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lög-ræningr, m. a person who has been wronged or cheated of his ^
lawful right, Eg. 526, Fms, vii. 65.
lög-saga, u, f. ' law-saying'' law-speaking, ' pronouncing /he laiu, Fms.
ix. 332; þá bað hann þóri lögmann birta sina lögsögu, 335. II.
the office of the lögsögu-rnaðr in Icel., and lögmaðr (lagman) in Sweden
and Norway (from segja log, to speak the law): the phrases, taka log-
sögu, hafa logsugu, þar næst tók Hramn lügsiigu næstr Hængi, ok hafði
tuttugu suniur, Jb. 6, passim; for Norway, see Fms. ix. 330, 332; for
IceL, see íb., Kristni S., Grág., Nj. passim; as for the public reading of
the law from the Law-lull (upp-saga) see Grág. i. 2, 3: (op. the legal
usage of the Isle of Man.) COMPDS: lögsögu-rnaðr, m. ike ' law-
speaking man, ' the lagman or law-r-penker of the Icel. Commonwealth, see
the remarks s. v. lí'gmaðr; for the office, duties, etc. see Grág., esp. the
L("(gsÍ!gumanns-þúttr or section rf the \., the tb., Kristni S. ch. II, Nj.,
etc.; for a list of the Icel. lögsó'gumenn from 930 -1280 A. D. and logmenn
from í 280-1800, when the oliice and name were abolished, see Safn ii. I
sqq. The liigsí. tgiïinaðr was during the first hundred years (930-1030)
elected for life, afterwards for a shorter time (three years); his tenure
of oilice formed the groundwork for the chronology of Ari the historian
in his work the Icelander Book. lögsögumanns-rúm., n. the seat
of the law-speaker in the Kigrótta, Grág. i. 37, (the opening of the courts
fixed at the hour when the sun shone on the seat of the 1.) lögsögu-
inanns-þáttr, m. the section of law about the lagman (see lognwðr),
Grág. i. 1-4.
lög-sagðr, part, pronounced, declared as law, Gpl. 27.
lög-sagnari, a, m. -- ló'gréttumaðr.
lög-samðr, part.; lögsamðr dómr, a sentence lawfully pronounced, law-
ful sentence, N. G. L. i. 19, Gþl. 27.
lög-samkváma, u, f. a lawful meeting, Gr;ig. i. 296.
lög-samligr, adj. = logligr, U. K. i. 456, Eg. 725, Hom. 33.
lög-samr, adj. laivful, Stj. 311.
lög-segjandi, part. ' law-sayer, ' a person who lawfully pleads or takes
part in public affairs, any free citizen of full age, Grág. ii. 31.
lög-sekr, adj. convicted, declared guilty, Grág. ii. 63, Sturl. i. IOI.
lög-sekt or lög-sekð, f. 'law-guilt, 'penalty, one of the three degrees
of outlawry, Grág. i. 119.
lög-silfr, n. standard silver, Grúg. i. 392, cp. 500.
lög-sjándi, part, a 'law-seer, ' surveyor; hafit ér nökkut lögsjúndr til
kvadda ! Eb. 56, Grág. i. 392, 393, 504, ii. 31.
lög-skil, n. pl. 'law-business, ' such as pleading, or any public duties in
the courts or in the lügrétta: Mörðr gigia mælti lögskil at vanda sínum,
Nj. 3; hverr sá maðr er þar þurfti lögskil at" hendi at lcysa at dúmi,
ïkyldi úðr eið vinna ..., Landn. 258; allir þeir menn er lögskil nokkur
skulu mæla at dómum á alþlngi, hvárt er þeir., skulu sakir sækja eðr
verja, eðr bera vætti eðr kviðu, ok skulu þeir vinna eiða, úðr þeir mæli
þeim inálum, svá at dómendr heyri, Grág. i. 56. II. a lawful
procedure; ef maðr skýtr niðr limaga með engi lögskil (unlawfully),
Grág. i. 297.
lög-skilnaðr, m. a legal divorce, Grág. i. 367.
lög-skipan, f. an orditiance, Grett. 97.
lög-skipti, n. a lawful sharing, Grág. i. 425.
lög-skrá, f. a law scroll, Sks. 22.
lög-skuld, f. a legal debt. lögskuldar-maðr, m., and -kona, u,
f. a mole (female') legal debtor, Grág. i. 221, 233, 339, ii. 69, 70.
lög-skylda, u, f. a legal obligation, Grág. i. 73: = lögskuld, Vápn. IO.
lög-skyldr, adj. legally obliged, bound by law, Grág. i. 280 :-- /r e-
scr ibed by law, K. |j. K. 102, í 24.
lög-skyldugr, adj. ' law-bcund, ' ordered by the law, K. Á. 9.
lög-sókn, f. an action at law, Gþl. 217.
lög-spakr, adj. law-wise, learned in law, Bs. i. 640.
lög-speki, f. ' law-wisdom, ' jurisprudence, Ísl. ii. 205.
lög-spekingr, in. a 'law-sage, ' a great lawyer, 655 iv. 2.
lög-spurning, f. a lawful question, in pleading, Grág. i. 19.
lög-stakkgarðr, ni. a stack-yard as prescribed by larv, Grág. ii. 286.
lög-stefna, u, f. a lawful summons, Grág. i. 39, 374, Nj. 240.
lög-sögn, f. the jurisdiction of a lagman (see löginaðr); þessi friðr
skal standa uni alla þessa lögsögn, Gþl. 450. II. the office = log-
saga; hafa lögsögn, Fms. ix. 332, Landn. 321. 2. a declaration of
a lagman; þér hafit optarr eggjat Skúla at kalla til Noregs en liigsijgn
Ainunda, 333, K. Á. 216.
lögsögu-maðr, see lögrnaðr and lögsaga.
lög-taka, tók, to receive by law; messn-daga liigtekna, K. Þ. K. 124;
nlla lügtekna daga, Vm. 132; þú ert miklu ærri inaðr at aldri en sva, at
ver hatim her logîekna í Jornsborg, at vera í sveit með oss, Fms. xi.
93. 2. to accept as law; þá er Kristni var lögtekin, Fs. 77; lög-
tekin Jónsbók á Island!, á. alþingi, Ísl. Ann. 1281, Bs. i. 720, passim.
lög-tala, u, f. a recital of the law (by the bishop); koma til þings ok
telja þar lögtalu fyrir mönnum, N. G. L. i. 37^S v. 1.
lög-tekning, f. the introduction of a law, Magn. 512.
lög-tíðir, f. pl. = the eccl. borae canonicae, Gnig. i. 142.
lög-tíund, f. a lawful tithe, Grág. i. 379, K. þ. K. 140.
lögu-nautr, m., prop, a messmate, Orkn. 442, Fms. vi. 6, Sks. 370,
Stj, 436 :-- a mate, colleague, companion, Fms. vii. 268, Gþl. 20, 518.
lögu-neyti, n. mefsrnateship, Sks. 293.
lög-veð, n. a lawful bail, Grág. ii. 234, 235.
lög-vellir, m. [lögr], a boiler, Hym. 6.
lög-verja, varði, to protect by law, D. N.
lög-vernð, f. protection by laiv, D. N.
lög-villa, u, f. a fraudulent procedure, Grág. i. 21, Nj. 235, 237.
lög-villr, adj. mistaken in point of law, Grág. i. 316.
lög-vitr, adj. -- lögspakr, Nj. 222, Bárð. 171.
lög-vitringr, m, -- lögspekingr.
lög-vizka, u, f. -- lögspeki, Skúlda 207 (in a verse).
lög-vörn, f. a lawful point of defence, in pleading; ok fmna þeir eigi
logvnrnir í málinu, ok horfði til þess at Jjorkell muudi verða sckr, Glúm.
347, Nj. ni, Grág. i. 41, 423.
lög-vöxtr, m. legal interest, = lögavöxtr, Grág. i. 198.
lög-þáttr, m. a section of the law, Grág. i. 2, Bs. i. 707.
lög-þing and lög-þingi, a, m., also spelt li'gðing, 6. H. 64; [Swed.
lag'thing; Orkneys lawting, Jamieson] :-- a Norse, Swed., and Dan. law
term, a general assembly or parliament, a general assembly of the
community ' log, ' thus answering to alþingi, which word is peculiar
to Icel., whereas lögþing is not used in the Grágás or the Sagas of
the Icel. Commonwealth, except in a derived sense; en er Kristni
var í Svíþjóð, þá hélzk þar þó lögðing ok markaðr, ö. H. 64; í
hverri þessi deild landsins er sitt lögþing, ok sín lög, 65; á hana at
sækja á lögþingi því er her er í þessu fylki, en þat er þrándarness-þing,
Fms. vii. 133; þvíat ek hygg þat log vera, ... at mál yrði eytt á þremr
lögþingum, at þaðan af skyldi aldrei verða uppreist þess máls, 142; þat
skal til vegar ganga á logþingi einhverju, Frosto-þingi, Gula-þingi, eðr
Heiðfsevis-þingi, 136, (opp. to the lesser fylkis-þing); var hann þá til
konungs tekinn 4 hverju lögþingi, Fb. ii. 309; vér skolum löe;bingi várt
eiga á tólf múnaðum hverjum, Bótólfs messu aptan, i Gnloy á þingstað
rtítîum, Gþl. 5. II. in Norway and Sweden, in the later Middle
Age, it came to mean a law court of a district, a kind of county assizes,
presided over by the lagman, see D. N. passim, and Schlyter s. v. lagh-
thing. 2. in Iceland at the union with Norway, the old althing was
remodelled in Norse style, and even the old name althing was in law
abolished and replaced by the Norse lagthing; thus in the Jb., en vér
skulum lögþingi várt eiga at Oxará á þingstað rettum; whence lög-
þingis-bækr, f. pl. the records of the lagthing. lögþingis-maðr, in.
a member of the lagthing, Gþl. 21. lögþingis-skrifari, a, m. the secre-
tary of the lagthing, Esp. passim. III. in Iceland in the Saga
time, a public meeting; Gunnarr reið til allra mannfunda ok lögþinga,
Nj. f 13; þann bang skyldi hverr goði hafa á hendi sér til lögþinga allra,
þeirra er hann skyldi sjalfr heyja, Landn. 258, Fsyg.
LÖM, f., pl. lamar, mod. lamir, [lama], the hinges, esp. of a chest, but
hjarir (q. v.) of a door; lamar á bak en hespur fyrir, of a shrine, Fms.
v. 120, freq. in mod. usage.
lömbungr, m. [lamb], a nickname, Stnrl. iii. 187.
LÖN, f., pl. lanar, mod. lanir, a small oblong hayrick, freq. in mod.
usage: poët., hræs lanar, heaps of corpses, ilöfuðl. 2. [cp. Engl.
lane~\, a row of houses, D. N. ii. 498, iii. 862.
löngu and longum, adv., see langr.
löngum-orðinn, long-talker, long-winded talker, used as a vocative,
in king Harald's parting words to the poet Arnór -- kom sja til nakkvars,
löngumorðinn, he came for something, that long-talker! Mork. 32; in
Fms. vii. 198 the passage is corrupted into kom svá næst til Noregs, by
the transcriber who did not understand the king's banter.
LÖPP, f., gen. lappar, pl. lappar and lappir, a paw, of dogs and cats.
LÖSKR,, adj., acc. löskvan, [cp. Engl. la z y; in early Swed. loska-
mader = a bachelor, loska-kona = a spinster, loska-lœghe = stuprum; cp.
Swed. losk, Dan. luske, and Icel. lið-lcskja] :-- weak, idle; löskvan láð-
mann, Fas. ii. (in a verse); löskr mun hann æ heitinn, Am. 57; löskvan
þátt, the weak side (in a moral sense), Harms. 13.
LÖSTR, m., gen. lastar, 0. H, 176, line 3; mod. losts; dat. lesti, pl.
lestir; acc. löstu :-- a fault, flaw; en ef lestir eru á, Gþl. 499; sá löstr
er vér küllum nykrat eðr finngálknat, Skálda 187; brag-!östr, a metri-
cal fault, Sighvat: allit., kost ok lost, Nj. 23, see kostr; löstu ok kostu,
Hm. 134; skap-löstr, / a?/ lt of temper, O. H. 176 :-- a blunder, af lesti
pentarans, Mar. II. metaph. in a moral sense, misbehaviour;
hann skal bæta kirkjunni löstinn (hi s misdemeanour') tólf aurum, K. p. K.
26; ekki nema Jestir þeir sé at þeim at þau verði at verri, Grúg. i.
275. 2. a vice; lostr ofdrykkjunnar, Fms. viii. 251; ek skal finna
löstinn, Ó. H. 175, freq. in mod. usage, N. T., Vidal., Pass. COMPDS:
lasta-fullr, adj. /íí l/ of flaws, Sk/'lda 188. lasta-laxiss, adj. faultless,
guileless, in a physical and moral sense, Stor. 3, Grág. i. 501; lastalauss
hestr, Vm. 65.
LÖT, f., pl. latar, [latr], dissuasion; telja latar á e-u, to t í ll the draw-
backs, dissuade, Sturl. ii. 55; konungr for mjok undan ok taldi allar latar
á urn ferð þessa, Fas. iii. 143.
lötra, að, = latra, [Engl. loiter] :-- to loiter, lag behind carelessly.