Germanic Lexicon Project







Grammar of the Gothic Language

Title: Grammar of the Gothic Language and the Gospel of St. Mark, Selections from the Other Gospels, and the Second Epistle to Timothy, with Notes and Glossary
Author: Joseph Wright
Year: 1910



  • Sean Crist: Scanned, OCR'ed, and hand-corrected the glossary in 1999. Scanned the entire text in Oct. 2001. OCR'ed the rest of the text in Nov 2002. Wrote script to do XML markup.
  • Justin Mansfield: Corrected þaúfsus to þaúrsus (10 October 1999) Corrected þan to þáu within the entry for þáu. Also corrected waihts to waíhts (12 Oct 1999).
  • Giuseppe Pagliarulo: Corrected af-hrapnan to af-ƕapnan (15 December 1999). Corrected aiƕa-tundi to aíƕa-tundi, air to aír, airþeins to aírþeins, airzjan to aírzjan, aiz to áiz (27 December 1999).
  • Don Ringe: confirmed that 'uf-brinnan' should be 'sv. III' (Wright lists it as 'wv. I').
  • Cory Strohmier: Corrected þis dagis afar-sabbata to þis dagis afar-sabbatê, and fráuja, wn. to fráuja, wm. (5 Dec 2001). Pointed out errors in the punctuation of ana and háitan (9 Aug 2002). Corrected lingan to liugan. Corrected class of *widan from sv. I to sv. V. Pointed out that fráujinôn, which was listed with no morphological category, should be wv. II. (16 Aug. 2002) Corrected glass of giutan from sv. V. to sv. II. (30 Oct 2004)
  • Gerry Taylor: pointed out Wright incorrectly translates 'munþs' as 'month'; the correct translation is 'mouth' (27 June 1999).
  • Christopher Greeson: pointed out that Wright incorrectly lists ga-standan as a class VII strong verb (it is class VI) (correction received 23 Nov 2001; posted 26 May 2002).

If you'd like to hand-correct the text, note that only certain parts of the text need to be handled:

i-x Roman numeral pages Needs to be corrected.
1-199 Grammar section. Needs to be corrected.
200-291 Readings. No need to correct; available from Project Ulfila.
292-301 Notes on readings. Needs to be corrected.
302-358 Glossary. Already corrected.
359-366 Discussion and glossary of proper names. Needs to be corrected.
367-384 Supplement to the second edition (1954). Not available here because it is still under copyright.

About the glossary

The glossary is in a mature state of correction and markup. Please report any remaining errors which you find.

In a very few cases, minor corrections were made to what were clearly punctuation errors which existed in the original. Further, the following errors existed in the original but have been corrected in the online text version:

The HTML version is a presentation version derived from the XML version. The XML version is the base document.

Correction history
16 June 1999: Changed the character coding from an idiosyncratic encoding to the closest manageable approximation of ISO-8859-1. Corrected a few typos.
27 June 1999: Corrected 'month' to 'mouth'.
10 October 1999: Corrected þaúfsus to þaúrsus. Thanks to Justin Mansfield for pointing out this error.
12 October 1999: Corrected þan to þáu within the entry for þáu. Also corrected waihts to waíhts. Thanks to Justin Mansfield for pointing out these errors.
15 December 1999: Corrected af-hrapnan to af-ƕapnan. Thanks to Giuseppe Pagliarulo for pointing out this error.
27 December 1999: Corrected aiƕa-tundi to aíƕa-tundi, air to aír, airþeins to aírþeins, airzjan to aírzjan, aiz to áiz. Thanks to Giuseppe Pagliarulo for pointing out these errors.
5 Oct 2000: Major overhaul. Sean Crist wrote a Perl program to parse the raw text and mark it up with XML-style tags, and then made a great many hand corrections to the automated parsing. In the process, at least ten more scanos were corrected.
5 Dec 2001: Corrected þis dagis afar-sabbata to þis dagis afar-sabbatê, and fráuja, wn. to fráuja, wm.. Thanks to Cory Strohmier for pointing out these errors.
15 Aug 2002: Corrected punctuation in ana and háitan. Thanks to Cory Strohmier for pointing out these errors.
24 Aug 2002: Added wv. II to fráujinôn. Corrected *widan from sv. I to sv. V. Corrected lingan to liugan. Thanks to Cory Strohmier for pointing out these errors.
30 October 2004: Corrected giutan from sv. V to sv. II. Thanks to Cory Strohmier for pointing this out.

Partial list of automated checks which have been performed:

Page Images and OCR'ed Text

30 Oct 2004: The glossary pages below (302-258) reflect the corrected text. The HTML files for the other pages have not been corrected.

Introductory pages

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Main text

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