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sverðinu, E. drew the sword in, Eg. 379; hann kippir mönnum at sér, he gets men together, Ld. 64; Guð kipti honum frá riki ..., Sks. 714; k. aptr orðum sínum, to retract one's words, 680; má því engu upp kippa, it cannot be retracted, 655 xx. 6. II. impers., in the phrase, e-m kippir í kyn um e-t, 'to turn into one's kin' ( = bregða í kyn), to be 'a chip of the old block,' resemble one's kinsman; er þat eigi örvænt at honum kippi í kyn, Glúm. 346; at honum mundi í kyn kippa um údælleik, Sturl. i. 15; vera má at oss Íslendingum kippi í kyn, þó at vér gangim heldr fyrir blíðu en stríðu, Fms. ii, 34. III. reflex., kippask, to pull, tug; kippask um e-t, to 'pull caps,' struggle with one another about a thing; kippask þeir um lengi, Sturl. i. 15; þau öll kiptusk þá enn um Noreg, Fms. x. 390; nú er eigi allhóglegt at kippask um við hann, vi. 274; þar til kippask þau um kertið at þat stökk sundr í miðju, Mar. 2. kippask við, to make a sudden motion, quiver convulsively; en meðan drýpr eitrið í andlit honum, þá kippisk hann svá hart við at jörð öll skelfr, Edda 40; þá at eins sá menn at Gísli kiptisk við ok þó litt, Fms. vii. 35. 3. recipr., Eindriði segir, at þeir hefði sannlega kippsk (struggled) nokkut svá, er hann vildi eigi at þeir hefði ferju-skipit, Bs. i. 709.
kippa, u, f. a bundle drawn upon a string; fisk-k., korn-k., Nj.
kippi, n. a sheaf, Barl. 34.
kipping, f. a pulling, snatching, N. G. L. i. 157.
kippr, m. a pall, shock, spasm; sina-kippir, nervous spasms; verðr nú við kippr mikill, Mar. 1056: metaph. a pull, a distance; góðan kipp, a good bit of the way.
kipra, að, [kippa], to wrinkle, draw tight, of a slight spasmodic contraction.
kipringr, m. a slight spasm, such as to form a fold or wrinkle.
kirfi, n. a bunch.
kirja, að, [GREEK], to chant, intone; k. upp söng; hann var að kirja kvæðin sín, Stef. Ól.
Kirjalax, m. a pr. name = GREEK, Fms.
kirjall, m. = GREEK in the Litany, Fms. viii. 227, Pm. 29, Jm. 34.
Kirjálir, m. pl. the people on the Finnish Gulf, Careles.
KIRKJA, u, f., gen. pl. kirkna; [Scot. kirk; Dan. kirke; Germ. kirche; but Engl. church] :-- a kirk, church; timbr-k., a timber church; stein-k., a stone church; the earliest Scandin. churches were all built of timber, the doors and pillars being ornamented with fine carved work, see Worsaae, Nos. 505-508; in the 12th and following centuries the old timber churches were one by one replaced by stone buildings. In Denmark the last timber church was demolished at the beginning of the 17th century, but in Norway some old churches (called stav-kyrkior) have remained up to the present time, see an interesting essay in Nord. Aarb. 1869, p. 185 sqq. Many passages in the Sagas refer to the building of churches, especially in records of the years following after 1000, see esp. Ld. ch. 74 sqq.; a curious legend, for the purpose of encouraging men to build churches, is told in Eb. ch. 49, -- that a man could grant as many souls a seat in heaven as the church which he built held persons; ok þegar er þingi var lokit (the summer of A.D. 1000) lét Snorri goði göra kirkju at Helgafelli, en aðra Styrr mágr hans undir Hrauni, ok hvatti pat mjök til kirkju-görðar, at þat var fyrirheit kennimanna, at maðr skyldi jafnmörgum eiga heimolt rúm í himinríki, sem standa mætti í kirkju þeirri er hann lét göra, Eb. l.c. For the removal of a church, when all the graves were to be dug up and the bones 'translated' to the new church, see Eb. (fine), Bjarn. 19. For references see the Sagas passim; kirkju atgörð, atbót, uppgörð, church reparation, Vm. 12, 118, N. G. L. i. 345; kirkju brjóst, gólf, dyrr, horn, hurð, láss, lykill, ráf, stigi, stoð, stöpull, sylla, veggr, a church front, floor, door-way, corner, door, lock, key, roof, stair, pillar, steeple, sill, wall, K. Þ. K. 168, 170, 186, Fms. vii. 211, 225, viii. 285, 428, ix. 47, 470, 524, Landn. 50, Pm. 5, Vm. 46, Sturl. i. 169, iii. 221, 228, K. Á. 28, N. G. L. i. 312; kirkju sár, a church font, Jm. 2, 35, Ám. 6; kirkju kápa, ketill, kola, kross, mundlaug, Sturl. i. 191, Vm. 1, 6, 34, 99, 149, Dipl. v. 18; kirkju mark (on sheep), H. E. i. 494, Bs. i. 725: áttungs-k., fjórðungs-k., fylkis-k., héraðs-k., höfuð-k., hægindis-k. (q.v.), þriðjungs-k., veizlu-k., heima-k., etc.: in tales even used in a profane sense, trolla-k., álfa-k., a trolls' and elves' church, place where they worship. 2. eccl. the Church = Ecclesia, very rarely, for Kristni and siðr are the usual words; kirkjan eðr Kristnin, Stj. 44. II. in local names, Kirkju-bær, Kirkju-ból, Kirkju-fjörðr, Kirkju-fell, Landn. and maps of Icel. passim, cp. Kirkby or Kirby in the north of England. COMPDS: kirkju-bann, n. the ban of the church, Bs. i. 749. kirkju-bók, f. = kirkjumáldagi, H. E. ii. 207: mod. a church book. kirkju-ból, n. a church estate, an estate on which a church is built, K. Þ. K. 170. kirkju-bólstaðr, m. id., K. Þ. K. 48, Landn. 50. kirkju-bóndi, a, m. a church-'statesman,' church-franklin, Vm. 116. kirkju-búningr or -búnaðr, m. church hangings, Vm. 156, K. Þ. K. 154, Hom. 97. kirkju-bær, m. = kirkjuból, K. Þ. K. passim, Fms. ix. 351. kirkju-dagr, m. a church-day, anniversary, Germ. kirchweihe, Sturl. i. 35, 106, K. Þ. K. 42, Bs. i. 77, Hom. 97, Pm. 10. kirkjudags-hald, n. a keeping church-days, Hom. 93. kirkju-dróttinn, m. a church lord, church patron, Sturl. iii. 197. kirkju-eign, f. church property, Bs. i. 689, H. E. i. 458. kirkju-embætti, n. a church office, K. Á. 232. kirkju-fé, n. church property, K. Þ. K. 48, Sturl. ii. 4, Bs. i. 748. kirkju-fólk, n. church people. kirkju-frelsi, f. church-freedom, privilege, K. Á. 216, H. E. i. 459. kirkju-friðr, m. church-peace, sanctuary, K. Á. 46, Sturl. i. 30, Fms. ix. 524; kirkju-friðbrot, a breach of church sanctuary, H. E. i. 242. kirkju-fundr, m. an œcumenical council. kirkju-ganga, u, f. church going, Sturl. i. 168: churching after childbirth, H. E. ii. 86. kirkju-garðr, m. a church-yard, K. Þ. K. passim, Eg. 768, Ám. 89, Sks. 95. kirkjugarðs-hlið, n. a church-yard gate, Fms. ix. 517. kirkju-gengt, n. part., an eccl. term; eiga k., to be allowed to go to church, not being under ban, Sturl. ii. 42, K. Þ. K. 26. kirkju-gjöf, f. a donation to a church, K. Þ. K. 166. kirkju-góz, n. church properly, glebes, H. E. i. 529. kirkju-grið, n. pl. = kirkjufriðr, Sks. 770, Fms. ix. 478, Sturl. i. 30, iii. 71. kirkju-græfr, adj. who can be buried at a church, not being under ban, K. Á. 6, N. G. L. i. 4, Gþl. 58. kirkju-görð, f. church-building, Rb. 396, Bs. i. 163, Fms. ix. 236, N. G. L. i. 344. kirkju-helgi, f. church service, Hom. 93, Sturl. i. 29. kirkju-hluti, a, m. a church portion, Bs. i. 748, Am. 222. kirkju-land, n. church-land, glebe, K. Þ. K. 170. kirkju-ligr, adj. ecclesiastic, H. E. i. 501. kirkju-lægr, adj. fit for a church, of timber, Pm. 106: neut., eiga kirkjulægt = to be kirkjugræfr, Grág. ii. 62, K. Þ. K. 34. kirkju-lög, n. pl. church-law, ecclesiastical law, Bs. i. kirkjulög-bók, f. a church-law book, book of the canons, Bs. i. (Laur. S.) kirkju-mál, n. a church cause, church question, K. Á. 216. kirkju-maldagi, a, m. a church deed, written, Vm. 7. kirkju-menn, m. pl. churchmen. kirkjumanna-fundr, m. = kirkjufundr, Mar. kirkju-messa, u, f. = kirkjudagr, Fms. viii. 46. kirkju-náðir, f. pl. = kirkjugrið, Jb. 93. kirkju-prestr, m. a church priest, parson, Grág. i. 73, Vm. 166. kirkju-rán, n. sacrilege, Bs. i. 775. kirkju-reikningr, m. a church account, Vm. 69. kirkju-reki, a, m. jetsum belonging to a church, Jm. 1. kirkju-réttr, m. a church right, Sturl. iii. 267. kirkju-skot, n. the wing of a church, Fms. vi. 302, ix. 492, v.l. kirkju-skraut, n. a church ornament, Am. 7. kirkju-skrúð, n. (-skrúði, a, m.). a church ornament, Vm. 5, 58, 108, Landn. 389 (App.), B. K. 82. kirkju-skyld, f. (-skylda, u, f.), a church claim or right, Dipl. v. 5, 28, Vm. 113. kirkju-smíð, f. = kirkjugörð, 656 A. ii. 14, Bs. i. 81. kirkju-sókn, f. church-worship, attendance at service; at kirkjusóknum eða mannfundum, Grág. i. 419; þeir höfðu k. til Burakirkju, Fms. xi. 159; með rettlæti, k. ok bænum, Hom. 31, 65: mod. a parish, freq., Sks. 94. Fms. x. 66. kirkjusóknar-maðr, m. a parishioner, K. Á. 40, N. G. L. i. 14. kirkjusóknar-þing, n. a parish meeting, Gþl. 389. kirkju-stétt, f. a church pavement, Sturl. iii 221 C. kirkju-stóll, m. a church pew, Sturl. iii. 182, Vm. 5. kirkju-stuldr, m. sacrilege, Hom. 33. kirkju-söngr, m. church music. kirkju-tíund, f. a church tithe, K. Þ. K. 152, K. Á. 98, Pm. 35, Bs. i. 749. kirkju-tjöld, n. pl. church hangings, Vm. 11, Grág. i. 460. kirkju-varðveizla, u, f. church keeping, Bs. i. 129. kirkju-vegr, m. the church path, way to church, D. N. kirkju-viðr, m. church-timber, Landn. 54, Vm. 53, Ld. kirkju-vist, f. a being in church, Bs. i. 902. kirkju-vígsla, u, f. consecration of a church, K. Á. 28, 102, Sturl. i. 121. kirkju-vörðr, m. a churchwarden, 655 xiii. B. kirkju-þjófr, m. a church thief. III. in plur. kirkna-friðr, -góz, -görð, -mál, -sókn, etc. = kirkju-, Fms. ix. 236, 478, K. Á. 216, Bs. i. 689, Ísl. ii. 380.
kirk-messa, u, f. = kirkjumessa, Vm. 35. kirkmessu-dagr, m. = kirkjudagr, Dipl. i. 5.
KIRNA, u, f. [North. E. and Scot. kirn] :-- a churn. kirnu-askr, m. a churn-pail; þeir er heiman hafa hlaupit frá kirnuaskinum, Fms. viii. 350, xi. 272, Boldt. 167.
kirningr, m. = kjarnhafr, Grág. ii. 194.
kirn-samr, adj. quibbling, Krók. ch. 6.
kis, kis! interj. puss, puss!
kisa, u, f. puss, the pet name of a cat. kisu-gras, n., botan. echium vulgare, viper's bugloss.
kisi, a, m. = kisa; köttr ok kisi, Fas. iii. 556: the name of a giant, Edda (Gl.): a nickname, Ann. 1362, 1382.
KISTA, u, f., gen. pl. kistna, Nj. 20; [A. S. kist; North. E. and Scot. kist; Engl. chest; Dan. kiste; from Lat. cista] :-- a chest, Eg. 310; í kerum eða kistum, N. G. L. i. 383; kómu til kistu kröfðu lukla, Vkv.; kistur ok hirzlur, 656 B. 1, passim; kistu lok, botn, lykill, the cover, bottom, key of a chest, Nj. 94; kistu-fjöl, a chest board, Hom. 155; kistu-hringr, a ring in a chest, Fms. x. 258; kistu-þrum, the old shell of a chest, Pm. 64, 73: a coffin (usually lík-kista), Eg. 126, 127, Grág. i. 207, Bs. i. 337, Fs. 132; kemba ok þerra áðr í kistu fari, Sdm. 34; knörr mun ek kaupa ok kistu steinda, Ám. 101, see Worsaae, No. 504: the seat in the poop of a ship (cp. hásætis-k.), Orkn. 400, Fms. vii. 201: the word, although foreign, is old, as it occurs in old poems such as Vkv., Sdm., Am. kistna-smiðr, n. a joiner, Rétt. 2. 10, N. G. L. ii. 246. kistu-leggja, lagði, to lay in a coffin.
kistill, m., dimin., dat. kistli, a little box, Vm. 29, 655 xiii. B. 2, Fms. iii. 136, Fas. iii. 296.
KITLA, að, [A. S. citelan; Scot. kittle; Germ. kitzeln] :-- to tickle,