Tocharian B texts
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Following is a very coarsely annotated collection of texts in Tocharian B; they are my class translation notes from Don Ringe's Tocharian B course at the University of Pennsylvania, fall semester 1996.
These materials would need to be substantially cleaned up before they would be of any use as the beginnings of an online corpus or dictionary database. I keep meaning to clean them up some, but I figured it was better to just get it online first and clean it up as I'm able. Feel free to use these notes however you wish.
Basically, each line below consists of one word from the Tocharian text followed by notes about that word. You could get a rough un-annotated text by stripping off all but the first word in each column. However, there are some lines where the first word is not a Tocharian word (e.g. an English translation of the preceding sentence).
The text, footnote, and paragraph references are to Krause & Thomas' Tocharisches Elementarbuch (1964).
There are a few characters which are not available in the Extended Latin set; I made the most obvious substitutions I could come up with (e.g., s´ in place of an s with an acute accent). I used a period following a letter to represent an underdot. I distinguished this from the regular period (i.e., a full stop at the end of sentence) by surrounding the latter with space characters.
pg. 45
käs.s.intse A listed form (G = Genitive?) of kässi (Lehrer) m. III
eneppre dict. has enepre Adv."davor, vor"
mant "so (etwa)"
s´imâre (Has footnote: Für s´cämâre)
[weñâ]re: we- 3 Pl. "sagen" (found this form) (Suppletive? 27,3b; 73,7; 79,3)
Before the teacher they said, they spoke:
2 . källoye[m Perhaps a form of käl- 'führen, bringen'
wes [wem.ts ] wohl Sg. m. "Harn" (urine)
[wasam.n]pât skt. "u[asam.padâ" "Weihe" (consecration, initiation, inspiration)
käll[oyem] Footnote: "Aus *kälpnoyem "
[pa]pâs.s.orññe "sittliches (moral) Verhalten (behavior)" (S. 207)
paskemttär. pâsk- guard, beware
3. pañikte The divine Buddha
kä[s.s.]i m. III "Lehrer"
weñâ-mes´: Maybe a form of 'say'?
cisso, This _might_ be a form of 'you' See 'go' on suppletive verbs chart. This is imperitive form.
Kâs´yapi, Footnote: Gemeint sind Nadî- und Gayâkâs´yapa.
aklas.lyem.(m)pa with students (comitative suffix)
plâksar! A hapax.
"Geht ... zur Verständigung (agreement, arrangement, information) mit (euern) Schülern!"
4. [p]l[aki]ssos´ you guys are agreeable,
aikos. knowledgeable,
käro[s. (and) knowledgeable.
kraupentse Gen sg. -tse
kraupentse tatâs[as. Footnote: "von (eurer) Schar (troop, band, squad) eingesetzte (appointed)."
You have been chosen as leaders of your group.
(The lacuna is very speculative.)
o ----.
------ (Footnote: Sinngemäßetwa tusâksa zu erg. (can't find)
c[e]wäs´ (Footnote: All. Sg. m. zu. su ) (Can't find as listed; what does this abbreviation mean?)
ostamam. Listed as ost(a)mem. (Abl) under ost [was.t] a. I,2 "Haus"
lnaskem . 1 Pl. of lä-n-t "hinausgehen" 36,1; 80, 1 b
yakne m. V,1 "Art und Weise" (I guess this is the nominative sg.)
en°kaskemttär, en°k- "engreifen" Pl. 1.
mäkcau (Footnote cauwak yakne... mäkcau... "eben diejenige Lehre (wörtl. "Art u. Weise") ..., welche...".) Obl. form of mäksu Interrog. "welcher"
procer Brother
en°[sa]te . (Can't find)
7. kante-ikäm.- su -pikulaññe Don't know quite what to make of the gloss; this is a number. (S. 178) Maybe "250".
[ñke] (Can't find)
ste. Glossed as "s. nes-". That is "sein" Lists ste as Ps. der Kopula
cau (Can't find)
pilycalñe Says s. 3 pälk- This is "brennen". Lists this form as "Bußübung")
s.añ [s.ñi] G. eines sonst nicht vorhandenen Pron. refl., oft in possessivem Sinn für alle drei Personen u. numerei geltened, oft mit "eigen" wiederzugeben (my own, your own, etc.)
rintsate, "Med." form of ri-n- "verlassen, aufgeben"
rinaskemttär 1 Pl. form of ri-n- "verlassen, aufgeben"
[wes s. ñäs´ "wir"
8. y[e]s
mas´[c]e[r, (Footnote: Unsichere Ergänzung und Deutung; viell. 2 Pl. Akt. Ko. II zu Wz. mäs- (vgl.§407 Anm.): "wie ihr (nun) gehen wollt, (das) sagt!".
camñcer (Für campcer, 2 Pl. Akt.)
13. tumem. Pron-Adv. darauf, dann
cey ? (look under cau!)
wi zwei
omprotärci *omprotärtstse. Adj. I, 1 "verbrüdert", pl. -cci. (verbrüdern = fraternize)
Kâs´yapi (pn.)
s.esa "zusammen (mit)"
[akla]s.lyem.mpa Form of akals.älle "Schüler" Obl. -- but what is that -pa?
maitare, Form of mit- "sich aufmachen" (= rise, set out) I think this is Pl 3, if I'm reading the tags correctly.
pañikte (Divine Buddha?)
käs.s.iñis´ (Footnote: = käs.s.inäs´ All. Sg.) käs.s.i "Lehrer" -iñis´ All. (what is All.?)
kekamos. I think it's a form of käm- "kommen". There is a Subst. kekamor "das Gekommensein, Ankunft (=arrival)", but I can't find this specific form.
yirs.ânte: ?
14. mahâs´raman.a,
[e]s.e "zusammen mit"
werts[y]ai(mpa) wertsiya (wertsyo) f. VI, 3 "Gefolge (retinue), Versammlung" wertsyai is listed as Obl; is mpa one of these clitic thingys?
ceynas ?
e-kmem. e- = "herbei". kmem-- found nothing. It could conceivably have something to do with käm- "kommen", but not listed under that form. (Also occurs in verse 16)
tañ s. twe. "du" I think this is Gen., but it could have Dat. "Sinn" I think this is a form of paiyye "Fuß"; it says Adj Par. paiynes.s.e
saiym Can't find. There must be something with the alphabetization of -y- I'm not getting!
yâmskemttär Pl. 1 of yâm- "machen" (oft zur Umschreibung im Sinne denominativer Bildungen"
oskiye. (See footnote about meter) 'dwelling' ( -iye is unambiguously N. Sg. ending (but fem.)
15. [ostmem.] Abl. ost(a)mem. of ost "Haus"
plyatstsar-me (Footnote: 2 Sg. Med. Ipv. Kaus. zu Wz. lä-n-t- "laß uns hinausgehen!")
pâkes´ This could be a form of pâke "Teil", but it isn't listed.
pelaikne-onwaññe! Dharma, Gesetz (Is that whole suffix a collectivizer? Or separate word?)
16. pañikte (the divine Buddha)
käs.s.i (teacher)
pis´ fünf
wakanmasa ? < waki 'quality'
yaitusai I think this is a form of yät- "schmücken" (=decorate, adorn, trim) PP. yaitu
weseññaisa Perl. of weseñña "Stimme"
ka[kâ-me ?
weñâmes´: (said) Look up which form!
ke]k[a]mos. This came up in verse 13. I think it's a form of käm- "kommen". There is a Subst. kekamor "das Gekommensein, Ankunft (= arrival)", but I can't find this specific form.
(s.)amâñi, (Footnote: Für s.amâni; vgl. kkeñisa oben 9.) "Mönch" (this is Vok.?)
pâ pâsk- "hüten (take care), bewahren"; this is Med. Pl. 2
papâs.s.orñe! Derived from verb above, but has a separate listing. "sittliches Verhalten (= moral conduct)"
17. te s. se "dieser" (I think this is genitive)
tot Pron.-Adv. "so (weit, sehr) inzwischen"
we[weñormem.] Subst. from we- "sagen", thus "das Gesagte, Ausspruch" This is the Abs.
/// (Footnote: Das in der Lücke zu erschließene Subj. ist die Tracht der Flechtenträger.)
neksate-me, ?
kas.âr-wässanma kas.âr: from skt. das gelbrote Mönchsgewand. The entry (S. 180) lists the whole thing here, but says nothing about it.
wäs- "bekleiden" I bet anything this is a form of it.
ka Vertstärkungspart. "eben", "eva?"
s. Short for spä "und auch", "und"
kektseñtsa kektseñe V, 2. "Körper" This form is Perl.
lyakânte-me. ? (Can't find; is there some rule with ly-?)
18. krem.[ta] ?
iry[âpathänta] iryâpath, From skt. "îryâpatha" "Bewegungsform". This form is pl.
pyautkare. pyutk- "zustande bekommen (? receive responsibility? Zustand = state, condition; zuständig = responsible, competent, belonging to. Zustande kommen = come off." This is Pl. 3.
ostamem. Abl. of ost "Haus"
lalñe Form of lä-n-t- "hinausgehen" Abstr. lalñe
wasam.npât skt. "Weihe" (consecration, initiation)
s.a ? Word cut off by lacuna? no s.a in Wörterbuch.
Kâs´yapem. (name)
winâs.s.a[re win-âsk- "verehren (honor, venerate)" This is 3 Pl. (Pret?)
nano] "wieder, wiederum"
sth[â]ne (Footnote: = sthânne)
lymâ[r]e. ?
Rs.ap-s.alywe-mal-kwerne ("im Stier-Öl-Milch-(Metrum)")
19. sâñ "Kunst(fertigkeit) (= artistic skill)"
upâ[y]n[e I think this is upây, a. III, 1 skt. "upâya", "(Kunst)mittel (artistic device)", "Kunstgriff (trick, dexterity)", pl. -nta.
e]pastye Listed as this. Adj. I,1 "geschickt (skillful, capable)", pl. -i
poys´i "Allerkenner" Again below.
saswe "Herr"
jat.ilñe skt. "Flechten tragend, Flechtenträger- (Flechte = plait, wickerwork, dry scab, lichen)"
sân°k skt. "(buddhistische) Ordensgemeinde (communal order?)"
päs weg, fort (short for päst)
wâya. S. âk- "führen". This is Pt. I. (Med.?)
20. --------
cau (See chart)
ykemem. 3 Abl. of ike a. III,1 "Ort, Stelle, Punkt"
ly[i]tkäs.s.[i] ? I see käs.s.i
21. râjars.i m. From Skt. "Seher aus königlichem Geschlecht ((here) = family)"
s.ey Maybe a form of s.e "one"?
Gaye "N. pr. eines königlichen Weisen (manner, way, tune)"
ñem "Name"
om Adv. "da", "dort"
mäskeñca. This is PPs. of mäsk- "sich befinden, sein".
cwi ?
ñemtsa Perl. of ñem "Name"
wartto "Wald"
klâwa "verkünden (announce?), (be)nennen (to name)" Pt I? PP?
Gayâs´irs. Name eines Waldes.
ñem . "Name"
tän°kwaññe tän°kw-aññ- "lieben" I think this form might be imperitive, but no initial p-.
omtem. Can't find. om(p) = "da, dort"; maybe temeñ Pron.-Adv. "infolgdessen"
poys´i "Allerkenner" (Also above)
nes[a]ñ[ñ]e (Footnote: tän°kwaññe...nes[a]ñ[ñ]e (für nesalñe) "Lieblingsaufenthalt (Aufenthalt = stop, delay)")
yamas.s.ate. Don't know. There is an entry yamas.s.uki, pl -iñ, "ein sich Betätigender", but this isn't a listed form of it.
22. tumem. Pron.-Adv. darauf, dann
trey (Also spelled trei) "three" (masc.)
käs.s.i (Teacher)
ceyna ?
yältse Form of yaltse "1000". This and the next word mean "1003".
trey (Also spelled trei) "three" (masc.)[ap]ûrvakam. skt. "ehemlig (früher) Flechten tragend"
s.amânem. Obl. of s.amâne "Mönch"
bhavâkkä Adj. form of the noun bhavâggär "die höchste, letzte Existenz"
yoñiyai Obl. of yoñiya "Bahn, Bereich, Stätte" Konj. "während"
katkässi kässi looks like teacher. There is a word katu/kâtu "weil, denn, nämlich"
añmassu Adj. III "wünschend, verlangend"
tarya (Also spelled trei) "three" (fem.)
orotstsana orotstse "groß" -tstsana is f. Obl.
pratiharinta prayihari A loan word from Skt. This is Pl. form "Wunder"
sälkâte-mes´: Form of sälk- "herausziehen, vorführen, zeigen" The first part is Med.; what is mes´?
23. raddhi-lakäs.ñes.s.e
pratihari, (Footnote: = skt. "Wunder des übernatürlichen Kraft")
pratihari, (Footnote: = skt. "Wunder des Gedankenaufzeigens")
pratihari. (Footnote: = skt. "Wunder des Überzeugungskraft")
raddhi From skt. "übernatürliche Fähigkeit (capacity)"
ce Masc. Obl. Sg. "dieser" (S. 164-5)
yknesa I think this is a form of ike III, 1 "Ort, Stelle, Punkt"; ykene is listed as a form (locative?) What is -sa? Perlative.
lakäs.s.a-me: Pt. of lakäs.s.äm. "sehen lassen, zeigen", which is in turn from läk- "sehen"
24. asânmem. asâm. III, 1 "Sitz, Thron" This is Abl.
tetkâk plötzlich
s. Short for spä "und auch", "und"
[n]ek[s]ate. ? Maybe with a little imagination, it could be a form of näk- "zugrunde (to ruin) richten, vernichten"
kälymim. Don't know. Could be a form of käly- "stehen, sich befinden", or kälyme "Himmelsgegend (compass direction), Richtung (direction, route, trend)". Look for -mim., -im.. The Ablative ending is -mem.; is this an alternate form?
On a form below, I had the following: kälymiye f VI 1 "Himmelsgegend, Richtung". This is the Pl. N.
läkâs.yem. Pl. 3 of läk- "sehen"
cey, Masc. Pl. Nom. "der"
kompirkomem. kom-pirko s. kaum.-pirko "Sonnenaufgang, Osten" This is Abl.
ipprerne A form of iprer (eprer) "Luftraum" (from skt.). This is the "L" form (Locative)
ka "eben"
s. Short for spä "und auch", "und"
lyakâr-ne. I think this is Pl. 3 Pt. of läk- "sehen"
"We see them, the directions, we even see the eastern sky"
The following has too many holes! Don't volunteer this one.
25. iryâpathänta iryâpath (skt) "Bewegungsform". This is Pl. form.
s´wâra I bet anything this is a form of s´u-, s´wa- "essen" 44, 2c, but this form isn't listed.
yâms.ate: Med. of yâm- "machen" (oft zur Umschriebung im Sinne denominativer Bildungen)
lyama lyam m. III, 1 "See", but this form is not listed
s´ama ?
mas=orkäntai orkäntai = "hin und her", but what is mas?
lek II, 2 "Gebärde, Geste (both = gesture)"
yamas.s.a Pt. of yâm- "machen" (oft zur Umschriebung im Sinne denominativer Bildungen) ( But what is the rest of this ending?)
lys´alyñes.s.e. lyäk- "liegen" This is the Abstr. Adj. ? But what is an abstract adjective of "to lie"?
The following is also very scanty!
26. carka ? (Occurs twice below)
kektseñmem. kektseñe f. V. 2 is "Körper" The "-mem." is Ablative.
swañcaiñ ? The ñ could be a causative secondary case marker.
-- --
-äs--o (Footnote: Unsicher, ob mit E. Sieg zu [yakne w]äs[t]o für gewöhnl. wästo-yäkne "auf doppelte Weise" zu erg. Damit ist allerdings auch der Rhythmus dieses Pâda in Unordnung.)
wranta Can't find. Nothing under wär-.
ca[r]k[a ? (Occurs again below)
tarne]mem. Not sure. tarne Sg. m. "Scheitel (top, hair parting)", but this form not listed. -mem. is Ablative.
paryarinta Pl. of paryari "Wundertat" auch "Zauberfeuer"
paiynemem. . I bet this is a form of paiyye "Fuß" -mem. is Ablative. We had before, meaning Buddha's two (dual) feet.
27. s´wâra ? Can't find. Nothing obvious under s´u-.
kälymim. kälymiye f VI 1 "Himmelsgegend, Richtung". This is the Pl. N.
po "all, jeder, ganz"
prautkar ? Maybe form of prautke Sg. m. "Verschlüß (lock, fastener, seal), Gefängnis", but this form isn't listed. What is -ar?
nermi[t]em. Pl. m. Obl. of nermit "künstlich"
[p]oys´intasa. poys´i is a form of po "all, jeder, ganz", possibly Sg. Obl., but tags are not clear. What is -ntasa? -sa is Perlative, so what is -nta?
"The directions are all artificial prisons"?
carka ? (Occurs above)
prayok III, 1 from skt. "Anwendung (application, use), Mittel, Vorstellung (introduction, representation), Darbringung (offering)"
asâ asâm is "Sitz, Thron", but this form isn't listed. The -ne looks like a locative.
ka "eben"
s. Short for spä "und auch", "und"
lyakâr-ne. 3 Pt. Pl. of läk- "sehen"
"We even see these representations on a throne"?
28. tumem. Pron-Adv. darauf, dann
ñikte-ññikte (Footnote: Im Sinne von. gewöhnl. ñäktem.ts ñakte)
I think that is Gen. Pl. "Gott"
ceyna "dieser" Masc. Obl. Pl.
"Then... God's ... this..."
29. [tu]-yknesâk Found tu-yäknesa s. yakne yakne = m. V,1 "Art und Weise" This variant is translated as "auf diese Weise"
kekamos.epi (Footnote: tu-yknesâk kekamu wörtl.Übersetzung von skt. tathâgata)
kekemor s. käm- kekamor is Subst. "das Gekommensein, Ankunft (arrival)", but what is -s.epi?
raddhi From skt. "übernatürliche Fähigkeit"
lakäs.ñe Abstr. of lakä "sehen lassen, zeigen", which in turn is formed from läk-
ste . s. nes- "sein" This is Ps. (Präsens) der Kopula
"In this way is the showing of the arrival of this supernatural ability"?
30. ñake "jetzt"
palsko-s.ärpalñe-ñemace palsko- "Denken, Gedanke, Geist" (Other parts)\
s.ärpalñe is Abstr. of s.ärp- "hinweisen (point out, refer to)"
ñemace "Namen habend (tragend)" listed as -ñematse
pratihar[i pratihari A loan word from Skt. "Wunder"
sä]lk[âte-mes´ . sälkâte is listed as the Med. (Medium) form of sälk- "herausziehen (pull out, extract), vorführen, zeigen". The -mes´ form is listed also, but has no tags. -mes´ is 123Pl -me pronoun clitic plus allative s´, like weñâ-mes´
"Now they are shown, these thought-pointing-out miracles."
s]e "dieser" masc. ?nom.
taise: (Footnote: "dies (Wunder des Gedankensufzeichens ist) folgendermaßen (in the following way)")
(Don't know if it's relevant, but tai is the Dual Nom./Obl. of su "der")
taise(m.)- "so"
"This is as follows:"
yesi yes s. twe I think this means "euer"
ñake jetzt
pälskonta pälsk- "denken" But what is -onta? (You get -ante as 3 Pl. Medial Passive)
stare . ? Can't find.
twe du (Nom. Sg.)
taisem. taise(m.)- "so"
pälskana[t]. pälsk- "denken" This is 2 sg.
"You think so."
31. ///
po "all, jeder, ganz"
tasâte-me (Footnose: Im Sinn von kes´ tasâte-me "berücksichtige er ihnen".)
s´irsâ-me . ? What could a s´ be a palatalized version of?
The -me looks like 123Pl pronoun clitic.
"He looked considered them all and Xed them all."
tu Neut. Sg. Nom./Obl. "der"
yparwe Präp-Adv "zuerst, zuvor"
jat.ilñi jat.ilñe skt. "Flechten tragend, Flechtenträger- (Flechte = plait, wickerwork, dry scab, lichen)" What case?
s.amâñi Vok. for s.amâñe "Mönch" (skt.)
wismai Adv. skt. "vismaya" "erstaunt, verwundert" (The collocation with the following word is listed, but no comments.)
klautkâre klautk- "umkehren, werden" This is 3 Pl. Pt.
"The first monk became amazed and said"
32. tkâ (taka) "dann, in der Tat"
[ra] nachgestellte Konj. "auch"
r.ddhis.s.e Adj. form of raddhi. From skt. "übernatürliche Fähigkeit"
yâtalñe Abstr. (Noun?) from yât- "fähig (capable, qualified, able) sein, imstande sein"
âktike Indecl. Adj. "wunderbar" "verwundert"
s.ey .
"Then also, this (is?) capable of supernatural abilities."
se (Footnote: auf pratihari bezüglich.) This is masc. (?nom) "dieser"
aus.ap "mehr" Together, this and the next word mean "noch wunderbarer"
âktike Indecl. Adj. "wunderbar" "verwundert"
ste, s. nes- "sein" This is Ps. (Präsens) der Kopula
mâ Neg.
lkâlye Ger. II (which should be Xed) of läk- "sehen"
palsko "Denken, Gedabke, Geist"
pontas (vgl. po) Adj. III "all, jeder, ganz". Pl. fem. Obl. is ponta; what is -s?
mäkte "wie?"
lya[kâte]. Med. of läk- "sehen"
"This is more wonderful, thoughts which should not be seen, all are seen" (?)
33. ///
pratiharintasa prayihari A loan word from Skt. pratiharinta is Pl. form "Wunder". What is -sa? Perlative.
ceyna "dieser" Masc. Obl. Pl.
takars.[k]am. Adj. II, 3 "gläubig, klar, deutlich"Ê-am. Pl. m. Obl.
kekl[yu]tkormem., ? (Tried all kinds of things, but can't find.)
kuce s. kuce "wer? was?" This is Obl.
tu Neut. Sg. Nom/Obl. "das"
pwârntse puwar "Feuer"; form here is Gen. Sg.
yarke III, 1 "Verehrung"
yamas.s.eñcam. yâm- "machen" The form yamas.s.eñca is listed as PPs. (Present Participle) But what is -m.?
tu Neut. Sg. Nom/Obl. "das"
y[pa]rwe (Footnote: kuce...tu yparwe "mit Rücksicht (respect, consideration, regard) darauf, daß...")
yparwe: Präp-Adv. "zuerst, zuvor"
tuwak Don't know. Cf. tu (see two lines above)
kottarcce kottartse "der Familie angehörig" Sg. m. Obl. -cce
pelaik[n]e "Dharma" "Daseinsfaktor, Eigenschaft (quality, property, attribute)" "Gesetz"
âksi Inf. of âks- "verkünden, lehren". I think this is a contraction for âks.tsi (this is listed in parens)
añmassu Says s. 2 âñme. This is "Selbst" V 2, but the form isn't listed.
kakâ-me ? This was in verse 16 above; look at class notes.
The -me is 123Pl clitic pronoun.
weñâ-mes´: "Said to them" (-s´ is an allative clitic)
Geschichte von frommen Weber Vardhana
1. (Meter name)
S´râvasti Name der Hauptstadt von Kosala. Where is that? Looked on map and couldn't find. Wrote to Venky.
rine A form of riye "Stadt". This is the Locative form. (-ne)
Varddhane (Name of weaver) Nom.
ñemttsa ñem = Name; ñemtsa (note spelling) is Sg. Perl.
tallâu Adj. II "elend"
snaitse Adj. I, 1 "arm"
anâs Adj. "elend"
erkatte, indekl. Adj. "unfreudnlich, verächtlich (comtemptuous, contemptible)"
wawâttsa (Footnote: Für wapâttsa)
s. Short for spä "und auch", "und"
2. [mâ]
no "nun"; occasionally also "eben, wohl, denn, aber"
nta Part. "(nur) etwa, irgendwie"
mäskitär-ne Med. of mäsk- "sich befinden, sein" (I'm not sure what -ne is.) For nouns, it's locative, but probably something else here.
ekaññe, III,1 "Besitz (possession, property), Habe" (I think this is just a variant of the citation form.)
kucesa kuce is Obl of kuse "wer? was?" What is -sa? Perlative.
su Masc. Sg. Nom. "der"
âyors´ âyor III 1 = "Gabe (gift)" This form isn't listed.
milykaucce mil(y)kautstse "sich beziehend auf (cover, remove into, enter)" This is Sg. m. Obl.
yarpo III, 1 "(religiöses) Verdienst" (from skt "pun.ya"; TA is "pñi"; can Don explain the phonology of TB?)
kraupalle Ger II of kraup- "anhäufen (amass), sammeln" (which should be Xed)
s.ey . (Footnote: Zum Irreal. cgl. §18 Anm. 1.)
su Masc. Sg. Nom "der"
ra nachgestellte Konj. "auch"
s.ey-ne The -ne looks like a locative ending.
It also serves as 3Sg pron clitic, but I doubt that that's what it is here.
lakle III, 1 "Leid"
maiyyâu Adj. III "kräftig"
pälsko[nts]e . pälsk- "denken" but what is -ontse?
3. ///
etsuwai Präp-Adv. "zu...hin" (skt. "upa")
Priyadeve N. pr. eines reichen Mannes
ñemttsa ñem = Name; ñemtsa (note spelling) is Sg. Perl.
s´res.t.hi subst. Adj. m. "Kaufherr" (skt)
sey (see se, which is masc. ?nom. "dieser"
es´atkai Präp-Adv "sehr"
s´âte Adj. II, 4 "reich"
ekaññetstse; Adj. I, 1 "besitzend, vermögend (wealthy)"
olyapotstse Adv. "überaus, sehr"
s(u) "der" masc. Nom. sg.
no "nun"; occasionally also "eben, wohl, denn, aber"
entsesse . This might be a form of entse "Selbstsucht, Geiz (avarice), Neid (envy, jealousy)"
4. tumem. Pron-Adv. darauf, dann
Varddhanem. Name of weaver. This is Obl.
wapâttsa[ntse] wapâttsa II, 3 "weaver" This form is Gen.
5. [s´re]s.t.hinmem. Abl. of s´res.t.hi "Kaufherr"
peri All it says is "Schuld"
yâmmar, Med. Sg. 1. of yâm- "machen"
s´wer ?
oroccem. orotstse "groß" This is Pl. Obl. form.
mahâs´râ[man.em.s´c] This is Pl. All. "großer relig. Bettelmönch"
kalymisa ? Tried lots of things; best I could do was käly- "stehen, sich befinden", but I have no idea what form this would be. -sa is Perlative.
spârttau, Ko. Sg. 1 for spârtt- "sich drehen, sich wenden, sich verhalten, sich befinden, zuteil werden"
ce Masc. Obl. Pl. "dieser"
tallârñmem. tallârñe III, 1 "Elend (misery)" -mem. is Abl.
mlutkâmar. Med. Sg. 1 of "herauskommen"
6. taise Adv. "so"
pälskormem. pälsk- "denken" This form is PP. Abs.
Priyadevem. N. pr. eines reichen Mannes.
7. [s´wâ]tsi II, 2 Essen, Speise
yoktsi Inf. of yok- "trinken"
ârwer Adv. "bereit"
yâmttsi The Inf. form yâmtsi is listed for yâm- "machen", but why the Verdoppelung?
omttsate . (Footnote: Für aumttsate = auntsate; vgl. auch s´ol (für s´aul ) und §18 Anm. 1)
This is Med. of au-n- Akt. "treffen", Med. "beginnen"
8. ista[k Adv. "sogleich"
pañä]kt[e] The divine Buddha
käs.s.i teacher
cau Masc. Obl. Sg. of su
wäntare I, 2 "Sache, Ding" (cit. form)
s´arsa, ?
as.anikem. Adj. II,3 as.anike = "(ehr)würdig" This is Adj. Sg. m. Obl.
S´âriputrem. Obl. of S´ariputre N pr. eines Hauptschülers des Buddha.
Maudgalyâyanem. N. pr. eines Hauptschülers des Buddha.
ma[hâ-s´raman.em.ts (Hyphen at line break) Gen. Pl. of "großer relig. Bettelmönch"
[yai]tkor Sg. m. "Befehl"
âks.a I think this is 3 sg. Pt. of âks- "verkünden, lehren".
weñâ-mes´: ? They said?
9. Varddhanem. Name of weaver. This is Obl.
wapâttsai wapâttsa II, 3 "weaver" This is the Obl. form.
palskos´ palsko- "Denken, Gedanke, Geist" But what is -s´?
pyâmtssat! ?
s´ol s. s´aul. II, 2 "Leben"
sândhine sândhi from skt. "Dämmerung" -ne looks Locative.
päs (päst) "weg, fort"
kekamu PP. of käm- "kommen"
star-ne . This is listed under the copula nes-. This might be a "Ps. der Kopula" form, but what is -ne? Could be 3 sg. pron. clitic, but does that make sense with copula?
tompok gleich, jetzt
snai Präpos. "ohne"
yarpo III, 1 "(religiöses) Verdienst (gain, earnings, merit)"[kam.] (Footnote: "wenn er...stirbt")
mant Pron.-Adv. "so (etwa)"
tänmastär . täm- "geboren werden" This form is Med. (Medium) (Name of meter)
10. swese Sg. m. V, 1 "Regen"
suwoy su-, swâ-s- "regnen" This is Ipf.
cau Masc. Sg. Obl. of su
preke . "Zeit" (this is cit. form)
as.anikam. as.anike Adj. II, 3 "(ehr)würdig" This is Obl.
tumem. Pron-Adv. darauf, dann
cey Masc. Pl. Obl. "der"
s´ka-maiyyantse s´ka-maiyya Adj. II, 3 "zehn Kräfte besitzend" Epithetonm des Buddha
yaitkor Sg. m. "Befehl"
yâ . Pt. Pl 3. of yâm- "machen"
päs (Footnote: Veill. zu [pyo]päs "laßt uns eintreten!")
ostuwane! ostuwa = Pl of ost "Haus"; what is -ne? (Locative)
11. mäkte "wie?" (Can also be temporal "als")
lyâka Pt. 3. Sg. of läk- "sehen"
Varddhane Name of weaver. Nom.
tetkâk (tetekâk) plötzlich
s. Short for spä "und auch", "und"
ceyna Masc. Obl. Pl. "dieser"
oroccem. orotstse "groß" This is Pl. Obl. form.
as.anikam., as.anike Adj. II, 3 "(ehr)würdig" This is Obl.
katkomñaisa ? All I can say is that it looks Perlative with that -sa.
arañce m. V. 2. "Herz"
plus.â-ne This is Pt. 1 of plu- "schweben"
ram Short for ramt. Part. "gleichsam, wie"
w inâssa-me The -me is 123Pl. pron clitic.
--------. (Footnote: Sinngemäß takars.kñesa zu erg.)
12. ///
arwâre . Adj. I,2 "bereit"
es.e Präp-Adv. "zusammen (mit)"
s´anom[pa] s´ano is Obl. for s´ana "Ehefrau" (comitative) -mpa?
kr[e]nta krent s. kartse This is Pl. fem. Obl. of "gut"
s´watsanma This is Pl. for s´wâtsi "Essen, Speise"
kanti (obl.) ein Gebäck.
tän°ktsi This is Inf. of tänk- "hemmen"
ârwer Adv. "bereit"
yâmormem., Abs. (Abstr.? No Abs. listed!) of yâm- "machen"
ceyna Masc. Obl. Pl. "dieser"
[as.ani]k[a] Adj. "(ehr)würdig" -am. is Obl. -ne is Locative.
kaly[m]isa ? Also occurs above in verse 5. ? Tried lots of things; best I could do was käly- "stehen, sich befinden", but I have no idea what form this would be. -sa is Perlative.
s[p]â (Footnote: Die noch folgenden 8=9 Aks.ara bis zum Blattende sind unleserlich. Am Anfang könnte zu spâ[rtta] ergänzt werden.) spârtta (skt) "sich drehen, sich wenden, sichj verhalten, sich befinden, zuteil werden"
nestsi .
wes.s.äm. :
was.ama ,
yamas.a .
Gun.asam.pade N. pr. eines Tus.itagottes
wes.s.äm : (he) said
cämpamñeccu Sg. m. Vok. of cämpamñetstse "Vermögen habend, hochmögend"
s ---- nta Footnote: Sinngemäß wäre möglich: snai nerkenta (snai = "ohne", nerkenta = nerke "Zögern, Säumen"; snai nerke = "unversäumt" ("unmissed, unneglected, unfailed")
s.pakk s.pak is listed as "noch mehr"
anais´ai Adv. "genau, sorgfältig (careful, painstaking)"
epiyac "zur Erinnerung" In Verbindung mit käl- "sich erinnern"
kalatsi Inf. of käl- "führen, bringen"
porcaññar Footnote: Ipv. zu Wz. ärc-. And in glossary, is says "s. ârk-, ârc-". "sollen" The glossary gives these three words (epiyac...) as "wolle dich errinern!"
cwi "the, this, this here (ambiguous)" (masc. gen. sg.)
Aran.emiñ pn. eines Königs
lânte "king" gen. sg.
krent krent s. kartse "gut" Sg. masc. obl. (I:154)
yamalñe . Abstr. from yâm- "machen" (I guess this is nom.)
? If you want to be more careful in the way you take care of your wealth, remember the good deeds of King Aran.emiñ!
wes.s.äm : (he) said
sasâllas. Can't find. Tried reduplication. Tried all the /a/ alternations.
palsko[sa The -sa looks like a perlative ending. Footnote: In der otoch. Parallele Nr. 344a5 [sä]slu(m.)t pältsäkyo . "Denken, Gedanke, Geist"
snai] ohne
wyaks.ep From skt. "Zerstreutheit (absentmindedness)"
päklyaus. Maybe imperitive for klyaus. . "hören" sg. 2 imperitive. "Listen!"
cau Masc. Obl. Sg. of su "the"
jâta[käs.s.e Adj. of jâtak "Geburtsgeschichte"
me]ske! m. V,1 "Band (volume), Verbindung, Gelenk (joint), Verknüpfung (joining, combination)"
? Listen without absentmindedness to the birth story (joining)!
mâ not
lauke Adv. "fern, weit(hin), fort, ab"
kca obl. of ksa "irgendein"
kätkau kätk- "überschreiten" The construction kätkau... ste = "ist vergangen"
sû Could be "der", but why the û?
preke m. V,1 "Zeit" This is nom.
ste : "he/she/it is"
? The time isn't far gone (not long ago)
s´âmñe Adj. I,1 "menschlich" This is citation form.
naumye naumiye "Juwel (jewel)"
Aran.emi (name of king)
walo "king" nom. sg.
tne = tane "dort(hin), da, hier"
Aru[n.âvati Name einer Stadt
rîne ? Can't find anything. There is a verb ri-n- "verlassen, aufgeben", but what form would this be?
mäskîtra . A form of mäsk- "sich befinden, sein" I bet the -tr- is < -tär-.
There once was a jewel of a human, king Aran.emi in Arun.âvati.
yaitu yät- "schmücken" (=decorate, adorn, trim) PP. yaitu "to be" 3 sg. impf.
sû Could be 'der', but why the û?
[krentauna]s.s.em. krent s. kartse "gut"
tsaiññentsa . Perl. of tsaiññe "Schmuck (ornaments, decoration)"
He was decorated with wonderful trimmings.
Gespräch des Königs mit seinen Ministeren über den Vidûs.aka
ptarkaso Pl. 2. Imperative for tärk- "entlassen (dismiss, release, discharge)"
s´conai, Obl. of s´coniye "Haß" VI, 2
mapi Part. "doch, wohl, ja"
wase III, 1 "Gift"
ñî gen. "of me", I think.
käs.s.îññe Footnote: "daß mir ja das Gift meines Lehrers (?)"
Dismiss hatred, so that the poison of my teacher's...
[stmo]rmem. , The -mem. looks like an ablative ending. Footnote: (ref to the otoch text)
This is actually the Abs. of käly- "stehen, sich befinden"
kerttem. kertte V,1 "Schwert" This is Obl.
on°kor zusammen
mälkânte . Med. Pl. 3 "zusammenlegen"
s´le "mit"
yärke "Verehrung" The glossary forms alternate a/ä, but what form is this?
lântas´ "king". I'm not quite sure on this form; -s´e is the allative ending, and it shows up as -s´ on clitics, but the obl. sg. for "king" is lânt, not *lânta.
weskem. : they say
...being, they laid the sword together with respect for the kind, (and) they said:
mâ not
wes we (Nom. Pl.)
cämpalyi , Maybe a form of cämp- "können, vermögen"
erkattäm.ñe ? Looks like erkattäññe III, 1 "Ärger(nis)"
kaltsi ? Possible a contraction for kalatsi (inf. of käl- führen, bringen")
[tañ] . of you (2 sg. gen.)
? We cannot be angry with you.
tär-ñ, The -ñ looks like the 1 sg. object clitic. ? I'm not sure what the stem is. There is a stem tär- "mahnen (remind, warn)". Nothing under tar-.
mäkte "wie?"
tem. "this here" neut. sg.; could be either nom. or obl.
watkäs´cer-ñ , The -ñ looks like the 1 sg. object clitic. The verb is subjunct. Pl. 2 of wätk- "sich entscheiden (decide, make up one's mind)"
kä Obl. of teacher
ypoyme[m. The y- could be "in" (a preposition "in festen Verbindungen") ? Can't find for sure. The po- could be "all" (the -y- does occur in some forms), and the -mem. looks like an ablative ending.
lyutsi]? Could be a form of lu- "senden".ÊIt could be the subjunctive infinitive.
...remind? me, how you all decided to send [ypoymem.] the teacher?
[e]pe "oder" The "epe...epe..." contruction means "ob...oder"
saswe "Herr"
wess ? Maybe a misspelling for wes "we"? I don't see this listed.
en°trä Definitely some form of en°k- "ergreifen (seize, apprehend, enter on)" (med. is en°tär)
epe "oder" The "epe...epe..." contruction means "ob...oder"
brâhman.em. , Obl. Sg or Pl.
mâ not
ra auch
tsak Part der Bekraftigung (lists mâ ra tsak, but says nothing about it) 291,3
wes We (Nom. Pl.)
co[mp] Obl. sg. masc. of "jener"
sasune (sa-sune) ? Can't find. Tried reduplication and all the obvious /a/ alternations.
kekamu PP. of käm- "kommen"
nesau . "I am" 1 sg. pres of "to be"
? [sasune] I have come.
yesäñ of you all (2 pl. gen.)
pi I:172 mit Ipv. "doch", in der Frage "wohl"
ekalymi Präp-Adv. u. Postpos. c. G. "zu Willen, in der Gewalt (power, force) von" It cites this and the previous two words as a phrase, but says nothing about it.
tâkam. 3 sg. or pl. subjunctive "to be" ( based on unreliable notes!) Footnote: Sowohl die Bedeutung des pi ("etwa"?) wie die Funktion des Ko. tâkam. (= kwri tâkam ?) sind des fragmentarischen Zussamenhanges wegen nicht eindeutig zu ermitteln.
sem. , "this here" nom. masc. sg.
? You are indeed in the power of...
Der vom König vertreibene (expelled, dispelled) Vidûs.aka Rudramukha entsendet (send off) fünf seiner Schüler zu Aran.emi, um dessen Sohn Uttara als Gabe (gift) zu erbitten (ask, request) und sich damit für die ihm angetane (inflicted) Kränkung (annoyance, mortification) zu rächen (avenge, take one's revenge)
[skai]naman[e] PPs. Med. of skai- "sich bemühen (take trouble, take pains)"
pis´ five
uw[em.] uwe Adj. II,4 "geschickt" Footnote: Im Sinne des Superlativs "den fünf geschicktesten (geschickt = "skillful, capable")" Vgl auch §249.
akals.älye[m.]s´cä All. of akals.älle "Schüler"
makâ-yäkne the mâka [sic] is "viel". This compound means "vielfach"
[pa]pautarme[m.] There is a verb paut- "schmeicheln (flatter, coax)" with the Abs. form pautarmem. But what is pa-?
wes.ämn-mes´c : The -me´s looks like 'to them', but what is the -c? Can't make sense of this. This is a noun wes. II, 2 "Aussehen, Tracht (costume, dress)"; the Pl is -amna. But what in the world would -mes´c be? Ah-- it is -mes´ (to them), but what is that verb?
säsûs´kam. , m VI, 3 "Kindlein, Söhnchen"
nesäm. , 3 sg. or pl. "he/she/it/they is/are"
ksa "irgendein" (nom.)
ñi 1 Sg. gen. pronoun ("of me")
yesäs´c ?
reki . This and the preceding word are glossed (II:166) as "persönliches Wort"
brâhman.e Nom. Sg.
wes.s.äm. : (he) said
spantai Adv. "getrost (confident(ly)), vertrauensvoll (trustful)"
käs.s.i teacher
wem. ! Footnote: Ko. im Sinne des Jussivs: vgl. §308,2
brâhman.e Nom. Sg.
wes.s.äm : (he) said
walo "king" nom. sg.
aknâtsa Adj. II,3 "unwissend, töricht"
su "the" (masc. nom. sg.)
märsau PP of märs- "vergessen"
s.añ [s.ñi] G. eines sonst nicht vorhandenen Pron. refl., oft in possessivem Sinn für alle drei Personen u. numerei geltened, oft mit "eigen" wiederzugeben (my own, your own, etc.)
âñm =âñme "Selbst" This and the previous word are glossed as "das eigene Selbst" = "sich selbst"
atsaik Part. "fürwahr, durchaus"
ñem ñem = Name; ñemtsa is Sg. Perl.
Aran.emi Name of king
yâms.ate I think this is 3 sg. pret Mediopassive for yâm-
ñis´s´ Could be ñis´ ("I"), why two s´?
erkatte , indekl. Adj. "unfreundlich, verächtlich"
lyautsa-ñ The ñ looks like the 1 sg. clitic. The verb is Pt.? of lut- "entfernen" (maybe 3 sg?)
päst Adv. "weg, fort"
s.añ [s.ñi] G. eines sonst nicht vorhandenen Pron. refl., oft in possessivem Sinn für alle drei Personen u. numerei geltened, oft mit "eigen" wiederzugeben (my own, your own, etc.)
ypoymem. The -mem. looks like an ablative ending.
wertsaints=enepre . Footnote: Für gewöhnl. wertsyantse. Vgl. on°kolmaits für on°kolmam.ts u.a. §192. First part is Gen of wertsiya "Gefolge, Versammlung". enepre is an Adv. "davor, vor"
srukor Subst. of sruk- "sterben", thus "Sterben, Tod"
ais´aumyepi G. of ais´aumye Adj. I, 1 "weise, klug, gelehrt" from skt.
olypo "überaus, sehr, mehr". I:171 lists this as as "Stiegerungsadverb"
[ri]toy(tä)r Footnote: Pass. Glossary says Opt. Med. of rit- "suchen, (Wunsch) hegen (cherish, foster)"
päst Adv. "weg, fort"
mâ not
kwîpe "Scham (shame, modesty)"
rmoytär Opt. Med. Pass. of räm- "sich beugen"
su "the" (masc. nom. sg.)
(t)e-ñem ñem = Name; ñemtsa is Sg. Perl. What is te-?
walo "king" nom. sg.
yâms.ate I think this is 3 sg. pret Mediopassive for yâm-
ñis´s´ Could be ñis´ ("I"), why two s´?
erkatte . indekl. Adj. "enfreundlich, verächtlich"
mäkte "wie?"
s. and
tem. "this here" neut. sg.; could be nom. or obl.
kelu ? Could be a form of kele sg. m. V,1 "Nabel"
akals.älyi Pl. of aksälle "Schüler"
weskem. : they say
upâdhyâya , Skt. "Lehrer"
kuse "wer? was?"
wesäñ "of us" (gen 1 pl. pron)
tannem. Adv. "dabei, hierbei"
yamas.ä[l]le ? Looks like present mediopassive gerundive for yam-, but should have two s.'s.
brâhman.e Nom. Sg.
wes.s.äm. : (he) said
[tusâ]ksa "darum eben"
nai "wohl, nur, doch"
yes you all (nom)
ñi 1 Sg. gen. pronoun ("of me")
yaitkorsa The -sa looks like a perlative. Sg. m yaitkor "Befehl (command, order)"
pcîso !
Aran.emiñ Gen. name of king
lânte "king" gen. sg.
Uttare N. pr. des Sohnes des Königs Anan.emi .
ñemtsa ñem = Name; ñemtsa is Sg. Perl.
som.s´ke m VI, 3 "Söhnlein"
ste "he/she/it is"
s.añ [s.ñi] G. eines sonst nicht vorhandenen Pron. refl., oft in possessivem Sinn für alle drei Personen u. numerei geltened, oft mit "eigen" wiederzugeben (my own, your own, etc.)
s´aulamem. The -mem. looks like an ablative ending. Yes-- this is s´aul "Leben" in abl. ?sg.
snai ohne
wâki II,2 "Unterscheid, Besonderheit"
[la]rauñesa . The -sa looks perlative. Footnote: "an Liebe ohne Unterschied von sinem eigenen Leben"
sû Could = su "der", but why û?
no "nun"; occasionally also "eben, wohl, denn, aber"
walo "king" nom. sg.
pañäktäm.ñe-[perne]s.s.e The first part of the compound is "the divine Buddha"; the second is the adj. form of "Würde" (see 157,3b)
akâlksa Perlative of alâlk "Wunsch" III,1
po all
[ais.s.eñca PPs. of ai- "geben"
nemce]k Part. "sicherlich, bestimmt, gewiß"
cau Masc. Obl. Sg. of su "the"
Uttarem. N. pr. des Sohnes des Königs Anan.emi . Obviously oblique.
mñ[cu]s.kem. m III, 1 "Prinz" This is obviously Obl.
yesäm.ññ The yesäm. looks like "of you all" (2 pl. gen.), but what is -ññ?
ais.s.äm. Footnote: Ps. im Sinne des Fut.: vgl. §304,1
3 Sg. "geben" "he gives/ he will give"
cwî "the, this, this here (ambiguous)" (masc. gen. sg.) (but I'm surprised about the î )
lkâllona I bet anything that this is a form of läk- "sehen", but I have no idea what form this is. See 38; 44,2c; 73,6; 298,1 Or, it could be a form of lakle III, 1 "Leid", but the ending doesn't make sense.
läklenta I'm almost sure this must be a form of lakle "Leid" (läklentas is listed as another form), but what is the -nta ending?
ñis´ "ich"
mñcus.kentse The -ntse is the "default" genitive ending. This is m. III, 1 "Prinz", and the glossary agrees that this is Genitive.
lkâtsi läk- "sehen" This is the infinitive form.
âyu . ? Maybe a form of ây Sg. m. "Knochen (bone)"-- but what is the -u?
krui kwri Konj. "wenn"
ye[s you guys (nom.)
ñî] Gen. sg. "of me"
ce "this" Masc. Sg. Obl.
akâlk III,1 "Wunsch"
kan[as´cer, Akt. Pl. 2 of kän- "zustande kommen (vt. to come off)"
ot] 'dann"
n°ke "aber, doch"
ñs´am[em.] Abl. of "ich"
s´astars.s.[e] "Lehrbuch, Vorschrift". This is Adj. form.
yäknesa The -sa looks like a perlative. "Art und Weise"
pruccamñe III,1 "Vorzüglichkeit (superiority, excellence), Überlegenheit (superiority)"
yanmac[e]r . yäm- "erlangen (attain, obtain)" This is Ko. 2 pl.
brâhma[n.i] Nom. Pl.
weskem. : they say
mä[kt]e "wie?"
watkäs.s.äm. Pres. Subj. of wätk- "sich (ent)scheiden"
upâdhyâye ! "Lehrer" skt. (this is nom sg.)
[latem.] Pt. 3 Pl. of lä-n-t- "hinausgehen"
brâhman.i . Nom. Pl.
tume[m.] Pron-Adv. darauf, dann
c[ai] Nom. Pl. Masc. "the, this, this here (ambigious)"
brâhman.i Nom. Pl.
tot Pron-Adv. "so (weit, sehr), inzwischen" from skt.
ike a. III,1 "Ort, Stelle, Punkt"
postäm. after that, later
ynemane The -ne looks like an locative ending. The y(n)- could be "in" (a preposition "in festen Verbindungen") Tried all kinds of things (y- as prefix; yän-, yäm., etc.)
Aran.emiñ Gen. of name of king
lânte "king" gen. sg.
yapoyne The -ne looks like an locative ending. yapoy "Land"
kamem. 3 pret. pl. of käm- "kommen"
[tâ] "this" fem. obl. sg.
rrine ?
yaipormem. The -mem. looks like an ablative ending. ? Can't find.
âlyauces´ "einander". The -s´ looks allative.
weskem. : they say
bho bho ! I:172 "dem Skt. entlehnt ist bho bho "hallo"
kuse "wer? was?"
[pi] I:172 mit Ipv. "doch", in der Frage "wohl"
ksa nom. of "irgendein"
wesäñ "of us" (gen 1 pl. pron)
kekamor Subst of käm- "kommen". This means "das Gekommensein, Ankunft (arrival)"
orocce Obl. of orotstse "groß"
l(â)nt Obl. Sg. of "king"
s´arsäs.s.i? Can't find.
tane Pron.-Adv. "dort(hin), da, hier"
plaktu[kä]ñña II,1 "Türhüterin (door guard)" 163,1
brâhman.em. Obl. Sg. or Pl.
lyelyakormem. The -mem. looks like an ablative ending. This is the Abs. of läk- "sehen" (Maybe "sight"?)
kercîyenn[e] Loc. of *kerc(c)iyi Pl. tant. V,1 "Palast"
yopsa , yäp-, yop- "eintreten (occur, enter, intecede for)" This is one of the pt. forms, but I'm not sure which.
s´le "mit"
yärke a form of yarke "Verehrung (worship, respect)" (a/ä observed), but this form doesn't seem to be listed. 86,3; 125; 147,5; 167,1; 205.
lântas´ "king". I'm not quite sure on this form; -s´e is the allative ending, and it shows up as -s´ on clitics, but the obl. sg. for "king" is lânt, not *lânta.
wes.s.äm. : they say
ñakta , "O God" ñakte = God; this is Vok.
alyek-ypoys.i "ausländische"
brâhman.i Nom Pl
parna Adv. "draußen, hinaus, außerhalb"
klyenträ , mit Suppl.-Paradigma (345,1) "stehen, sich befinden" (käly-). This is the form.
säswem. Obl. of saswe "Herr"
lkâtsi Inf. of läk- "sehen"
ñäskenträ . ñäsk- "verlangen (demand, desire, long for)" What form?
walo "king" nom. sg.
wes.s.äm. : (he) said
ramer "schnell"
ecce Adv. u. Präv "herbei"
pwâyar-me ! -me looks like plural object clitic. This is listed as Med. 2 Sg. of âk- "führen" (suppletive), but the p- looks like an imperitive to me.
kärtse-yamiñ "Wohltäter (benefactor)"; the -ñ looks like the causative form. It's a compound; the first part is kartse [sic; no ä] "gut"
cai "the, this, this here (ambiguous)" nom. masc. pl.
ñi . 1 Sg. gen. pronoun ("of me")
tane Pron.-Adv. "dort(hin), da, hier"
brâhman.i Nom Pl Loc. of *kerc(c)iyi Pl. tant. V,1 "Palast"
yaipormem. The -mem. looks like an ablative ending. ? Can't find.
poñc all masc. nom. pl Sg. m. "Hand"
kos´ Found kos (no ´ ) "wieviel? wie weit?"
ceccalorsa The -sa looks perlative. s. täl-, which is "erheben (raise up, collect), ertragen (bear, bring forth, suffer)". This is the Subst. "Erheben" in the Perl.
ka "eben, erst, nur"
lânte "king" gen. sg.
yarke III, 1 "Verehrung (respect, worship)"
yamaskem. . 3 pl. pres. yam- "they do"
tane Pron.-Adv. "dort(hin), da, hier"
Aran.emi name of king
walo "king" nom. sg.
wratsai There is wrattsai Adv. "entgegen (against, towards)" Look at what this would mean in connection with the verb.
tsän°kormem. The -mem. looks like an ablative ending. This is Abs. of tsän°k- "sich erheben (raise up, collect, arise)"
käs.s.îññe Adj. "dem Lehrer gehörig, Lehrer-"
yäknesa I bet this is the perlative form of yakne "Art und Weise" (yknesa is listed)
asânne Locative of asam. "Sitz, Thron"
lyâmate-me . -me looks like plural object clitic. The verb is a form of suppl. säm- "sitzen"; I think it's Med.
as.kâro Adv. "zurück". What is -o? Not in cit. form, but this alternate form is listed.
larem.nmem. Pl. m. Abl. of Adj. II, 4 lâre "lieb"
tsrelñ[e]s[a] -sa looks perlative.
sam.sârn[e] This is loc. of sam.sâr "Kreislauf der Geburten"
kä(r)py[em.] Sg. m. Obl. of kärp(i)ye Adj. I, 1 "gemein"
ce "this" Masc. Sg. Obl.
twe* du
s.ek* Adv. "immer"
[s´a]nmausa Looks perlative. s´anmau = II, 2 "Fessel, Band"
s´anmyatai Med. Sg. 2 of sänm- "binden"
prâkre Adj. II,4 "fest"
twe du (Nom. Sg.)
pärkrem. Adj. I,2 "lang"
prekentsa . This is m. V, 1 "Zeit" Pl. Perl.
ñake jetzt
nai "wohl, nur, doch"
ce "this" Masc. Sg. Obl.
uppâl III, 1 skt. "utpala" Lotos
[e]n°kormem. Looks ablative. This form is listed as the Abs. of en°k- "ergreifen"
kenîne Looks locative. Yes; this is locative of keni III,1 "Knie"
lamästär-ne -ne is the 3 sg. object. Can't find the verb, but it looks like a Med.
au[m.]tsate-ne -ne is the 3 sg. object. Med. of au-n- Akt. "treffen", Med. "beginnen"
rupas´ke "Gesichtchen"
kantwas[a] I guess this is actually kantwam.tsa, perl of m. VI, 3 "Zunge"
skâwa[tsi]. Inf. of skâw- "küssen"
s´aula-preñcai s´aul "Leben"
saus´ka ! Footnote: som.s´ka
se "this" nom. sg. masc.
wate Ordinalzahl "zweiter"
appakke m. V, 1 "Väterchen"
snai Präpos. "ohne"
trän°ko . tran°ko a III, 1 "Sünde"
ñake jetzt
päst Adv. "weg, fort"
1 Pl. form of ri-n- "verlassen, aufgeben"
c[i] "du" 2 sg. obl.
[we]s.s.äm. : (he) said Footnote: Subject ist der Prinz Uttara
âppa , "Vorfahre, Vater"
ate Adv. "heraus, weg"
yâmtsi Subjunctive infinitive of yam-
päkn[â]star-ñ ? Med. sg. 2 päk "beabsichtigen" The -ñ is the 1 sg. clitic.
walo king
wes.s.äm. : (he) said
larekka, Vok. "Liebling"
brâhman.e[m.]ts brâhman.em. Gen.
âyor âyor III 1 = "Gabe (gift)"
aiskau-c . 1 Sg. of ai- "geben". The glossary lists the variant with -c, but says nothing about it. XVI,36.
ne ([miwama]ne*)
wes.s.äm. : (he) said
saswa "Herr"
appakka , "Väterchen"
[yaks.î] Probably = yâks.i, which is pl. of yâks.e (Klasse von Dämonen)
caimp "that over there" Nom. Masc. Pl.
skente ,
mâ not
brâhman.i . Nom. Pl.
päst Adv. "weg, fort"
n°ke "aber, doch"
s´wâ-ñ . A form of s´u- "essen", and the -ñ looks like 1 sg. clitic
ce Masc. Obl. Pl. "dieser"
yolo Adj. II, 2 "böse"
5. Aran.emi gibt trotz Wehklagens der Mutters und seines eigenen Leidens seinen Sohn den Brahmanen.
...s.s.usa Looks perlative. Footnote: Sollte etwa [lelakä]s.s.usa gemeint sein? PP. of Konj. of läk- "sehen"
kampâl Sg. m. "Mantel"
aurcce Sg. m. Obl. Adj. I "breit"
sâu "the" nom fem. sg. Footnote: Gemeint ist wohl die Mutter.
ysârasa Looks perlative. ysâre f. (auch Sg. m.) "Getreide (corn, grain, cereals, produce)"
weksa Looks perlative. "Stimme" m. Yes, perl.
sr[a]kañce Sg. m. Obl. Adj. I, 1 "heiser (?)" (hoarse)
kwoytär-ne -ne is the 3 sg. object. Can't find in glossary, but it could be a form of -ku "gießen". It would be a Med.
tan°sa Looks perlative. Can't find.
snai Präpos. "ohne"
kärtso . kartse [sic; no ä] "gut"
tumem. Pron-Adv. darauf, dann
Uttare N. pr. des Sohnes des Königs Anan.emi
m[ñcu]s.k[e] m III, 1 "Prinz"
wcukaisa Looks perlative. Yes; this is Perl of wicuko "Kinnbacke (jawbone)"
mâtär mother
lântso What form is this? If -so = -sa, then Perlative.
en°ku PP of en°k- "ergreifen (seize, apprehend, enter on)"
wes.än-nes´ca : -ne is the 3 sg. object. -s´c(ä) is allative. The verb is 3 sg. "sagen".
s.arya f. II, 1 "Geliebte"
ammakki , "Mütterchen" f. Vok.
poññ Could be a form of po- 'all', but this form is not listed. ñ is the causative clitic.
âppai : âppa "Vater" Obl.
mâ not
ñis´ "ich"
cempam.ts "that over there" Gen. Masc. Pl.
raks.atsents Gen of râks.atse skt. Klasse von Unholden
ais.s.äm ! 3 Sg. "geben" "he gives/ he will give" Ps. im inhibitiven Prohibitivsatz; vgl. §304,2
tane Pron.-Adv. "dort(hin), da, hier"
Aran.emiñ Looks causative (-ñ)
lânte Gen Sg. "King"
[mñ]nne Prince (Loc.)
en°kältsa Maybe perl. of en°kalsu Adj. III "leidenschaftlich (passionate)"
po all (masc. sg.)
kektseñmem. kektseñe V, 2. "Körper" -mem. Looks Abl.
läkleñ lakle "Leid" (-ñ is Causative)
syelme... syelme "Schweiß"
pletksa* This is probably a form of plätk- "hervortreten (come forward, out)"
su* "the" nom masc. sg.
no* "nun", also "eben, wohl, aber, denn, aber nicht"
ylâre "hinfällig (frail, decrepit, untenable), gebrechlich (fragile, frail)"
kaklautkau PP. of klautk- "umkehren, werden"
tärraskemane tär- "mahnen (admonish, send a reminder)" This is the PPs. Med., and is the only form listed.
rekisa Looks perlative. reki is "Wort" II, 1
Uttarem. N. pr. des Sohnes des Königs Anan.emi
m[ñcu]s.[k]em.[s´ Prince (allative)
wes.s.äm]: (he) said
larekka, Vok. "Liebling"
s´amna Pl. of s´aumo II, 1 "Mensch"
caimp "that over there" Nom. Masc. Pl.
skente , they are
mâ not
yaks.î . Probably = yâks.i, which is pl. of yâks.e (Klasse von Dämonen)
mâ not
twe du (Nom. Sg.)
prâsk[at]! Can't find, but looks like an imperative.
[brâhma]n.i Nom. Pl.
weskem. : we say
manta* "durchaus nicht, keineswegs, gar nicht"
oro]ccu* "groß" orotstse This is Vok.
walo , king (nom. sg.)
s.añ [s.ñi] G. eines sonst nicht vorhandenen Pron. refl., oft in possessivem Sinn für alle drei Personen u. numerei geltened, oft mit "eigen" wiederzugeben (my own, your own, etc.)
pratinmem. Abl. of pratim. III, 1 "Entschluß (decision)"
klau... !
klau[tkolle* Ger I of klautk- "umkehren, werden" (which must be Xed)
ste* he/she/it is
tumem. Pron-Adv. darauf, dann
walo king (nom. sg.)
s.eme one (one hand)
s.arsa Sg. m. "Hand" Looks perlative.
U[tta]rem. Obl.
mñcus.kem. m III, 1 "Prinz" (obl)
e[n°ku , PP of en°k- "ergreifen (seize, apprehend, enter on)"
wace I bet this means "the other (hand)"
s.arsa Sg. m. "Hand" Looks perlative.
âyo]rs.[s.]e âyor III 1 = "Gabe (gift)"
w[a]r III, 1 "Wasser"
en°ku , PP of en°k- "ergreifen (seize, apprehend, enter on)"
arañcä arañce m. V. 2. "Herz"
st[aukkä]skemane "müde, schlaff (slack, flabby, limp, lax) werden" This is PPs. Med/
mñcus.kem. m III, 1 "Prinz" (obl.)
âyo... âyor III 1 = "Gabe (gift)"
âyo[rmem. *
brâhman.em.ts* Probably gen. pl.
wes.s.äm.* (he) said
mäkte "wie?"
ai[sk]au 1 sg. of ai- "geben"
amâskai Präp-Adv "schwierig, schwer"
rilye , Ger II of ri-n- "verlassen, aufgeben" (which should be Xed)
mâ not
s. and
kes´ "Zahl"
[t]âsau tâs- "gleichen (be like)"
s.añ [s.ñi] G. eines sonst nicht vorhandenen Pron. refl., oft in possessivem Sinn für alle drei Personen u. numerei geltened, oft mit "eigen" wiederzugeben (my own, your own, etc.)
la[kle] III, 1 "Leid"
te "this" nom./obl. sg. neut.
s.armtsa Sg. m. "Hand" ? Looks perlative.
... ... ...
[s.añ [s.ñi] G. eines sonst nicht vorhandenen Pron. refl., oft in possessivem Sinn für alle drei Personen u. numerei geltened, oft mit "eigen" wiederzugeben (my own, your own, etc.)
s.a]rsa Looks perlative. "Hand"
lykas´ke ? Could conceivably be a form of läk- "sehen", but I can't figure it out.
tâksoym tâks- "zerschlagen(?)" (smash, shatter, break up) Ko. V Opt. Sg. 1
s´ais.s.[e]ntse -ntse is the default gen. sg. ending. V, 1 "Welt, Leute" s´ais.s.e This is gen.
mithya[dr.s.t.i "Irrlehre"
po . all
... ... ...
[tumem. Pron-Adv. darauf, dann
wa]lo king
mñcus.kem. m III, 1 "Prinz" (obl)
brâhman.em.ts... brâhman.em. Gen.
... ...
ais.s.eñca* PPs. of ai- "geben"
mi]wamane* PPs. of miw- "beben (shake, tremble)"
wamane Looks locative. Can't find.
la[klesa* III, 1 "Leid" perlative
[brâ]hman.i Nom. Pl.
Uttarem. N. pr. des Sohnes des Königs Anan.emi
mñ[cu]s.kem. m III, 1 "Prinz" (obl)
antapi m/f Zahlw. "beide"
pokainesa Looks perlative. Yes-- this is f. VI,2 "Arm" "both arms"
yä[rt](t)[amane] PPs. Med. "zerren (drag, pull, strain)"
... ...
kercîyem.nmem. *kerc(c)iyi Pl. tant. V,1 "Palast" (abl.)
parna Adv. "draußen, hinaus, außerhalb"
[latem.]. Pt. 3 Pl. of lä-n-t- "hinausgehen"
tane Pron.-Adv. "dort(hin), da, hier"
Uttare N. pr. des Sohnes des Königs Anan.emi
... ...
pâtär* father
lânt* king
lkâskemane läk- "sehen" This is Med. pres. part.
nam. Can't find.
träntâcce Sg. m. Obl of träntâtse "heiser (hoarse)"
käntwâs´kesa Looks perlative. This means "Züngelchen"
[pälwâ]mane Looks locative. This is PPs. Med of pälw- "klagen (complain, lament)"
wes.s.äm. : (he) said
saswa "Herr" Vok.
appakk[a , "Väterchen"
ma]pi Part. "doch, wohl, ja"
psâmpar sâmp- "wegnehmen"
ñis´ "ich"
[cem. "the/this/this here" obl masc. pl.
raks.a]tsenmem. Looks ablative. Yes; Pl Abl. of râks.atse "Klasse von Unholden (monster, demon)"
loke ! Adv. "fern, weit(hin), fort, ab"
ykâk = yaka "noch, dennoch"
tv[e] Could be an alt. spelling of twe "du"
s´âmane Looks locative. Can't find.
nest , du bist
ñake jetzt
n°ke "aber, doch"
cai "the/this/this here" masc. nom. pl.
ñ[i]s´ ich
pä[st Adv. "weg, fort"
s´uwam. . This is sg. pres. form of s´u- "essen" What form?
te "this" nom./obl. sg. neut.
keklyau(s.o)rmem. Looks ablative. Can't find.
Aran.emiñ The -ñ looks causative.
lânte gen. sg. "King"
pit skt. "Galle (gallbladder, bile)"
maiwâte-ne -ne is the 3 sg. object. Med. Pt. of "beben (shake, tremble)"
k[em.]tsa Looks perlative. Yes; this is kem. "Erde"
klâya . Pt. I of klây- "fallen"
tane Pron.-Adv. "dort(hin), da, hier"
orottsa I think this is fem N. of orotstse "groß", but should be -tstsa.
kwasalñes.s.a Abstr. of kwäs- "wehklagen"
wes´eñña This is VI,3 "Stimme"
klyaus.âte . "hören" This is Med.
tane Pron.-Adv. "dort(hin), da, hier"
ñake jetzt
brâh[ma]n.i Nom. Pl.
Uttarem. N. pr. des Sohnes des Königs Anan.emi
mäñcus.kem. Can't find
s´cirona Pl. f. Obl. Adj. II, 4 "hart"
rekaunasa Looks perlative. Yes; rekauna is Perl. of reki II,1 "Wort"
skärrâmane Looks locative. No; PPs Med. skär- "schelten (chide, scold)"
weskem.-ne : -ne is the 3 sg. object. "we say"
pas. ,
kärpîye[m.]ts Pl. m. G. of "gemein" kärp(i)ye
som.s´ka ! Vok. of som.s´ke "Söhnlein"
wesäñ of us (1 pl gen)
ñake jetzt
s.arnene Looks locative. Could be "Hand", but why two -ne? Says this is "Par. (=Paral (?)) Perl."
kekamu PP of käm- "kommen"
nest , du bist
mâ not
s. and
pâträ Surely a form of "father", but what form?
[lkä]lle Ger II (which must be Xed) of läk- "sehen"
nest ! du bist
6. Mißhandlung des Prinzen durch die Brahmanen, Trauer esines Baumgötterpaares und Ankunft der Brahmanen in Candramukhas Reich
[ka]ntwo VI, 3 "Zunge" (nom.)
koynamem. Looks ablative. Yes; this is "Mund" I, 2 koym.
parna Adv. "draußen, hinaus, außerhalb"
lnas.s.i-ne -ne is the 3 sg. object. Imperfect of lä-n-t- "hinausgehen"
tumem. Pron-Adv. darauf, dann
Durmukhe N. pr. eines Brahmanen
brâhman.e Nom. Sg.
Uttare[m.] N. pr. des Sohnes des Königs Anan.emi
s´amas´kem. m. VI, 3 "Knäblein"
kärwâ kärwâs.s.e is the Adj. form of kärwats "Rohr (pipe, reed)". What is -ai?
witsakaisa Looks perlative. Perl. of witsako "Wurzel (root)" VI, 3
räskare Adj. I, 2 "scharf, heftig, bitter"
tsopam.-ne , -ne is the 3 sg. object. The verb tsop- is "stechen (prick, sting, bite)" (3 sg.? Not sure.)
siñcai Gloss says "von unbekannter Bedeutung"
s.orpor Mit Wasser gefüllte Schale (see footnote in next verse) "Gefäß, Schale"
ite... ite indekl. Adj. "voll"
warsa* *wars´o VI, 2 "(Hoch)fläche"? Fläche = area, surface, expanse
yâ[mormem.* yâmor III, 1 "Tat, Handlung"
mormem. Looks ablative.
auntsante-ne -ne is the 3 sg. object. The verb is 3 Pl Med. of "beginnen" (in Akt., this means "treffen")
s´cîre Adj. II, 4 "hart"
makästsi Inf. (Konj.?) of mäk- "laufen"
tane Pron.-Adv. "dort(hin), da, hier"
ñake jetzt
Uttari Gen.
s´amas´[k]entse -ntse is the default gen. sg. ending. Yes; this is s´amas´ke "Knäblein"
kâlpsa Looks perlative. If so, this is kâlp skt. 1. "Verhalten" XVI,55 or 2. "Weltzeitalter" 148,2a; 165,6.
painemem. Looks ablative. If so, then this is paiyye (pain-) "Füß" (abl.)
ette Adv. "(nach) unten" 285,2
kloyomane Looks locative. Footnote: "unter (seine) Füße fallend" Das Subj. ist offenbar sie mit Wasser gefüllte Schale (s.orpor) Can't find.
alyekä Obl. of alyek "anderer"
kca ksa "irgendein" obl.
warttos.s.e wartto III, 1 "Wald" This is Adj. form.
makûltsa Looks perlative. makûl "Reis, Wurzel (root)"
tatrâpparmem. Looks ablative. Footnote: "nachdem sie (die Schale) an irgendeine Waldwurzel angestoßen war" Can't find.
rûpsa Looks perlative. rup (rûp) "Gestalt, Form, (materielle) Erscheinung)
klâya . Pt. I of klây- "fallen"
(pä)rsâ(t)te Med. of pärs- "besprengen"
ke(m.)ne Looks locative. V, 3 "Erde" kem.
mrakwe "ein kurzes Stück, ein wenig (?)"
yopsa-ne . -ne is the 3 sg. object. Footnote: "ein wenig spritzte auf die Erde (und) drang in sie ein" yopsa is Pt. of yäp-, yop- "eintreten"
tane Pron.-Adv. "dort(hin), da, hier"
Rudras´areme N. Pr. eines Vidûs.aka
bhâhman.e nom. sg.
portsaisa Looks perlative. portsai "Gürtel (?)"
Utta[rem. Obl.
mñcus.kem. m III, 1 "Prinz" (obl)
en°kormem. Abs. of en°k- "ergreifen"
tsakatsai Sg. f. Obl. Adj, I,1 "dornig (spiny, thorny)"
kem.tsa Perl. of "Erde" kem. V, 3
orkäntai "hin und her" Adv.
yärtta-ne . -ne is the 3 sg. object. The verb is Pt. of yärtt- "zerren (drag, pull, strain)"
tu "The" (neut. pl.)
lyelyakornem. Abs. of läk- "sehen"
vr.ks.avâsike "baumbewohnend"
ñakte Gott V,1
s´le "mit"
mâm.tsalyñe Can't find.
s´anos´ Could be allative of s´ana "Ehefrau" Yes.
wes.s.äm. : (he) said
lari[ya , Vok. of lâre "lieb"
pâlka du siehst
nai "wohl, nur, doch"
mâ-s.ekam.ñe All the gloss (under mâ 'not') says is "Im Sinne des ai. a-Privativums"
wäntarwats Gen. Pl. of wäntare I, 2 "Sache, Ding"
sparkâlye Ger II (which should be Xed) of spärk- "vergehen (pass, die, fade, waste away, wear off)"
â[ke]! III, 1 "Ende" Footnote: "sieh doch die Unbeständigkeit (changeability, unsteadiness) der Dinge, (die) am Ende vergänglich (transient, transitory) (sind)!"
ykâk = yaka "noch, dennoch"
cwi "the/this/this here" gen sg.
s´amâne Looks locative. Probably a form of s´aumo "Mensch"; probably perlative.
pâcer Father
wlo . = walo?
Vis.n.untam.ts Gen. Pl. os Vis.n.u
ra auch
amâskai Präp-Adv. "schwierig, schwer"
yâmtsi Subjunctive infinitive of yam-
sû "the" nom masc. sg.
erkatte . "unfreundlich, verächtlich" Footnote: "selbst von Wesen wie Vis.n.u kann er (nur) schwer schlecht werden" -- Zur Inf.-Konstruktion vgl. §314,2
...k Footnote: [ya]k "dennoch"
no "nun", also "eben, wohl, aber, denn, aber nicht"
cwi "the/this/this here" gen sg.
som.s´ke "Söhnlein"
lalam.s.kem. Sg. m. Obl. of Adj. II, 3 "zart"
ainâki Adj. I,1 "gemein" This is Pl. of ainake
caimp "that over there" Nom. Masc. Pl.
brâ[hman.i Pl.
yä]rt[t]en-ne -ne is the 3 sg. object. yärtt- "zerren (drag, pull, strain)" The verb is 3 Pl.
s´le "mit"
tremem. . Pl. tant. tremi V,1 "Zorn" This is obl.
lkâs.s.än-me -me is the plural object clitic. I think the verb is 3 sg. of läk- "sehen"
tan°sa Looks perlative.
sam "jener" = samp
mñ m III, 1 "Prinz"
larem. Obl. of lâre "lieb"
pâtär Father
ramt , Part. "gleichsam, wie"
mâ not
wa Konj. "doch, aber"
ksa ksa "irgendein" nom.
s. and
cwimp "that over there" gen. Masc. Sg.
mäsketrä Probably = -tär; if so, this is Med. of mäsk- "sich befinden, sein"
waste V,1 "Schutz"
com Don't know. Could be comp (see samp) Yes. Obl. Masc. Sg.
l[aklene . Loc. of lakle III, 1 "Leid"
[kä]lymi[m.] Pl. N. "Himmelsgegend, Richtung"
sportoträ Med. of spârt "sich drehen, sich wenden, sich verhalten, sich befinden, zuteil werden"
pâcer Father
cwimp ; "that over there" gen. Masc. Sg.
[ku]râr "Meeradler"
lûwo I, 1 "Tier"
tu-yäknes[a] ? tu- is "The" (neut. pl.) See yakne. V,1 "Art und Weise" This form is glossed as "auf die Weise, derartig"
kwäsnâträ "wehklagen" kwäs-; this is probably a variant spelling of -tär for Med.
snai Präpos. "ohne"
kärsto . kärst- "abschneiden" snai kärsto "ununterbrochen"
kwâtär-ne -ne is the 3 sg. object. Verb is kwâ- "rufen" 3 Sg. Med.
tan°sa Looks perlative.
s´aus´am.-ne . -ne is the 3 sg. object.
cwî "the/this/this here" gen sg.
ykuwa This is probably a form of i- "gehen", but I can't find the specific form.
tom. "the" nom./obl. fem. pl.
ykentane Looks locative. ykenta is Pl. of îke "Ort, Stelle, Punkt"
wolo[kträ] ?
ente "wo" Footnote: "wenn er (der König) an den von ihm (Uttara) betretenen (enter, go into) Orten [traurig?] verweilt (linger, stay)...". Das mit -mw (in Sandhi für mu) endende Wort läßt sich nicht mit Sicherheit erg.
lwâsâts G. of luwo I, 1 "Tier"
ra auch
s.pä "und, und auch"
senik "Auftrag (instructions, order)"
comp "that over there" Obl. Masc. Sg.
kalpäs.s.äm. : I think this is Konj. At any rate, it's a listed form of kälp- "erlangen"
ñs´amem. Looks ablative. Can't find.
wätkos. ? Possibly a form of wätk- "sich (ent)scheiden", but what is this form?
krui kwri Konj. "wenn"
lkâcer Ko. Pl. 2 of läk- "sehen"
ñi of me (gen)
so[m.]s´ke , "Söhnlein"
ptsâ -ne is the 3 sg. object. Ipv. of tsârw- "getrost sein"
ñi of me (gen)
ykene Looks locative. Footnote: "an meiner Stelle" îke III "Stelle, Ort, Punkt"
ytârin=empelyai ! First part is Obl. of ytârye "Weg"
s´[a]na "Ehefrau" II, 1 cit. form.
ñäkteñña f II, 1 "Göttin"
wes.s.äm.: (he) said
makte "wie?" (Why no ä?)
pâcer Father
walo king
cwi "the/this/this here" gen sg.
comp "that over there" Obl. Masc. Sg.
lakle III, 1 "Leid"
s´ala , Could = s´ale "(zusammen) mit"
kâ "warum?"
s.pä "auch, und auch"
ñ[ake jetzt
lä]klesu laklessu "unglücklich"
ste ? "he/she/it is"
vr.ks.avâsike "baumbewohnend"
ñäkte ñakte is "Gott" ñäkteñña is "Göttin", but I don't understand why the ä in this token.
wes.s.äm. : (he) said
pañäktäm.ñe-pernes.s.e The first part of the compound is "the divine Buddha"; the second is the adj. form of "Würde" (see 157,3b)
akâlksa akâlk III, 1 "Wunsch" Perl.
rinsâte-ne . -ne is the 3 sg. object. Med. of ri-n- "verlassen, aufgeben"
mâ not
tran°ko III, 1 "Sünde"
yamas-ne ! -ne is the 3 sg. object. Footnote: "Gib ihm keine Schuld!" Zum Ps. im inhibitiven Prohibitivsatz vgl. §304,2. I think the yamas- is an unusual 2 sg. of yâm- (this form is listed with that verb, but it's hard to interpret the tags)
läkleñ ñ is the causative clitic. lakle III, 1 "Leid"
arañce V,2 "Herz"
nittam. . nitt- "zusammenbrechen (cave in, collapse)" Listed as present, but doesn't say what form, and looks like nothin in pres. of yâm-.
wesäñ of us (1 pl gen)
no "nun", also "eben, wohl, aber, denn, aber nicht"
pernesa Looks perlative. If so, this is perne Sg. m. "Würde".
sû "the" nom masc. sg.
tom. "the" nom./obl. fem. pl.
läklenta Pl. lakle "Leid" III, 2
lkâs.s.äm. 3 sg. of läk- "sehen"
te "this" nom./obl. sg. neut.
weweñ[o]rmem. Looks ablative. No; Abs. of we- "sagen" (the Subst. is weweñor "das Gesagte, Ausspruch")
ltais Can't find.
ñaktene . ñakte "Gott" This is locative. (!)
om Adv. "da, dort"
no "nun", also "eben, wohl, aber, denn, aber nicht"
ñake jetzt
tott totte is listed as "äußerste Grenze, dasÄußerste"
îke III, 1 "Ort, Stelle, Punkt"
postam. postäm Adv. "danach, nachher, später"
ynemane Looks locative. Can't find.
brâhman.i Nom. Pl.
Uttarem. N. pr. des Sohnes des Königs Anan.emi
mñcus.kem. m III, 1 "Prinz" (obl)
âkemane Looks locative.
Candramukhi N. pr. eines Königs
lânte King gen. sg.
yapoyne Looks locative.
klânte-ne . -ne is the 3 sg. object. Can't find verb.
tumem. Pron-Adv. darauf, dann
brâhman.agrâmne Looks locative. "Brahmanendorf"
yaipormem. Looks ablative.
akals.älyi Pl. of akals.älle "Schüler"
Rudramukhem. N. pr. eines Vidûs.aka
purohitem. purohite "Hauspriestler, Kanzler" This is obl.
we[ñ]â[re] : Footnote: Zu we- mit gelentlichem Obl. neben gewöhnl. All. vgl. §314, 4. A form of we- 3 pl. (Imperfective?)