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mar-tröð, f. being 'trodden' by a mara, nightmare, Fél. x. 15.

mar-vaði, a, m. [Swed. marwatten = eddy], sea water, shoal water(?); only in the phrase, troða marvaða, to tread the water, of a swimmer in an upright position; the word also occurs in Fas. ii. 83 (foot-note, in a verse) -- er marvaða mæddu Ránar jóð, but its use there is dubious.

mar-þak, n. 'sea-thatch,' poët, ice, Grett. (in a verse).

mar-þráðr, m. 'sea-thread,' a kind of sea-weed.

mar-þvara, u, f. a kind of crab, Eggert Itin. 997, Edda (Gl.)

mas, n. tittle-tattle, chat, Bb.

MASA, að, to chatter, prattle.

massa, að, [prob. an iterat. from meita], to whittle, carve a piece of wood idly with a knife; massa niðr spýtu, hvað ertu að massa?

mastr, m., gen. mastrs, [a for. word introduced from Engl. and Germ. mast,] a mast; the word which is now freq. is not found in old writers, who call the mast siglutré.

MAT, n. [meta], an estimate, taxing, Jb. 195; eptir mati sex skynsamra manna, Dipl. v. 3; jarða-mat, see jörð.

mata, u, f. [matr], provender, a mess; of a crew, Kolbeinn lét Hrapp þá fara mötu til sín, Nj. 128, v.l.; the food of fishermen: a fee to the priest (paid in butter), called prests-mata. COMPDS: mötu-nautr, m. a messmate, N.G.L. i. 186, Eb. 194, Orkn. 118, Grág. i. 186, ii. 73, passim. mötu-neyti, n. messmates-hip, Nj. 128, Edda 29, Grág. i. 186, ii. 73.

mata, að, [matr], to feed another, as the nurse does the sick and children; hann getr ekki matað sig, það verðr að mata hann, of a person who cannot even eat without assistance. II. reflex. matask, to eat, take food, take a jti-:al, Nj. 175, Ems. i. 35, Fb. ii. 273, Eg. 232, K.Þ.K. 136; spurði hví hann mataðisk svá seint, why he went on eating so slowly, Eb. 244.

mat-annungr, m. a 'meat-earner,' a person who earns his food, but gets no wages, Jb. 469; mod. matvinnungr.

mat-björg, f. provision from hand to mouth, Ó.H. 153.

mat-blót, n. a 'meat-idol,' an idol of dough, N.G.L. i. 383.

mat-borð, n. a dressed table, a table at meal-time, Eg. 63, Bs. i. 669, Ó.H. 237, Fms. vi. 195, viii. 51.

mat-bráðr, adj. eager, gluttonous.

mat-bræði, f. gluttony, Hom. 24.

mat-búa, bjó, to dress, meat, cook, Fms. i. 9, vii. 288, Jb. 398, Bs. i. 593, Eb. 198, 266, Bret. 102, Stj. 165.

mat-búð, f. the dressing of food. matbúðar-maðr, m. a cook, Stj. 443, Fms. ii. 139.

mat-búnaðr, m. = matbúð, Stj. 166, 280.

mat-búr, n. a 'meat-bower,' pantry, Bs. ii. 134.

mat-eyrir, m. victuals, Rétt. 47.

mat-fátt, n. adj. short of provisions, Sturl. ii. 43, Fs. 142.

mat-friðr, m. time to eat in peace; eg hef ekki matfrið.

mat-föng, n. pl. stores of food, Fms. ii. 99, Ó.H. 127, Sks. 141, Bs. ii. 179.

mat-gerð, f. cooking, matgerðar-maðr, m. a cook, Gþl. 99.

mat-gjafi, a, m. a meat-giver, bread-giver, Fms. viii. 307.

mat-gjald, n. a fine paid in food, Grág. i. 451.

mat-gjöf, f. a gift in food (to the poor), Grág. i. 296, 443.

mat-goggr, m. a 'meat-beak,' nickname of a beggar.

mat-góðr, adj. liberal as to food, Sæm. 38.

mat-hákr, m. a glutton.

mat-heill, adj. [North. E. meat-hale] , sound so as to be able to eat,

Sturl. i. 20.

mat-kassi, a, m. a meat-safe, Stj. 154.

mat-kaup, n. purchase of victuals, Orkn. 344, Fms. vii. 78, viii. 367.

mat-ketill, m. a meat-settle, Fms. ix. 422.

mat-krákr, m. a meat-crow, glutton, a nickname, Sturl. iii. 51.

mat-land, n.: gott, Hit in., a productive or unproductive district, Fins,

vii. 78.

mat-langr, adj.; matlanga stund, such a time as it fakes to eat one's

meal, Ann. í 294; cp. drykklangr.

mat-laun, n. pl. a fee for board, Grág. i. 147. matlauna-maðr, m. = matannungr, Gþl. 260.

mat-launi, a, m. = matlaunamaðr, Grág. ii. 43.

mat-lauss, adj. without food, Eb. 266, Ld. 200, Gísl. 57, Fms. ii. 97.

mat-leiði, a, m. a loathing of food, 677. 3.

mat-leysa, n. lack of food. Fms. vi. 325, xi. 288, K.Þ.K. 130.

mat-lífi, n. board, fare, Fms. viii. 435.

mat-maðr, m. a great eater.

mat-mangari, a, m. a 'meat-monger,' provision-dealer, N.G.L. ii. 246.

mat-mál, n. meal-time, Grág. i. 261, Nj. 197, Sd. 144; milli matmála, between two meals, Bs. i. 108; lítil er líðandi stund, löng matmáls stund, Hkr. i. 154 (a saying) :-- a meal. Fms. vii. 160.

mat-móðir, f. 'meat-mother,' used of a mistress with respect to her servants and household, cp. Engl. bread-giver.

mat-níðingr, m. a 'meat-nithing,' one who starves his people, Sæm, 38, Fas. ii. 133.

MATR, m., gen. matar, dat. mat; with article matinum, Grág. i. 47 (mod. matnum); plur. matir; it is twice or thrice in Fb. spelt mát with a long vowel, with which cp. the rhyme máta uppsátr, Hallfred, -- máta (gen. pl.) viggjar uppsátr = a pantry (the explanation given in Lex. Poët. and hence in Fs. 214, seems erroneous); for the long vowel cp. also Ormul. mete (not mette), Engl. meat: [Ulf. mats = GREEK; A.S. mete; Engl. meat; O.H.G. maz; Swed. mat; Dan. mad] :-- meat, food; matar ok váða er manni þörf, Hm. 3; matar góðr, 'good of meat,' hospitable, 38; bjóða e-m mat, Gm. 2; morgin-döggvar þau sér at mat hafa, Vþm. 45, Skm. 27; þá var matr fram settr, Fbr. 21 new Ed.; bera mat á borð, to put meat on the board, Nj. 50; þú skalt stela þaðan mat á tvá hesta, 74; bera mat í stofu, eptir þat setti hón borð ok bar þar á mat, ... viljum vér víst gefa yðr mat ... síðan gengu þeir undir borð ok signdu mat sinn, ... átu gestir mat sinn, Eb. 266, 268; Gunnarr vissi slíks matar þar ekki ván, Nj. 75; þenna aptan enn sama mælti Bergþóra til hjóna sinna, nú skulu þér kjósa yðr mat í kveld, þvíat þenna aptan mun ek bera síðast mat fyri hjón mín ..., þykki mér blóð eitt allt borðit ok matrinn, 197; hann var kallaðr hinn mildi ok inn matar-ílli, ... hann svelti menn at mat, Fms. i. 1; sitja at mat, to sit at meat, x. 378; beiða matar, Grág. i. 47; þóat hinn haldi matinum, id.; þá stóð Glámr. upp snemma ok kallaði til matar síns, ... vil ek hafa mat minn en engar refjar, Grett. 111; þar hefi ek mínum mat orðit fegnastr þá er ek náða honum, 126; et mat þinn, tröll, Fas. iii. 178, 179: allit., matr ok mungát, meat and drink, Fb. iii. 578. Fb. i. 563; hann átti fjölda barna, hafði hann varla mat í munn sér, he had hardly any meat in his mouth, he was well-nigh starved, Bs. i. 193; menn sá ek þá er móður höfðu, látið mat í munn, Sól.: eiga máiungi mat; mod. eiga ekki málungi matar, to have no food for one's next meal, be very poor, Hm. 66: the saying, matr tr mannsins megin, 'meat is man's main;' biðja sér matar hvert mál, 36; þurr matr, dry meat; þurr matr, þat er gras ok aldin, K.Þ.K. 78; hvítr matr, white meat = milk, cheese from the dairy, passim; elds matr, food for fire, fuel; spóna-matr, spoon-meat, opp. to át-matr = dry meat. II. in plur. stores of food, provisions; tveggja mánaða mati, Gþl. 99; tveggja mánaða matir mjöls, N.G.L. i. 172; tólf mánaðar mati, 346, B.K. passim. COMPDS: matar-afgangr, m. leavings from the table or of food, K.Þ.K. 47. matar-afli, a, m. fare, provisions, Fs. 146. matar-ást, f. 'meat-love' cupboard love; hafa m. á e-m, to have 'meat-love' for a person, to love him for his table's sake. matar-ból, n., a Norse law phrase, referring to the taxation of an estate, thus, hundrað, sextigi ... mánaða matarból, an estate of a hundred, sixty ... months' food, Fms. x. 153, N.G.L., D.N., B.K. passim. matar-búr, n. a 'meat-bower,' pantry, whence abbreviated búr (q.v.), Sturl. i. 355. matar-fýst, f. appetite, 4. 21. matar-föng, n. pl. = matföng, Ísl. ii. 465. matar-görð, f. dairy work, cooking, etc., Glúm. 367, Gþl. 102. matar-íllr, adj. meat-stingy, of a bad master who starves his household, Fms. i. 1. matar-kaup, n. = matkaup, Fms. viii. 353, v.l. matar-lauss, adj. meatless, without food, Fb. i. 131. matar-lyst, f. appetite. matar-neyzla, u, f. the taking food, Sks. 434. matar-skamtr, m. a portion. matar-verð, n. board wages, Gþl. 513. matar-verðr, m. a meal, Bs. i. 122. matar-vætt, f. a weight (measure) of victuals, Sturl. ii. 60. matar-æði, n. diet.

mat-ráð, n. pl. 'meat-rule,' the husbandry of food, dispensing food to the household, the duty of the mistress in olden times, Bs. i. 139, see Nj. ch. 128.

mat-reiða, u, f. the making food 'ready' dressing food, doing dairy and pantry work and the like; þat er ekki karla at annask um matreiðu, Nj. 75, Fs. 73, Grág. i. 459, Fas. ii. 76.

mat-reiða, d, = matbúa.

mat-reki, a, m. a jetsum of victuals (fishes, whales), Vm. 141.

mat-seld, f. = matreiða, Eb. 266.

mat-selja, u, f. a laundress, Lv. 36, Nj. 59, Eg. 759, Eb. 92.

mat-sinkr, adj. stingy of food, Band. 38 new Ed.

mat-sjóði, a, m. a cook, Nj. (in a verse).

mat-skapr, m. victuals, food, Vm. 164.

mat-skál, f. a meat bowl, Bs. i. 703.

mat-skápr, m. a meat drawer, pantry.

mat-skortr, m. lack of food, Krók. 66.

mat-skreið, f. dried fish for food, H.E. ii. 98.

mat-sparr, adj. = matsinkr, Sd. 152, Fs. 146.

mat-sveinn, m. a meat-boy, cook, esp. on board a ship, Fs. 150, Eb. 192, Þiðr. 127, Fms. x. 129.

mat-svín, n. 'meat-hog,' the beggar's scrip, Skiða R. 20.

mat-Sæll, adj. meat-lucky. Band. 38 new Ed.

mat-vandr, adj. fastidious, difficult to please as to one's food.

mat-vendni, f. fastidiousness as to food.

mat-vinnungr, m. = matannungr; hann er ekki m.

mat-vist, f. food, fare, Sks. 189.

mat-vísi, f. gluttony, Hom. 24.

mat-víss, adj. 'meat-scenting,' greedy, term of abuse, Hallfred.

mat-vælar, f. pl. petty larceny of food, Parc. 44 (Ed., rendering of Fr. larencin, see foot-note); hinu þykki mér líkara at þat sé matvælar þeim