rowing, playing the harp, and versification; earl Rognvald (in the verse in Orkn. ch. 61) counts nine, -- chess playing, Runes, 'book,' smíð, sliding on 'skíð,' shooting, rowing, playing the harp, and versification; cp. also the tale in Edda of Thor and Útgarða-Loki, where running a race, eating fast, drinking, lifting the cat, and wrestling are among íþróttir. In mod. usage the word is applied especially to the fine arts (painting, sculpture); kann ek þá íþrótt, at engi er hér sá inni er skjótara skal eta mat sinn en ek, Edda 31; vel búinn at íþróttum, Nj. 61; vel at sér görr um íþróttir, Eg. 111; hann lét Gunnar reyna ymsar íþróttir við menn sína, ok vóru þeir engir er né eina íþrótt hefði til jafns við hann, Nj. 46, Edda 31; nú sýnir Sigmundr íþrótt sína, Fær. 76; inna íþrótt, Edda 31; góð íþrótt. id.; með ágætri iðrótt, of music, Bs. i. 155; iðrótt sú er Grammatica heitir, 163; iðrótt þá er grammatica heitir, Clem. 33; af iðrótt þeirri er dialectica heitir, Al. 3. COMPDS: íþrótta-lauss, adj. unskilled, Sks. 25; úfróðir menn ok íþróttalausir, Clem. 33. íþrótta-maðr, m. a man skilled in exercises, Fms. i. 17, Eg. 199, Finnb. 336; í. ok vitr, Bret. 8; haun görðisk enn mesti íðróttamaðr (master) í þess-konar námi (viz. in grammar), Bs. i. 163.
íþrótt-ligr, adi. skilful; í. fimleiki, a dexterous feat, Fms. vi. 225; torvelt er at týna öll ágæti íþróttligrar lækningar hans, Bs. i. 646.
J is really the tenth letter of the alphabet, but since it is usually regarded as another form of I, K is commonly reckoned as the tenth letter.
jaðar-flár, adj. loose in the edge, of stuff, Grág. i. 498.
JAÐARR, m., dat. jaðri, pl. jaðrar; a form jöðurr (as vaðall and vöðull) occurs in Vsp. 5: [A. S. and Hel. edor = septum; provinc. Bavarian ettor, Schmeller] :-- the edge, selvage, of cloth, Grág. i. 408, Nj. 176, v.l.; of a tent, Stj. 307, Str. 40: of a sail, Mag.: of the limb of the moon, Rb. 34: the edge-beam or rail of a paling, sá garðr er gildr, er öln er á meðal staurs hvers, en hjástaurr enn þriði, ok jaðarr er yfir, N. G. L. i. 246: poët., himin-jöður, the 'sky-border,' horizon, Vsp.; ský-jaðarr, 'cloud-border,' the heaven, Geisli 2; sólar-jaðarr, id.: the edge of the hand (handar-jaðarr), Edda 110: the border along the shore, með Blálands jaðri, Lex. Poët.; fróns jaðarr, id.; Eylands jaðarr = ora maritima, Merl. 2. 5: whence a local name of the Norse district, Jaðarr, m. Jæderen; also Jaðar-byggð, f., and Jaðar-byggjar, m. pl. the men of the country J., Fb., Fms. passim. II. metaph. [A. S. eodor, Beow.], the foremost, best, with gen.; Ása jaðarr, the best of all the Ases, Ls. 35: fólks jaðarr, the best of men, Hkv. 2. 40; goðs jaðarr, the highest god -- Odin, Stor. 22; hers jaðarr, Fm. 36, Merl.
jaðar-skegg, n. whiskers, Sks. 288, (recorded as a German fashion.)
jaðra, að, to brim, border; jaðraðr, part. bordered, Gþl. 308.
jaðrakan, n. a kind of Icel. bird, numenius: mod. jarðreka, Edda (Gl.)
JAFN, adj., also spelt jamn, f. jöfn, neut. jafnt, often spelt as well as proncd. jamt; compar. jafnari, superl. jafnastr: [Ulf. ibns, Luke vi. 17; A. S. efen; Engl. and Dutch even; old Fr. ivin; O. H. G. eban; mod. Germ. eben; Dan. jevn; Swed. jemn; akin to Lat. aequus by interchange of palatal and labial, see Grimm's Dict. s.v. eben] :-- even, equal, but, like Lat. aequus, mostly in a metaph. sense, for sléttr (q.v.) answers to Lat. planus; often followed by a dat., jafn e-u, equal to a thing, in comparison: I. equal, equal to; jöfn eyri (dat.) gulls, K. Þ. K. 72; jafn Guði, equal to God; jafn mér, passim. 2. equal, the same; enda er jöfn helgi hans meðan hann ferr svá með sér, Grág. i. 93; ella er jöfn sök við hann fram á leið, 322; at ek verða jafn drengr í hvert sinn, Sd. 188; þínar verða flestar jafnastar, thy acts are mostly the same, i.e. all bad, Fms. viii. 409. 3. fixed, unchanged; með jafnri leigu, jöfnum kaupum, jöfnum skildaga, Rétt. 2. 7, Stat. 264, Fb. ii. 137; hann var ellefu vetra eðr tíu, ok sterkr at jöfnum aldri, and strong for his age, Eg. 188, 592; eiga þeir jöfnum höndum (see hönd) allt þat er þeir taka, Grág. ii. 66. 4. even, even-tempered; jafn ok úmíslyndr, Mar.: of numbers, jöfn tala, even in tale, equal, opp. to odda-tala, Alg. 356. II. neut. jafnt or jamt, almost adverbially, equally, just; jafnt utan sem innan, Grág. i. 392: as, just as, ok hafa eitt atferli báðar jamt, both together, both alike, Fms. xi. 137; jafnt er sem þér sýnisk ('tis as it appears, indeed), af er fótrinn, Nj. 97; jafnt þrælar sem frjálsir menn, Fms. i. 113: jamt sem, just as, equally as; jafnt sem í fjórðungs-dómi, jamt skal eiga féránsdóm eptir fjörbaugs-mann sem eptir skógar-mann, Grág. i. 87; skal hann láta virða fé þat jamt sem úmaga-eyri, 189; menn skulu svá sakir hluta, jamt sem á alþingi, 122; jafnt hefir komit er þú spáðir, it has happened just as thou didst foretel, Niðrst. 8: ellipt., ok skal hann þá jamt (sem þeir) allri bót upp halda, Grág. ii. 182. 2. temp. at the same time, just; ek skíri þik, ok nefna barn, í nafni Föður, ok drepa barninu í vatn um sinn jafnt fram fyrir sik, and dip the bairn each time info the water, K. Þ. K. 10: just, precisely, in the very moment, þat var jamt Jóla-aptan sjálfan er þeir börðusk, Fms. xi. 15; jamt í því hann stakaði. 133. 3. adverb., at jöfnu, equally, in equal shares, Fms. xi. 131. 4. til jafns, vóru þeir engir at né eina íþrótt hefði til jafns við hann, Nj. 46; halda til jafns við e-n, Ld. 40; komask til jafns við e-n, Fb. i. 261.
B. COMPDS: I. such a, so ... a; Karvel jafn-frægum dreng, so fine a fellow as K., Karl. 103; er þat skömm jafn-mörgum mönnum, 'tis a shame for so many men, Gísl. 51: with the particle sem, jafn-ungr sem hann var, young as he was, i.e. so young as he was for his age, Vápn. 5; vel hafi þér mínu máli komit, jafn-úvænt sem var, Þiðr. 136; kvað þat ekki hæfa á jafn-mikilli hátið sem (in such a feast as) í hönd ferr, Fb. i. 376; at eigi skyldi Hugon keisari yfir þá stíga jafn-reiðr sem hann varð þeim, Karl. 478; undraðisk hón hversu fríðr ok fagr hann var jafn-gamall maðr (for his age), Stj. 225; mikill maðr ertú þó Þórir, jafn-gamall, Ó. H. 176; Þórir Oddsson var sterkastr jafn-gamall, Gullþ. 4. II. mod. phrases such as, það er jafngott fyrir hann, it serves him right; hann er jafngóðr fyrir því, it won't hurt him; or honum er það jafn-gott, it will do him good, serve him right; vera jafn-nær, to be equally near, i.e. none the better; hann fór jafnnær, it was all of no use. III. in countless COMPDS (esp. adjectives) with almost any participle or adverb, rarely with verbs and nouns, and denoting equal, as, the same, as seen from the context often followed by a dat., e.g. jafn-gamall e-m, of the same age as another person :-- of these compds only some can be noticed: jafn-aldri, a, m. one of the same age, Fms. i. 13, vii. 199, Bs. i. 179, Eg. 25, 84. jafn-auðigr, adj. equally wealthy, Band. 2: equally happy, hann setr hund sinn jafnaudigan okkr undir borði, Bjarn. 27. jafn-auðsær, adj. as perspicuous, Eluc. 41. jafn-auðveldr, adj. as easy, Ld. 78. jafn-ágætr, adj. as good, as noble, Nj. 129. jafn-ákafr, adj. as impetuous, Fms. xi. 137. jafn-beinn, adj. as straight, Sturl. i. 196. jafn-berr, adj. equally bare, Fas. i. 67. jafn-bitinn, part. evenly bitten or grazed, of a field, Gþl. 407. jafn-bitr, jafn-beittr, adj. as sharp, keen. jafn-bjartr, adj. as bright, Nj. 208: neut., Sks. 69. jafn-bjóða, bauð; j. e-m, to be a match for one, Finnb. 260: to be equal to, contest on equal terms with one, Fms. ii. 27, vii. 22; gripr betri en þeim peningum jafnbjóði, 655 xxx. 10. jafn-blíðr, adj. equally mild, Fær. 154. jafn-borinn, part. of equal birth, Ld. 332, Fms. x. 79 (v.l.), Gþl. 133; j. til e-s, having equal birthright to, Fms. vii. 8, x. 407. jafn-brattr, adj. as steep. jafn-brátt, n. adj. as soon, at the same moment, Hom. 114. jafn-breiðr, adj. equally broad, Edda 28, Gþl. 355. jafn-búinn, part. equally 'boun' or armed, Fms. ii. 165: ready, prepared, Stj. jafn-deildr, part. equally shared, Hom. 148. jafn-digr, adj. as stout, Sturl. iii. 63. jafn-djúpr, adj. as deep. jafn-djúpvitr, adj. as deep-scheming, Orkn. 214, Hkr. iii. 95. jafn-drengilegr, adj. as gallant, Ísl. ii. 446. jafn-drjúgdeildr, part. going as far, of stores, Sturl. i. 166. jafn-drjúgr, adj. keeping as long, Sturl. i. 216, Rb. 18. jafn-dýrligr, adj. equally splendid, Bs. i. 454. jafn-dýrr, adj. as costly, glorious, of the same price, K. Þ. K. 28, Nj. 56, Grett. 104 A, N. G. L. i. 150, 348. jafn-dægri, n. (mod. jafndægr), the equinox, both dægr (q.v.) being equally long, Edda 103, Rb. 454, 456, 472, and passim: equal length, of day and night, Fb. i. 539; see eykt. jafn-dæmi, n. equal judgment, justice, Fms. vi. 431, Pr. 413. jafn-dæmr, adj. just, giving equal judgment, Rb. 364. jafn-einfaldr, adj. as simple, guileless, Hom. 50. jafn-fagr, adj. as fair, Nj. 112. jafn-fallegr, adj. as handsome. jafn-fastr, adj. equally firm, Grág. i. 7, K. Þ. K. 166: as adv., Fms. x. 270, Finnb. 338. jafn-fáir, adj. as few. jafn-feigr, adj. as fey. jafn-feitr, adj. as fat. jafn-fimlega, adv. (-ligr, adj.), as alert, Fms. ii. 273. jafn-fimr, adj. as alert, Fær. 272, Hkr. i. 291, v.l. jafn-fjær, adv. as far. jafn-fjölmennr, adj. with as many men, Nj. 222. jafn-flatt, n. adj.; fara j., to fare so ill, Fms. vi. 379; see flatr. jafn-fljótr, adj. as swift. jafn-fram, adv. equally forward, side by side: with dat., jafnfram skipi Rúts, Nj. 8: locally, of places, over against, ( = gegnt and gagn-vart, q.v.); with dat., er hann kom jafnfram Borgund, Hkr. ii. 309; j. Eiðsvelli, Vermá, Fms. ix. 408; j. gagntaki konungs sonar, j. boðanum, vii. 170, ix. 387 (v.l.): as adv., standa jafnfram, to stand evenly, in a straight line; standa allir j. fyrir konungs borðinu, i. 16, Eg. 581, Nj. 140, Rb. 466, Sturl. iii. 244: temp. at the same moment, of two things happening together, Fms. vi. 24; þeir riðu til þings jafnfram Skeggja, Þórð. 18 new Ed.; hann ferr ávalt jafnfram í frásogn æfi Guðs-sonar, follows parallel in the story, 625. 83: