Glossary from Bright's Anglo-Saxon Reader
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Page 241
(, oo) adv aye, ever, always
f law
- ds
[Ger Ehe]abbod m abbot
- gs abbodes
[Lat abbtem]abbudisse f abbess
- gs abbudissan
[Lat abbtissa]-bodan (principal parts: pret sg:-bad pret pl:-budon pp:-boden ) 2 enjoin, announce
-beran (principal parts: pret sg:-bær pret pl:-bron pp:-boren ) 4 bear, endure
-bdan (principal parts: pret sg:-bad pret pl:-bidon pp:-biden ) 1 abide, remain
-bisgian (-bysgian) WII engage, occupy
- pp bisgod, -ad
[bysig]-bisgung f occupation
blenden WI make blind, darken
- pp blnd
- pl blende
[Ger blenden]-blinnan (principal parts: pret sg:-blann pret pl:-blunnon pp:-blunnen ) 3 cease
- 3 sg ablin
[<be-linnan cf. le]brecan (principal parts: pret sg:-bræc pret pl:-brcon pp:-brocen ) 4 break down, destroy
-bregdan (principal parts: pret sg:-brægd pret pl:-brugdon pp:-brogden ) 3
- smite (intr)
- withdraw (trans)
- imp 2 sg bregd
-broan (principal parts: pret sg:-bra pret pl:-bruon pp:-broen ) 2 frustrate, ruin (trans)
- imp 2 sg bregd
-bwan WI prepare, equip, adorn
- pp pl bwde
[ban]ac (ah) conj but
cennan WI beget, bring forth
- pp cenned
- sg cendan
- pl cende
Achia f Achaia
-clian WII become cool
- pp clad
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csian (hsian, xian, scian) WII ask
- 1 sg csige
- 2 sg hsast
- 3 sg sca
- 1 pl csia, hsia
- pret 3 sg xode, hsode
- 3 pl xodon, csedon
-cweccan WI shake (trans and intr)
- pret 3 sg cwehte
-cwelan (principal parts: pret sg:-cwæl pret pl:-cwlon pp:-cwolen ) 4 die
- pret opt 3 sg cwle
-cwellan WI kill
- imp 2 sg cwel
- 2 pl cwella
- pret 3 sg cwælde
- pp cweald
[cwelan]-cwean (principal parts: pret sg:-cwæ pret pl:-cwdon pp:-cweden ) 5 speak
- 3 sg cwi
-can WI reveal, proclaim
[c]d m fire, funeral pile
- ds de
- as d
- is de
[OHG eit, Gr ]d-lg m flame of the pyre
-dlegian (-dlegian) WII blot out, obliterate
- pret 3 sg dlegode
- pp pl -dlegode
[Ger tilgen]dl f (n) disease
- gs dle
- ap dla
dlig adj diseased, sick
- n dliga
-drfan WI drive away, expel
- pret 3 sg drfde
- pl -don
dre adv forthwith, quickly
-drogan (principal parts: pret sg:-drah pret pl:-drugon pp:-drogen ) 2 endure, experience, practice
-drfan (principal parts: pret sg:-drf pret pl:-drifon pp:-drifen ) 1 drive away
- 3 sg drf
- pp pl drifene
-dwscan WI quench, extinguish
- pret 3 sg dwscte
-ddan WI put to death
- pret 3 sg ddd
[dad]-dlegian see:-dlegian
-ebbian WII ebb away, recede
- pp hebbad
fandian WII make trial of, experience
- pp sg fandode
-faran (principal parts: pret sg:-fr pret pl:-fron pp:-faren ) 6 go, march
-fran WI make afraid, terrify
- pp fred
-fæstnes f piety
- ds festnisse
-feallan (principal parts: pret sg:-foll pret pl:-follon pp:-feallen ) R fall
- ptc feallende
- 3 sg fiel
- opt 3 sg fealle
-fdan WI feed, sustain
- 3 sg fde
- pret 3 sg fdde
fen n evening
- ds fenne
fen-giefl n evening repast, supper
æfest (æfst) f n disfavor, envy, malice
[æf-st, OHG abunst]-fest see:w-fæst
-festnes see:-fæstnes
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-flon (principal parts: pret sg:-flah pret pl:-flugon pp:-flogen ) 2
- fly (intr)
- fly from (trans)
- 3 sg flh
-flgan WI put to flight
- pret 2 pl flgdon
- pp pl flgdon
- pp pl flgde
[flon]-flman WI cause to flee, drive out
- pret 3 sg flmde
[flam]-forhtian WII frighten
- pp pl forhtode
fre adv ever
æftan adv from behind, behind
æfter prep (w dat)
- after (time and place)
- æfter issum after this (adv)
- æfter æm thereafter (adv)
- along (place)
- according to
- adv afterwards
æfter-fyligan WIII follow after
- ptc pl -fyligende (w dat)
- ds -fylgende, successor
- opt 3 sg -fylige (intr)
æfter-genga m successor
- np -gengan
-fyllan WI fill: inf
- pp fylled
[full]-fyllan WI cause to fall, destroy
[feallan]-fyrhtan WI frighten
- pp (adj) pl fyrhte
-fyrran WI remove, take away
- 3 sg fyr, fyrre
- opt 3 sg fyrre
- pp fyrred
[feorr]-fsan WI
- hasten forth (intr)
- incite to go (trans)
- pp fsed
[fs]g n egg
- ds ge
gan PP possess
- ger genne
- 1 sg h
- 3 sg
- opt 3 sg ge
- pret 3 sg hte
[Mod own]-gn (principal parts: pret sg:-ode pp:-gn ) go
- pp pl gne
agn see:ongan
gen (pp) adj own
- ds gnum
- as gen, genne
- gp genra
[gan]-gotan (principal parts: pret sg:-gat pret pl:-guton pp:-goten ) 2 pour, shed
- ptc gotende
[Ger giessen]-gtan WI injure, kill: pp gted
-gifan (-giefan -gyfan) (principal parts: pret sg:-geaf pret pl:-gafon pp:-gifen ) 5 give, relinquish, return
- pret 3 sg gef
- pret opt 3 pl gafen
g-hw pron each, every
- gs ghws, adv, in every respect, entirely
g-hwr adv everywhere
g-hwæer (ger, er)
- pron, each (one of two or more)
- ns ger
- gs gres
- ds grum
- as gerne
- conj
- g-hwæer ge ... ge both ... and
- ger ge ... ge both ... and
- er oe oe either ... or
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g-hwilc pron each
g-hwonan adv from all sides, on all sides
glca (glca) m monster, fiend
- np glcan
[Goth aglaiti]gnian WII possess, assume as one's own
- 3 pl gnia
[gen]ger see:g-hwæer
-gyldan (-gieldan) (principal parts: pret sg:-geald pret pl:-guldon pp:-golden ) 3
- repay, requite
- punish
-gyltan WI offend, sin
- opt 3 pl gylten
- pret 1 pl gylton
- pp gylt
ah (ac) conj but
-hebbad see:-ebbian
-hebban (principal parts: pret sg:-hf pret pl:-hfon pp:-hafen ) 6 heave, life, raise, exalt
- 2 pl hebbe
- imp 2 pl hebba
- opt 3 pl hebban
-hn (principal parts: pret sg:-hng pret pl:-hngon pp:-hangen ) R hang (trans)
- imp 2 sg hh
- pret 2 sg hnge
-hreddan WI save, deliver, rescue
- ger hredenne
- 1 sg hredde
- opt 3 sg hredde
- pret 3 sg hredde
- 3 pl -don
-hrosan (principal parts: pret sg:-hras pret pl:-hruron pp:-hroren ) 2 fall
- opt 3 sg hrose
hsian see:csian
ht f possession, property
- ap hta
[gan]ht-ge-stron n possession, riches
-hdan WI hide
- pp hded
-dligan WI profane
-ldan WI
- lead, conduct
- 3 sg lde; læt
- imp 2 sg ld
- pp ldd
- np ldde
- proceed, grow
- pret opt 3 sg lde
lan WI trans and intrans kindle, burn
- 3 sg le
- pp led
lc pron subst and adj each, any
- gs lces
- ds lcum; lcon; lcere
- as lc
- is lce
ælde (ielde, ylde) m pl men
- gp ælda
[eald]aldor see:ealdor
aldor-monn (ealdor-) m chief, magistrate
- gs -monnes
- np -men
-lecgan WI lay down, allay, overcome, refute
- 3 pl lecga
- pret 3 sg lde
- 3 pl ldon
- pp ld
[licgan]Page 245
led m fire
-lfan see:-lfan
-logan (principal parts: pret sg:-lah pret pl:-lugon pp:-logen ) 2 lie, deny (w dat of pers and acc of thing)
- 3 sg lh
æl-fremed see:el-fremed
æl-gylden adj of pure gold
- ap -gyldene
all see:eall
ælmes-georn adj liberal of alms, charitable
- np -georne
ælmesse f alms
- ds almyssan
- as ælmessan
[(Gr) Lat elemosyna]æl-mihtig adj almighty
- ns [???] ælmehtiga
- gs ælmehtigan
- ds ælmihtegum
æl-odig see:el-odig
æl-odisc see:el-odisc
-lybban WIII live
lfan (-lfan) WI allow, permit, grant (w dat of pers and acc of thing)
- pp lfed, lfed
-lsan WI loosen, release, ransom
- pret 3 sg lsde, lsde
- pp pl lsede
amang see:on-ge-mong
ambor m measure
- gp ambra
[Ger Eimer]ambyre adj favorable
- as ambyrne
[<and-byre]-merian WI free from dross, purify, refine
- pp pl merede
-metan 5 measure, estimate
-myrran WI mar, destroy, hinder
- pret 3 sg myrde
an see:unnan
n num adj
- one, certain one (indef art), a, an
- ns n
- ds num, nre [???]
- as nne, nne, n
- gp nra
- on n right on, continuously
- nra gehwæs of each one
- alone
- ns na
- as nne
- ap na, n
- æt n only that
an-be-stingan 3 thrust in, insert
- pp pl -stungnan
an-bdan see:on-bdan
and (ond) conj and
anda m zeal, indignation, malice, injury
- ds andan
[Ger ahnden]and-bidian WII wait
- pret opt 1 sg -bidode
an-dfn f fitting amount, proportion
- ds andfne
[dafenian]andetnis f confession
- as -nysse
andettan (ondettan) WI confess, acknowledge
- ptc ondettende
- sg andette, ondette
- imp andetta
[and-htan]and-fenge adj acceptable
[fn]and-giet (-git) n intelligence, reason, sense, meaning
- gs andgites
- ds andgiete
- as andgit, ondgit
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and-gitfull adj intelligent
and-gitfullce adv intelligibly
- supl -gitfullcost
and-lang adj continuous, entire
- as -langne
and-leofen f living, food, sustenance
- ds -leofne
an-drden see:on-drden
Andred m the 'Weald' (the great forest in Kent and Sussex)
and-swarian see:ond-swarian
and-swaru (ond-) f answer
- as -sware
and-weard adj present
- gs andweardan
- ds -werdan
- dp -werdum, ondweardum
and-wlita m countenance, appearance
- gs -wlitan
[wltan; Ger Antlitz]and-wyrdan WI answer
- pret 1 sg andwyrde
n-faldnes adj unity, simplicity
- gs -nesse
n-feald adj one-fold, single, unmixed, superior
- ds n-fealdan
n-fealdlche adv in the singular number
n-for-ltan (principal parts: pret sg:-lt pret pl:-lton pp:-lten ) R leave, abandon
- 1 pl -a
- pret opt 3 sg nforlte
Angel n Anglen (Denmark)
- ds Angle
Angel-cynne (Ongel) n Angle kin, English people, England
- ds -cynne
- as -cynn, -cyn, Ongelcyn
an-ge-weald (=an-weald) power, dominion
an-ginn see:on-ginn
Angle m pl the Angles, Anglicans, English
an-grslc adj grisly, hideous, horrible
n-grsenlce (-grsenlce) adv hideously
n-haga (-hoga) m solitary, recluse, wanderer
- as nhagan
anhangen see:on-hn
nig adj only
nig pron adj any
- ds negum
- as nig, nigne
an-lc see:on-lc
n-lc adj unique, peerless, excellent
n-lcnes see:on-lcnes
n-lpig (n-lpig n-lpe) adj single, individual
- as n-lpne
- np lpige
n-mdla (on-) m arrogance
- np -mdlan
[md]n-mdlce adv unanimously
n-mdnes f unanimity
- as -nesse
n-nis f unity
- as -nysse
n-rd (on-) adj resolute
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n-rdnis f constancy
- ds -nysse
an-settan WI put upon, impose
n-streces (gen) adv continuously
an-sund see:on-sund
an-sundnis see:on-sundnis
an-sn see:on-sen
Ante-crst m Antichrist
- gs -crsted
an-rce see:on-rce
n-weald see:on-weald
apostol m apostle
- gs apostoles
- ds apostole
- as apostol
- np apostol
- gp apostola
- ap apostolas
apostolc adj apostolic
- ds -lcan
- as -lce
æppel m apple
- gs æples
- as æppel
æpplian WII make into the form of apples, emboss
- pp sg æpplede
Apulder m Appledore
- ds Apuldre
r m
- honor, favor, mercy
- gs re
- property, possessions
- as re
[Ger Ehre]r m messenger
- gs res
[Goth airus]r f oar
- gp ra
r comp adj former, preceding
- ap rran
- supl ns reste
- comp adv earlier, formerly, before
- comp ror
- supl rest
- conj ere, before that (usually followed by the opt)
- prep (w dat) before (time)
-rd adj inexorable
-rdan WI read
-rfnan (-refnan) WI perform, endure
- imp 2 sg ræfn, refna
- pret 1 sg ræfnede
-ræfnian WII endure
- 1 sg ræfnie
-rman WI arise
- pret 3 sg ræmde
-rran WI raise, erect, build
- ptc rrende
- 2 sg rrst
- opt 3 sg rre
- pret 3 sg rrde
- 3 pl -don
[rsan]ærce-bisceop (arce-) m archbishop
- ds -biscepe
r-dæg m former day
-reccean WI expound, translate, recount
- inf reccan
-redian WII arrange
- 3 sg reda
ren adj made of brass, brazen
- as rne
- ap renan
[r, Goth ais]rende n errand, message
rend-fæst adj bound on an errand
rend-ge-writ n message, letter
- as rend-
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rend-raca (-wreca) m messenger
- ds -racan
- dp -wrecum
r-fæst honorable, virtuous, merciful
- ns -fæsta
r-fæastnis f virtue
- ds -nisse
r-hwæt adj eager for glory
- np -hwate
rian WII
- honor, show favor
- 3 sg ra
- desist, cease
- imp 2 sg ra
-rsan (principal parts: pret sg:-rs pret pl:-rison pp:-risen ) 1 arise
- 3 sg rse
- imp 2 sg rs
- 2 pl rsa
- opt 2 sg rse
- 2 pl rson
rst m f n resurrection
- gs rstes
- as rste
r-las adj dishonorable, wicked
- ds -lasre
- np -lasan
arn see:yrnan
ærnan WI cause to run; ride, gallop
- 3 pl ærna
- pret 3 pl ærndon
[yrnan]rne-merigen m early morning
rodlce adv quickly, vigourously
r-wacol adj early awake
r-wur (-weor) worthy of honor, venerable
- as wurne
r-wurian (-weorian) WII honor
- pret 3 sg rwurne
r-wurlce adv honorable, reverentially
r-wurnis f reverence, honor
- ds -nysse
s n food, prey, carrion
- gs ses
[Ger Aas]-swan R sow
- pp swen
æsc m
- ash, spear
- gp asca
- boat, ship (of Danish ships)
- ap æscas
asce (axe) f ashes
-sceacan (principal parts: pret sg:-scc,-scoc pret pl:-sccon,-scocon pp:-sceacen ) 6 shake
- ptc sceacende
- 3 sg scæce
- pret 3 sg scoc
æsc-here m (ash-) spear-army, ship-army
æsc-holt n spear-shaft
scian see:csian
-scnan (principal parts: pret sg:-scn pret pl:-scinon pp:-scinen ) 1 shine
-scfan (principal parts: pret sg:-scaf pret pl:-scufon pp:-scofen ) 2 shove, push
-scran WI make clear, transparent
- pp scred
[scr]-secgan WIII say, relate
- pret 3 pl sdon
-sendan WI send
- pret 2 sg sendest
- 3 sg sende
- pp send
-settan WI set, place, transport oneself, go
- opt 3 sg sette
- pret 3 pl settan
- pp sett
[sittan]Page 249
-singan 3 sing
- pret 3 sg song
-sittan (principal parts: pret sg:-sæt pret pl:-ston pp:-seten ) 5 sit fast, ground (of ships)
-slan 6 strike, cut off
- pp slagen
-smian WII forge, work
- pp smiod
-spendan WI spend, expend
- pret 3 sg spende
- pp spended
-spring n spring of water, fountain
- ds springe
-springan 3 spring up, spread
- pret 3 sg sprang
- 3 pl sprungen
-standan 6 stand
- 3 pl standa
æstel m book-mark
[Lat hastula]-stellan WI set up, restore, establish
- 3 sg stelle
- pret 3 asg stealde
-sterian see:-styrian
-stgan (principal parts: pret sg:-stg,-sth pret pl:-stigon pp:-stigen ) 1 ascend, mount (trans and intr), spring up, enter or leave a ship, go
- 3 sg sth
- imp 2 sg stg
- 2 pl stga
- pret 3 sg stg, sth
-stingan 3 pierce
- pret 3 pl stungon
-streccan WI stretch, extend, prostrate
- opt 3 sg strecce
- pret 3 sg strehte
- pp streht
-styrian (-sterian) WI stir, agitate, move (trans)
- 3 sg stere
- pp pl sterede, styrode (W II)
-sundrian WII separate (trans)
- pp asundrad
- pl asyndrode
a-sundron (-sundran) adv asunder, apart, privately
-swebban WI put to sleep, quiet
- pp swefed
- pl -ede
[swefan]-syndrode see:-sundrian
æt pret w dat
- at, in (time, place, circumstance)
- of, from (w verbs of asking, receiving, taking, buying)
t m f
- anything to be eaten, food
- gs tes
- the act of eating
- ds te
[etan]æt-bregdan (principal parts: pret sg:-brægd,-brd pret pl:-brugdon,-brdon pp:-brogden,-broden ) 3 take away, deprive, release
- pret 3 sg ætbrd
- pp ætbrden
- pl -brdene
æt-awed see:æt-owian
-tellan WI tell, relate
- pret 3 pl tealdon
-ton (principal parts: pret sg:-tah pret pl:-tugon pp:-togen ) 2 draw
- 3 sg th
- opt 3 sg to
- pres opt 3 sg tuge
-torian WII become exhausted, fail
- pp torod
æt-owian WII appear (intr), show, manifest (trans)
- ger ætowenne
- pret 1 sg ætowde
- 3 sg ætowode
- pp ætawed
- pl ætowde, ætowode
[Goth at-augjan]Page 250
æt-foran prep (w dat) before
æt-gædere adv together
æt-ltian WII lurk out of sight, hide
- pret 3 sg -ltode
[cf Mod loiter]-tredan 5 tread
- pret 3 sg træd
æt-somne adv together
æt-standan 6 stand, remain
- pret 3 sg ætstd
ttor (tor) n poison
- is tre
[Ger Eiter]ttor-bre adj poisonous
- as -bran
ttren (tren) adj poisonous
- ns tterne
- ap ttrynne
æt-wtan (o) (principal parts: pret sg:-wt pret pl:-witon pp:-witen ) 1 twit, reproach (w dat)
[cf. ed-wt]æt-wan (-wan) WI [cf. æt-owian] appear (intr), show, manifest (trans)
- 3 sg twe
- imp 2 sg ætw
- pret 3 sg ætwde, twde
m oath
- ap as
[Ger Eid]æel-boren (pp) adj of noble birth
- ds -borenre
æel-borennis f nobleness of birth
- as -nysse
æele adj noble, excellent
- ds æelum
- as æelan
- ap æele
- supl ns æelast
[Ger edel]æele adv nobly
æeling m noble, prince
- gs æelinges
æellce adv nobly
æelnes f nobility
æelo f nobility
æel-stenc m excellent fragrance
- gp -stenca
æel-tungol n m noble star
- gp -tungla
-enian WII; [S 400 n 2] stretch out
- pret 3 sg ende
[Ger dehnen]er see:g-hwæer
-indan (principal parts: pret sg:-ond pret pl:-undon pp:-unden ) 3 swell, puff up
-strian WII become dark, obscured
- 3 pl stria
- pp pl strode
[eostru]Aulfing (= Æelwulfing) m son of Æthelwulf
-wan 6 wash
- pret 3 sg wh
w see:
-wæcnan [S 392 n 1] awake (intr)
- pret 3 sg wc
-wgan WI annul
-weccan WI awake, arouse, incite
- opt 3 sg wecce
- pret 3 sg weahte
- pret opt 3 sg wehte
- 3 pl wehton
- pp weaht, wreht
- pl wehte
-wdan WI rage
- pret 3 sg wdde
[wd]a-weg see:weg
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-wegan 5 carry
-wendan WI turn, direct, change, translate
- pret 1 sg wende
- pp wend
-weorpan (-wurpan) (principal parts: pret sg:-wearp pret pl:-wurpon pp:-worpen ) 3 cast, overthrow, reject
-wstan WI lay waste, destroy
- pp pl wste
w-fæst (-fæst) adj law-observing, pious
- ns wfas, fest
- ap feste
- supl np wfæstoste
-wiht pron aught, anything
wisc-md adj ashamed, abashed
- np -mde
[Goth aiwiski]-wc see:-wæcnan
-wreht see:-weccan
-wrtan (principal parts: pret sg:-wrt pret pl:-writon pp:-writen ) 1 write, compose
- 1 sg wrte
- pp pl writene
-wunian WII abide, continue
-wyrdan WI destroy
- opt 3 sg wyrde
-wyrgan WI curse
- pp pl wyrigedan
[wearg]xian see:scian
-dlian WII annul
- pp pl dlode
bæc n back
- as under bæc backwards
- ofer bæc backwards
bæc-bord n left side of a ship, larboard
[Ger Backbord, Fr babord]bl n fire, funeral pyre
- gs bles
- is ble
- as bl
[ON bl]bl-fr n bale-fire, funeral or sacrificial fire
bl-racu f violence of fire
- ds -ræce
bm see:bgen
bn n bone
- ds bne
- as bn
- np bn
bana m murderer
- ds banan
[Mod bane]bn-fæt n (bone-vessel) body
- ap -fatu
br f bier
- as bre
[beran]Bardan-g f Bardney (Lincolnshire)
bærnan WI burn (trans)
Basingas pl m Basing (Hants)
- dp -engum
basu adj purple (crimson)
btan WI bridle
bæ n bath, font
baian WII bathe
be (b, big) prep w dat inst; adv
- (nearness) by, near, along, on
- be asten w dat east of
- be westan w dat west of
- be noran w dat north of
- (metaph. proximity) by, with, according to, concerning
- b wrte copy
- be m by that
- by by that
- be fullan fully, perfectly
- be m concerning this
- b s ilcan
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bacen n beacon (the sun)
- gs bacnes
bacnian WII typify, indicate, show
- 3 sg bacna
beadu f battle
- ds beaduwe
[ON bo bovar]beadu-cræftig adj valiant
beadu-rs m rush of battle, onslaught
beadu-weorc n work of battle
- gp -weorca
be-æftan (bæftan) prep adv (w dat) behind
bag (bah) m ring, bracelet, collar, crown
- ap bagas
[bgan]bah-gifa (bag-) m ring-giver, lord, king
- ds -gifan
bealcettan WI belch, send forth, utter
- pret 3 sg -ette
beald (bald) adj bold
- ns (w gen)
bealdlce (bald-) adv boldly
- supl baldlcost
bealo (bealu) n bale, evil, mischief
- gs bealwes
bealo-sorg f baleful sorrow
- as -sorge
bam m tree
- ds bame
- as bam
- np bamas
- gp bama
Bam-flot m Benfleet (Essex)
- ds -flote
bearn n child, son
- ap bearn
[beran]bearo m grove, wood
- ds bearwe
- as bearo
- np bearwas
- gp bearwa
batan (principal parts: pret sg:bot pret pl:boton pp:baten ) R beat
- ptc batende
be-baian (bi-) WII bathe
- 3 sg bibaa
Bebban-burg f Bamborough (Northumbria)
- ds byrig
be-bodan (principal parts: pret sg:-bad pret pl:-budon pp:-boden ) 2
- command, bid (w dat)
- 1 sg -bode
- offer, commit, entrust
- ptc bebodende
be-bod n command
- as bebod
- gp -boda
- ap -bodu, -boda
[bodan]be-byrgan WI bury
- ger -byrgenne
- 3 sg byrge
- pp -byrged
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be-capian WII sell
be-cierran (-cirran -cyrran) WI turn (trans)
- pp -ciered
be-clyppan (bi-) WI embrace, seize
- 3 sg biclyppe
[Mod clip]be-clsan WI inclose, shut in, imprison
- pp beclsed
- pl -clsde
[clse; Lat clausus]be-cuman 4 come, arrive
- 3 sg -cym
- 3 pl -cuma
- opt 3 sg -cume
- pret 3 sg cwm, cm
- 2 pl -cmon
- pret opt 3 sg -cme
be-dlan (bi-) separate, deprive of
- pp bidled (w inst)
bedd n bed
- ds bedde
be-dglian (-dglian -dglian) WII obscure, bedim, conceal, keep secret
- pp -dgled, -dglod, -dglad
[dgol]be-ebbian WII leave aground by the ebb, strand
- pp pl beebbade
be-fæstan WI fasten, fix, put in safe keeping, entrust
- opt 2 sg -fæste
- pret 3 sg -fæste
- 3 pl -on
- pp befæst
be-feallan R fall
- opt 2 sg -fealle
be-folan 3 apply oneself (w dat)
[Ger befehlen]be-fn (bi-) R surround, envelop, clothe, cover
- imp 2 sg -fh
- pp -fangen
- pl -fongne, bifongen
be-foran prep (w dat) before
be-foran adv before
be-frn see:be-frignan
be-frignan 3 ask
- pret 3 sg befrn
be-gn irreg
- practice, perform, serve, occupy oneself with
- opt 3 sg beg (w reflex acc)
- pret 1 sg beode
- pl -odon, -odan
- 3 pl biodon
- surround
be-gang m undertaking, business
bgen (bggen) num adj both
- h b
- he bt
- gyt bt
- unc bm
be-geondan (-giondan) prep (w dat) beyond
be-gietan (-gitan, -gytan) 5 get, obtain, find
- pret 2 pl -gaton, -gton
be-ginnan 3 begin
- pret 3 sg begann
- pp begunnen
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be-gyrdan WI begird, surround
- pp begyrdd
be-ht n promise
- ds -hte
- ap -ht
be-htan R promise
- 3 sg -ht
be-healdan (bi-) R
- hold, occupy, guard, protect
- 3 sg bi-healde
- behold, look, observe
- inf bi-
- imp 2 sg beheald
- pret 3 sg -hold
- 3 pl -on
be-helan (bi-) 4 conceal
- pp sg biholene
[Ger hehlen]be-heonan (-hionan) prep (w dat) on this side of
be-hindan adv behind
be-hindan prep (w dat) behind
be-hfian WII behoove, require
- pret 3 pl -hfedon
be-hrosan (bi-) (principal parts: pret sg:-hras pret pl:-hruron pp:-hroren ) 2 (fall upon) cover
- pp pl bihrorene
be-hrowsian WII rue, repent of
- 1 pl hrowsia
be-hrowsung f repentance
- gs -unge
be-hwyrfan WI change, convert
- pret 3 pl -hwyrfdon
- pp -hwyrfed
be-hdan (bi-) hide, conceal
- pp -hdd, bihded
- sg bihdde
be-limpan 3 concern, pertain, belong (intr)
- 3 sg -limp, -limpe
- pret 3 pl -lumpon
be-lcan 2 lock, lock up, shut in
- imp 2 pl -lca
- pp -locen
bn f prayer, petition
- gs bne
- np bna
- ap bna
[cf Mod boon]benc f bench
- ds bence
bend m f n bond, fetter
be-niman (bi-) 4 rob, deprive of (w acc of pers and gen or inst of thing)
- 3 sg -nim
- pret 3 sg -nam
- pp pl -numene
benn f wound
- np benna
[bana]bodan (principal parts: pret sg:bad pret pl:budon pp:boden ) 2 offer, announce, command
- 3 sg bode
bon (bon, wesan) irreg be, exist, become
- ger bonne, bonne
- 2 sg byst, bist
- 3 sg bi
- 1 pl bo w
- 3 pl bo, bo
- imp 2 sg bo
- 2 pl bo
- opt 3 sg bo, bo
- 2 pl bo g
- 3 pl bon
- 1 sg eom
- 2 sg eart
- 3 sg is, ys
- 3 pl synd, synt, sindon, siendon, syndon
- opt 3 sg se, s, sig
- 3 pl sen, sn, sn
- neg 3 sg nis (<ne is), nys
- 3 sg wese
- imp 2 sg wes
- pret 3 sg wæs, wes
- 3 pl wren, wrun, wran
- pret opt 3 sg wre
- neg pret 3 sg næs (<ne wæs)
- neg 3 pl nron
- neg pret opt 3 sg nre
- neg 3 pl nron
- neg pret opt 3 sg nre
- neg 3 pl nren
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beorg (beorh) m hill, mountain
- np beorgas
- gp beorga
beorgan (byrgan) WI taste, partake of
- 3 sg beorge
beorgan (principal parts: pret sg:bearg pret pl:burgon pp:borgen ) 3 protect, preserve (w dat)
[Ger bergen]beorh-stede m mound
beorht (biorht) adj bright, shining, glorious
- ds beorhtre
- is beorhtan
- np beorhte
- supl ns beorhtast
beorhte (biorhte) adv brightly
beorhtnis f brightness
- ns -nys
- ds -nysse
Beormas m pl Permians
beorn m man, retainer, hero, chief
- gs beornes
- ds beorne
- np beornas
beornan (born barn) (principal parts: pret sg:bearn pret pl:burnon pp:bornen ) 3 burn (intr)
- 3 sg byrne
bot (<*b-ht) n boast
- as bot
- ap bot
- on bot boastfully
botian WII boast
- pret 3 sg botode
be-pcan WI deceive, entice
- pp bepht
[fcen]beran (principal parts: pret sg:bær pret pl:bron pp:boren ) 4 bear
- ger beranne
- 2 sg byrst
- 3 sg byr, bere, biere
- imp 2 pl bera
- opt 3 sg bere
be-rafian WII bereave, rob, despoil, dispossess (w acc of pers and gen of thing)
- 3 sg -rafa
beren adj of a bear
- as berenne, beren
be-rdan 1 pursue, surround, overtake
- pret 3 sg -rd
be-rwan R row past or round (trans)
berstan (principal parts: pret sg:bærst pret pl:burston pp:borsten ) 3 burst
be-rpan WI despoil of, plunder (w acc of pers and gen of thing)
- 3 sg berp
bescfan 2 shove, push
be-son (-son) 5 see, look (intr)
- pret 3 sg -seah
- opt 3 sg beso (w reflex acc)
- pret opt 3 sg beswe
be-settan (bi-) WI beset, occupy, surround, adorn
- 3 sg bisete
- pp -seted, bi-
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be-sittan (principal parts: pret sg:-sæt pret pl:-ston pp:-seten ) 5 besiege
be-slan 6 strike, cut off, deprive
- pp beslægen
be-smitennis f defilement
- as -nysse
be-standan 6 stand round, surround, beset
- 3 pl -standa
- pret 3 pl -stdon
be-swcan (bi-) (principal parts: pret sg:-swc pret pl:-swicon pp:-swicen ) 1 deceive, betray, offend, overcome
- 3 sg besuc
- pret 3 sg bi-
- pp pl beswicene
be-swcian WII evade, escape
- pp sg beswcade
be-tcan WI commit, commend, entrust
- 1 sg -tce
- pret 3 sg -thte
btan WI amend
[bt]be-teldan (bi-) (principal parts: pret sg:teald pret pl:tuldon pp:tolden ) 3 cover, hem in, surround
- 3 sg bitelde
- 3 pl -telda
- pp bitolden
[cf Mod tilt; Ger Zelt]betera see:gd
be-tweoh (-twih -twuh -tuh -tweohx -twux -tux) prep (w dat) between, among
- betwux isum meanwhile
be-twonum (-twonon -twnum -twnan) prep (w dat) between, among
be-tnan (bi-) WI close, end, enclose, imprison
- pret 3 sg -tnde
- 3 pl -on
- pp betned, bitned
[tn]be-eccan (bi-) WI cover
- pp pl beeahte, bi-
[Ger decken]be-ingan (bi-) 3 beset, encircle
- pp birungen
[Ger dringen]be-urne see:be-yrnan
be-wwan (principal parts: pret sg:-wow pret pl:-wowon pp:-wwen ) R blow upon
- pp pl biwune
[Ger wehen]be-weaxan (bi-) R over-grow
- pp -weaxen, bi-
be-wpan R weep over, bewail
be-windan (bi-) 3 encircle, surround
- pp biwunden
be-witan PP oversee, have charge of, administer
- pret 3 sg bewiste
be-witigan (-witian) WII observe
be-wltan 1 look
- pret 3 sg -wlt
be-yrnan (principal parts: pret sg:-arn pret pl:-urnon pp:-urnen ) 3 run
- pret 2 sg beurne
bi-, b see:be-, be
bdan (principal parts: pret sg:bd pret pl:bidon pp:biden ) 1
- abide, remain
- 3 sg bde
- await, expect (w gen)
biddan (byddan) (principal parts: pret sg:bæd pret pl:bdon pp:beden ) 5 ask, request (acc of pers and gen of thing)
- ptc biddende
- 3 pl bidda
- imp 2 pl bidda
- opt 3 sg bidde
- pret 2 sg bde
- pret opt 3 sg bde
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bi-drosan (principal parts: pret sg:-dras pret pl:-druron pp:-droren ) 2 (cause to fall away) deprive (w instr)
- pp pl bi-drorene
[cf Mod dross, dreary]bifian (beofian) WII waver, tremble
- ptc pl bifigendan
- pret 3 pl bifedon
[Ger beben]big- see:b-
bgan (began bgan) WI bend
- 3 sg bge
[bgan]b-genga m inhabitant
b-gong (b-gang big-geng) m worship
- gs bgonges
- ds bgange
b-leofa (big-) m sustenance, food
- ns bigleofa
- ds bigleofan
[libban]bile-wit (bil-) adj innocent, pure, simple
- ds -witre
[cf Ger billig]bile-witnes f innocence, purity
- gs -nesse, -nysse
bill n sword
- as bill
- is bille
[Ger bille]bill-gesliht n clashing of swords
- gs -geslihtes
bindan (principal parts: pret sg:bond pret pl:bundon pp:bunden ) 3 bind
- 3 pl binda
- opt 3 sg binde
- pret 3 sg band
binnan (binnon) prep adv (w dat) within (time and place)
- adv binnan
bisceop (biscop biscep) m bishop
- gs bisceopes
- ds biscepe
- as bisceop
- np biscepas
- ap bisceopas
[Lat episcopus]bisceop-sel (-setl) n episcopal residence
- as biscop-
bisceop-stl m episcopal seat, bishopric
- ds -stle, biscepstle
- as -stl
bismer (bismor bysmer) n m mockery, derision, insult
- ds bismre
bismerian WII mock, deride
- ptc bismriende
bi-sorgian WII care for, fear
- 3 sg bisorga
b-spell (big-) n parable, example, proverb
- ds bigspelle
- as -spell, big-
- ap bigspell
[Ger Beispiel]biter (bitter) adj bitter, severe, disastrous, fierce
- as biterne
- ap bitere
- supl as bitterestan
biternes f bitterness, grief
- ds -nesse
b-wist (big-) f sustenance
- as bigwiste
[wesan]bi-wron (principal parts: pret sg:-wrh,-wrah pret pl:-wrigon,-wrugon pp:wrigen,wrogen ) 1 cover, enwrap
- pret 3 sg biwrh
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blc adj shining, bright
[blcan]blcung f turning pale, pallor
- ds blacunge
blde (bld) f blossom, fruit
- gs blde
- np blde
- dp bldum
- ap blda
[blwan]bld m blast, breath, inspiration, prosperity, riches, glory, honor
- as bld
[blwan]bld-dæg m prosperous day
- gp -daga
blanden-feax adj grizzly-haired
[blondan]blæst m blaze, flame
blstan WI blow (?)
- pret 3 pl blston
Blcinga-g f Blekingen
bld see:bld
blo-brygd n (?) combination of colors
[bregdan; Mod blee]bltsian WII bless
- 1 sg bltsige
[bld]bltsung f blessing
- ds -unge
blcan (principal parts: pret sg:blc pret pl:blicon pp:blicen ) 1 glitter, shine
- 3 sg blce
- opt 3 sg blce
[Mod blink; Ger bleichen]blind adj blind
- ns blinda
- as blindan
- ap blynde
bliss f bliss, joy
- gs blisse
- ds blisse, blysse
- as blisse
[<bls]blissian (blissigan) WII rejoice
- inf blissigan
- ptc blissigende
- ds blissigendum
- pret 3 sg blissode
ble adj blithe, glad, friendly
- ds blum
- as ble
- np ble
- comp ns blra
ble-md adj blithe of mood, friendly
- np -mde
bld n blood
- is blde
bldig adj bloody
- as bldigne
blondan R blend, mix, mingle
- pp geblanden, geblonden
blstma (blstm) m blossom, bloom, fruit
- np blstman
bltan (principal parts: pret sg:blot pret pl:bloton pp:blten ) R sacrifice
blwan (principal parts: pret sg:blow pret pl:blowon pp:blwen ) R bloom, flourish
- ptc blwende
- pp geblwen
bc f book
- gs bc
- ds bc
- as bc
- np bc
- gp bca
- dp bcum
- ap bc
bcere m learned man, scholar, scribe
- ap bceras
bclc adj relating to books
boda m messenger
[Ger Bote]bodian WII proclaim, announce, preach
- ptc bodiende
- 3 sg boda
- pret 3 sg bodade
- pp bodad
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bodung f preaching
- as -unge
bg (bh) m (arm, shoulder) bough, branch
- ap bgas
boga m bow
- np bogan
bolster m n bolster, pillow
- ds bolstre
bord n (board) shield
- gs bordes
- as bord
- ap bord
bord-weall m wall of shields, testudo, phalanx
bsm m bosom
- ds bsme
bt f boot, advantage, reparation, remedy
- ds bte
- as bte
brd adj broad
- comp ns brdre, brdre
- supl ns brdost
brd f (?) young bird (?)
[bregdan]brdan WI extend, spread
[brd]brastlian WII crackle
- ptc dp brastligendum
[Ger prasseln]breahtm m noise, revelry, music
- ds breahtme
- gp breahtma
[Ger Pracht]brecan (principal parts: pret sg:bræc pret pl:brcon pp:brocen ) 4 break, destroy, break forth
- 3 sg brice
- 3 pl breca
bregd n (?) trick, fraud, deceit
- gp bregda
[bregdan]bregdan (principal parts: pret sg:brægd,brd pret pl:brugdon,brdon pp:brogden,bregden ) 3
- brandish, draw
- opt 2 pl bregde g
- pret 3 sg brd
- braid, weave
- pp bregden, brogden
brego (breogo) m chief, leader, lord, king
- as brego
brember m bramble
- dp brembrum
brengan [(cf bringan)] WI bring
- 3 sg breng
- opt 3 sg brenge
brost n breast
- ds broste
- ap brost
brost-cofa m breast-chamber, heart, mind
- ds -cofan
brost-sefa m mind, heart
Bret-wlas m pl the Britons of Wales
brice (bryce) m fragment
- ap bricas
[brecan]bricg-weard (brycg) m bridge-guard
- ap -weardas
bridd m young bird
- ns brid
- gs briddes
brim n ocean
- ap brimu
brim-cald (-ceald) adj ocean-cold
brim-fugol m sea-bird
- ap -fuglas
brim-lend m sea-farer, pirate
- gp -lendra
brim-monn m sea-man, pirate
- np -men
- gp -mauna
bringan [(cf brengan)] WI bring
- 3 sg bring
- 3 pl bringa
- opt 3 sg bringe
- pret 3 sg brhte
- 3 pl brhton
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broc n injury, affliction, disease
- ds broce
- as broc
[brecan]brocian WII oppress, injure, afflict
- 3 pl brocia
brhte see:bringan
brond m brand, burning, fire
- gs brondes
brosnian WII crumble, waste away, wither, decay
- 3 pl brosnia
- pp gebrosnad
- pl -ode
[cf Ger Brosam]brosnung f decay
- ds -unge
bror (brur) m brother
- gs bror
- ds brer
- np bror, brru
- ap bror
brcan (principal parts: pret sg:brac pret pl:brucon pp:brocen ) 2 brook, use, enjoy, possess (w gen)
- 3 sg brc
- 3 pl brca
brn adj brown
Brunan-burh f Brunanburh (Durham ?)
brn-ecg adj brown edged (of a sword)
bryeg (brieg) f bridge
- as briege
brd f bride
- as brde
bryhtm m glance, twinkling
[cf breahtm]bryne m burning, fire, flame
bryne-gield n burnt offering, sacrifice
- ds -gielde
- as -gield
Bryten f Britain
- as Brytene
brytta m distributor, dispenser
- gs bryttan
[brotan]Bryttas (Brittas) pl m Britons
bryttigan (bryttian) WII divide, share
Bryttisc (Brittisc) adj British
- ds Bryttiscum
b see:bgen
ban (bgan) irreg
- dwell (intr)
- 3 pl bgea
- pret 3 sg bd
- ptc dp bgigendum inhabitants
- occupy, cultivate (trans)
- 3 pl bga
- pp sg bne, bnum, gebn, gebd
bufon (bufan; < be-ufan) prep
- (w dat) above
- (w acc) on, upon
bgan (principal parts: pret sg:bag pret pl:bugon pp:bogen ) 2 bow, bend, turn
- 1 sg bge
bune f cup
Bunne f Bononia, now Boulogne (France)
- ds Bunnan
br m bower, chamber
- as br
[ban]burg (burh) f fort, borough, city
- ns burh
- gs byrig
- ds byrig
- as burg
- ap burga
Burgenda gp m Burgundians, Burgenda land, Bornholm
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burg-lode (burh-) pl m burghers, citizens
- dp burh-
burg-ware (burh-) pl m inhabitants of a 'burg', burghers, citizens
- gp -wara
- ap -ware
burna (burne, f) m bourn, stream, fountain
- ds burnan
br-n (-egn) m chamberlain
- ds -ne
bte conj but
bton (btan) prep (w dat)
- except
- without
- outside
bton (btan) conj
- (w opt) unless
- (w indic) except, except that, but only
bton adv outside
Butting-tn m Buttington
- ds -tne
bt se bgen
bycgan (bicgan) WI buy
- imp 2 pl bicga
bydel m beadle, proclaimer, herald, minister
- gp bydela
- ap bydelas
[bodan]byden f measure, bushel
- ds bydene
[L L *butna < Gr ]byldan WI encourage
- opt 3 sg bylde
- pret 3 sg bylde
[beald]bme f trumpet
- gs bman
- np bman
bne see:ban
byrde adj of high birth, rank
- supl ns byrdesta
byre m favorable opportunity
byre m child, son, descendant
- np byre
[beran]byrgan WI taste, eat
- pret 3 pl byrgdon
byrgan WI bury
- ger byrigenne
byrgen f grave, tomb
- ds byrgene
- as byrgenne, byrgene
- np byrgena
byrne f byrnie, corslet, coat of mail
- as byrnan
[Ger Brünne]byrn-sweord n flaming sword
byrn-wiga m mailed warrior
byren f burden
- as byrenne, byrene
- gp byrenna
bsen (bsen) f example
- ds bsene, bsne
- as bsene
- dp bsnum, bsenum
- ap bsne
[Goth -bsns]bysgian WII busy, occupy, disturb, oppress
- pp gebysgad
bysig adj busy
- np bysige
bysigo f business, concern, occupation
- dp bisgum
bsnian (bsnian) WII set an example for, instruct by example
- inf bsnian
- 3 sg bsena
- pret 3 pl bsnodon
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cf adj bold, brave
- as cfne
[ON -kafr]cflce adv boldly
camp m fight, battle
- ds campe
[Ger Kampf]camp-stede m battle-field
candel (condel) f candle
- ds condelle
candel-stæf m (candle-staff) candlestick
canon m sacred canon
- gs canones
[Lat canon, Gr ]Cantwara-burg f Canterbury
- ds -byrig
carc-ern (cearc-ern, cf cweart-ern) n prison
- gs carcernes
- ds carcerne
- as carcern
[Lat carcer + ærn]car-full (cear-) adj careful
carian (cearian) WII care, be concerned for
- 3 sg cara
carte f chart, card (for writing upon)
- as cartan
[Lat charta]csere m emperor
- gs cseres
[Lat Caesar]ceald (cald) adj cold
- as cald
- dp caldum
ceallian WII call
cap m cattle
- gs capes
[cf Mod cheap]cap-stw f market-place
cearu (cearo, caru) f care
- ns cearo
- as ceare
ceaster f fort, town, city
- ds ceastre
[Lat castrum]ceaster-ge-ware m (pl tant) citizen
- np -waran
cellod adj curved, hollow, embossed
[Lat celatus]cempa m warrior
- np cempan
- gp cempena
[camp]cne adj keen, bold
- comp ns cnre
cnlce adv boldly
cennan WI beget, bring forth
- pp cenned
Cent f Kent
ceorl m (churl) freeman (of the common class), man
- ds ceorle
ccsan (principal parts: pret sg:cas pret pl:curon pp:coren ) 2 choose
- 3 pl cosa
- opt 1 sg cose
cpan WI avail oneself of, take to (w gen)
- pret 3 sg cpte
cdan WI chide, reproach (w dat)
- 2 sg cddes (dial)
- pret 2 sg cdde
cgan (cegan, cgan) WI cry out, call
- pret 3 sg cgde, cgde
- 1 pl cgdon
cild n child
- gs cildes
- ap cild
cild-hd m childhood
- ds -hde
cirice (cyrice, cyrce) f church
- ns cyrce
- gs ciricean, cyrcan
cirlisc adj 'churlish', rustic
- np cirlisce
[ceorl]Page 263
cirm see:cyrm
cirr (cierr, cyrr) m turn, time, occasion
- ds cirre
[Mod char]Cisse-ceaster f 'Cissa's fort', Chichester
- ds -ceastre
clm see:cla
clne adj clean, pure
- gs clnan
- as clne
- ap clne
clne adv entirely
clnnes f cleanness, purity, chastity
- ds -nisse
clnsung f cleansing, chastening
cl n cloth
- ds cle
cla (cleo) f claw
- dp clm
clofan (principal parts: pret sg:claf pret pl:clufon pp:clofen ) 2 cleave, split (trans)
cleopian see:clipian
clowen n (clew), ball, globular mass
- ds clowne
[Ger Knäuel]clipian (clypian, cleopian) WII
- cry out, exclaim
- 3 sg clypa
- pret 3 sg clypode, cleopode
- cry unto, implore (w dat)
- ptc dp clypigendum
- pl cleopia
- imp 2 sg clypa
- 2 pl clypia
- pret 3 sg clipode
[Mod obs clepe, yclept]cldig adj rocky
[cf Mod cloud]clypian see:clipian
clyppan WI embrace, accept
- opt 3 sg clyppe
[Mod clip]cnapa m boy, youth
- np cnapan
- gp cnapena
[Ger Knabe]cnearr m ship, galley
- ns cnear
[ON knorr]cno (cnow) n knee
- ap cno, cnow
cno-mg m kinsman
- dp -mgnum
cnoriss f generation, family, tribe, people
- as -isse
cniht m boy, youth, young warrior, knight, attendant, disciple
- gs cnihtes
- as cniht
- np cnihtas, cnyhtas
cnyssan WI beat (trans)
- 3 sg cnyse
- 3 pl cnyssa
[cf Ger Knorre]clian WII cool
- 3 sg cla
collen-fer (-ferh) adj proud-minded, fierce
[*cwellan]Coln f the river Colne (Essex)
- ds Colne
corn n corn, grain
- gs cornes
- as corn
coror n troop, flock, company
- gp corra
costian (costigan, costnian) WII tempt try, prove
- inf costigan (w gen)
- ger costianne, costienne
- pret 1 sg constnode (w gen)
[Ger kosten]costnian see:costian
costnung f temptation
cou f disease
cræft m strength, might, virtue, craft, skill, art, pursuit, knowledge
- ds cræfte
- as cræft
- gp cræfta
- ap cræftas
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cræftiga (cræftega) m craftsman, workman, artificer
- ns crætega
cræt n cart, chariot
- ds cræte
Crcas (Cracas) m pl the Greeks
- np Cracas
- gp Crca
crodon (crdan) (principal parts: pret sg:crad pret pl:crudon pp:croden ) 2 crowd, press, hasten
- pret 3 sg crad
cringan (principal parts: pret sg:-crong,-cronc pret pl:-crungon,-cruncon pp:-crungen ) 3 cringe, yield, fall, die
Crst m Christ
- ns Crs (dial)
- gs Crstes
- ds Crste
crsten adj Christian
- np crstene, crstena, crstnan
- gp crstenra
crsten-dm m christianity
- ds -dmeymest
- as -dm
cucu see:cwic
cumbol-gehnst (gehnd) n conflict of banners
- gs -gehnstes
cum-pæder m godfather in his relation to the father
[Lat compater]cuman (principal parts: pret sg:c(w)m pret pl:c(w)mon pp:cumen ) 4 come
- ger cummanne
- sg cymst, cymest
- 3 sg cym, cyme
- 3 pl cuma
- opt 3 sg cume, cyme
- imp 2 sg cum
- pret 2 sg cme
- 3 sg cwm, cum, cm
- pl cmon
- pret opt3 sg cme
- pp cumen
cunnen PP can, be able, know, understand (trans and intr)
- 1 sg con
- 2 sg canst
- 3 sg can
- 1 pl cunnon, cunnun
- 3 pl cunnon
- opt 3 sg cunne
- 3 pl cunnen, cunnan, cunnon
- pret 1 sg ce
- 2 sg cest
- 3 sg ce
- pret opt 2 sg ce
- 1 pl con
- 3 pl cen
cunnian WII prove try, examine, experience (w acc or gen)
- 3 sg cunna
- pret 3 sg cunnode
[cunnan]c adj known, familiar, manifest
- as ce
- gp cra
[pp < cunnan; Ger kund]clic adj known, certain
- comp as clicre
clice adv openly, clearly, certainly
cwacian WII quake
- ptc as cwacigendan
cwalu f killing, murder, death
- ds cwale
[cwelan]Cwt-bryeg f Bridgenorth (Salop)
- ds -brycge
cwealm m n death, destruction, pestilence
- ds cwealme
- as cwealm
[Mod qualm]Page 265
cwealm-bre adj deadly
- as -bran
cweart-ern [(cf carc-ern)] n prison
- ds cwarterne
cwelan (principal parts: pret sg:cwæl pret pl:cwlon pp:cwolen ) 4 die
cwellan WI kill
[cwelan; Mod quell]cwellere m executioner
- np cwelleras
cwman WI please (w dat)
- ger cwmanne
[cuman]cwn f queen
Cwnas m pl a tribe of the Fins
- gp Cwna
cweorn f quern, mill
- as cweorne
[Goth qairnus]cwean (principal parts: pret sg:cwæ pret pl:cwdon pp:cweden ) 5 say, speak
- sg cwee
- 2 sg cwyst
- 3 sg cwi
- 3 pl cwæa (for cwea)
- imp 2 sg cwe
- pret 2 sg cwde
- pret opt 3 sg cwde
- 3 pl cwden
- gecueden named
[Mod quoth]cwic (cwicu, cucu) adj 'quick', alive
- ns cucu
- as cwicne, cwycne
- gp cwicra
cwic-ssl (cwyc-) n hell-torment
- gs cwycssles
- ds -ssle
cwide (cwyde) m saying, utterance
- ds cwyde
- as cuide
[cwean]cwide-giedd n word, utterance
- gp -giedda
cwild (cwyld) m f n destruction, pestilence, murrain
- ds cwilde
[cwelan]cwan WI bewail (trans)
cwyc-ssl see:cwic-ssl
cf f vessel
- as cfe
[Ger Kübel]cyle (ciele) m chill, cold
cyle-gicel m icicle
cyme m coming
- gs cymes
- ds cyme
- as cyme
[cuman]cyne-dm m government, kingdom
cyne-gold n regal gold, diadem, crown
cyne-hlford m royal lord
cynelc adj royal
- ap -lce
cyne-rce n kingdom
- gs kynerces
- is -rce
cyne-rymm m kingly majesty
- as -rym
cyng (cing) m king
- gs cynges, cinges
- ds cynge
cyning m king
- gs cyninges
- ds cyninge
- as cyning
- np cyningas, cynegas
- gp cyninga
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cynn n kin, race, family, kind
- gs cynnes
- ds cynne
- as cynn
- gp cinna
cpe-cniht m boy for sale as a slave
- ap -cnihtas
cp(e)-monn m chapman, merchant
- np -men
cyrice, cyrce see:cirice
cyrm (cierm, cirm) m cry, alarm
cyrran (cierran, cirran) WI turn, go, return
- 3 pl cyrra
- pret 3 sg cyrde
- 3 pl cirdon
[Ger kehren]cyrtel m kirtle, coat, tunic
- as kyrtel
- ap cyrtlas
cyssan WI kiss
- ptc cyssende
- opt 3 sg cysse
cystig adj virtuous, charitable
- ds cystigum
can WI make known
- 3 pl ca
- pret 3 sg cde, cdde
- 3 pl cdon
[c]cu (c) f kith, kinship, home, country
- ds ce
- as ce, cu
dd f deed, action
- gp dda
- ap dda
dd-btan WI make amends, repent
- ptc np ddbtende
dd-bt f repentance
dæg m day
- ds dæge
- as dæg
- is dæge
- gp daga
- dp dagum, dagan
- ap dagas
- gs dæges and nihtes (adv) by day and night
- ds t dæge (adv) to-day
- as longe on dæg (adv) far on, late in the day
dæg-hwmlc (-hwmlic) adj daily
- ds -lcum
dæg-hwmlce (-hwmlce) adv daily
dæg-rd n dawn
dægerlc adj daily, present
- ds o isum dægerlcum dæge to this present day
dæg-weorc n work of the day
- gs -weorces
dæl n dale
- np dalu
[Ger Thal]dl m division, portion, part
- ds dæle
- as dl
- gp dla
- be nigum dle to any extent
- be m dle to that extent
dlan WI deal out, divide, separate, distribute
- 3 sg dl, dle
- opt 1 pl dlon
- pret 3 pl dldon
- pp gedled
- pl gedlde
dl-neomende (dial) (ptc) m partaker
daro (dara) m dart, spear
- gp daroa lf the leaving of spears, those surviving a battle
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dad adj dead
- ns dada
- as dadne
- np dade, dadan
dad-bre adj deadly
- ds -brum
deall adj proud
- ns deal
dearr see:durran
da m death
- gs daes
- ds dae
- is dae
- as da
- ap daas
da-denu f mortal vale
da-ræced (-reced) n house of death, grave
Defenas (Defnas) m pl the people of Devonshire, Devonshire
Defena-scr (Defna-) f Devonshire
- ds scre
delfan (principal parts: pret sg:dealf pret pl:dulfon pp:dolfen ) 3 delve, dig
dma m judge
- gs dman
dman WI deem, judge, determine
- 3 sg dm
- pp gedmed
demm m judgment
Dene m pl Danes
- gp Dena
- dp Denon
- ap Dene
Dene-mearc (Dena-; -mearce) f Denmark
- ns Denamearc
- ds Denemearce, Denemearcan
Denisc adj Danish
- np Deniscan
- gp Deniscra
- as on Densic in the Danish fashion
dennian WII become slippery (?)
- pret 3 sg dennode
denu (dene) f valley
doflc adj devilish
- ap -lcan
dofol m n devil
- gs dofles
- ds dofle
- np dofla
- ap doflu, doflo
dofol-gyld n idol
- gp -gilda
dofol-gylda m idolater
- np -gyldan
dofol-soc adj possessed of a devil
- ap -socan
dofol-socnis f possession by a devil
- ap -nyssa
dop n the deep, the sea
- gs dopes (dpan f)
dop adj deep
dope adv deeply, profoundly
doplce adv deeply, profoundly
dopnis f depth, abyss
- ds -nysse
dor (dor) n wild beast or animal (of any sort)
- as dor
- np dor
- gp dora
- ap dor
deorc adj dark, gloomy, sad
- ns deorca, deorce
- as deorce
dorling see:drling
dor-md adj bold of mind, brave
Deorwente f the Derwent
- ds -wentan
dor-wur (-wir, -weor) adj worthy of estimation, precious, honored
- ds -wuran
- ap -wure, -wire, -wuran
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Dre m pl the Deirians, inhabitants of Deira
derian WI injure (w dat)
- 3 sg dere, dera
[daru]dacon-hd (dacon-) m office of a deacon, deaconship
- ds -hde
degol (dgol) adj secret
- ns degla, dgle
- gs deglan
- comp np dgelran
dimm (dymm) adj dim, dark, gloomy
- dp dymmum
dimnis (dymnis) f dimness, gloom
- ds dymnysse
Dinges (mere) proper name a proper name, or the sea of dashing and noise
dor see:dor
disc m dish
- ds disce
- as disc
discipul m disciple
- np discipul (Lat), discipuls (for -)
- gp discipula
- ap discipul
dgor n day
- gp dgra
dgor-rm n numbering of the days, time
- gs -rmes
dohtor f daughter
dm m
- doom, judgment, decree, decision, choice
- gs dmes
- ds dme
- as dm (stipulation)
- is dme
- renown, glory
dm-ern n judgment-hall
- ds -erne
dm-georn adj eager for renown
- np -georne
dmlc adj famous, glorious
dn irreg do, act, cause, put, place
- ger dnne
- ptc dnde
- 2 sg dst
- 3 sg d
- 2 pl d
- 3 pl d
- imp 2 sg d
- opt 2 sg d
- 1 pl dn
- pret 2 sg dydest
- 3 sg dyde
- 3 pl dydon
- pret opt 3 sg dyde
Dorce-ceaster (Dorcan-) f Dorchester
- ds -ceastre
- as Dorcanceaster
draca m dragon
dram m joy, mirth
- is drame
- gp drama (harmony)
[Mod dream]dreccan WI vex, trouble, afflict
- pret 3 pl drehton
drenc m drink
- gs drences
- ds drence
dreng m warrior
- gp drenga
[ON drengr]drogan (principal parts: pret sg:drag pret pl:drugon pp:drogen ) 2 endure, perform, fulfil
- 3 sg droge
dror m blood
- is drore
[drosan]drorig adj dreary, sad
- ns drorige
- as drorigne (hyge)
- np drorige
[drosan]Page 269
drorig-hlor adj with sad face
drorignis f sadness
- gs -nysse
drosan (principal parts: pret sg:dras pret pl:druron pp:droren ) 2 fall, perish
- 3 sg drose
- 3 pl drosa
[cf Mod dross]drihten see:dryhten
drinca m drink
- as drincan
drincan (principal parts: pret sg:dronc pret pl:druncon pp:druncen ) 3 drink
- 3 pl drinca
- pret opt 3 sg drunce
- 2 pl druncen
drohta m sojourn, life
drohtian see:drohtnian
drohtnian (drohtian) WII lead one's life, live
- ger drohtnigenne
- 3 sg drohta
- pret 3 sg drohtnode
[drogan]drohtnung (drohtung) f conduct, condition, life
- gs drohtunge
- ds -nunge
drohtung see:drohtnung
drsan (drsian W II) WI droop, drowse, become feeble
- ptc drsende
[drosan]dr m wizard, sorcerer
[Celt dri]drge (drge) adj dry
- ap drge
- ds on drgum on dry ground
dryht f body of retainers, host, people
[drogan]dryhten (drihten) m lord, prince, ruler, king
- gs drihtnes
- ds drihtne, drihtene
drman WI rejoice
- ptc gp drmendra
[dram]dryre m fall, deposit
[drosan]dugan PP avail
- 3 sg dah
- opt 3 sg dyge
[Ger taugen]dugu (dugo) f
- body of retainers, host
- ds dugue
- gp dugua
- dugua wyn the flower, the chief of retainers
- benefit, honor, riches
- ds dugue
- gp dugea
[dugan; Ger Tugend]dn f down, hill, mountain
- as dne
[Celt dnum]dn-scræf n hill-cave
- np -scrafu
durran PP dare
- 1 sg dearr
- 3 sg dearr
- 1 pl durron
- opt 1 sg durre
- pret 3 pl dorston
- pret opt 3 pl dorsten
duru f door
- ds dura, duru, dyru
- as duru
- np dura
dst n dust
- ds dste
- as dst
dst-scawung f contemplation of the dust
- ds -scawunga
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dwscan WI extinguish, blot out
- 3 sg dwsce
[dws: dysig]dwelian (dwellan) WI lead into folly, deceive; be led astray, err
- ptc dweligende
[cf Mod dull]Dyflin (Dyflen, Difelin) Dublin
dym-hof n place of concealment
- dp -hofon
dre (dere, dore) adj dear, costly
- np dre
drling (dorling) m darling, favorite
- ap dorlingas
dyrstignes f boldness, audacity, arrogance
- ds -nysse
- as -nesse
dysig adj foolish
- supl ns dysgosta
[Mod dizzy]dysig n folly
- ds dysige
dysignes f folly
- ds -nesse
dyslc (dysiglc) adj foolish
a f river
- gs , as
- ds a, æ
- as a
- np a
[Ger Au]ac (c) conj adv also, moreover, likewise, even
- ge ... ge ac both ... and also
- n ... n ac neither ... nor even
- ond ac sw and also
- ac swilce (swylce, swelce) also, likewise
- ac gelce (-lce) likewise
[Ger auch]ac prep in addition to, together with, besides (w dat)
aca m addition, increase
- ds acan
- ns reinforcements
- t acan in addition to (w dat)
ad n possession, riches, happiness, bliss
- gs ades
- as ad
[cf Mod allodium]adig adj rich, blessed, happy
- ns adga, adiga
- gs adigan
[Goth audags]adignes f happiness, bliss
- gs -nesse
ad-md see:a-md
ad-wela m generous supply, riches
eafora (eafera) m son, heir
- ds eaforan
[cf Goth afar, prep 'after']age n eye
- gs eagan
ag-gebyrd f eyeball (?), pupil of the eye (?)
eahta num eight
a-l interj oh! alas!
eald (ald) adj old
- ns alda
- ap ealde, ealdan
- ealda fæder grandfather (ancestor?)
- ealde tried, honored
- supl as ieldese (dial) most honored
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Ealdan-mynster n Old-Minster
- ds -mynstre
eald-cu (-c) f old, former home
- as -ce, -cu
eald-fæder m forefather
- ap -fæderas
eald-fond m old foe, arch fiend, devil
- gs -fondes
- gp -fonda
ealdian WII become old
- pp geealdad
ealdor (aldor) m prince, chief, lord
- gs ealdres
- ds ealdre
ealdor-bisceop m chief bishop
ealdor-dm m lordship, sovereignty
ealdor-lang adj life-long, lasting
- as -langne
ealdor-monn m alderman, chief, ruler, magistrate, chief officer of the shire
- ns -mon, -mann
- gs -monnes
- np -men
ealgian WII defend
- pret 3 pl ealgodon
eall (all) adj all
- as alne, ealle
- is ealle
- np ealle, alle, ealla
- gp ealra, eallra
- dp eallum
- as ealle, ealla, eall, eal
- gs ealles (adv) altogether, quite, entirely
- ealles, ealra swost (adv) most of all, especially
- ealles for swe (adv) altogether, utterly
- ds (or dp) mid (myd) eallum (adv) altogether, entirely
- is mid ealle (adv) withal (= and everything)
- as ealne weg (adv) all the way, always
- ealneg (= ealne weg) (adv) all the way
- ealne dæg (adv) all the day
- eall sw (adv) just as
eallinga see:eallunga
eallunga (eallinga) adv altogether, entirely
Eall wealdend m Ruler of all
ealu (ealu) n ale
- gs eala
a-lond n island
- ds -londe
am m uncle
[Ger Oheim]ar n ear (of corn)
- ds are
- as ar
earc f ark
- gs earce
- as earce
eard m dwelling, home, country
- gs eardes
- ds earde
- as eard
[eore]eard-geard m dwelling-place, earth
eardian WII dwell
- 3 pl eardia
- pret 3 pl eardodon
earding (eardung) f habitation
- ap eardinga
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eard-stapa m land-stepper, wanderer
eard-stede m dwelling-place
eard-wc n dwelling
earfo (earfe) n difficulty, toil, hardship, torture, torment
- gp earfoa
- ap earfou
[Ger Arbeit]earfoe adj difficult
- gs earfoes
earfolc adj difficult, full of hardship
earfones f hardship, torture
- ap -nessa
ar-gebland n wave-mingling, ocean
earh (earg) adj cowardly
[Ger arg]earm m arm
earm adj poor, pitiable, wretched, despicable
- as earmne
- np earme
- comp ns earmra
[Ger arm]earm-cearig adj wretched, full of care
earming m poor wretch
- np earmingas
earmlc adj miserable, wretched
- gs -lces
- ds -lcum
earn m eagle
- gs earnes
- ds earne
- as earn æftan hwt [(cf Gr )]
[Ger Aar]earnian WII earn (w gen)
- 3 sg earna
- 3 pl earnia
eart see:bon
ast adv east, in an easterly direction
astan (stan) adv from the east
- wi astan to the east
- be astan to the east of (w dat)
a-stæ n river-bank
- ds -stæe
ast-dl m eastern quarter, the east
- ds -dle
ast-ende m east-end
ast-engle m pl East-Angles, East-Anglia
- gp -engla
aster-dæg (astor-) m Easter Day
- ds -dæge
- is Eastordæge
ast-healf f east side
- ds -healfe
ast-lang adj extending east
ast-rce n eastern kingdom
astro (astru, astre, astron) pl tant f n Easter
- ap astron
ast-ryhte adv eastward
ast-seaxe (-seaxan) m pl East-Saxons
- gp -seaxna
- ap -seaxe
ast(e)-weard (-werd) adj eastward, easterly
- gs weardes (adv)
- ds -weardre
- as -weard
ast-weg m east-way, path in the east
ae adv easily
- comp (e) a
- supl ast
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a-md (ad-) adj humble-minded, humble
- ns admd
- is -mde
- ap -mdan
a-mdlce (ad-) adv humbly
a-mdnes (ad-) f humility, meekness, condescension
- gs -nesse
- gp -nessa
aw-fæst (w-, -) religious, pious
- ns -fæsta
- ds -fæstre
eax f axis, axle tree
- ds eaxe
- as eaxe
ebba m ebb
- ds ebban
Ebras m pl Hebrews
- gp Ebra
Ebrisc adj Hebrew
ce (ca, cea) adj eternal, everlasting
- ds can
- gp cra
eced m n vinegar
- ds ecede
[Lat actum; Ger Essig]celce adv eternally
ecg f edge, sword
- ds ecge
cnes f eternity
- as -nysse
- as -nesse
ed-geong (-giong) adj becoming (or being) young again
ed-lan n reward
- gs -lanes
- ds -lane
- as -lan
ed-nwe (-nowe) adj renewed, restored
ed-nwinga adv anew
edor (eodor) m enclosure, dwelling
- np ederas
ed-wenden f overturning, change
efen-h (-nh) f neighboring plain
- ds -he
[nah]efen-hloor n equal, united harmony
- is -hlore
efes f eaves, border, side (of a forest)
- ds efes (for efese ?)
efne [(cf emne)] adv even, only, just
efn-ce adv co-eternally
efstan WI hasten (intr)
- ptc efstende
- imp 2 pl efsta
- pret 3 sg efste
- 3 pl -on
[*of-st]eft adv again, back, afterwards
- eft ongan see:(see ongan)
ege m fear, terror
[Goth agis]egesa m terror, fear
- ds egesan
egeslc adj terrible, horrible
egeslce adv horribly
htan WI pursue, persecute (w gen)
- 3 sg ht
[ht]htere m persecutor
htnis f persecution
- ns -nys
- as -nysse
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elcor (ælcor) adv otherwise
eldan (ieldan, yldan) delay, hesitate
- pret 3 sg elde
[eald]ele m oil
[Lat oleum]el-fremed (æl-) (pp) adj separated, released, extraneous
- ns ælfremed
- ap ælfremede
ellen n strength, courage, fortitude, zeal
- ds mid elne boldly
- on elne boldly
- as on ellen boldly
[Goth aljan]ellen-wdnis f zeal, fervor
- gs -nisse
elles adv else
- hwæt ... elles what else
- nn ing elles nothing else
eln f ell (measure)
- gp elna
el-odig (æl-) adj of another nation, foreign, strange
- as lodigne
el-odisc (æl-) adj foreign, strange
- ns ælodisc
embe see:ymbe
emb-gangan R compass (trans)
- opt 3 sg -gange
emne (emn, cf efne) adv equally
emn-lang (efn-lang) adj equally long
- on emnlange prep (w dat) along
ende m end
ende-byrdlce adv in an orderly manner
ende-byrdnes f order
- ds -nesse, -nisse
endemes (endemest) adv equally, in like manner
endian WII end, bring to an end
- opt 3 sg endige
endlyfta num eleventh
- is -lyftan
enge adj narrow, oppressive, cruel
- ns enga
engel m angel
- ds engle
- as engel
- np englas
- gp engla
[Lat angelus]Engla-feld m Englefield (Berkshire)
- ds -felda
Engla-land n country of the Angles, England
- ds -lande
Englisc adj English
- gs Engliscre
- as Englisc
- gp Engliscra
Englisc-ge-reord n English language
- ds -reorde
eno see:ono
ent m giant
- gp enta
ode, odon see:gn
eodorcan [(cf ed-rocian, ed-recan, roccettan)] ruminate
- ptc eodorcende
[Ger räuspern]Eofer-wc (Efer-) n York
- as Eferwc
[cf Ger Eber]Eofer-wc-ceaster f York
- ds -ceastre
eoh m n horse
[Goth aihwa]eom see:bon
eorcnan-stn (eorclan-) m precious stone
[Goth -airkns]ored (orod) n company, troop, host
- ap oredu
[*eoh-rd]Page 275
ored-ciest (-cyst) f company, troop, host
- dp -cystum
eorl m
- earl (a Danish title corresponding to the native ealdorman)
- np eorlas
- gp eorla
- Applied to an ealdorman
- ds eorle
- warrior
eornoste adv earnestly, fiercely
eornostlce adv earnestly, indeed
eor-bend m earth-dweller
- np eorbgigende
eore f earth
- gs eoran
eorlc adj earthly, worldly
- ns -lca
- gs -lcan
- as -lce
eor-scræf n earth-cave, grave
- ds -scræfe, -scrafe
eor-weg m earth-way
- ds on eorwege on earth
ow (ower, owic) see:
ower (ower) poss pron your
- gs oweres
- ds owrum
- as owerne, ower
- np owre
- dp owrum, owrum, owerum
- ap owre
ow-land n Öland (island in the Baltic Sea)
erce-bisceop m archbishop
- ds -bisceope
erce-hd m archiepiscopal dignitary
erian WI ear, plough
- pret 3 sg erede
erm see:yrm
esne m servant, man
- ds esne
[Goth asneis]esal (eosol) m ass
- ap esolas
[Goth asilus]st f favor, grace
[Ger Gunst]st-full adj devout
- ds -fullum
Est-land n country of the Estas (on the eastern coast of the Baltic sea)
Est-mere m Frische Haff
Estum dp m the people of Est-land
esul-cweorn f millstone
etan (principal parts: pret sg:t pret pl:ton pp:eten ) 5 eat
- imp 2 pl eta
- opt 3 sg ete
ettan WI graze
el m landed property, home, native country, territory
- ds ele
- as el
- is le
[cf Mod allodial]el-lond n native land
el-turf f native turf, country
- ds -tyrf
Exan-ceaster (-cester) f Exeter
- gs -ceastres, cestres
- as -ceaster, -cester
exl (eaxl) f shoulder
- as exle
[cf Mod axle]Page 276
fæc n division, space, interval, portion of time
- ds fæce
- as fæc
[Ger Fach]fcen (fcn) n deceit, treachery, wickedness
- gs fcnes
- is fcne
- ap fcn
fcne adj guileful
fæder m father
- gs fæder
- np fæderas
fæderlc adj fatherly, paternal
- ns -lce
fg (fh) adj colored, variegated
[Goth -faihs]fge adj fated, doomed to death
- np fge
- ap fgean
[Ger feige]fægen adj fain, glad, rejoicing (w gen)
fæger adj fair, beautiful, pleasant
- gs fægeres
- is fægre
- np fægra
- comp ap fægerran
- supl dp fægrestum
fægere (fægre) adv beautifully, well
fægernes f fairness, beauty
- gs -nesse
- as -nesse
- ap -nissa
fægnian WII rejoice (w gen)
- ptc fægnigende
- pret 3 sg fægnode
fh (fg) adj hostile
[gef 'foe']fh f feud
- as fhe
[Ger Fehde]Falster prop noun Falster (island in the Baltic Sea)
fandian WII try, tempt, test, examine, seek to know
- imp 2 pl fandia (w gen)
[findan]fandung f temptation, test, usage
- ds -unge
fær n journey, expedition
- ds fære
faran (principal parts: pret sg:fr pret pl:fron pp:faren ) 6 go, proceed, travel, march
- 2 sg færest
- 3 sg fær
- 3 pl fara
- imp 2 pl fara
- opt 3 sg fare
- 2 pl faren
- pp gefaren
færelt (færeld) m n going, motion, journey
- gs færeltes, færeldes
- ds farelte
fringa adv suddenly
[fr 'fear']frlc adj sudden
- ns frlca
- ds -lcum
frlce adv suddenly
fær-sceat m passage-money, fare
[cf Mod scot-free]fr-sceaa m sudden or dangerous enemy
- ds -sceaan
faru f journey
- ds fare
fæst adj fast, firm, secure
- as fæstne
- np fæste
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fæste adv fast, firmly, securely
fæsten n
- fort, fortress, fastness
- ds fæstenne
- as fæsten
- fast (abstinence from food)
- ds fæstene
fæst-hafol adj retentive
- ds -hafelum
fæstlce adv firmly, securely, resolutely, bravely
- comp fæstlcor
fæstnian WII fasten, confirm
fæstnung f security, safety
fæt n vessel
- ap fatu
[Mod vat]ftels m n vessel
- ap ftels
fæm m f embrace, grasp
fæm-rm n (fathom-number) fathom measure
- gs -rmes
feallan (principal parts: pret sg:foll pret pl:follon pp:feallen ) R fall
- ptc feallende
- as feallendne
- 3 sg fyl (of the course of water), fealle
- 3 pl fealla
feallenlc (feallendlc) adj unstable
fealo-hilte adj fallow-hilted
fealu (fealo) adj fallow, pale, yellow, dusky, dark
- ns fealo
- as fealone
- np fealwe
Fearn-hamm m Farnham (Surrey)
- ds -hamme
fawe (fa; fawa, due to assoc w fela) adj pl tant few
- dat fawum, faum
- acc fawa
feccan (fecgan fetian) WIII fetch
- ptc feccende
- imp 2 pl fecca
- pret 3 sg fette
fela (feola feala fæla) n [(sometimes as adj; rarely inflected)] much, many (w gen)
[Ger viel]feld m field, battle-field
- as feld
felg (felge) f felly
- ds felge
- np felga, felgea, felgan
[folan]fell n fell, skin, hide
- as fel
- ap fell
feng m grasp
[fn]feoh (fioh, fo) n
- cattle
- goods, property, money, riches
- gs fos
- ds fo
- as feoh, fioh
[Mod fee]Page 278
feoh-gfre adj greedy of possessions, avaricious
feoh-las adj without money
- np -lase
feohtan (principal parts: pret sg:feaht pret pl:fuhton pp:fohten ) 3 fight
- ptc feohtende
- 2 sg fihtest
feohte f fight, battle
folan (principal parts: pret sg:fealh pret pl:fulgon,flon pp:folen ) 3 reach, penetrate
[Goth filhan]fol-heard adj hard as a file
- ap -hearde
fond m fiend, enemy
- as fond
- gp fonda
- dp fondum
- ap fnd
feorh (fiorh) m n life
- gs fores
- ds fore, fore
- as feorh
feorh-geong adj young in life, youthful
feorh-hord n life-hoard, spirit
feorh-hs n life-house, body
feorm (fiorm) f
- food, provision, goods
- use, benefit
- as fiorme
[Mod farm]feormian WII consume
- 3 sg feorma
feorr (far, feor) adv supl firrest fyrrest
- feor far back (time)
feorr adj far, far from (w dat)
- feor m far from that (metaph)
feorran (fiorran) adv from afar
fora num adj fourth
- ds foran
- as foran
- gs bynnan foran healfes dæges fæce within three and a half days
fower num four
fower-tig num forty
- gen -tiges
fower-tne (-tene) num fourteen
- dat -tnum
fran WI go, travel
- pret 3 sg frde
- 3 pl frdon
ferh (fer) m n mind, spirit, heart
- ns fer
- ds ferhe, fere
- as fer
ferian WI; W II carry, transport
- ptc ferigende
- pret 3 sg ferode, ferede
- 3 pl feredon
- pp geferod
fers n m verse
- ds ferse
- ap fers
[Lat versus]fersc adj fresh
- np fersce
fer-loca (ferh-) m (inclosure of the spirit), spirit, heart, mind
- as -locan
fetor (feotor) f fetter
- dp feterum
fa m band of foot-soldiers, troop
- ap fan
[findan]feer f feather
- np fere
- gp fera
- dp feerum
- ferum (wing?)
Page 279
feer-homa m feather-garb, plumage
fc-trow n fig-tree
[Lat fcus]fierd (fird, fyrd) f
- (military) expedition
- ds fyrde
- (the national) army
- ds fierde
- as fierd
[faran]fierdian (fyrdian) WII be on a military expedition
- pret 3 pl fierdedon
fierd-las adj unprotected by the army
ff num five
- nom ffe
- dat ffum
ffta num adj fifth
fftig num fifty
- gen fftiges
- dat fftegum
ff-tne (-tne) num fifteen
findan (principal parts: pret sg:fond pret pl:fundon pp:funden ) 3 find, come upon, supply
- 3 sg finde
Finnas pl m the Finns
finta m tail
fras pl m men
- gp fra, fra
- dp frum
firgen-stram m mountain-stream, woodland-stream
[Goth fairguni]fisca see:fiscna
fiscere m fisher
- np fisceras
fiscna (fiscno fisca) m fishing
- ds fiscae
fieru pl n wings
- np firu
- gp fira
- ap firu
fl (fln) f m arrow
- gs flnes
- as (or ap) fln
flsc n flesh
- gs flsces
- ds flsce
- as flsc
- is flsce
flsc-homa m (covering of flesh) body
flsclc adj fleshly, corporeal, carnal
- ds -lcre
flam m flight
- gs flames
- ds flame
- as flam
flogan (principal parts: pret sg:flag pret pl:flugon pp:flogen ) 2 fly (intr)
- 3 sg floge
[cf flon]flon (flon, flogan) (principal parts: pret sg:flah pret pl:flugon pp:flogen ) 2 flee, escape (trans and intr)
- ger flonne
- ptc ds flondum
- 3 sg flh
- 3 pl flo
- imp 2 pl flo
flotan (principal parts: pret sg:flat pret pl:fluton pp:floten ) 2 float
- ptc gp flotendra
flett n floor of the hall
- as flet
flocc m flock, company, troop
floc-rd f a riding company, troop
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fld m f n flood, wave, tide, stream
- as fld
fldan see:Pryfet
fld-wylm (wielm) m f welling flood
[weallan]flot n deep water, sea
- as on flot ?afloat?
[Mod afloat]flota m sailor, seaman, pirate
- as flotan
- np flotan
- gp flotena
flwan (principal parts: pret sg:flow pret pl:flowon pp:flwen ) R flow
- ptc flwende
- as flwendan
- 3 sg flw
flyht m flight, escape
- ds flyhte
- as flyht
flyht-hwæt adj bold or swift of flight
- gs -hwates
- ap -hwate
flma m fugitive
- gp flmena
[flam]fnst m blowing, breath
fddor (fdor) n food
fdor-egu f partaking of food, repast
- gs -ege
[iegan]folc n folk, people, nation, army
- gs folces
- is folce
folc-ge-feoht n general engagement, pitched battle
folcisc adj vulgar, popular
- np -isce
folc-stede m place of assembly, battle-field
- ds -stede
fold-gend m (earth possessor) earth-dweller
- gp -gendra
folde f earth, land, country
- gs foldan
[feld]fold-wæstm m fruit of the earth
fold-weg m way, path (on the earth)
- ds (is) -wege
folgian (fylgean) WII; W III follow, serve, observe, obey (w dat)
- ptc fylgende, fyliende
- 1 pl fylgea
- imp 2 pl folgia
- opt 1 pl fylgen, fylgeon
- pret 3 sg filgde, folgode
- 2 pl fyligdon
- 3 pl folgodon, filigdon
folgo m service, official dignity, office
[folgian]folme (folm) f hand
- ds folman
[flan 'feel']fn (principal parts: pret sg:fng pret pl:fngon pp:fongon ) R seize, grasp, capture, take, receive
- 3 pl f
- pret 1 sg t rce fng came to the throne
- t re sprce fng
- t wpnum fng
- 3 pl fngon tgædere engaged in battle
for prep w dat instr and acc
- (w dat, instr) before (place)
- (w dat, instr) for, on account of, because of, owing to (cause, condition, remedy)
- for m (m) conj; for, because, since
- for on
- for an
- for m (m) e
- for e
- for on e
- for an e
- for for this, therefore
- for
- for ig
- for on
- for hwm wherefore
- for hwig
- for hwon
- (w acc) for, instead of
Page 281
for adv (intensive) very
for f journey
- ds fre
[faran]foran adv before, in front
- foran t
- t foran
for-bærnan WI cause to burn, to burn (trans)
- sg -bærne
- 3 pl -bærna
- opt 1 pl -bærne
- pret 3 pl -bærndon
- pp -bærned
for-bodan 2 forbid
- pp pl forbodene
for-beornan 3 burn (intr)
- pp -burnen
for-beran 4 suffer, permit
- 3 sg -bire
for-berstan 3 burst asunder, vanish, fail
- 3 sg -birste
for-bgan 2 avoid, escape
- pret 3 sg -bah
ford m ford
- ds forda
- as ford
for-dn irreg destroy
- pret 3 sg -dyde
fore prep (w acc) before (place)
for-ealdian WII become old
- pp forealdod
fore-bacen (-bacn) n fore-token
fore-genga m predecessor, ancestor
- np -gengan
fore-gsel m preliminary hostage
- gp gsla
[Ger Geisel]fore-mihtig adj prepotent
fore-scawung f fore-sight, providence
- as -scawunga
fore-secgan WIII
- say beforehand
- pret 1 pl -sdon
- pl -sdan
- pp sg -sde aforesaid
- foretell, predict
- pret 1 sg -sde
fore-sprc f defence
fore-sprecan 5 speak or mention beforehand
- -sprecenan aforesaid
- pp sg -sprecena aforesaid
fore-stæppan (-steppan) (principal parts: pret sg:-stp pret pl:-stpon pp:-stapen ) 6 precede (w dat)
- 3 sg -stæp
- 3 pl stæppa
fore-tiohhung f predestination
fore-ingian WII plead for one, defend
- 3 sg -inga
- opt 3 sg -ingie
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fore-onc m forethought, foreknowledge
- ds -once
fore-witan pp foreknow
- 3 sg -wt
fore-wtegian WII prophesy
- pret 1 sg -wtegode
for-faran 6 get in front of, obstruct
- pret 3 pl -fron
for-giefan (-gifan, -gyfan) 5 give, grant; forgive
- ger -giefanne
- pret 3 sg -geaf
- 2 pl -gafon
- pp -gifen
- pl -gifene, -gyfene
for-gifennis (-gyfennis) f forgiveness
- as -nisse, -gifenysse
fore-gongan R go before, precede
- opt 3 sg -gange
for-grindan (principal parts: pret sg:-grond pret pl:-grundon pp:-grunden ) 3 grind to pieces, destroy, consume
for-grpan 1 seize, snatch away
- 3 sg -grpe
for-gyldan (-gieldan) 3 repay, requite, buy off
- 3 sg -gilt
- 1 pl -gylda
- opt 2 pl -gyldon
for-gytan (-gietan, -gitan) 5 forget
- pret 3 sg -geat
for-gytol adj forgetful
for-hæfednis f restraint, abstinence
- as -nysse
for-heard adj very hard
- as -heardne
for-hawan R hew, cut down
for-helan 4 conceal
for-hergian WII harry, devestate, lay waste
- pp -hergod
for-hogdnis f contempt
- ds -nisse
for-hogian WII despise
[cf. for-hycgan]
- ptc -hogigende
- 3 sg -hoga
- 3 pl -hogia
- opt 3 sg -hogige
- pret 3 sg -hogode
for-hradian WII hasten before, anticipate, prevent
- 3 sg -hrada
forht adj afraid
- np forhte
forhtian WII fear, be afraid (intr)
- ptc ap forhtgendan
- 3 pl forhtiga
- 3 sg forhtige
- pret opt 3 pl forhtedon
forhtung f fear
- ds -unge
for-hwæga (-hwega) adv at least, about
for-hycgan WIII despise
[cf. forhogian]
- 1 sg -hycge
for-læ_tan (principal parts: pret sg:-lt pret pl:-lton pp:-læ_ten ) R leave, leave off, omit, abandon, neglect, lose
- ptc -læ_tende
- 3 sg -læ_t
- opt 3 sg -læ_te
- 3 pl læ_ten
for-læ_tnes f remission
- gs (or gp) -nessa
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for-losan (principal parts: pret sg:-las pret pl:-luron pp:-loren ) 2 lose, abandon, destroy
- 3 sg -lst
- opt 3 sg -lose
- 1 pl -losen
- pret 2 sg -lure
forma (fyrmest, firmest) supl adj first
- as forman
for-niman 4 take off, destroy
- pret 3 sg -nm
- 3 pl -nmon
for-rdan 1 intercept by riding before
- pret 3 sg -rd
for-rotian WII rot away, decay
- opt 3 sg -rotige
- pp -rotad
for-sacan 6 oppose, refuse
- pret 3 pl -scon
[Mod forsake]for-scrincan (principal parts: pret sg:-scronc pret pl:-scruncon pp:-scruncen ) 3 shrink, wither
for-scyldigan WII condemn
- pp -scyldigod
for-sarian WII sear, dry up, wither
- pp -sarod
for-son 5 overlook, despise, reject
- 3 sg -syh, -syh
- 3 pl -so
for-sewennis f contempt
- ds -nysse
for-sittan 5 delay
- pret 3 sg forsæt
for-spendan WI spend utterly, squander
- 3 pl -spenda
for-spyllan (-spillan) WI spill, waste, lose, destroy
- pp -spylled
for-spyllednis f spilling, waste, destruction, perdition
- gs -nysse
forst frost
- gs forstes
for-standan 6 understand
- pret 1 sg -std
for-stelan 4 steal away (trans)
- pret 3 pl -stæ_lon
for-suwian (-sugian -swugian -swgian) WIII keep silent (trans)
for-swæ_lan (-swelan) WI burn, scorch (trans and intrans)
- 3 sg -swle
- pret 3 sg -swæ_lde
[swol; Ger schwül]for-swelgan 3 swallow up
- pret 3 sg -swealh
for-togean WII ordain
- pp -tode
for-tredan (principal parts: pret sg:-træd pret pl:-træ_don pp:-treden ) 5 tread down
for adv forth, forwards, onwards, away; henceforth
- for mid ealle forthwith
- and sw for and so on
for-fran WI depart, die
- pret 3 sg -frde
- 3 pl -frdon
for-fr f departure, death
- gs -fre
- ds -fre
for-georn adj eager to advance
for-genge adj progressive, successful
for-olian WII go without, miss, lack (w dat)
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for-rysmian WII choke, suffocate
- pret 3 pl forrysmodon
[rosm, 'smoke, vapor']for-s m departure, death
- ds -se
for-weard adj enduring
- as -weardne
for-weg m way leading forth
- ds forwege
for-ylman WI envelop, suffocate; consume
- pret 3 sg -ylmde
for-weard adj forward, fore
- ds -weardum
for-wegan 5 overcome, kill
- pp forwegen
for-weornian WII wither (intr)
- opt 2 pl -weornion
for-weoran (-wuran) 3 come to grief, perish
- 1 pl -wura
- opt 1 pl -weoron
- pret 3 sg -wear
for-wiernan (-wirnan, -wyrnan) WI prohibit, prevent, refuse (w gen)
- opt 3 sg -wyrne
for-wordenlc adj perishable
[weoran]for-wundian WII wound seriously
- pp pl -wundode
for-wuran see:for-weoran
for-wyrcan WI barricade, obstruct
for-wyrd f n fate, destruction
- ds forwyrde
for-wyrdan WI perish
- 3 sg -wyr
ft m foot
- gs ftes
- dp ftum
- ap ft
ft-ml n foot-print, space of a foot
ft-swæ n foot-print
- dp -swaum
fracod (fraco, fracu) adj of bad repute, detestable, vile, wicked
[*fra-c]fram see:from
franca m spear
- ds francan
Francan pl m the Franks
- gp Francena
Franc-land n the country of the Franks
- ds -lande
frætwe pl f ornaments, decorations, equipments
- gp frætwa
- ap frætwe
[*fra-twe]frætwian WII adorn
- pret 3 sg frætwode
- pp gefrætwad, gefrætewod, -ed
- pl gefrætewode
fra m lord
- gs fran
- ds fran
frcednis f danger, harm
- dp -nyssum
frcennes f danger, harm
- ds -nesse
frcne adj dangerous, perilous
- as frcnan
- ap frcne
[cf Mod freak]frcnes (frcnes) f danger, harm
- np frcnessa
- dp frcnessum
frfran WI comfort, console, cheer
frfrend (ptc) m comforter
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fremde (freme) adj strange, foreign, alien
- np fremdan, fremde
[from; Ger fremd]fremian WII benefit, profit (w dat)
- 3 sg frema
[from 'valiant'; Ger fromm]frem-sumlce adv kindly
frem-sumnes f kindness, benefit
- gp -nessa
- ap -nesse
fro see:fro
frod f good-will, peace
- as frode
frolce adv freely
fro-mg m free kinsman
frond m friend
- as frond
- ap frnd
frond-las adj friendless
- as -lasne
frondlce adv in friendly manner
frorig adj cold, chill
[frosan]freou see:fri
Frsisc adj Frisian
- gp -iscra
- as on Frsisc in the Frisian manner
fretan (principal parts: pret sg:frt pret pl:frton pp:freten ) 5 devour, eat
[<for-etan]frettan WI graze
- pret 3 pl fretton
fricgean 5 ask, inquire
[Ger fragen]Fresa (Frsa, Frsa) (adj) m a Frisian
frignan (frnan) (principal parts: pret sg:fræn pret pl:frugnon pp:frugnen ) 3 ask, inquire
- ptc frignende
- 3 pl frna
[Ger fragen]frimdi (frindig) adj desirous, petitioning
[fricgean]fro (fro froh froh) free
- ns froh, froh
- gp frora
fri m n [(freou f)] peace, security, protection
- gs fries
- ds frie
- as fri, freou
[Ger Friede]frd adj wise, prudent, skilful, experienced, old
- ns frda, frd
frfor (frfer) f comfort, consolation
- ns frfer
- as frfre
from (fram) prep (w dat instr); adv
- from (origin, departure, separation, release, distance)
- by, on the part of (agency)
- adv from, away
fromlce adv strenuously, promptly
fruma m beginning, creation; author, creator, chief
- ds fruman
[from]frum-sceaft f creation
frym f m beginning, origin, creation
- ds fryme
- gp fryma
[fruma]Page 286
fugelere m fowler
- np fugeleras
fugel-timber n (bird-structure), young-bird
fugol (fugel) m bird
- ns fugel
- gs fugles
- np fugelas
- gp fugela, fugla
[Mod fowl]fl adj foul
- supl ns (voc) fluste
ful-gn irreg perform, carry out, fulfil (w dat)
- 3 sg -gæ
flian WII decompose
- 3 pl flia
[fl]full (ful) adj full (w gen)
- as fullne
- ap full, ful
- ds fullan
- ds fullan adv fully, perfectly
full (ful) adv fully, perfectly, very (intensive)
- ful nah very nearly, almost
full-cræftig adj very efficient, virtuous (w gen)
- np -cræftige
full-fremedlce (ful-) adv perfectly
full-fremman WI do fully, fulfil, perfect
- 3 sg -freme
- opt 3 sg -fremme
- pp -fremed
full-hlig adj very holy
- np -hlige
fullian (fulwigan) WII baptize
- pret 3 sg fullode
fullce adv fully
fulluht (fulwiht) m f n baptism
- gs fulwihte
- ds fulluhte
[full; wh, 'sacred']fultum m help
- ds fultume, fultome
- as fultum
[*full-tam]fultumian WII help (w dat)
fulwiht-hd m baptismal rank, or vow
- ap -hdas
ful-wyrcan WI complete
- pret 3 sg -worhte
fundian WII strive after, intend, go
- pret 3 sg fundode
[findan]fur-lang n furlong
- gs -langa
[furh, 'furrow']furor (furur) adv further
furum (furon) adv even, just, quite
fs adj ready, eager
[Mod fuss]fyll (fiell) m fall, destruction, death
- ds fylle
- as fyl
[feallan]fylstan WI assist, help (w dat)
- pret 3 sg fylste
[*full-lst, lstan]fr n fire
- gs fres
- ds fre
- as fr
- is fre
fr-bæ n fire-bath
- ds -bae
fyrd-rinc m warrior
fren adj of fire, fiery
- ds frenum
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fyren-lust (firen-) m sinful lust
- np -lustas
fyrhto f fright, terror
- ds fyrhtu, fyrhto
fyrlen (fierlen) adj distant
[feorr]fyrmest see:forma
fyrn-dagas pl m days of long ago, ancient days
[Ger firn]fyrn-gar pl n years of long ago, ancient years
fyrn-ge-sceap n ancient decree
fyrn-ge-set n former seat or habitation
- ap -gesetu
fyrn-ge-weorc n ancient work
fyrst supl adj first, chief
fyrst (first, fierst) m division of time, time, period, respite
- gs fyrstes
- ds fyrste
- as first
[Ger Frist]fyrst-mearc f marked period of time, interval
- ds -mearce
fsan WI
- hasten (intr)
- send forth, impel (trans)
- pret 3 sg fsde
gædrian (ge-gædrian, cf ge-gaderian) WII gather
- 3 sg gædra, gegædra
- pp gegædrad
gafol n tax, tribute, profit, interest
- gs gafoles
- ds gafole
[cf Goth ga-baur]glan WI delay, hinder
- pret opt 3 sg glde
gamenian WII play, pun
- pret 3 sg gamenode
[gamen 'game']gamol-ferh adj aged
[*ga-ml]gn (principal parts: pret sg:ode pret pl:odon pp:gegn ) go, come, walk, advance
- 2 sg g
- 3 sg g
- 3 pl g
- imp 2 sg g
- 2 pl g
- opt 3 sg g
- pret opt 3 pl oden
gr m spear
- ap gras
[Mod gore, gar-fish, etc.]gr-berend m spear-bearer, warrior
gr-mitting f meeting of spears or javelins, contest
- gs -mittinge
gr-rs m spear-encounter, battle
gærs n grass, blade
grsecg m sea, ocean
gst (gst) m spirit
- gs gstes
- ds gste
gst-cyning m spiritual king
- ds -cyninge
gstlc (gstlc) adj
- spiritual
- gs gæslces (dial)
- as gstlce
- gp -lecena
- ap -lecan
- ghastly, terrible
- ns gstlc
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gstlce (gstlce) adv spiritually
gte-hr n hair of a goat
ge conj and
- ge ... ge both ... and
[cf ger]g see:
geador adv together
geaful m
- fork
- in pl, jaws, bird's bill
- np geaflas
[Ger Gabel]ge-gan PP own, possess
- ger -genne
ge-hnian (-gnian) WII claim as one's own, take possession of
- pp gehnod
gealla m gall
- ds geallan
ge-met(t)igian WII free, disengage from (w acc of pers and gen of thing)
- opt 2 sg gemetige
[met(t)ig]ge-an-bdian WII
- wait, remain (intr)
- inf -bdian
- imp 2 sg bda
- await (w gen)
- inf -bdian
ge-and-wyrdan WI answer
- pp -andwyrd
ge-n-lcan WI unite
- pret 3 sg -lhte
ge-an-lcian WII liken
- pres 1 pl geanlcie
gar (gr) n year
- gs gares
- ds gare, gre
- as gar
- is gare, gre
- ap gar, gr
gearcian WII prepare
- imp 2 sg gearca
[gearu]geard m enclosure, dwelling
- dp in geardum at home, in the world
gar-dæg m day of yore
geare (gearwe) adv readily, well
gearelce adv readily
ge-rian WII show mercy (w dat)
- opt 3 sg -rige
ge-ærnan WI run (or ride) for, gain by running (trans)
- 3 sg -æne
[yrnan]gearo-wita m intellect
- as -witan
gearu (gearo) adj yare, ready
- np gearwe, gearowe
[Ger gar]gearwian WII prepare
- pret 2 sg gearwodest
- 3 sg -ode
ge-r-wurian WII honor
- pret 3 sg -wurode
ge-scian (-xian) WII learn by inquiry, hear of, discover
- 1 pl -xia
- pret 3 sg -scode, -xode
- pp -scad
ge-scung f inquiry
- ds gescunge
geat n gate
- ds geate
- as geat
- ap gatu
geat-weard m gate-ward, door-keeper
ge-æele adj befitting noble descent
ge-xian see:ge-scian
ge-bdan WI compel, force
- pp gebded
ge-bre n gesture, behavior, cry
- np gebru
[beran]ge-bed n prayer
- is gebede
- as gebed
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ge-bodan 2 offer
- pret 3 sg -bad
ge-bor m (beer-companion), reveller
- dp geborum
- np geboras
ge-beorg (-beorh) n protection, defence
- ds gebeorge
ge-beorgan 3 protect, save
- pp geborgen (impers)
ge-borscipe m banquet, entertainment
- gs -borscipes
- ds -borscipe
- dp -borscipum
gebtan WI
- make amends for, repent of (trans)
- opt 3 sg gebte
- 3 pl gebten
- repent (intr)
[bt]ge-bcnian [(cf bacnian)] II betoken, indicate
- pp gebcnod
ge-bdan (principal parts: pret sg:-bd pret pl:-bidon pp:-biden ) 1
- await, look for (w gen)
- 3 sg -bde
- endure, experience
ge-biddan 5
- pray (w reflex acc)
- pret 3 sg gebæd
- pray (w reflex dat)
ge-began (-bgan -bgan) WI bow, bend, incline, convert (trans)
- inf -bgan, -bgean
- 3 sg -bg
- pret 3 sg -bgde
- pret opt 3 pl -bgden
- pp -beged, -bged
- pl -bgede, bgede
[bgan]ge-bgan see:ge-began
ge-bilde adj bold, confident
- ds gebildum
[beald]ge-bind n combination, commingling
ge-bindan 3 bind
- 3 pl -binda
- pret 3 sg -band
- pp -bunden
- gp -bundenra
ge-bsnung f example
ge-blsian WII bless
- pret 3 sg -bltsode
- pp -bltsod
- sg -bltsode
ge-blissian (-blyssian) WII
- rejoice (intr)
- inf -blyssian
- ptc -blyssigende
- make happy (trans)
- pp -blissad
ge-bod n command
- ds gebode
[bodan]ge-bræc n breaking, crashing
[brecan]ge-brdan WI broaden, become extended
- pp pl -brdda
ge-bradian see:ge-brdian
ge-brdian (-bradian) WII (breed), regenerate, restore
- pp gebradad
- pl gebrdade
ge-bregd n change, vicissitude
[bregdan]ge-browan (principal parts: pret sg:-braw pret pl:-bruwon pp:-browen ) 2 brew
- pp gebrowen
ge-bringan (-brengan) WI bring
- 3 sg -bring, breng
- imp 2 pl -bringa
ge-brocian WII afflict
- pp gebrocod
- np gebrocede
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ge-brosnodlc adj corruptible
ge-bror (ru -ra) m pl tant brothers
- np gebrra
- ap gebrru
ge-bd see:ban
ge-bn see:ban
ge-bycgan WI buy
- 3 pl -bycga
ge-bgan see:ge-began
ge-byrd n birth, rank, condition
- as -byrd
ge-byrgan WI taste
- opt 3 sg gebyrge
ge-byrian WI
- happen
- 3 sg gebyre (impers)
- pertain, behove (impers)
[Ger gebühren]ge-bsnian WII give good example
- pret 3 sg gebsnode
ge-bytle n building, dwelling
- np gebytlu
- gp gebytla
ge-camp m fight, battle
- ds gecampe
- as gecamp
ge-cosan 2 choose, elect
- pret 3 sg gecas
- pp gecoren (decide)
- np -corene
ge-cegan (-cgan -cgan) WI call, name, invoke
- 3 sg -cg
- pp -cged
- pl -cgede, -cgede
ge-cierran (-cirran -cyrran) WI
- turn, change, convert, direct (trans)
- imp 2 sg gecyr
- pp gecierred
- sg -cyrreda
- pl -cyrrede
- turn (one's self), go, return (intr)
- inf -cyrran
- imp 2 sg -cyrr
- opt 3 sg -cyrre
- pl -cyrran
- pret 3 sg -cyrde
ge-cgan see:ge-ciegan
ge-clnsian WII cleanse
- pret 3 sg -clnsode
- pp -clnsod
ge-clingan (principal parts: pret sg:-clong pret pl:-clungon pp:-clungen ) 3 cling, adhere, compress
- pp pl geclungne
ge-cnwan R know, understand
- 3 sg -cnw
- pret 3 pl -cnowon
ge-cneord-lcan WI be zealous, strive, study (intr)
- pret 3 sg -lhte
g-cneordlce adv diligently
ge-cnyrdnis f diligence, earnestness, study
- ds -nysse
ge-cringan 3 cringe, yield, fall
- pret 3 sg gecrong, gecranc
ge-crstnian WII christianize, catechise
- pp -crstnad
ge-cuman 4 come together, assemble
ge-cwme adj (becoming), acceptable, pleasing
[Ger bequem]ge-cgan see:ge-cegan
ge-cynd f n nature, kind, generation
- ns gecynde
- ds gecynde, gecinde
- as gecynd
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ge-cynd-bc f Genesis
ge-cynde adj natural
ge-cyrran see:ge-cierran
ge-cyrrednis f conversion
- gs -nysse
ge-can WI make manifest, show
- imp 2 sg -c
- pret 3 sg -cde
ge-cnis f manifestation, testament
- ds -nisse
- ap -nissa
ge-dafen [(cf ge-dfe)] adj fit, becoming
[Mod deft, daft]ge-dafenian (-dafnian) WII befit, suit (impers w dat)
- 3 sg gedafena
- pret 3 sg gedafnode, gedeofanade (dial w acc ?)
[Goth gadaban]ge-dl n division, separation
- as lces gedl dissolution, death
ge-dlan WI deal out (tear?)
- pret 3 sg -dlde
ge-dfe [(cf ge-dafen)] adj fitting, gentle, improved in condition
- comp ap gedfran
[Goth gadbs]ge-deofenian see:ge-dafenian
ge-deorf n labor, hardship, difficulty
ge-dihtan WI
- compose, dictate, write
- pret 3 sg -dihte
- direct, order
- pret 3 sg
[Ger dichten]ge-dn irreg
- do, act
- pret 3 pl -dydon
- pret opt 3 sg dde
- cause to be (trans)
- 3 sg -d
- 3 pl -d
- put into such and such a condition
- reach, arrive at
- pret 3 pl -dydon
ge-dreccan WI oppress, afflict, vex, trouble
- pp pl gedrehte
ge-drfan WI trouble, disturb, afflict
- 3 sg -drf
- 3 pl -drfa
- pret 2 pl drfdon
- pp -drfed
- pl -drfde, -drfede
ge-drfednis f trouble
- gs -nysse
ge-drosan 2 fall, fail
- pret 3 sg -dras
- pp pl -drorene
ge-drincan 3 drink up
- pret 3 sg gedranc
ge-drfenlc adj troublous
ge-dryht f train of attendants, retinue, company
ge-drync n drinking, carousing
ge-dwol-monn m erring man, heretic
- np -men
- gp -manna
ge-dwolsum adj misleading, erroneous
ge-dwyld n folly, error
- gs -dwyldes
- ds -dwylde
[dwol]ge-dyrst-lcan WI dare, presume
- pret 2 sg -lhtest
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ge-ealgian WII defend
ge-earnian WII earn, deserve
- imp 2 sg -earna
- opt 3 pl -earnien
- pret 3 sg -ode
- 3 pl -odon
- pp geearnad
ge-earnung f desert, merit
- ds -unge
- gp -unga
- ap -unga
ge-a-mdian WII humble, debase (w refl acc)
- pret 3 sg -mdde
ge-awan see:ge-owan
ge-ed-cwycian (-cwician -cuican) WII quicken, revive
- pp pl -cwycode
ge-ed-nwian WII renew
- 3 sg -nwa
- pp -nwad
ge-ed-staelian WII reestablish, restore
- imp 2 sg -staela
- pret 2 sg -staelodest
ge-efen-lcan WI imitate
- ger geefenlcenne
ge-ende-byrdan WI set in order, ordain, arrange
- pp -endebyrd
- as -endebyrdne
ge-endian WII
- end, finish (trans)
- ger geendianne
- pret 3 sg geendade
- pret opt 3 sg geendode
- pp geendod, -ad
- come to an end, die
- 3 sg geenda
ge-endung f ending, end
- ds geendunge
ge-owan (-awan) irreg show
- 3 sg -ow
- opt 3 sg -awe
ge-fædera m godfather in his relation to the father
ge-fadian WII arrange
ge-fgian WII variegate, embroider
- pp gefgod
ge-fær n going, journey
ge-faran 6
- go, travel (intr)
- pret opt 3 sg gefre
- travel (trans)
- depart out of life, die (intr)
- pret 3 sg gefr
ge-fæstnian WII fasten, fix
- pret 3 sg -fæstnode
- pp pl -fæstnode
ge-fa m joy, delight, gratification
- is ge-fan
ge-falc adj joyous, pleasant
ge-feccan (-fecgan -fetian) WIII fetch, take
- pret 3 pl -fetedon
ge-fgan WI join
- imp 2 sg gefg
- pp gefged
ge-feoht n fight, strife, battle
- ds gefeohte
- ap gefeoht
ge-feohtan (principal parts: pret sg:-feaht pret pl:-fuhton pp:-fohten ) 3
- fight
- gain by fighting, win
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ge-fon 5 rejoice (w inst or gen)
- ptc gefonde
- imp 2 sg -feoh
ge-fra m companion, comrade
- ds -fran
- np -fran
- ap -fran
ge-fran WI travel (trans)
ge-fre adj accessible
[faran]ge-fr-scipe m companionship
ge-feterian WII fetter, bind
- pret 3 sg -feterode
ge-fetian see:ge-feccan
ge-fexod (-feaxod) adj haired, having hair
- np -fexode
ge-fillednys f completion, fulfilment
ge-firnian WII commit a wrong, sin (intr)
- pret 1 sg -firnode
- 2 sg -dest
ge-fleman (-flman) WI put to flight
- pret 3 sg -flemde
- 3 pl -don
- pp -flmed
- pl -flemde
ge-flman see:ge-fleman
ge-flt n contention, strife
- ds -flte
[fltan; Ger Fleiss]ge-fn R take, seize
- 3 sg gefh
- hlyst gef listens
ge-forian WII accomplish
- pp geforod
ge-frge adj famous
[fricgan]ge-frge n report, hearsay
- is mine gefrge
- as I have heard say
ge-fremian WII [(cf ge-fremman)] perform
- 3 sg -frema
ge-fremman WI perform
- ger fremmenne
- imp 2 pl -fremma
- pret 3 sg -fremede
- 3 pl -don
- pp -fremed
ge-freoge (-frige) n information
[fricgan]ge-frolsian WII set free, deliver
- 1 sg -frolside
- 3 sg -frolse
- opt 3 sg -frolsige
ge-freoian (-frioian -friian) WII protect, favor
- imp 2 sg gefreoa
- pret 3 sg -friode
ge-frignan 3 learn by inquiry, hear
- pp gefrugnen
ge-fullian [(cf gefulwian)] WII baptize
- pret 3 sg gefullode
- pp gefullod
- pl gefullode
ge-fultumian WII help
- pp -fultumod
ge-fulwian [(cf gefullian)] WII baptize
- pp gefulwad
ge-fylce n army, troop, division
- dp gefylcium, gefylcum
[folc]ge-fylgan WIII follow (w dat)
ge-fyllan WI fell, cut down; deprive of (w gen)
- pp gefylled
[feallan]ge-fyllan WI
- fill (w gen)
- pp pl gefylda
- fulfil, complete, perform
- 2 pl -fylla
- opt 2 sg -fylle
- 1 pl -fyllon
- pret 3 sg -felde
- pp -fylled
- pl -fyllede
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ge-fylsta m helper
- ds -fylstan
ge-fylstan WI help (w dat)
- pret 3 sg -fylste
ge-fyrn adv formerly
- gefyrn r
ge-gaderian WII gather, collect, assemble (trans and intrans)
- 3 sg -gadera
- pret 3 sg -gaderode, -gaderade
- 3 pl -gaderodon
- pp -gaderod
- pl -gaderode
ge-gædrian see:gædrian
ge-gn [(cf gn)] irreg happen
- pret 3 sg geode
ge-gangan R obtain (trans)
ge-gærwan see:ge-gearwian
ge-gearwian (-gæwan, dial) WII prepare
- imp 2 sg -gearwa
- pret 3 sg -ode
- pret opt 3 sg -gearwode
ge-glengan WI adorn
- pret 3 sg geglengde
- pp glenged
ge-gdian WII endow
- pret 3 sg -gdode
[gd]ge-gremian WII enrage
- pp -gremod
- pl -gremode
[grom]ge-grpan (principal parts: pret sg:-grp pret pl:-gripon pp:-gripen ) 1 seize
ge-gyddian WII sing, utter
- pret 1 sg -gyddode
ge-gyrela m robe, dress, garment
- np gegyrelan
ge-hdian WII ordain
- pret 3 sg gehdode
- pp gehdod
ge-hl adj whole
ge-hlan WI heal (trans)
- 3 sg -hl
- opt 3 sg -hle
- pret 2 sg -hldest
- 2 pl -don
- pp pl -hlde
ge-hlgian WII hallow, consecrate
- pp gehlgod
- pl -ade, -ode
ge-htan (principal parts: pret sg:-ht pret pl:-hton pp:-hten ) R
- promise
- 1 sg -hte
- pret 2 sg -hte
- name
- pp gehten
- pl gehtene
ge-ht-land n promised land
- gs -landes
ge-hwian WII look at, reconnoitre
- pret 3 sg -hwade
ge-healdan (principal parts: pret sg:-hold pret pl:-holdon pp:-healden ) R hold, protect, maintain, observe
- 3 sg gehelt
- opt 3 sg -healde
- 3 pl -dan
- pret 3 pl -holdon
- pret opt 3 sg -holde
- pp gehealdan
ge-healtsumnis f captivity
- ds -nysse
ge-hefigian WII weigh down, oppress
- pp gehefgad
ge-hgan WI effect, hold (an assembly)
ge-helpan 3 help (w dat)
ge-hende (adv) prep near (w dat)
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ge-hran see:ge-heran
ge-hergian WII capture (by harrying)
- pp gehergod
ge-hieran (-hran -hran -hran) WI hear
- ger -hranne
- ptc -hrende
- 2 sg -hrst
- 3 sg -hre
- 3 pl -hra
- imp 2 sg -hr, -here
- 2 pl -hra
- opt 3 sg -hre
- 1 pl -hron
- 2 pl -hran
- 3 pl -hren
- pret 2 sg -hrdest
- 3 sg -hrde
ge-hilt n hilt
ge-hran see:ge-heran
ge-hwian WII form, fashion
- 3 sg -hwa
ge-hlapan R leap (upon a horse), mount
- pret 3 sg -hlop
ge-hlotan 2 cast or draw lots
- pret 3 sg -hlat
ge-hlystan WI listen
- pret 3 pl -hlyston
ge-hngan WI humble, cast down
- pret 3 sg hnde
[hngan]ge-hola m protector
- gp geholena
[helan]ge-hrosan 2 fall, perish
- 3 sg gehrst
ge-hw pron each
- gs gehwæs
- ds gehwam
- as gehwone, gehwane
ge-hwanon adv from every quarter
ge-hwr adv everywhere
ge-hwæer pron both, either
- as -hwære, -hwæere
ge-hwelc see:gehwilc
ge-hwerfan see:ge-hwyrfan
ge-hwilc (ge-hwylc, ge-hwelc) each, every (pl all)
- np gehwyilce
- ds gehwilcum
- is gehwylce
- as gehwylcne
- nra gehwylc each one
- nra gehwilcum, heora fronda gehwilcum, hiera ... gehwelcum
- nra manna gwheylcne
- htna gehwylc
ge-hwyrfan (-hwierfan, -hwerfan) turn, change, convert
- 2 sg -hwyrfest
- pret 3 sg -hwyrfde
- pp pl gehwyrfede, gwhwerfede
ge-hdan WI hide, conceal, guard
- 3 sg geht
- pret 3 sg gehdde
ge-hygd f n mind, thought, purpose
ge-hyhtan WI have hope, trust
ge-hran see:ge-heran
ge-hyrdan WI oppress
- pret 3 sg gehyrde
[heard]ge-hrnes (-hernes) f hearing
- ds -nesse
ge-hrsumian WII hear, obey (w dat)
- imp 2 pl -hrsumia
ge-can see:ge-ecan
ge-ct see:ge-ecan
ge-ecan (-can -can) WI increase, add to
- inf -can
- pp gect
[ac]Page 296
ge-læccan WI seize, catch, take
- pret 3 sg gelæhte
ge-ldan WI lead
- 3 sg gelt
- opt 3 sg -lde
- pret 3 sg -ldde
- pl -lddon
ge-lred pp adj learned
- np gelrede, -edan
- supl ap gelredestan
ge-lstan WI
- perform, carry out (trans)
- 2 sg -lste
- opt 3 sg -lste
- pret 3 sg -lste
- help, stand by (intr w dat)
[Ger leisten]ge-laian WII invite, summon
- pret 2 sg -laodest
- pp -laod
[Ger ein-laden]ge-laung f (invitation), church, congregation
- gs -launge
ge-lafa m belief, faith
- ds -lafan
ge-laffull adj believing
- ns -leaffula
- gp -laffulra
fe-laffulnes f belief, faith
- as -nesse
ge-lecgan WI lay
- pp geld
ge-lfan see:ge-lifan
ge-lendan WI
- come to land, come, go
- pp gelend
- endow with lands
- pret 3 sg gelende
[land]ge-lofan see:ge-lefan
ge-leornian (-liornian) WII learn
- pret 1 sg -liornode
- 3 sg -leornode, -leornade
- 3 pl -don
- pp -liornod, -leornad
ge-lettan WI hinder, prevent
- pret 3 sg gelette
ge-lc adj
- like, resembling, same (as adjective standing alone)
- as gelcan
- like, resembling, same w dat
- np gelce
- supl ns gelcost, gelcast
ge-lc n similarity
- gs gelces
ge-lca m equal
ge-lce adv in like manner
ge-lcian WII please (w dat)
- pret opt 3 sg -lcode
gelcnes f likeness
- as gelcnysse
ge-lefan (-lfan -lfan -lofan) WI believe (w acc, dat, or gen)
- inf -lfan, -lfan, -lofan
- ger -lfanne
- ptc -lfende
- 1 sg -lefe, -lfe
- opt 2 pl -lofon
- 3 pl -lefen, lefon, -lfon
- pret 1 sg -lfde
- pp -lfed
- pp -gelfed, filled with belief, believing, adj
ge-lf-fæstan WI make alive, quicken
- pret 3 sg gelffæste
ge-limpan (principal parts: pret sg:-lomp pret pl:-lumpon pp:-lumpen ) happen
- pret -lamp 3 sg
ge-limplc adj fitting, suitable
- as -limplce
- dp gelimplcum, adv, by chance
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ge-lglan WII lay, deposit
- pret 3 sg, -lgode
- 3 pl -don
ge-lme adv often, repeatedly
ge-lmlcian WII become frequent
ge-lustfullian WII please (w dat)
- pret 3 sg -fullode
ge-lustfullce adv willingly
- comp gelustfullcor
ge-lfan see:ge-lefan
ge-lfed (-lfed, pp) adj weak, infirm
- gs gelfdre
[lf; Mod left (hand)]ge-lhtan WI illumine, give sight to
- pret 3 sg -lhte
ge-lsan WI release, break, tear
- pp gelsed
ge-mglc adj importunate
ge-mgnys f importunity
ge-mh (ge-mg) adj malicious, wicked
ge-mlan WI speak
- pret 3 sg -mlde
gman see:geman
ge-mna m intercourse; joining (of weapons)
- gs gemnan
ge-mne adj common
[Ger gemein]ge-mnelce adv in common, generally
ge-mre n boundary, border
ge-mael n talking, interview, harangue
- gs -maeles
ge-mearc n boundary, limit
- gs -mearces
ge-mearcian WII mark, designate
- 3 sg -mearca
- pp -mearcad
ge-met n measure
- ds gemete
- is gemete, degree
- as gemet, metre
ge-met adj meet, fit
ge-mtan WI meet with, find
- 2 sg -mtest
- 2 pl -mta
- opt 3 pl -mton
- pret 3 sg mtte
- 3 pl -on, -mtton
- pp gmtt, gemt
ge-mteng (gemting) f meeting, assembly
ge-metgian WII moderate, temper, restrain, regulate
- 3 sg -metaga
- opt 3 sg -metgige
ge-metgung f measure, regulation, order
- as -metgunge
- ap -metgunga
ge-metlce adv moderately
ge-miltsian WII show mercy (w dat)
- imp 2 sg gemiltsa
ge-molsnian WII moulder, decay
- 3 sg -molsna
- pp pl -molsnode
ge-mong n crowd, throng
- ds gemonge
- in gemonge (prep w dat) among
ge-mt n meeting, assembly, council, concourse, encounter
- gs gemtes
ge-munan PP remember, call to mind, be mindful of
- 1 sg geman
- 3 sg gemon
- imp 2 sg gemyne, gemune
- 2 pl gemuna
- pret 1 sg gemunde
- pret opt 3 pl gemundon
- imp 2 sg gemun
- opt 3 sg gemyne
- pret 3 sg gemunde
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ge-mundbyrdan WI protect
- pret opt 3 sg gemundbyrde
ge-mynd f n memory
- ds -mynde
- as -mynd
ge-myndgian (-myngian) WII keep in mind, remember
- pret 3 sg -myndgade
ge-myndig adj mindful of (w gen)
ge-myntan WI have in mind, intend
- pret 3 sg -mynte
- pp gemynt
gn (gna, gen gena) adv yet, still, even
ge-nadian WI compel
- pp genadad, gended
ge-neahhe (ge-nehe) adv enough, frequently, often
ge-na-lcan WI approach
- ptc -lcende, -lcende
- pret 3 pl -lhton
ge-nat m companion
[Ger Genosse]ge-nehe see:ge-neahhe
ge-nosian WII visit, approach, (trans)
- 3 sg -nosa
- pret 3 sg -ode
ge-nerian WI save, rescue, preserve
- 3 sg -nere
- pret 3 sg -nerede
- pp pl generode
ge-nihtsum adj sufficient, abounding
- ap -sume
ge-nihtsumian WII suffice
- 3 sg genihtsuma
- 3 pl -ia
ge-nihtsumlce adv sufficiently
ge-nihtsumnes f sufficiency
- gs -nysse
ge-niman (principal parts: pret sg:nm,nam pret pl:nmon,nmon pp:numen ) 4 take
- imp 2 pl genima
- opt 3 sg genime (reflex, collect oneself)
- pret opt 3 sg genme
ge-nip n mist, cloud, darkness
- ap genypu
ge-npan 1 become dark
- pret 3 sg genp
ge-nierian (-nyerian) WII cast down, abase, condemn
- pp genierod, genyerod
ge-nierung (-nyerung) debasement, wickedness
- ap -nyerunga
ge-nwian WII renew
- pp genwad
ge-nh (ge-ng) adj enough
ge-notian WII use, consume
- pp as genotudne
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geofon n sea, ocean
- gs geofones
ge-ofrian (-offrian) WII offer
- pret opt 3 pl geofrodon
geogo (giogo, iugo) f youth; giogu (young persons, collect.) (???)
- ds geogue
gomor adj sad
- as gomran
[Ger Jammer]gomor-md adj of sorrowful mood
- np -mde
gomrung f lamentation, moaning
- ds -unga
- as -unge
geond (giond) prep (w acc) throughout (place and time)
geond-faran 6 traverse
- 3 pl -fara
geond-hweorfan 3 pass over, traverse
- 3 sg -hweorfe
geond-lcan (principal parts: 3 sg pres:leolc pret sg:lc pret pl:lcon pp:lcen ) R play over, traverse
- opt 3 sg -lce
geond-lhtan WI
- illumine (trans)
- pret 3 sg -lhte
- pp pl -lhte
- shine over or upon (intr)
- pret opt 3 sg -lhte
geond-scawian WII overlook, survey
- 3 sg -scawa
geond-sendan WI send abroad
- pp -send
geond-encean WI think over, reflect upon
- 1 sg -ence
- 3 sg -ence
geond-wltan 1 look over (trans)
- 3 sg -wlite
geong (giong, iung) adj young
- ns gioncga
- ap geonge, iunge
geonglc adj youthful
ge-openian WII open
- imp 2 sg -opena
- pp pl -openede
georn (giorn) adj eager, earnest, desirous (w gen)
- np giorne
- ns georn
- np georne
georne adv eagerly, willingly, certainly, surely
- comp geornor
- supl geornost
geornfull adj eager, desirous
- np geornfulle
geornfullce adv eagerly, earnestly
- comp geornfullcor
geornfulnes f eagerness, zeal
- ds -nesse, -nysse
geornlce adv eagerly, earnestly, attentively
- comp geornlcor
ge-or-trwian WII despair of, distrust
- opt 3 sg geortrwige
ge-rcan WI reach, obtain
ge-rd adj trained, prudent
- as -rdne
ge-rdan R and WI counsel, advise
- 2 sg -rdest
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ge-rde n trappings
ge-rafian WII seize
- 3 pl gerafia
ge-reccan WI relate, explain, count
- ger -reccenne
- imp 2 sg -rece
- pret 3 sg -rehte
- pret opt 2 sg -reahte
- pp pl -rehte
ge-recednis f narration
- ds -nisse
ge-rfa m reeve
ge-rnian (geregnian) WII arrange, adorn
- pp gernod
ge-reord n speech, language
- ds -reorde
ge-reordung f refection, meal
- as -reordunge
ge-restan WI rest
ge-rihtan WI correct
- opt 3 sg gerihte
ge-rihte n law
- ap gerihta
ge-riht-lcan WI direct, correct
- ptc -lcende
- pp pl læhte
ge-ripan 1 reap
- pret 3 pl gerypon
ge-risenlc adj proper, suitable
- ap -lce
- comp as lcre
ge-risenlce adv suitably, fittingly
- comp -lecor
ge-rman WI
- widen, extend (trans)
- pret 3 pl rmdon
- pp rmed
- open a way (intr)
- pp rmed
[rm]ge-rne n secret, mystery
- np gernu
[rn]ge-slig adj happy, prosperous, blessed
- ns sliga
- np -slige
- comp np -sæligran
[sl; Ger selig]ge-sæliglc adj happy, blessed
- np -sliglca
ge-sliglce adv happily
ge-sl f happiness, fortune, prosperity
- gp gesla
- ap gesla
ge-srgian WII trouble, afflict
- pp as -srgodne
- pl -srgode
ge-scadlce adv discriminatingly, wisely
ge-scadws adj discriminating, intelligent, rational, wise
- ns -scadwsa
ge-scadwsnes f discretion, reason, wisdom
- ds -nysse
ge-sceaft f
- creature, creation
- ds gesceafte
- np gesceafta
- destiny, decree (of fate)
[scieppan]ge-sceap n
- creation
- ds gesceape
- destiny
- ap gesceapu
[scieppan]ge-sceapenis f creation
- ds -nisse
ge-scendan (-scindan) WI put to shame, confound
- pret 3 sg -scende
- pp -scinded
[sceond]ge-scean 6 harm, injure (w dat)
- pret 3 sg -scd
- 3 pl -scdan
[Ger schaden]Page 301
ge-scieppan (-scippan -scyppan) (principal parts: pret sg:-scp (-scop) pret pl:-scpon (-scopon_ pp:-sceapen (-scepen, -scæpen) ) create, make
- pret 3 sg -scp, -scop
- pp -sceapen
- pl -scæpene
ge-scnan 1 illuminate (trans)
ge-scindan see:ge-scendan
ge-scipian WII provide with ships
- pp pl gescipode
ge-scyldan WI shield, protect
- opt 3 sg -scylde
- pp -scylded
ge-scyldnis f protection
- as -nysse
ge-scyrpan WI clothe, equip
- pp as -scyrpedne
[sceorp]ge-scyrpla m garment
- np -scyrplan
ge-scan WI seek
ge-secgan WIII say, tell
- pret 3 sg -sde
- pp -sd
ge-seglian WII sail
ge-segnian WII cross oneself
- pret 3 sg -segnode
[segn]ge-selda m hall-companion, comrade, retainer
- ap geseldan
ge-sellan WI give up, yield
- pret 3 pl -sealdon
ge-sman WI reconcile
[Mod seem]ge-son (-son) (principal parts: pret sg:-seah pret pl:-swon (-sgon) pp:-sewen (-sawen -segen) ) see, observe, consider
- inf -son
- imp 2 sg -seoh
- pl -so
- sg -so
- 2 sg -sihst
- 3 sg -sih
- 1 pl -so
- opt 2 sg -so
- 3 pl -son
- pret 2 sg -swe
- pp gesegen, gesawen, gesewen
ge-set n seat, habitation
- np gesetu
ge-setnis f foundation, composition, narrative, decree
- ds -nysse
- ap -nyssa
ge-settan WI
- set, place, appoint
- pret 3 sg gesette
- pp geseted
- pl -sette
- compose, write
- pret opt 3 sg -sette
ge-san WI confirm
- pp pl -gesde
[s]ge-sewenlc adj visible
- np -lca
ge-sclian WII sicken
- pp gescclod
[soc]ge-siglan WI sail
ge-sih (-syh) f seeing, sight, presence
- ds -sihe, -syhe
- as -sihe, -syhe
ge-singan 3 sing
- pret 3 sg gesang
- pp gesungen
ge-son see:ge-son
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ge-sittan 5 occupy
- pret 3 sg gesæt
- pp as -setenne (sit out)
ge-slan 6 gain by fighting, win
- pret 3 pl geslgon
ge-smyrian WII annoint
ge-somnian (-samnian) WII collecty, assemble (trans)
- pp -samnod
- pl -ode
ge-somnung f collection, assembly
- gs -unga
- ds -unge
ge-sprec n interview, counsel
ge-standan 6
- stand
- opt 3 sg -stonde
- come upon
- pret 3 sg gestd
ge-staelian WII establish, build, confirm
- pret 1 sg -staelode
- pp -staelad
ge-stæig adj steadfast
- ds -stæegan
ge-steall n establishment, foundation
ge-stgan 1 ascend (trans)
- 2 sg -stgest
- pret 3 sg -sth
ge-stillan WI
- be still, cease (intr)
- imp 2 sg gestille
- pret 3 sg gestilde
- pl gestildon
- restrain, stop (trans)
- pret opt 3 sg gestilde
ge-stran (-steran, -stran) WI direct, restrain (w dat)
- pret opt 3 pl gestrden
[stor]ge-strangian WII strengthen
- imp 2 sg -stranga
- opt 2 sg -strangie
- pret 2 sg -strangodest
- pp -strangod
ge-stron n possession, property
- np -stron
ge-strnan (-strenan) WI (beget), acquire, win, gain
- 3 pl gestryna
- pret opt 1 sg gestrynde
[ge-stron]ge-sund adj sound, whole, safe
- as -sundne
- np -sunde
ge-sundfull adj sound, whole
- ns -ful
ge-sundfullce adv safely
- supl -lcost
ge-sws adj gentle
ge-sweorean 3 become dark, sad
- opt 3 sg -sweorce
ge-swcan (principal parts: pret sg:-swc pret pl:-swicon pp:-swicen ) 1 cease, leave off (w gen)
- opt 2 pl -swcon
- pret opt 3 pl -swicon
ge-swinc n toil, effort, hardship
- gs -suinces, -swinces
- ds -swince
ge-swns n harmony, melody
ge-swustor (-tru -tra) f pl tant sisters
- ap geswustra
ge-swutelian (-sweotolian) show, make manifest
- 3 sg -swutela
- pret 3 sg -swutelode
- pp -swutelod
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ge-synto f prosperity
gt see:get
ge-tæcan WI teach, show
- 1 sg getæce
ge-tcnian WII betoken, signify
- pret 3 sg -tcnode
- 3 pl -don
- pp -tcnod
ge-tcnung f signification, token, type
- ds -tcnunge
ge-tæl n number, order, narrative
- ds getele
- as getæl
ge-teld n tent, tabernacle
- ds getelde
ge-tellan WI tell, count, reckon
- pp geteald
ge-tengan WI hasten
- pret 3 sg getengde
ge-ton (principal parts: pret sg:-tah pret pl:-tugon pp:-togen ) 2 draw
- 3 sg -th
- pret 2 sg -tuge
- 3 sg -th
- pp pl getogene (instructed)
ge-torian WII diminish, fail, become exhausted
- pret 3 sg getorode
- pp getorod
ge-timbre n structure, building
- ap -timbro
ge-timbrian WII build
- 3 sg -timbre
- pret 3 sg -timbrode
ge-tmian WII happen
- pret 3 sg -tmode
ge-tian WII grant (w dat of pers and gen of thing)
- 3 sg -ta
- pret opt 3 pl -todon
- pp -tod
ge-toht n battle
- ds getohte
ge-truma m troop, (military) division
- as -truman
ge-trymman WI prepare, strengthen, confirm
- ptc -trymmende
- pret 1 sg -trymede
- 3 sg -trymde
ge-tn WI instruct
- pp getd
ge-æf adj (with gen) favoring, confessing
ge-afian WII permit, allow, consent to
- ptc -afiende
- 3 sg -afa
- opt 2 sg -afige
- pret opt 3 sg -afode
ge-afung f permission, assent
- ds -afunge
ge-and m n thought, purpose
ge-ancian WII thank (w dat of pers and gen of thing)
- 1 sg -ancie
ge-eaht f n
- thought, purpose
- ds geeahte
- council, deliberation
ge-eahtere m councilor
- np -eahteras
ge-encean WI think, take thought
ge-odan WI join, associate
- pret 3 sg -odde
- 3 pl -don
ge-ode (-ode) n language
- gs -odes (nation)
- as -ode, -ode
- gp -oda
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ge-odnis f association
- ds -nisse
ge-icgean 5 take, receive
ge-ingian WII plead for
- pret opt 3 sg -ingode
ge-ing (ge-ingu) f dignity, rank, office
- ds -inge
- as -incu
[ingan]ge-ht m thought
- ds -hte
ge-olian WII permit, allow
ge-rang n press, tumult
- ds gerange
ge-ran WI strengthen, arm
- pp gered
ge-ungen (pp) adj grown, triven, perfected, competent, excellent, distinguished
- ap -ungene
- ap ungnestan
[on]ge-wre adj concordant, at peace
ge-wrian WII make concordant
- 3 sg -wra
ge-wr-lcan WI agree to, allow (w dat)
- pret 3 pl -lhton
ge-wrnes f agreement, concord, peace
- as -nesse
ge-yld n f patience
- gs -ylde
[Ger Geduld]ge-yldig adj patient
ge-ydlce adv patiently
ge-uferian WII exalt
- pp geuferod
ge-unnan PP grant (w dat of pers and gen of thing)
- opt 2 sg -unne
ge-un-trumian WII weaken, make ill
- pp geuntrumod
g-wadan 6 go, advance
- pret 3 sg -wd
ge-wgan WI weigh down, distress
- pp pl gewgde
ge-wald (weald) n power, control
ge-wpnian WII arm
- pret 3 sg -wpnode
ge-wealdan R wield, control (w gen)
- pret 3 sg -wold
- pp ds gewaldenum
- gewaldenum controllable, inconsiderable, small
ge-wman WI entice, bring over
ge-wemman WI defile, impair, destroy
- pret 3 sg -wemde
- pp pl -wemmede
ge-wemmednis f defilement
- ds -nysse
ge-wemming f defilement
- ds -wemminge
ge-wendan WI return, go
- pret 3 sg -wende
ge-weorc n
- work, labor
- is -weorce
- military work, fortification
- ds -weorce
ge-weoran (wuran) (principal parts: pret sg:-wear pret pl:-wurdon pp:-worden ) 3
- happen, come to pass, become, be
- 3 sg gewyr
- 3 pl gewura
- opt 3 sg geweore
- gewure and hym let it be between you
- (impers w reflex acc)
- sw sw hine silfne gewyr according to his own decree
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ge-weorian WII honor
- pp -weorad
- pl -weorade
ge-wcian WII encamp, dwell
- 3 sg -wca
- pret 3 sg -wcode
- pp -wcod
ge-wilnian WII desire (w gen and acc)
- opt 3 sg -wilnige
- pret 3 sg -wilnode
ge-wilnung f wish, desire
- ds -unge
- np -unga
ge-win-dæg m day of strife
- np -dagas
ge-winn n struggle, strife, battle
- gs -winnes
- ds -winne
- as -winn
ge-winnan 3 obtain by fighting, win, gain
- pret 3 pl -wunnon
ge-wiss adj certain of (w gen)
- ns gewis
ge-wissian WII
- inform, instruct, enjoin (w dat)
- pret 3 sg -wissode
- guide, direct (w acc)
ge-wisslce adv certainly
ge-wita m witness
ge-wtan (principal parts: pret sg:-wt pret pl:-witon pp:-witen ) 1
- depart, swerve, fail
- 1 pl -wta, -wta
- imp 2 sg gewt
- 2 pl -wita
- opt 3 sg gewte
- 3 pl -ten
- pp pl gewitene
- depart (from the world), die
- 3 sg gewtt
ge-witenlc adj transitory
ge-witennis f departure, death
- gs -witenesse
ge-wtnian WII punish, chastise
- pp pl -wtnode
ge-witt n intelligence, understanding
- gs -wittes
- ds -witte
ge-wlitigian WII beautify, adorn
- pp gewlitigad
ge-wrecan 4 avenge
ge-write n writing, letter, scripture
- gs -writes
- as gewrit
- gp -writa
- ap -writu
ge-wran 1 bind
- pp pl gewryene
ge-wuldrian WII glorify
- pp gewuldrod
gewuna m habit, custom
- as -wunan
ge-wundian WII wound
- pret 3 sg -wundode
- pp -wundod
ge-wunelc adj customary
ge-wunian WII
- dwell, remain, live
- opt 3 pl -wunien (cogn acc)
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gewyldan WI bring into one's power, subdue
- pp gewyld
[ge-weald]ge-wyrc(e)an WI work, make, create
- pret 1 sg -worhte
- pp geworht, geworct
ge-wyrdan WI injure, destroy
ge-wyrdelc adj historical
ge-wyrht f n work, deed, desert
ge-wyrman WI warm
- pp gewyrmed
ge-wyrpan WI recover (from injury or disease)
- pret 3 sg gewyrpte
ge-wyrtian WII season with herbs, spice, perfume
- pp gewyrtad
ge-yrsian WII be angry with (w dat)
gieddian (gyddian) WII recite, speak
- pret 3 sg gieddade
giedding f utterance
- ap gieddinga
giefan (gifan gyfan) (principal parts: pret sg:geaf pret pl:gafon pp:giefen ) 5 give
- ptc gifende
- 3 sg gif
gief-stl m seat of a lord (giving gifts)
- ap giefstlas
giefu (gifu gyfu) f gift
- ns gifu
- ds gife, giefe
- as gife, giefe, gyfe
- gp gifena, gyfena, geofena, geofona
gielp (gilp gylp) m n boasting, arrogance, pride
- ns gilp
- gs gielpes
- ds gylpe
gielpan (gylpan) 2 boast (w gen)
- inf gylpan
gielt (gilt gylt) m guilt, offence, sin
- ds gylte
- ap gieltas, gyltas
geman (gman gman) WI care for, observe, regard (w gen)
- 3 sg gm
- pret 3 sg gmde, gmde
- 3 pl gmdon
- pret opt 3 sg gmde
gemen (gmen) f care, oversight, responsibility
- gs gemenne
get (gt gt gt gta gta) adv yet, besides, further, still
gif conj if
gfernes f greediness
- gs -nesse
gfre adj greedy
gifu see:giefu
gilp see:gielp
gilt see:gielt
gimm (gymm) m gem
- ns gim
- ds gimme
- gp gimma
gim-stn m precious stone, gem
- np -stnas
- gp -stna
- ap -stnas
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gin-fæst (ginn-) adj ample, liberal
go (go gu gu u o) adv formerly, before, of old
- u r
- gu already
- gt ... g yet of old
giond see:geond
gsel (gsel) m hostage
- ns gsel
- ds gsle
- ap gslas
[Ger Geisel]git see:
gt see:get
gtsian WII desire
- ptc dp gtsigendum
glæd adj glad, happy, bright, shining
- ds glædum, gladum
- as glædne
- supl ns gladost
glædlce adv gladly
glæd-md adj glad-hearted
- np -mde
glm m gleam, splendor
glæs n glass
glaw adj wise, prudent
- np glawe
Glaw-ceaster f Gloucester
- ds -ceastre
glaw-md adj wise, sagacious
gleng m f ornament
- np glengeas
- ap glengas
glengan WI adorn
- 3 sg glenge
glowian WII be merry, jest
- ptc glowiende
gldan (principal parts: pret sg:gld pret pl:glidon pp:gliden ) 1 glide
glw (glg glo) n glee, mirth
- ds glwe
glw-stæf m joy
- dp glwstafum
gnornian WII mourn, lament
- ptc gnorngende
God m God
- gs Godes
- ds Gode
- np godo
- gp goda
- ap godu
gd adj good
- ns good
- as gd, gde, gdan
- np goode
- gp gdra, gdena
- comp ns betera (bettera), betra, betere, betre
- supl ns betsta
- supl is bestan
- supl np betstan
gd n
- benefit
- ds goode
- as good
- gp gooda, gda
- goods, possessions
God-bearn n Son of God
- gs -bearnes
god-cund adj divine
- gs -cundre
- ds -cundre
- np -cundan
- gp -cundra
- dp -cundan
god-cundlc adj divine
- gs -lcan
- as -lce
god-cundlce adv divinely
god-cundnis f divine nature, divinity
- gs -nesse
- ds -nysse
- as -nesse
gd-dd f good deed
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Godmundinga-hm m Goodmanham (Bernicia)
god-spell n gospel
- ds -spelle
- as -spel
god-spellere m evangelist
- ns -spellere
- np -spelleras
god-spellc adj evangelical
- ds -spellcan
god-sunu m god-son
god-webb n purple (cloth)
- as godweb
- ds -webbe
gold n gold
- gs goldes
- ds golde
gold-fæt n golden vessel
- ds -fate
gold-hord n m treasure
gold-smi m goldsmith
- np -smias
gold-wine m (gold-friend), treasure giver, lord
gomol adj old
- ns gomel
[*ga-ml]gong (gang) m path, course
- as gang, gong
gongan (gangan, gengan) R go, walk, advance, march
- ptc gongende, gangænde
- imp 2 sg gang
- opt 2 pl gangon
Got-land n Jutland, Gothland (island in the Baltic sea)
grdelce see:grdiglce
grdig adj greedy
- as grdigne
grdiglce (grdelce) adv greedily
grg adj gray
- is grgan
- as grge
gram adj grim, angry, fierce, cruel
- np grame
- ap graman
grama m anger, wrath
- gs graman
grnung f groaning
græs-wong m grassy plain
- ds -wonge
Grcisc adj Greek
grne adj green
- np grne
- ap grnan
grot n gravel, sand, earth
- gs grotes
- ds grote
- as grot
grtan WI greet
- 3 sg grte, grt
- opt 3 sg grte
- pret 3 sg grtte
grimm adj fierce, cruel
- ap grimme
grimme (grymme) adv grimly
grindan 3 grind, sharpen
- pp pl gegrundene
gri n peace
[ON gri]grwan (principal parts: pret sg:grow pret pl:grwon pp:grwen ) R grow
- opt 3 sg grwe
grund m ground, bottom, earth, country, world
- ds grunde
- as grund
- ap grundas
grundlunga adv from the foundation, completely
gryre-lo n song of terror
- gp -loa
g-dd (u-dd) f former deed
- gp -dda
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guma m man, hero
- np guman
- gp gumena
g f battle
- gs ge
[cf Mod gon-falon]g-freca m warrior, valiant one
- ds -frecan
g-hafoc m war-hawk
g-plega m war-play, battle
g-rinc m warrior
gyden f goddess
- ap gydena
[god]gyft (gift gieft) f (technically) marriage payment, dowry
- pl marriage
[Mod gift]gyfl n food
gyfu see:giefu
gyldan (gieldan) 3 pay, requite
- 3 sg gylt, gilt
- 3 pl gylda
gylden adj golden
- ds gyldenum
- dp gyldnum
gylp, gylpan see:gielp, gielpan
gylp-word n boastful word
- dp -wordum
gylt see:gielt
gman see:geman
gme-last (geme-last, -lest) f neglect
- ds -laste
gym-stn see:gim-stn
gym-wyrhta m (gem-wright), jeweller
- np -wyrhtan
gyrd f rod, twig
- gp gyrda
- ap gyrda
gyrdan WI gird
- pret 3 sg gyrde
gyrela m robe, dress, garment
gyrn m f sorrow, misfortune
- is gyrne
gyrnan WI yearn, desire, be eager, strive
- 3 sg gyrne
[georn]gyst (giest) m guest, stranger
- np gystas
gyt see:
gt, gta see:get
gtsere m miser
gtsung f avarice
- gs gtsunge
habban WIII have
see:(see næbban)
- ger habbanne, hæbbenne
- 1 sg hæbbe
- 2 sg hafast, hæfst
- 3 sg hafa, hæf
- 1 pl habba
- opt 1 sg hæbbe
- opt 3 pl hæbben
- pret 3 sg hæfde
- pret 3 pl hæfdon
hd m condition, rank, office
- gs hdes
- ds hde
- as hd
- np hdas
- gp hda
[Mod -hood]hdor adj bright, clear
[Ger heiter]hdre adv clearly (light or sound)
hdung f ordination
- ds -unge
hafenian WII raise, lift up
- pret 3 sg hafenode
[hebban]Page 310
hafoc m hawk
hæftan WI seize, bind, make captive
- pp pl gehæfte
hæfting f captivity
- as hæftinga
hægel (hægl hagol) m hail
- ns hægl
- gs hægles
- is hagle
hægl-faru f hail-storm
- as -fare
hl adj hale, whole, sound, uninjured
- ds hlum
- np hle
hl (hlor) n welfare, salvation
Hlend m Saviour, Christ
- ds Hlende, Hlendum
- as Hlende
hlettan WI greet, salute
- pret 3 sg hlette
hæle (hæle) m man, hero, warrior
- ns hæle
- np hæle
- gp hælea
[Ger Held]hlga m saint
- np hlgan
- gp hlgena
hlgian WII hallow, consecrate
- pret 1 pl hlgodon
Hlgo-land n Halgoland (a district of ancient Norway)
hlig adj holy
- ns hliga
- gs hlgan
- ds hlgan
- as hlig
- gp hligra, hlegra
- is hlgestan (saints)
hlignes f holiness, religion
- gs -nesse
hlo (hlu) f salvation
- gs hle
- ds hle
- as hle, hlo
hals (heals) m neck
[Ger Hals]hlsian WII greet, address, entreat, implore
- 1 sg hlsige
- pret 3 sg hlsode
[hl]hlsung f entreaty
- ds -unge
hlwende adj salutary
hm m home
- ds hme, hm
- ap hmas
- adv hm
hamor m hammer
- gp hamora
Hm-tn-scr (-scr) f Hampshire
- ds -scre
hm-weard adv homewards
hm-weardes adv homewards
han-crd m cock-crowing (a division of the night)
- ds -crde
hand see:hond
hand-bred n palm of the hand
hand-ge-weorc n handiwork
- ds -weorce
hand-plega m hand-play or encounter, fighting
- gs -plegan
hr adj hoary, gray, old
- ns hra
hara m hare
hærfest m harvest, autumn
- ds -feste
[Ger Herbst]Page 311
hs f behest, command
- gs hse
[htan]haso adj dark, dusky
- ns haswa
haso-pd (hasu-) adj having a gray coat (of an eagle)
- as -pdan
haswig-fere adj dusky-feathered
- ns -fera
ht adj hot, fervid
- ds htan
- np hte
htan (principal parts: 3 sg pres:heht pret sg:ht,htte pret pl:hton pp:hten ) R
- order, command
- 1 sg hte
- 3 sg hte
- pret 3 sg heht, heht, ht
- name
- 3 sg ht
- 1 pl ha-ta
- passive htte: be called, hight
- pl htene
hte adv hotly
- supl htost
ht-heort adj hot of heart, passionate
ht-heorte f hot heart, anger
- ds -heortan
hatian WII hate
- 3 sg hata
- imp 2 pl hatia
- opt 3 sg hatige
htu (hto) f heat
hen adj heathen
- ns hena
- np hene, hnan
- gp -enra
hen-gyld n idolatry
hen-gylda m idolater
- np -gyldan
- dp -gyldum
hen-scipe m heathendom, idolatry
Hum (æt Hum) Haddeby (now Schleswig)
- ns æt Hum
- ds (of) Hum, (t)
h (ho hit) 3d pers pron he, she, it, pl they
- m ns h
- m gs his
- m ds him
- m as hine
- f ns ho, ho
- f ds hire
- n ns hit
- n gs his
- np he, h, h, ho
- gp hiera, hira, hyra, heora, hiora
- dp him, heom
- as he, h, ho
haf m f n mourning, lamentation
heafela (heafola) m head
- np heafelan
hafod n head
- gs hafdes
- ds hafde
- as hafod
- is hafde
- ap hafdu
hafod-burh f chief city, metropolis
hafod-monn m chief man
- ap -menn
hah adj high
- ns ha, hah
- gs han
- ds han
- as hahne, hanne, hane, ha
- comp ns hrra
- comp ds herran
- comp as hrran
- comp np herran
- supl ns hhste
- supl gs hehstan, hhstan
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hah-cyning m high king, God
hah-dacon m archdeacon
- np -daconas
hah-engel m archangel
- ds -engle
hah-fæder m patriarch
- ds -fædere
- np -fæderas
hah-ge-rfa m high reeve, chief officer
- ds -gerfan
hah-md adj proud
hah-seld (-setl) n high seat, throne
- ds -setle
- as -seld
hah-setl see:hah-seld
hah-ungen pp adj highly prospered, of high rank
- np -ungene
healdan (principal parts: pret sg:hold pret pl:holdon pp:healden ) R hold, possess, preserve, regard, observe
- ger healdanne, -enne
- opt 2 sg healde
- pret 2 sg holde
- pret 3 pl holdan
- pret opt 1 pl holdan
- pret opt 3 pl holdon
healf f half, part, side
- as healfe
- is healfe
- ap healfe
- ds healfe
- gp healfa
- on heora healfe on their own part only
- on healfa gehwm on every side
healf adj half
- ds healfum
- np healfe
- as healf gar
- ds rum healfum ls e a year and a half less than
- gs bynnan foran healfes dæges fæce see:(see foran)
halic adj high, exalted, glorious
- ds -lcum
heall f hall
- ds healle
healt adj halt, lame
- ap healte
han adj low, mean, abject, depressed, humbled
- ds hanan
[Ger Hohn]hanlc adj ignominious
hannis f height, highness, excellence
- as -nesse
hap m heap, crowd, multitude
heard adj hard, severe, cruel, intrepid, brave
- gs heardes
- ds heardum
- comp
- ns heardra
heardlce adv stoutly, bravely
heardnis f hardness
- as -nysse
hearm m harm, injury, grief
- gp hearma
hearm adj harmful, hostile
- gp hearmra
hearpe f harp
- ds hearpan
hearpere m harper
- gs hearperes
- ds hearpere
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hearpian WII harp
- pret 3 sg hearpode
hearpung f harping
- ds -unga
hearra m lord
[Ger Herr]harsum (hrsum) adj obedient (w dat)
heaerian WII restrain
- 3 sg heaera
heao-lind f war-linden, shield
- ap -linde
heao-rf adj famed in battle
- gs -rfes
hawan (principal parts: pret sg:how pret pl:howon pp:hawen ) R hew, cut, cut down, kill (trans and intr)
- imp 2 pl hawa
hebban (principal parts: pret sg:hf pret pl:hfon pp:hafen,hæfen ) 6 heave, raise, lift up
- 3 sg hefe
- 3 pl hebba
hefig adj heavy, oppressive
- dp hefegum
- comp
- np hefigran
hefigian WII oppress
- pp hefgad
hefignes f heaviness, weight
- as -nesse
hefig-tme adj oppressive, irksome
helan 4 conceal
[ger hehlen]hell f hell
- gs helle
helle-ssl n hell-torment
- ds -ssle
hellc adj hellish
- ds -an
hell-sceaa m hell-fiend
- np helsceaan
hell-waran (-ware, -waras) m pl inhabitants of hell
- gp -wara
help f help
- as helpe
helpan (principal parts: pret sg:healp pret pl:hulpon pp:holpen ) 3 help (w gen or dat)
- opt 3 sg helpe
ho see:h
heofon (heofone, f) m heaven
- gs heofenes, heofones, heofenan, heofonan
- as heofon, heofenan (or ap)
- gp heofena
- ap heofonas
heofon-cyning m King of heaven
- gs -cyninges
Heofon-feld m Heavenfield (Bernicia)
heofon-hrf n roof or vault of heaven
- ds heofunhrfe
heofonlc adj heavenly
- ns heofenlc, heofenlca
- gs -lcan, lecan
- ds -lcan
- as -lce
- is -lecan
heofon-rce n kingdom of heaven
- gs -rces
heofon-tungol n m star of heaven
hofung f lamentation, grieving
- ds -unge
heolstor (heolster) m darkness, concealment, cover
- ns heolster
- is heolstre
heolstor-cofa m chamber of darkness
- np -cofan
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heonon adv hence
heonon-weard adj hence-ward, passing away
heord f guardianship, keeping, care
- as heorde
heoro-drorig adj dejected, crestfallen, sad unto death
- gs -droriges
[heoro sword, drosan]heort (heorot) m hart, stag
heorte f heart
- gs heortan
heor-ge-nat m hearth-companion, retainer
- np -genatas
heor-werod n body of hearth-companions, retainers
heow n (?) haw, enclosure
[haga]hr adv
- here
- in this year
here m army (the Danish army)
- gs herges
- ds herige
- as here
- is herige
- np hergas
[Ger Heer]here-flma m fugitive from the army or from battle
- ap -flman
here-geatu f war-equipment, arms
[cf Mod heriot]here-h f war-spoil, booty
- as -h
- ds -he
- ap -ha
here-lf f remainder of an army
herenis f praise
- ds -nesse, -nisse
here-toga m leader of an army, chief
[Ger Herzog]here-wc f n dwelling
herga m harrying, plundering
hergian WII harry, ravage, plunder
- 3 pl hergia
- pret 3 sg hergode
- pl -on
- pp gehergod
[here]herian (herigean) WI praise
- inf herigean
- 1 sg herige
- 1 pl heria
- 3 pl herga
[Goth hasjan]herig (hearh) m (idolatrous) temple, sanctuary
- ds herige
- as herig
- ap hergas
herigendlce adv praiseworthily
heriung (herung) f praise
- ds herunge
hrsumian see:hrsumian
hettend m enemy
- np hettend, hettende
hicgan see:hycgan
hider (hieder) adv hither
- hidres idres hither and thither
hider-cyme m coming hither, advent
heran (hran, hran, hran) WI
- hear
- pret 3 sg herde
- 1 pl hrdon
- hear, obey (w dat)
- inf hran
- pret 1 sg hrde
- belong
- 3 sg hr
- 3 pl hra
hierde (hirde, hyrde) m shepherd, pastor, guardian, guard
- ns hirde, hyrde
- np hierdas, hyrdas
- dp hirdum, hyrdon
- ap hierdas, hyrdas
[heord]Page 315
hierde-bc f pastoral treatise
here-monn m follower, subject
- np -menn
[heran]hige see:hyge
hgian WII hie, hasten, strive
hild f battle, war
- ds hilde
hilde-rinc m warrior
hindan adv from behind, behind
hindan-weard adj hindward
hinder-weard adj backward, slow
hiord (heord) f herd, flock
hirde- see:hierde-
hierde-lic (hirde-, hyrde-) adj pastoral
- gs hirdelecan
hrd m n family, household
- ds hrde
[<hw + rd; Ger Heirat]hrd-monn m retainer
- np -men
hit see:ho
hw (ho) n hue, appearance
- gs hwes, hwes
- ds hwe, hwe
- is hwe
hladan (principal parts: pret sg:hld pret pl:hldon pp:hladen ) 6 load, draw water, lade, imbibe
hlder f ladder
- as hldre
hlf m loaf, bread
hlford m lord, master, ruler
- ds hlforde
[<hlf + weard]hlford-las adj without a lord
hlw m n mound, hill, mountain
- np hlwas
hlapan R leap
- pret 3 sg hlop
hlo (hlow)
- n protection, shelter
- m protector, lord
hleonian (hlinian, hlynian) WII lean, incline, slope
- 3 sg hleona
- opt 3 pl hlynigen recline (at a feast)
hloor n sound, harmony, song
- gs hlores
- gp hlora
hloor-cwide m (audible) utterance, command
hlorian WII cry aloud, proclaim, sing
- 3 pl hloria
hlfigan WII tower, rise high
- 3 pl hlfia
hlihhan (hliehhan, hlyhhan) 6 laugh
- pret 3 sg hlh
hlinc m declivity, hill
- np hlincas
hlsa m fame, renown
- gs hlsan
- hlsfullce, adv with renown, famously
hlot n lot
hl f band, troop
hld adj loud
- ds hlddre
- is hlde (or adv)
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hltor (hlttor) adj clear, pure
- ns hlttor
- ds hlttrum
- as hlter
- is hlttre
- ap hltor
[Ger lauter]hlyn m sound
hlynian see:hleonian
hlyst f listening
hnæppan WI rest upon, strike
- opt 3 pl hnæppen
hof n court, dwelling
- ds hofe
[Ger Hof]hogian WII think, reflect, resolve
- imp 2 pl hogia
- pret 3 sg hogode
- 3 pl -on
- pret opt 3 sg hogode
- pp gehogod
hold adj gracious, favorable, faithful
- as holdost
[Ger hold]holm m sea, ocean
holm-racu f wave-tumult, sea
- as -ræce
holt n holt, grove, forest, wood
- gs holtes
holt-wudu m forest, grove
- ds -wuda
hn (principal parts: pret sg:hng pret pl:hngon pp:hongen ) R hang (trans)
- pp gehongen laden
- pl gehongene
hond (hand) f hand
- ds honda, handa
- as hond, hand
- on gehwære hond on both sides
- dp handum, handon
hongian WII hang (intr)
- inf hangian
- 3 pl hongia
hopian WII hope
- opt 1 pl hopien
hord n m hoard, treasure
hord-cofa m (treasure-chamber), breast, heart
- as -cofan
hordian WII hoard
- 3 sg horda
horn m horn
- np hornas
hors n horse
- gp horsa
- dp horsan
- ap hors
hors-hwæl m walrus
hors-egn m horse-thane, an officer of the royal household
hosp m contempt, insult
- ds hospe
hr (hrw, hr, hrw) m corpse
- ap hr
[Goth hraiw]hræd adj rapid, quick
- ds hrædum
- is hræde
[Ger hurtig, rasch]hrædlce (hradlce) adv quickly, soon
- comp hrædlcor
hræd-wyrde adj quick, hasty of speech
hræfn (hremm) m raven
- np hremmas
hrægel (hrægl) n garment
- ds hrægle
- as hrægl
[Mod obs rail]hrn m reindeer
- gs hrnes
hrae (hrade, hræe, rae) adv quickly, soon
- supl radost
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hr-wrig adj weary in body
hram m cry, noise, clamor, lamentation
hrman see:hrman
hrmig adj exultant (w gen or dat)
- ns hrmig
- np hrmige, hremge
hremm see:hræfn
hremman WI hinder
- opt pret 3 sg hremde
hro (hroh) adj rough, rude, savage, fierce, severe
- ns hroh
- as hroge
- gp hrora
hrodan (principal parts: pret sg:hrad pret pl:hrudon pp:gehroden ) 2 adorn
hrofla m leper
- ap hroflan
[hrof, rough]hrohnes f roughness
- ds -nesse
hrosan (principal parts: pret sg:hras pret pl:hruron pp:hroren ) 2 fall
- ptc hrosende
- 3 pl hrosa
hrowan 2 rue, repent of
hrowsung f repentance
- ds -unge
hrepian WII touch, treat
- 3 sg hrepa
- pret 3 sg hrepode
hrran WI stir
[Ger ruehren]hreer m n heart, thought
- gp hrera
hrm m rime, hoarfrost
- gs hrmes
- as hrm
- is hrme
hrm-ceald adj rime-cold
- as -cealde
hrnan (principal parts: pret sg:hrn pret pl:hrinon pp:hrinen ) 1 touch, smite
hring m ring, circle; border; ornaments
- ds is hringe
- as hrincg
- ap hringas
hring-loca m corslet (formed of rings)
- ap -locan
hr f(?) snow-storm
hrf m roof
- gs hrfes
- ds hrfe
Hrfes-ceaster f Rochester
- ds -ceastre
hrse f earth
- gs hrsan
hrycg m ridge, back
hrman (hreman, hrman) WI cry out, lament, exult, boast (w gen)
- inf hrman
- ptc hrmende
hryre m fall, death
- gs hryres (?)
[hrosan]hrer (hrer, hr) n cattle
- gp hrera
[Mod rother beasts; Ger Rind]hryig adj storm-beaten (?), tottering (?)
- np hryge
h adv how
Humbre f the Humber
hund m dog
- np hundas
hund num hundred
- ap hunde
hund-feald adj hundredfold
- as -fealdne
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hund-eahtatig num eighty
hund-nigontig num ninety
hund-twelftig num hundred and twenty
- gs -twelftiges
hungor (hunger) m hunger, famine
- gs hungres
- ds hungre
- as hunger
- is hungre
- ap hungras
hunig n honey
hunig-swe-te adj honey-sweet, mellifluous
- ds -swttre
hunta m hunter
- np huntan
hunto (hunta) m hunting
- ds huntoe
huru adv certainly, indeed, especially, perhaps, about
hs n house
- ds hse
- as hs
- np hs
hsl n housle, eucharist
- gs hsles
- as hsl
hsl-gang m attendance upon, or partaking of, the eucharist
hw (hwæt) pron
- (interr) who, what
- ns hw, hu, hwæt
- gs hwæs
- ds hwm
- as hwæt
- ds t hwm, for hwm wherefore
- is hw, hw, for hw, for hw, for hwon, for hwan why, wherefore
- hwæt, interj what! lo! behold!
- (indef) anyone, anything
- ns hw, hwæt
- sw hw sw whosoever
- ds hwm
- as hwæne someone
- sw hwæt sw whatsoever
- t æs hwon however
hwæl m whale
- gs hwales, hwæles
- np hwalas
hwæl-hunta m whale-fisher
- np -huntan
hwæl-hunta m whale-fishing
hwanan see:hwonan
hwænne see:hwonne
hwr (hwr) adv
- (interr) where, wherever
- (indef) everywhere, anywhere
- wel hwr nearly everywhere
- sw hwr sw wheresoever
hwæt see:hw
hwte m wheat
hwæt-hwugu (-hwegu)
- pron something
- adv somewhat
hwæer pron adj
- (interr) whether, which of two
- as hwæerne, hwæer
- (indef)
- ds b sw hwaerre efes sw on whichever side
hwæer conj adv whether
hwære (hwæere, hwæere) adv however, nevertheless
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hwearfian WII turn, revolve, move (intr)
- ptc hwearfiende
- 3 sg hwearfa
- 3 pl hwearfia
hwelc see:hwilc
hwne see:hwn
hwol n wheel
- gs hwoles
- np hwol
hweorfan (principal parts: pret sg:hwearf pret pl:hwurfon pp:hworfen ) 3 turn, return, move, go, come (intr)
- 3 sg hwerf
- 3 pl hweorfa
- imp 2 pl hweorfa
hwider (hwæder) adv whither
- sw hwider sw whithersoever
hwierfan (hwirfan, hwyrfan) WI turn, return (intr)
- ptc hwyrfende
- 2 sg hwyrfest
- imp 2 sg hwyrf
- pret 3 sg hwirfde
- 3 pl hwirfdon
hwl f while, time
- ds hwle
- hwle e the while that, while
- ealle hwle all the while
- ealle hwle e all the while that
- re hwle ... re hwle at one time ... at another time
- dp hwlum, hwlon sometimes
hwilc (hwylc, hwelc) pron adj which, what (interr or indef)
- ds hwilcere, hwlcum
- as hwylc
- np hwilce, hwylce, hwelce, hwelc
- ns sw hwelc sw whosoever
hwl-wende adj temporary, transitory
- ap l-wendan
hwl-wendlc (wl-, -endlc) adj temporary, transitory
- ns hwlendlc
- gs wlwendlces
- as -lcan
- dp wlwendlecum
hwylc see:hwilc
hwl-wendlce adv temporarily
hwirfan see:hwierfan
hwt adj white
- gs hwtes
- as hwt
hwn n trifle
- as (adv) hwn
- is hwne (adv) a little, somewhat
hwonan (hwanan) adv whence
hwnlce adv moderately, slightly
hwonne (hwanne, hwænne) adv when (interr or indef)
- n hwonne just now, at any time
hwpan R (boast), threaten
hwylc see:hwilc
hwyrfan see:hwierfan
hycgan (hicgan) WIII think, resolve
- inf hicgan
- opt 3 sg hycge
hd f hide
- ds hde
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hyge (hige) m mind, heart
- ns hige
- ds hige
- is hige
hyge-gls adj hesitating, slow, sluggish
- ns -glsa
[glan]hyht (hiht) m hope
- ns hiht
hyhtlce adv joyfully
hyldo f grace, favor
[hold]hynan (henan, hnan) WI treat with insult, despise, injure, lay low, fell
- pret 3 sg hnde
[han]hran see:hieran
hyrde see:hierde
hyrne f corner
- ds hyrnan
- np hyrnan
[horn]hyrned-nebb adj having a horny beak
- as -nebban
hrsumian (hrsumian) WII obey (w dat)
- 1 pl hrsumia
- 3 pl hrsumia
- pret 3 pl hrsumedon
hyse m young man, warrior
- gs hysses
- np hyssas
- gp hyssa
ic first pers pron I
- gs min
- ds m
- as mec (m)
- dual nom wit, wyt
- dual gen uncer (twga)
- dual dat unc (bm)
- dual acc unc
- np we
- gp re
- dp s
- ap sic, s
del (del) adj idle, vain, useless, empty, desolate
- ns del
- gs dles
- ds delum
- as dlan
- np dlan, idlu
- on idel adv, in vain
idig (?) adj greedy (?)
- np idge
ieldra see:yldra
ierming (earming) m poor, wretched one
- gp ierminga
eian (yian) WII fluctuate
- ptc ieegende
igga (ga, geo, gott) m eyot, small island
- ds igeoe
- as igga
g-lond n island
- ds iglande
- as igland
- np igland
- gp -landa
ilca (ylca) pron the same
- ns ylca, ilce
- gs ilcan
- ds ilcan
- as ilcan, ilce
- is ilcan, ylcan
Ilfing the Elbing
in prep w acc dat; adv in, into
in-bryrdnis f inspiration, ardor
- as -nisse, -nesse
inca m scruple, offence, ill-will
- ds incan
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incer dual poss pron of you two
- as incre
in-cund adj inward
- ds incundan
in-dryhten adj very noble
in-dryhto f honor, glory
in-fær n entrance
in-ge-hd (-hygd) f thought, purpose
in-ge-onc m n thought, mind
- is -once
in-gong m entrance
- gs -ganges
- ds -gonge
- as -gong
in-gongan R go in
- ptc -gongende
- prep (w dat, acc) in, within
- adv
innan-bordes (gen) adv within borders, at home
inne adv within, inside, in
intinga m cause, sake, occasion
in-t [(cf. in and t)] prep (w dat and acc) into, to, against
in-weard adj inward, earnest; adv within
- ds -weardre
in-weardlce adv inwardly, deeply
in-wit (in-wid) n guile, wickedness
in-wit (in-widd) adj hateful, malign
- ns inwitta
o see:gio
owan (owan, ewan) WI show, expound
ra-land (r-land) n
- Ireland
- ds Irlande
- (probably an error for Iceland)
ren (sen, sern) n iron
irnan see:yrnan
is see:beon
s n ice
- ds se
sen (sen, sern, ren) adj iron, made of iron
- ap senan
u see:go
Idas n pl the Jews
Idisc adj Jewish
- np Jdiscan
iugo see:geogo
iung see:geong
l interj lo! behold!
- hwæt l
- wi l wi alas!
lc n present, offering, sacrifice
- ds lce
- as lc
- ap lc
[cf. Mod wed-lock]lcan (principal parts: 3 sg pres:leolc pret sg:lc pret pl:lcon pp:lcen ) R leap, play, sport
- 3 pl lca
lce m leech, physician
- ds lce
- np lcas, lceas
- ap lcas
lce-dm m medicine, remedy
lcnian WII treat with medical skill, cure
- 3 sg lcna
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ldan WI lead, conduct, bring
- 2 sg ldest
- 3 sg lt
- opt 3 sg lde
- pret 3 sg ldde
- pret 3 pl -on
Lden (Leden, Lyden) adj Latin
- ns Lden
- gs Ldenes
- ds Ldene, Ldenum, Ldene
- as Lden, Lden
Lden-bc (Lyden-) f Latin book
Lden-ge-ode (-iode) n Latin language
- gs -odes
- as -ode
Lden-ware pl m Latin people, Romans
lf f remnant, remainder
- daroa lf leavings of darts, survivors of battle
- gs lfe inheritance
- ds t lf remaining
- as wyrmes lfe
- swoles lfe: survival of the burning;
- des lfe
- fres lfe
- dp hamora lfum leavings of hammers, swords
lfan WI leave
- pret 3 sg lfde
- pret 3 pl -don
lagu (lago) m sea, lake, water
[Ger Lache]lagu-fld m ocean-flood, sea
- gp -floda
lagu-ld f ocean-way, sea
- as -lade
lagu-stram m ocean-stream, sea, river
- np -stramas
L-land n Laaland (Denmark)
lm m loam, clay
- is lme
ln n loan
- ds lne
[Ger Lehen]land see:lond
land-r f possessions in land
- ap -re
lne adj granted as a loan, temporary, transitory, perishable
- gs lnan
- as lnne
- np lne
lane (lone, lonu) f lane, street
- ap lonan, lanan
Langa-land n Langeland (Denmark)
langian WII cause longing (impers w acc of pers)
langsum adj long, lasting a long time
- gs -suman
- ds -sumum
langung f longing, grief
- ds -unga
lr f lore, teaching, learning, doctrine, advice
- gs lre
- ds lre
- as lre
- ap lra
lr-cwide m precept, instruction
lran WI teach, advise, exhort
- ger lranne
- ptc lrende
- 1 sg lre
- 3 sg lr, lre
- 3 pl lra
- opt 3 sg lre
- pp lred, gelred
lrow m teacher
- gs lrowes
- as lrow
- np lrowas
- gp lrowa
- ap lrowas
[ON lro, lreo]Page 323
lrow-dm (lrow-) m instruction
- gs -dmes, lrow-
- ds lrowdme
- as -dom
lrig m edge, border (of a shield)
ls comp adv less
- e ls the less
- e ls conj lest (w opt)
- y ls conj lest (w opt)
- i ls conj lest (w opt)
lssa comp adj less
- ns lsse
- ds lssan
- as lsse, lssan
- supl lst
- supl ns lsta; lsste
lst see:lssa
lst m track, footprint
- ds on lste: behind
- as on lst lecgan: follow
- ap lstas lecgan: go
ltan (principal parts: 3 sg pres:leort pret sg:let pret pl:leton pp:lten ) R let, allow, leave
- 3 sg lt
- 3 pl lta (place)
- imp 2 sg lt
late adv late, tardily, slowly
l n injury, misfortune
- gs les
l adj loathly, hateful, hostile
- ds lere
- np le
- gp lra
- comp as ldre
l-ge-nla m (hostile) persecutor, foe
l-lc adj loathsome
- ns -lco
l (lu) f injury, offence, malice
lwede adj unlearned, lay
- ds lwedan, -um (for -an)
[Mod lewd]laf n leaf
laf-scead n leafy shade
- ds -sceade
leahtor m moral defect, offence, crime
- ds leahtre
- ap leahtras
[lan: to blame]lan m n reward, gift, favor
- ds lane
- gp lana
[Ger Lohn]lanian WII reward, recompense (w dat of pers and acc of thing)
las adj
- loose, free from, bereft of (w gen)
- np lase
- false, deceptive
- ap lase
lasung f deception, falsehood
- gs -unge
- ap -unga
leccan WI irrigate, lave
- 3 pl lecca
[liccian: to lick]lecgan WI lay, put
- imp 2 sg lege
- opt 3 sg lecge
- inf lstas lecgan: go, journey
- pret 3 pl on lst legdon: follow (w dat)
[licgan]lfan see:lefan
Lga-ceaster f Chester
leger n lying, illness
- ds legere
[licgan]lencten m spring
- ds lenctenne
[Mod lent]lo m lion
- as lon
[Lat leo]Page 324
lod f
- a people, nation
- ds lode
- pl lode (loda): people
- np loda
- ap loda
[Ger Leute]lod-bisceop m bishop (of a district)
- np -bisceopas
lod-fruma m first among a people, prince, king
- as -fruman
lod-scipe m people, nation, country
- ds -scipe
lof adj lief, pleasing, dear, beloved
- gs lofes
- ds lofan
- as lofne
- np (voc) lofan
- comp ns lofra, lofre (or -ra)
- supl ns lofost
- supl ns (voc) lofusta
- supl np (voc) lofostan, -estan
loflc adj pleasant
logan (principal parts: pret sg:lag pret pl:lugon pp:logen ) 2 lie, utter falsely
leoht adj light, not heavy, easy
- np leohte
loht adj light, bright, clear
- is lohte
loht (lioht) n light, brightness
- gs lohtes
- ds lohte, lohte
- as loht
loht-fæt n lantern, lamp
leohtlc adj light, of little weight or importance
loma m light, radiance, ray or beam of light
- ap loman
leornere m learner, disciple, scholar
- gs leorneres
- np leorneras
leornian (liornian) WII learn
- 3 pl leornia
- opt 3 sg leornige
- opt 3 pl -en
- pret 3 sg leornode, -ade, liornode
- pret 3 pl -odon
leorning-cniht m disciple
- ds -cnihte
- np -cnihtas
leornung (liornung) f learning
- gs -unge
- ds liornunga, -unge
- as liornunga
lo n song
- gs loes
- as lo
- is loe
- np lo
lo-cræft m poetic skill or art
lo-song n song, poem
- gs -songes
leou-cræftig adj skilful of limb
ltnia (ltnia) m f litany
- dp ltnium
- ap ltnias
[Lat litana]Levita (Lauita) gp the Lapithae
libban (lybban, lifgan) WIII live
- ptc lybbende, lyfigende
- gs lifigendan
- 3 sg leofa
- 3 pl libba, lifga
- opt 3 sg libbe, lybbe, lifge
- pret 3 sg lifde, leofode
- pret 3 pl leofodon
lc n body, corpse
- ds lce
- as lc
- ap lc
[Ger Leiche]lcettan WI profess falsely, pretend
- 3 sg licet
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licgan (principal parts: pret sg:læg pret pl:lgon,lgon pp:legen ) 5
- lie, lie dead
- ptc licgende
- 3 sg li, lige
- 3 pl licga
- pret 2 sg lge
- pret 3 pl lgon
- extend, run (of land and stream)
- 3 sg li
- 3 pl licga
- pret opt 3 sg lge
lc-homa (-hama) m body
- ns -hama
- gs -haman
- ds -homan
- as lchaman
[Ger Leichnam]lc-homlc (-hamlc) adj bodily
- ds -lcre, lchamlcere
lc-homlce adv corporally
lcian WII like, please (w dat; personal and impersonal)
- 3 sg lca
- 2 pl lcia
- opt 3 sg lcige
- opt 1 pl lcian
- pret 3 sg lcode
lc-monn m pall-bearer
- gp lc-manna
- dp -mannum
lc-rest f sepulchre
- ds -reste
lid n ship
- gs lides
[lan]ld-monn m sailor, pirate
- np -men
- gp -manna
lefan (lfan lfan) WI allow, permit
- pret 1 pl lfdon
[laf]lf n life
- gs lfes
- as lf
lifer f liver
- as lifre
lflc adj pertaining to life
lg (leg) m flame, fire
- is lge
[Ger Lohe]lg-bryne m burning of flames, burning
lg-racu f violence of flames
- ds -ræce
lihtan WI alight (from a horse)
- pret 3 sg lihte
lhtan (lhtan) WI shine
- 3 sg lhte, lhte
[loht]lim n limb, bodily member
- dp leomum
- ap leomu
Limen f the Limen (river or estuary in Kent)
- gs Limene
lind f (linden), shield
- as linde
- ap linde
Lindes-g f Lindesey (dist in Lincolnshire)
- ds -ige
Lindis-farn-a (-farena-a) f Lindisfarne Island, Lindisfarne
liss (<ls) f favor, delight
- gp lissa
ltel see:ltel
lt-hwn adv little
le adj mild, gentle
- as lne
[Ger gelinde; Mod lithe]lxan WI shine, glitter
- 3 sg lxe
- 3 pl lxa
locc m lock (of hair)
- ns loc
- np loccas
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lcian WII look
- ptc lciende
- imp 2 sg lca
- opt 3 sg lcie
- pret 3 sg lcode, lcude
lof m praise, glory, song of praise
- ds lofe
- as lof
[Ger Lob]lofian WII praise
- 3 pl lofia
lof-sang m song of praise
lond (land) n land, country
- ns land
- gs londes
- ds londe, lande
- as land, lond
- np land
- gp londa
lond-wela m earthly possessions
- ap -welan
long (lang) adj long
- ns lang
- ds langum
- np lange
- comp ns lengra
longe (lange) adv long
- comp leng, lencg
- supl lengest
longlce (lang-) adv long
losian WII be lost, escape
- opt 3 sg losige
- pret 3 sg losade
lot-wrenc m deception, fraud, W Ile
- ap -wrencas
[ltan]lcan (principal parts: pret sg:lac pret pl:lucon pp:locen ) 2 lock, interlock, close up (trans and intrans)
lufian (lufigean) WII love
- 1 sg lufige
- 3 sg lufa
- imp 2 pl lufia
- pret 3 sg lufode
- pret 1 pl lufodon
- pp gelufod
- pp as gelufedan
luflce adv lovingly
luf-tme adj benevolent
lufu f love
- ds lufan
- as lufe
Lunden-burg f London
- ds -byrg, byrig
lust m lust, desire, pleasure
lustlce adv willingly
lyb-cræft m skill in the use of drugs and of poison
- ds -cræfte
lyft m f n the air
- ds under lyfte, under lyft, on lyfte: on high, aloft
- is lyfte
[Ger Luft]Lge f the Lea
- ds Lgan
lyge-word n lying word, lie
lyre m loss
[losan]lsan WI release, deliver
[las]lystan WI list, cause pleasure or desire (impers w acc of pers and gen of thing)
- pret 3 sg lyste
lt n little, small number, few
lytegian WII dissemble, feign
Page 327
ltel (ltel) adj little, small
see:(see lssa)
- ds ltlum
- as ltel, ltle
- is ltle
- ap ltle
ltlian WII lessen, diminish
- 3 sg ltla
m (m) comp adv; also noun (adj) indecl more
- on m e any more than
mden (mægden) n maiden
- gs mdenes
- as mden
mg m kinsman
- ns (son)
- ds mge
- np mgas, mgas
- gp mga
- dp mgum, mgum
magan PP may, be able
- 1 sg mæg
- 2 sg meaht
- 3 sg mæg
- 1 pl magon
- 2 pl mage g
- opt 2 sg mæge
- opt 1 pl mægen
- pret 1 sg meahte
- pret 3 sg meahte, mehte
- pret 3 pl meahton, mehton, mihton
- pret opt 3 sg meahte, mehte, mihte
- pret opt 3 pl meahten
mægen n main, strength, might, valor, virtue
- gs mægenes
- ds mægne
- as mægen
- is mægene, mægne
- dp (miracles)
mægen-rymm m great strength, majesty, glory
- gs -rymmes
- ds -rymme
magister m master
[Lat]mglc adj belonging to kinsmen
mago (magu) m son, man
mg f kin, tribe, province, nation
- ds mge
mæg-hd m virginity, purity
- gs -hdes
- ds -hde
magu-egn m kin vassal, retainer
- np -egnas
ml n time, occasion
- ap mla
[cf. Mod meal]mldan WI speak, announce
- pret 3 sg mlde
mn n evil, sin
- gs mnes
[cf. Ger mein-eid]mnan WI mean, intend
- pret 3 sg mnde
mancus m mancus (the eighth of a pound, the sum of thirty pence)
- gp mancessa
mn-dd f evil deed
- gp -dda
- ap -dde
mn-fremmend ptc m evil-doer
- dp -fremmendum
mnfullce adv sinfully
Page 328
manian (monian) WII admonish, exhort, warn
- ger manigenne
- 1 sg manige
- 3 sg mana
- pret 3 sg manode, monade, manade
- pp pl gemanode
manig see:monig
mænigeo see:menigu
manig-feald see:monig-feald
mann see:monn
manna m (?) manna
- ds mannan
[Lat]mann-cwealm m mortality, pestilence
mra see:micel
mran WI make famous, glorify, honor
- 3 pl mra
- pp gemred
mre adj famous, glorious
- gs mres
- as mran
- np mre
- supl ns mrost
[Goth -mers, Ger Märe, Märchen]mrsian WII make famous, celebrate, glorify
- 2 sg mrsast
- 3 pl mrsia
martyr m martyr
- gp martyra
[Lat]mr f fame, glory, honor
- gp mra
- ap mra (famous things)
Maser-feld m Maserfeld, Oswestry
- ds -felda
mæsse f
- mass
- as mæssan
- festival day
- ds mæssan
[L Lat missa]mæsse-prost m mass-priest
- ds -proste
- np -prostas
mæsse-raf f mass-robe
- dp -rafum
mst see:micel
mte adj intermediate, inferior
- comp np mtran
- supl np mtestan
m f measure, degree, condition, fitness, right, honor
- ds me
mæel n popular assembly
- ds mæle
maelian WII address, harangue, speak
- pret 3 sg maelode
mæel-stede m place of assembly, battle-field
mum-gyfa (mum-) m giver of treasure, lord
mum (mum) m gift, treasure
- gp mma
m see:ic
meagol adj mighty, emphatic
[magan]meaht, meahte see:magan
meaht (miht) f might, power
- as meaht
- ap meahte, mihte
meahtig (mihtig, myhtig) adj mighty, powerful
- ns myhtig, meahta
mearcian WII mark, represent, mark out, design
- 3 sg mearca
- 3 pl -ia
mearh (mearg) m horse
- ns mearg
- ds mare
- as mar
mearm-stan (marm-) m marble-stone
- ds -stane
[Lat marmor]mear m marten
- gs meares
mec see:ic
mce m sword
- gp meca
Page 329
md (meord) f meed, reward
- gs mde
- as mde, meorde (dial)
med-micel (-mycel) adj moderately great, limited, small
- ds -miclum
- as -mycel
- dp -mycclum
medo (medu, meodo) m mead
- ds meodo
- as medo
medomlce (medumlce) adv moderately, worthily
med-trymnes (trumnes) f infirmity, illness, disease
- as -nesse
mele-daw m n honey-dew (?), mildew
- gs dawes
men see:monn
mengan WI mingle, mix, combine; disturb, lacerate
- pret 3 sg mengde
- pp gemenged
- pp pl gemengde
menig see:monig
menigu (meniu, menigeo, mænigeo) f multitude
- ns menegu, menigeo, mænigeo
- as menigu, mengu
mennisc n folk, race, people
mennisc adj human
- ns -isce
- ds -iscum
- ap -isce
menniscnes f human condition, incarnation
- ds -nesse, -nisse, -nysse
meodo see:medo
meodu-heall (medu-) f mead-hall
- ds -healle
meolc f milk
meord see:md
More Möre (district in Sweden)
mos n moss
- gs moses
Meotod see:Metod
Meran-tn m Merton (Surrey)
- ds -tne
mere m mere, lake, sea
- ds mere
- as mere
- np meras
[Ger Meer]mere-fld m sea-flood, sea
Mere-tn m Merton (?), or Marden (?) (Wiltshire)
- ds -tne
Meres-g f Mersea (Essex)
- as -ge
merg see:myrg
mtan WI meet, find
- 3 pl mta
- pret 1 sg mtte
- pret 3 pl -on
metan (principal parts: pret sg:mæt pret pl:mton pp:meten ) 5 mete, measure, compare
- ger metanne
- 2 pl meta
- pp gemeten
mete m meat, food
- dp mettum
mete-liest (lst) f want of food
- ds -leste
metgian WII assign in due measure
- 3 sg metga
Metod (Meotod) m Creator, Lord
- gs Meotodes, Metodes
- ds Metode
met-trum (med-) adj infirm, ill
- np -trume
Page 330
me adj weary
- gp mra
[Ger müde]micel (principal parts: pret sg:mycel pret pl:miccel pp:myccel ) great
- ns mycel, micla
- gs miclan, micelre
- ds mycelum, micclum
- as miclne, micle, mycele, micele, miccle
- np micla
- dp mycclum
- ap mycele
- is adv w comp micle much
- comp mra, mre
- comp as mran
- comp ap mran
- supl mst
- supl as mst, mstan,mste
- supl is mste
- supl np mstan
- supl gp mstra
- adv miclum greatly
micelnes greatness
- gs -nesse
mid prep w dat instr acc; adv with, among (association, means, condition)
- myd eallum altogether, entirely
- mid ealle with all else, withal see:(see ealle)
- mid when
- mid
- mid e when
- mid m with that, thereupon
- mid m æt from the fact that, because
- mid m e when
midd adj middle
- ds middre
- as midde
- supl np midmestan
middan-geard (-eard) m earth, world
- gs -geardes, -eardes
- as -geard
- is -gearde
middan-geardlc (-eardlc) adj worldly
- ap -eardlce
middel adj middle
- supl dp midlestan
middel (midel) n middle
- ds midle
Middel-tn m Milton Royal (Kent)
- ds -tne
midde-neaht (-niht) f midnight
midde-weard adj mid-ward, middle of
miht see:meaht
mihte see:magan
ml f mile
- ds mle
- gp mla
[Lat mlia]milde adj mild, merciful
- ns milde
- ds mildan
- as mildne
mild-heort adj mild-hearted, merciful
- ns -heorta
- supl ns myldheortesta
mild-heortnis f mild-heartedness, mercy
- gs -nysse
- ds -nesse
- as -nysse, -nesse
Page 331
milts f mercy
- gs miltse
- gp miltsa
miltsian WII show mercy, pity (w dat)
- 3 sg miltsa
- opt 3 sg miltsige
- pret 3 sg miltsode
miltsung (mildsung) f mercy
- gs -unge
mn poss pron my, mine
- gs mnes
- ds mnum
- is mne
- np mne
- mnes onces adv by my will
mine m mind, purpose, remembrance, favor
- as minne
[Goth muns; Ger Minne]mirce (myrce) adj murky, dark, evil
miscian WII mix, apportion
- 3 sg misca
mis-dd f misdeed
- np -dda
mis-faran 6 go astray, transgress
- 3 pl -fara
mislc adj various
- ap mislce, misleca
missenlc adj various
- np -lce
mis-wendan WI pervert
- pp pl miswende
man (principal parts: pret sg:m pret pl:mion pp:mien ) 1 conceal (w gen)
[Ger meiden]md n mood, wind, courage, pride
- gs mdes
- ds mde
- as md
- is mde
- np md
md-cearig adj sorrowful of heart
mdelc adj proud, splendid
- ap -lco
md-ge-anc m purpose of mind
mdig adj resolute brave, proud, haughty
- ns mdi
- as mdigan
- np mdige
mdignis f pride, haughtiness
- gs -nysse
mdor (mder) f mother
- gs mder
- as mdor
- np mdru
mdrige f maternal aunt
- gs m_ddrian
[mdor]md-sefa m mind, heart
- as -sefan
mold-ærn n grave
- ds -ærne
molde f mould, earth, land, world, country
- gs moldan
mold-græf n grave
molsnian WII moulder, decay
- pp molsnad
mna m moon
- gs mnan
mna m month
- ds mne
- as mna
- gp mna
- ap mna
- gs ??? mnas
mon-dryhten m liege lord
monig (manig, mænig, moni) adj many, many a
- as manigne, monig
- np monige, menige, manega
- gp monigra
- dp monegum, manegum, mænegum
- ap manega
Page 332
monig-feald (manig-, menig-, -fald) manifold, various
- dp manig-, menig-
monig-fealdian WII multiply
- pp pl gemonigfealdode
monig-fealdlc (manig-, menig-, -fald) adj various
- ns manigfaldlc
monig-fealdlce (menig-) adv in the plural number
monn (mon, mann, man) m man; (indef) one
- ns mon, monn
- gs monnes, mannes
- ds men
- as mon, monnan, mannan
- np menn, men
- gp monna
- ap men
monn-cynn (mann-) n mankind
- gs -cynnes, mon-
- as manncynn
mon-wre adj gentle, gracious
mr m moor
- gs mres
- ds mre
- as mr
- ap mras
morgen (mergen) m morning
- ns mergen
- ds on morgenne
- as on mergen
- on erne mergen
morgen-td f morning-time
mtan PP may, have opportunity, must
- 2 sg mst
- 3 sg mt
- 1 pl mton
- opt 1 sg mte
- pret 3 pl mston
- pret opt 1 sg mste
- 3 pl mston
mund f hand
[cf Ger Vor-mund]munt m mountain
- np muntas
[Lat mons]munuc m monk
- dp munecum
[Lat monachus]munuc-hd m monkhood, monastic rank
- gs -hdes
- as -hd
munuclc adj monastic
- ds -lcre, -lcan
munuclce adv monastically
munuc-lf n monastic life, monastery
murnan (principal parts: pret sg:mearn pret pl:murnon pp:-- ) 3 mourn, have anxiety or fear (w prep for)
m m mouth
- ds me
- as m
ma m mouth of a river, estuary
- ds man
- on Lymene man
- on Temese man
mycel see:micel
mylen-scearp adj ground sharp
- dp -scearpum
[mylen /mill/]Page 333
myndgung f admonition
mynegung f admonition
- ds -unge
myngean (mynegian) II admonish, exhort
- 1 sg myngie
mynster n
- monastery
- ds mynstre
- as mynster
- ap mynstru
- minster, cathedral
[Lat monastrium]mynsterlc adj monastic
- ap -lce
mynster-monn m monk
- np -men
Myrce (Mierce, Merce) m pl the Mercians, Mercia
- gp Myrcena
- dp Myrcon, Myrcan
myrcels m mark
- ds mycelse
[mearc]mre f mare
- gs mran
[mearh]myrg (myrh, merg) f mirth, joy
- ds merge, myrhe
n (n) adv (adv conj) no, not, not at all, nor (usually strengthens ne)
næbban WIII not to have
- 3 sg næf, nafa
- 2 pl nabbe g
- 3 pl nabba
- opt 3 pl næbben
- nabbe g
- pret 3 sg næfde
- 3 pl næfdon
[< ne habban]nacod adj naked, bare
- as nacedan
- np nacode
ndre f adder, serpent
- gs ndran
næfde, næfdon see:næbban
nfre adv never
nafu f nave
- ds nafe
nægel m nail
- dp næglum
nægled-cnearr m nailed ship
nh PP 1 sg have not
[< ne h]nht see:n-wiht
n-hwr adv nowhere, in no case
n-hwæer (n-hwæer, nwer, nwer, ner)
- pron neither
- ns ner
- as nuer
- Conj neither
- nhwæer n ... n neither ... nor
- nwer n ... n neither ... nor
- nuer n ... n neither ... nor
- ner n ... n neither ... nor
nlæs (nles, nlles, nls) adv not at all
[< n ealles]nama (noma) m name
- ds noman
- as naman, noman
- np naman
nn pron adj not one, none
- gs nnes
- ds nnum, nnre
- as nnne, nne
[< ne n]nnig pron no one, none
- gs nnges
- as nnigne, nnig
[< ne nig]Page 334
nn-wuht (-wiht) n nothing
nre, nron see:bon
næs see:bon
næs adv not, not at all
ner see:n-hwæer
nuht see:n-wiht
n-wiht (n-wiht, nuht, nht, nht) n not a whit, nought, nothing; (adv) not, not at all
- ds nuhte
- as nuht
- nht on ls
nwer see:n-hwæer
ne adv not
n adv conj and not, nor
- n ... n neither ... nor
nad see:nod
nah (nh)
- near (adv) (of degree) nearly, almost
- comp nar
- nar and nar nearer and nearer
- near (adv; prep w dat)
- supl nhst, nhst, nhste, nahst, naxst
- 3 adj supl as nehst
- æt nxtan next, finally
neaht see:niht
na-lcan (-lcan) WI draw near, approach (w dat)
- inf -lcan
- 3 sg -lc
- pret 3 sg -lcte, -lhte
nan adv from near
nar see:nah
nearolce adv narrowly, accurately
nearwe adv narrowly, artfully
nat [(cf nten)] n neat, cattle
- gp nata
na-wist (-west) f being near, proximity, presence, neighborhood
- ns -wist
- ds -weste
[nah, wesan]nebb n bill, beak
nd see:nod
nd-earf see:ned-earf
nh see:nah
nh-mæg (nah-) m near kinsman
- gp -mga
- dp -mgum
nemnan WI name
- 1 pl nemna
- pret 1 sg nemde
- 3 sg nemnde
- pp nemned, genemned
- pl genemnode
nemne (nefne) conj unless, except
neme (nime, nyme) conj unless, except
no-bedd n bed for a corpse
[Goth naus]nod (nad ned nd nd) f need, necessity, compulsion, force
- is ??? nde
- is nade necessarily
nodlce adv zealously
- comp nodlcor
[nod, /desire/]neorxna-wong (neorxena-) m paradise
- gs -wanges
- ds -wange
- as -wang, -wong, neorxena-
[ne wyrcan]Page 335
nosung f visitation
- as -unge
notan 2 enjoy, use, employ (w gen)
[Ger geniessen]neoan (nian) adv below, beneath, down
nergend m Savior (Christ, God)
- gs -es
[nerian]nest n nest
- ds neste
- as nest
nten see:nten
ned-be-earf adj necessary
- supl np nedbeearfosta
ned-earf (nd-) f need, necessity
- as ndearfe
ne-earf (nd-) adj necessary
- ns nd-
ng-hworfen (pp) adj newly converted
- ds -hworfenum
nigon num nine
- dat nigonum
nigoa num ninth
- ds nigoan
niht (neaht) f night: in reckoning time the equivalent of Mod /day/ (cf sennight, fortnight)
- gs neahte, nihtes (adv masc form due to association with dæges)
- ds neahte
- gp nihta
- ap nyht
niht-helm m cover or shade of the night
niht-rest f night's rest, couch
- as -reste
niht-sca m shadow of night
niman (principal parts: pret sg:nm,nam pret pl:nmon,nmon pp:numen ) 4 take, sieze
- 3 pl nima
- imp 2 sg nim
- 2 pl nima
- pret 3 sg nam
- 3 pl nmon
Niniueisc adj Ninevitish
- gs Niniueiscre
nioo-weard adj beneath
npan (principal parts: pret sg:np pret pl:nipon pp:nipen ) 1 grow dark
- 3 sg npe
nis see:beon
n m hatred, envy, malignity
- gp na
niera (nierra) comp adj lower
- ap nieran
nwan (nwan, nwane, nwe, nowan, nen) adv newly, recently
nwe (nwe, nowe) adj new, fresh
- as nwne
- gp nwena
- ap nwan
n see:n
nht see:n-wiht
n-hwer see:n-hwer
nolde, noldon see:nyllan
nor adv north, northwards, in the north
- comp noror
- supl normest
noran adv from the north
- be noran (prep w dat) north of
Norerne adj Northern
- ns Norerna
nore-weard adj northward
- ds -weardum
- as -weard
Nor-hymbre pl m the Northumbrians, Northumbria
- gp -hymbra
- dp -hymbron
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Nor-hymbrisc adj Northumbrian
- ds -iscum
Nor-monn m Norwegian
- np -men
- gp -manna
nor-ryhte adv northward
Nor-s f North Sea
Nor-walas pl m the (North) Welsh, (North) Wales (as opposed to West Wales, i.e. Cornwall)
Nor-wal-cynn n the (North) Welsh
- gs -cynnes
nor-weard adj northward
- gs -weardes, adv
- ds -weardum
Norweg Norway
nos-yrel n nostril
- ap nosirlu
notu f office, employment
- ds note
[notan]nuer see:n-hwæer
- adv, now
- conj, now that, since
nyllan (nillan) not to will, be unwilling
- 1 sg nylle, nelle
- 3 sg nele
- 3 pl nylla, nella
- pret 3 sg nolde
- 1 pl noldon
- pret opt 3 pl noldon
[<ne willan]nytan (nitan) not to know
- 1 sg nt
- 3 sg nt
- 2 pl nyton
- opt 3 sg nyte
- pret 3 sg nyste, nysse
[<ne witan]nyten adj ignorant
- np nytenan
[ne witan]nten (neten, nten, cf nat) n neat, domestic animal, cattle, beast
- ns nten
- ds ntene
- gp ntena
- ap ntenu
nytennis f ignorance
- ds -nysse
nytlic adj useful, profitable
[Ger nützlich]nyttnes (nytnes) f use, benefit
- gs -nesse, nytnisse
nyt-wyre adj useful
- supl np -wyroste
nyer (nier) adv down
nyerlc (nierlc) adj lovely
nwan, nwe see:niwan, niwe
, oo see:
of prep (w dat) of, from (place and material), from, among, concerning; adv off
of-xian WII learn by asking
- pret 3 sg ofxode
ofer prep (w acc) over, across, after, above, upon, superior to, contrary to, against
- ofer bæc backwards [(cf under bæc)]
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fer m shore, bank
- ds fre
[Ger Ufer]ofer-cuman 4 overcome
- pret 3 pl -cmon
ofer-drfan 1 overcome
- ger -drfenne
ofer-aca m surplus
- as -acan
ofer-fran WI traverse
ofer-frosan 2 freeze over
- pp oferfroren
ofer-gietan 5 forget, disregard
- opt 3 pl -gieton
ofer-gyldan WI cover with gold, gild
- pp np ofergyldan
ofer-hlfian WII over-tower
- 3 sg -hlfa
ofer-mægen n over-mastering might
- ds -mægne
ofer-mtto f pride
- dp -mttum
ofer-md n overweening courage, confidence
- ds -mde
ofer-mdigian WII be proud, arrogate
- 2 pl -mdie
- 3 pl -mdiga
ofer-stgan 1 rise above, surpass
- pret 3 sg -sth
ofer-swian WI overcome
- inf -swan
- pret opt -swde
- pp -swed
- pl -swde
ofer-winnan 3 overcome
- pret 3 sg -wann
ofestlce (ofostlce, ofstlce) adv hastily, quickly
ofestum (ofstum) adv hastily, quickly
[*of-st]ofett (ofet) n fruit
[Ger Obst]of-faran 6 overtake, intercept
- pret 3 pl -fron
offrian WII offer, sacrifice
- pret 3 sg offrode
- pp geoffrod
[Lat offerre]offrung f offering, sacrifice
- ds -unge
of-gn demand, seek, implore
- opt 1 pl ofgn
of-giefan (-gifan, -gyfan) 5 give up, quit, desert
- 3 sg -gfe
- pret 3 sg -geaf
- 3 pl gafon
of-hrowan 2 pity (w gen)
- pret 3 sg -hrow
of-linnan 3 cease
- pret 3 sg oflan
of-lystan WI fill with desire, please
- pp oflyst
of-munan PP recollect
- 3 sg ofman
of-scotan 2 shoot down
of-son 5 see
- pret 3 sg ofseah
of-settan WI beset, oppress, afflict
- pp -sett
- ap -settan
of-slan (principal parts: pret sg:-slg pret pl:slgon pp:-slægen ) 6 strike, slay
- pret opt 3 sg slge
- pp -slegen
- as -slægenne
- np -slægene
- gp -slægenra
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of-stingan 3 stab to death
- pret 3 sg -stang
oft adv often
- comp oftor
- supl oftost
of-rysmian WII choke
- 3 pl -rysmia
[rosm, smoke, vapor]-leccan WI subdue, flatter, soothe, please
- opt 3 sg lecce
[leccan, moisten]ombiht m servant
[Ger Amt]on prep (w dat instr acc) on, at, during, in, into, among, against (time, place, manner, circumstance, and condition)
- on t into two parts
- on dæg
- on niht
- on riht adv, rightly
- on r adv, formerly
- on uppan upon
- on emulange along
on-lan WI kindle, set on fire, consume by fire
- pp onled
on-bærnan WI kindle, inspire, incite
- pp -bærned
- pl -bærnde, -bærnede
on-bdan (an-) (principal parts: pret sg:-bd pret pl:-bidon pp:-biden ) 1
- abide, tarry
- imp 2 sg onbd
- await (w gen)
on-bltan (principal parts: pret sg:blot pret pl:-bloton pp:-blten ) R sacrifice
on-bregdan 3 move, bow (intr)
- 3 sg -brygde
on-bryrdan WI inspire, exalt
- opt 3 sg onbryrde
- pp onbryrd, onbryrded
[brord, prick, point]on-bryrdnis f inspiration, ardor
- ds -nysse
on-byrigan (-byrgan) WI taste (w gen)
- pret 1 pl onbyrigdon
on-cnwan (principal parts: pret sg:-cnow pret pl:-cnowon pp:-cnwen ) R recognize, acknowledge, understand, know
- 1 sg oncnwe
- imp 2 sg oncnw
- opt 3 sg oncnwe
- 3 pl oncnwon
on-cwean 5 address, answer
- pret 3 sg -cwæ
on-cyrran WI turn
- opt 3 pl oncyrron
ond (and) conj and
ondettan see:andettan
ond-git see:and-giet
on-drdan (principal parts: 3 sg pres:-dreord pret sg:-drd pret pl:-drdon pp:-drden ) R fear (trans, and w reflex dat of pers and acc of thing)
- ptc pl -drdendan
- 2 sg -drtst
- 3 sg -drt
- 2 pl -drda
- imp 2 sg -drd
- 2 pl -drda
- opt 3 sg -drde
- pret 2 sg -drde
- 1 pl andrdon
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on-drynne adj awful, exciting, reverence
ond-swarian WII answer
- pret 3 sg -swarade, -ode, -ede
- 3 pl -odon, -edon
ond-weard see:and-weard
on-emn (on-efn) prep (w dat) near, alongside of
nettan WI (incite), hasten, be active
- 3 sg nette
- pret 3 sg nette
[*on-htjan]on-fægnian WII show gladness
on-feohtan 3 fight
- ptc onfeohtende
on-findan 3 find, find out, discover, learn
- pret 3 sg -funde
- 3 pl -fundon
- pret opt 3 pl -funden
on-fn (principal parts: pret sg:-fng pret pl:-fngon pp:-fangen ) R receive (w gen, dat, acc)
- ger onfnne
- 1 sg (w gen, partake) onf
- 3 pl onf
- imp 2 sg onfh
- opt 2 sg onf
- 1 pl onfn
- 3 pl (w gen, stand sponsor)
- as onfongne
on-foran prep (w acc) before (time)
on-gan (an-gan, on-gn, agn) prep (w dat and acc) towards, against; adv, opposite, in the opposite direction, back
- eft ongan back again
ongel-cynn see:Angel-cynn
ongel-od f the Anglian, English people or nation
- ds -ode
on-ge-mong (on-ge-mang, on-mang, a-mang) prep (w dat) among
- onmang m, amang m adv, while
on-gietan (-gitan, -gtan) (principal parts: pret sg:-geat pret pl:-geaton pp:-gieten,-giten,-gyten ) 5 perceive, understand
- inf ongeotan
- ger -gitanne
- 1 sg ongite
- 2 sg ongitst
- 3 sg ongit
- 3 pl ongita
- imp 2 pl ongita
- opt 3 pl ongiten, ongyten
- pret 3 sg onget
- pret opt 3 pl ongaten
on-ginn (an-ginn) n beginning
- ns ongyn
- ds onginne, anginne, angynne
on-ginnan (principal parts: pret sg:-gonn,-gann pret pl:-gunnon pp:-gunnen ) 3 begin, attempt
- 3 sg ongin, onginne
- 3 pl -a
- opt 3 pl onginnen
- pret 3 sg ongan, ongon
- ap -gunnenan
on-gyldan 3 repay, suffer the penalty for (w gen)
- pret 3 pl onguldon
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on-gytenes f knowledge
- gs ongytenesse
on-htan WI heat
- pp onhted
on-hebban 6 raise up
- pp pl onhafene
on-hldan 1 uncover, open, reveal
- pp onhliden
on-hn R hang
- pp anhangen
on-hrodan 2 adorn
- pret 3 sg onhrad
on-hyldan WI incline
- pret 3 sg onhylde
on-lohtan WI light up, illuminate
- pret 3 sg onlohte
on-lc (an-lc) adj like similar (w dat)
- ns anlc
- np -lce
- supl ns -lcost
on-lce adv similarly
- sumes onlce somewhat like
on-lcnes (an-) f likeness, image
- ns (voc) anlcnes
- ds -nisse, -nysse, -nesse
- as -nesse
on-ltan (principal parts: pret sg:-lat pret pl:-luton pp:-loten ) 2 bow, incline (intr)
[Mod lout]on-lhtan WI enlighten, illuminate
- 3 sg onlht
- pret 2 sg onlhtest
on-mang see:on-ge-mong
on-middan prep (w dat) amid, at the middle of
on-munan PP consider worthy of or entitled to (w acc of pers and gen of worth)
- pret opt 3 pl onmunden
ono (one, eno) interj lo! behold!
- ono hwæt behold!
on-rdan 1 ride (on a raid)
- pret 3 pl onridon
on-swan R sow
- pp onswen
on-scunian WII shun, avoid, detest, fear
- ptc onscungend
- pret 3 sg -scunede
- 3 pl -scunedon
- pret opt 3 sg -scunode
on-secgan WIII offer, sacrifice (trans)
on-sendan WI send
- opt 2 sg -sende
on-sen (an-, -sn, -sn) f appearance, face, sight, presence
- ns ansn
- ds ansne
- as onsene, onsne, an-
on-sgan (principal parts: pret sg:-sh pret pl:-sigon pp:-sigen ) 1 descend
- ptc ds onsgendum
on-slpan R fall asleep, sleep
- pret 3 sg -onslp, onslpte
on-springan 3 spring forth
- 3 pl -springa
on-stl m institution, supply
on-stellan WI place, establish, create
- pret 3 sg onstealde
on-sund (an-sund) adj sound, whole, healthy
- ns ansund
- gs ansundan
- np ansunde
on-sundnis (an-) f soundness
- ds ansundnysse
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on-sn f lack, deficiency
[son, 'sift']on-ton (principal parts: pret sg:-tah pret pl:-tugon pp:-togen ) 2 assume, take upon oneself
- 3 pl onto
on-tnan WI open (trans and intr)
- pret 3 sg ontnde
- pp pl ontnede
[tn]on-rce (an-) adj dreadful
- dp anrcum
on-wæcnan WI awake
- 3 sg onwæcne
on-weald (an-, -wald) m power, authority
- ns anwald, onwald
- gs anwealdes, -waldes
- ds -walde
- as -wald
on-wendan WI turn, change, amend, pervert, overturn, end (trans)
- 3 sg -wende
- imp 2 sg -wend
- pret 3 sg -wende
- pp -wended
- pl -wende
on-wron 1 uncover, reveal
- pp onwrigen
on-wrigennis f (uncovering) revelation
- as -wrigenysse
[wron]on-wunigan (-wunian) WII dwell, remain
on-wunung f habitation, dwelling
- ds unge
on-wan WI show, manifest
- opt 2 sg onwe
open adj open
- as openan
openlce adv openly
r [(cf ord)] n beginning
ord n
- point, spear-point, spear
- ds orde
- beginning
- front of an army, line of battle [(cf Lat acies)]
ord-fruma m beginning, author, chief
or-eald adj very old
[Ger uralt]orf n cattle
[weorf, weoruf]organa f organ
- gs organan
[Lat organum]or-sorglce adv without care or hindrance
- comp orsorglcor
or-sorh adj free from care
- comp np orsorgran
- supl np orsorgoste
orlan (orelan) WII breathe, aspire
[oro]or-onc m skilful device or work
o prep (w acc) up to, as far as, until (time and place)
- o e conj, until that, until,
- o æt conj, until that, until,
- o is conj, until that, until,
- o n conj, until that, until,
o-beran 4 bear away
- pret 3 sg -bær
o-awian WI appear, become visible, show oneself
- 3 sg -awe
er (or) other, the other (one of two), another, the second, the next
- ns eru
- gs res
- ds rum, re, erre
- as er, re, erne
- is re
- gp erra
- ns er ... er the one ... the other
- ds rum ... rum the one ... the other
- as re ... re, er ... er the one ... the other
- is re se ... re se the one ... the other
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o-fæstan WI set to (a task)
- pp pl -fæste
o-feallan R fall off, decline
- pp sg ofeallenu
o-flogan 2 fly away
- 3 sg -floge
o-rwan R row away
- pret 3 pl -rewon
o-scfan 2 push away, move off, hasten (intr)
- 3 sg -scfe
o-standan 6 stand fixed
- pret 3 sg -std
oe conj or
- oe ... oe either ... or
o-windan 3 escape
- pret 3 sg -wand
o-witan (principal parts: pret sg:-wt pret pl:-witon pp:-witen ) 1 reproach, lay to one's charge
- pret 3 sg owt
[Mod twit]-wiht pron anything
pællen adj of purple
- dp pællenum
- ap pællene
[pæll <Lat pallium]pallium m pallium
[Lat]Panta m the Panta or Blackwater (Essex)
- as Pantan
ppa m pope
- gs ppan
[Lat]ppan-hd m papal dignity
papol-stn m pebble-stone
- ap -stnas
[Lat papula]paralysis f (?) paralysis
- as paralysn
[Gr Lat]Pamas Patmos
pa (pwa) m peacock
- ds pan
[Lat pvo]Pedride (Pedrede) the Parret (Somerset)
- ds Pedredan
Peohtas pl m the Picts
pistol m epistle, letter
[Lat epistola]plega m play, festivity, pleasure
- ds plegan
plegian WII
- play
- contend, fight
- pret 3 pl plegodon
pleoh n peril
plolc adj perilous, harmful
[pleoh]port m port, harbor
- ds porte
[Lat portus]post m post
- ds poste
- as post
[Lat postis]prass m (?) tumult (?), pomp (?)
- ds prasse
prost m priest
- np prostas
[Lat presbyter]prost-hd m priest-hood
- gs -hdes
prica m point, dot
- ds prican
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Pryfetes flda m Privet's flood, Privet (Hampshire)
- ds -fldan
pytt m pit
[Lat puteus]R
racu f narrative, account, observation
- as race
rd f ride, journey, raid
- ds rde
- ap rde
rd m rede, counsel, advice
- ds rde
- as rd
- counsel, advise, decide, R and W I
- pret 3 sg rdde
- 3 pl rddon
- read, explain, W I
- ger rdenne
- 3 sg rt
- pret 3 pl rddon
- pp gerd
- pl gerdde
rd-bora m councillor
- as -boran
rdiing f reading
- gs -inge
radost see:hrae
ræfnan WI perform, undergo
[<*ar-æfnan]rand m border, shield
- ap randas
rp m rope
rran WI raise
[rsan]rrian WII cry, mourn
- ptc rrigende
rsan WI rush, hasten
- ptc rsende
- pret 3 sg rsde
rae see:hrae
rad adj red
- ds radum
- as rad
Radingas pl m Reading
raf n dress, armor
rcan (rccan) WI reck, care (w gen)
- 3 pl rcca, rhton
reccan (reccean) WI narrate, tell, interpret
- inf reccean
- 2 sg recst
- pret 2 sg reahtes
- 3 sg rehte
- 3 pl rehton
reccere m ruler, teacher
rc(c)elas adj reckless, careless
- np -lase
regollc adj according to rules, regular
- dp regollecum
regollce adv according to rules
reliquias ap relics
- dp reliquium
[Lat]rn (regen) rain
- gs rnes
rnian WII prepare
- ger rnigenne
rn-scr (regen-) m shower of rain
- np -scras
rocan (principal parts: pret sg:rac pret pl:rucon pp:rocen ) 2 reek, smoke
- ptc as rocendne
reord n speech, voice
- is reorde
reordian WII speak
- 3 pl reordia
- pret 3 sg reordade
rest f rest
- ds reste
restan WI rest
- imp 2 pl resta
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reste-dæg m day of rest, sabbath
re adj fierce, cruel
- as ran
rce adj powerful, of high rank and authority, rich
- ns rca
- ds rcan
- gp rcra
- ap rcan, rce
- comp as rcran
- supl ns rcost
- supl np rcostan
rce n kingdom, sovereignty, authority
- gs rces
- ds rce
ricene (ricone, rycene, recene) adv quickly, hastily, instantly
rclce adv powerfully
rcsian (rxian) WII rule, reign
- 3 sg rxa
- 3 pl rcsia
- pret 3 sg rcsode, rxode
- 3 pl rcsedon
rdan (principal parts: pret sg:rd pret pl:ridon pp:riden ) 1 ride
ridda m rider
riht (ryht) adj right, just, correct
- as rihte
- comp ns rihtre
riht (ryht) n right
- as on riht, aright, rightly
rihte (ryhte) adv rightly, justly
- r rihte thereupon, straightaway
riht-fremmende (ryht-) (ptc) adj right-doing, righteous
riht-ge-lfed (-lfed) (pp) adj having the right faith, right-believing
- ap -lfedan
rihtlic adj right
rihtlice (ryht-) adv rightly
riht-noran-wind (ryht-) m direct north wind
- gs -windes
rihtws adj righteous
- ns -wse
rman WI count, number
- pret 3 sg -rmde
[Mod rime]rnan rain
- opt 3 sg rne
rinc m man, warrior
- gs rinces
rip (ryp) n reaping, harvest
- gs ripes, rypes
rxian see:rcsian
rd f rood, cross
- gs rde (cf rde-tcn)
- ds rde
- as rde
rde-hengen f crucifixion
- ds -hengene
rde-tcn (-tcen) n sign of the cross (in many cases not a compound)
- ds -tcne
- as rdetcn, rde tcn, tcn re rde, nre rde tcn, ysee rde tcen
rodor m sky, heavens
- as rodor
Rmna gp m Romans, Rome
- Rmna rce
Rmna-burh f city of Rome
- ds -byrig
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Rmnisc adj Roman
- np -lace, -lacan
Rme ds city of Rome
romm m ram
- as rom
- gs rommes
rse f rose
rotian WII rot
- 3 sg rota
rtlice adv cheerfully
rm adj roomy, spacious
- np rme
rm-md adj magnanimous, bountiful, liberal
- np -mde
rn f (rune), secret meditation
- ds rne
rycene see:ricene
rmet n room, space
s m f sea
- gs ss, swe, s
- ds s
- as s
scerd m priest
- gp scerda
[Lat sacerdos]sacu f strife, war, battle
- ds sæcce
[sacan]sd n seed
- gp sda
sæd adj sad, sated with, weary of (w gen)
[Ger satt]sdere m sower
Sfern f the Severn
- gs Sferne
- ds Sferne, Sfern
sgan WI cause to sink, settle
- pp sged
[sgan]sgol m club, staff, pole
- np sglas
s-grund m sea-bottom
sl m f
- prosperity, happiness, joy
- time, occasion
- ds sle
- as sl
[cf ge slig]slan WI bind
[sl; Ger Seil]s-lida m sea-farer, pirate
- as -lidan
salowig-pd (saluwig-, salu-) adj having a dark, dusky coat (of a rave)
- as -pdan
sl f happiness, blessing
- gp sla
sam conj sam ... sam, whether ... or
same adv similarly
- sw same in like manner
samod see:somod
s-monn m sea-man
- np -men
- dp -mannum
sm-worht pp adj half-wrought, unfinished
[cf Lat semi-]sanct m saint
[Lat sanctus]sand f
- mission
- as sande
- service (of food), course, repast
- ds sande
[sendan]sr adj sore, grievous
- np sre
sr m soreness, disease, pain
- ds sre
srig adj sorry, sad
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s-rima m sea-shore, coast
- ds -rman
s-rinc m sea-man, pirate
srlc adj sorrowful, sad
- ds -lcre
srnis f affliction, distress, suffering
- ns srnys
- ds -nysse
sr-wracu f sorrowful, persecution or tribulation
- ds -wræce
s-strand m sea-strand
- ds -strande
Stanas (Stan) m Satan
- ds Stanase, Stane
[Lat Satana, Satan]swan (swan) (principal parts: pret sg:sow pret pl:sowon pp:swen ) R sow
- ger swenne
- 3 sg sw
- pp geswen
- pl geswene
swol (swl) f soul
- ns swel, swl
- gs swle
- ds sule
- as sule, swle
- np sula, swla
- gp swla
scafan (principal parts: pret sg:scf pret pl:scfon pp:scafen ) 6 shave, scrape
scanca m shank, leg
- np scancan
scand (sceand, scond, sceond) f shame
[Ger Schande]sceadu (scead, n) f shadow, shade
- ds sceade, scade
- ap sceadu
sceaft m shaft
scealc m servant, man, rogue
- np scealcas
[Ger Schalk; cf Mod marshal]sceamian (scomian) WII shame (impers w acc of pers and gen of thing)
- 3 sg scoma
seamu (scamu, scomu, sceomu) f shame, dishonor
- ds sceame, scome
scap n sheep
- gp scapa
- ap scap
sceard adj (broken), bereft of (w gen)
[Mod shard]scearplce adv sharply, quickly
scearpnis f sharpness
- as -nysse
scat m corner, lap; district or quarter (of the earth)
- gp scata
[Ger Schooss]sceatt m money, treasure, payment, tribute
[cf Mod scot-free]sca (sc) f sheath
- ds scae
sceaa m enemy, fiend, criminal
- gs sceaan
[scean]scawian WII see, behold, examine (trans)
- ger scawigenne
- ptc scawigende
- 3 pl scawia
- imp 2 sg scawa
- opt 3 sg scawige
scawung f seeing, surveying
- ds -unge
Sco-burh f Shoebury (Essex)
- ds -byrig
sceocca (scucca) m evil spirit, demon, devil
- gp scuccena
- ap sceoccan
[scoh; cf Mod shy]Page 347
sceorian WI refuse
- pret 3 sg sceorede
scotan (principal parts: pret sg:scat pret pl:scuton pp:scoten ) 2
- shoot (trans and intr)
- push, thrust (trans)
- imp 2 pl scota
sceppend see:slieppend
scean (principal parts: pret sg:scd,scod pret pl:scdon,scodon pp:scaen ) 6 scathe, injure (w dat)
- 3 sg scee
scieppan (scippan, scyppan, sceppan) (principal parts: pret sg:scp,scep pret pl:scpon,scopon pp:scepen,sceapen ) 6 create
- pret 3 sg scop
scieppend (scippend, scyppend, sceppend) m creator
- ns scippend, scyppend
- gs scyppendes
- ds sceppende
- as scyppend
scildan WI shield, protect
- pret 3 sg scilde
scnan (principal parts: pret sg:scn pret pl:scinon pp:scinene ) 1 shine
- ptc scnende
- 3 sg scne, scne
- opt 2 pl scnon
- 3 pl scnen
scip (scyp) n ship
- gs scipes
- ds scipe, scype
- as scip
- np scipu
- gp scipa
- ap scipu, scypu, scypa
scipen (scypen, scepen) n stall, shed for cattle
- ds scipene
[cf Mod shop; Ger Schuppen]scip-flota m sailor, sea-man
- np -flotan
scip-here m fleet, squadron
scippend see:scieppend
scip-rp m ship-rope, cable
- ap -rpas
scr adj sheer, bright, clear
scr f shire, district, division
- gs scre
- ds scre (military division)
- as scre
Sciringes-hal m Sciringesheal (Norway)
- ds -hale
- as -hal
scr-monn m shire-man
- np -men
scofettan WI shove, push (trans)
- 3 sg scofett
scolu f shoal, multitude
scomian see:sceamian
scomu see:sceamu
Scn-g f Skaane (southernmost district of the Scandinavian peninsula)
scop-ge-reord (sceop-) n language of poetry
- ds -reorde
scortlce (sceortlce) adv shortly, briefly
Scottas (Sceottas) m pl the Scots
- gp Scotta
scrn n shrine, chest
- ds scrne
[Lat scrnium]scrd n shroud; garment, clothing
scucca see:sceocca
scfan (principal parts: pret sg:scaf pret pl:scufon pp:scofen ) 2 shove, push (intr)
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sculan (sceolan) PP shall, ought, be necessary
- 1 sg sceal
- 2 sg scealt
- 3 sg sceall
- 1 pl sculon
- 2 pl sceole [g]
- 3 pl sculon (without inf)
- opt 3 sg scyle
- pret 3 sg sceolde [(according to report; cf Ger sollte)]
- 3 pl sceoldon, scoldon
- pret opt 3 sg sceolde
- 1 pl sceoldon
- 3 pl sceolden, scolden
scr m shower
scyld (scield, scild) m shield, protection; portion of a bird's plumage
- ds scylde
- as scyld
- ap scyldas
scyld f guilt, offense, sin
- gs scylde
- gp scylda
- ap scylda
[sculan; Ger Schuld]scyld-burh f shield-defense; phalanx
scyldig adj guilty
- ds scyldgan
scyld-wyrcende ptc adj evil-doing, sinful
scyll (scell) f shell, scale
- ds scylle
scyndan WI hasten (intr)
- ptc scyndende
scne (scene) adj sheen, bright, beautiful
[Ger schn]scyppend see:scieppend
scyttel (scyttels) m shot, missile; bolt, bar
- ap acyttelas, scyttelsas
[scotan]Scyttisc adj Scottish
- as Scyttysc
s (so, æt) dem pron; def art this, that, the (he, she, it)
- m ns s
- m gs æs
- m ds m, m
- m as one
- f ns so, so
- f gs re
- f ds re
- f as
- n ns æt
- n gs æs
- n ds m
- n as æt
- n is (m and n) (, ig, , on)
- np
- gp ra (ra)
- dp m (m)
- ap
[All forms are frequent as antecedents to the relative particle e, thus forming the usual relative pron; the particle is sometimes omitted. See further: be, for ls, mid, t]
- gs æs adv from that point of time, afterwards
- æs e from the time that; with what; according to what, as far as, as
- æs for this cause
- t æs to that extent or degree
- is (w comp) sweotolor the more clearly
- ...
- ls lest
- on m any more than
- t on to that degree
- be hereby
sealm m psalm
- ap sealmas
[Lat psalmus]sealm-scop m psalmist
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sealt adj salt
- ap sealte
Seal-sudu m Selwood Forest (Wessex)
- ds -wudu
searolice adv artistically
searu (searo) n art, trick, snare
- ap (or as) searo
- dp searwum, adv, skilfully
Seaxe m pl Saxons, Saxony
scan WI seek, strive after
- ger sceanne
- ptc scende
- 3 sg sc
- 3 pl sca
- t him sca seek to them for
- pret 1 sg shte
secg m man, warrior
- gp secga
- ap secgas
secgan (secgean) WIII say, utter, tell, discuss
- inf secggan, secggean
- 1 sg secge
- 2 sg sægst
- 3 sg seg (impers), sege
- 3 pl secga
- imp 2 sg saga, sege
- pret 1 sg sægde, sde
- 3 sg sægde, sde
- 3 pl sægdon, sdon
sefa m mind, mood, spirit
- as sefan
sfte adj soft, pleasant
- as sftne
- comp as sftran
segel m n sail
- ds segle
segen (segn) m n sign, ensign, mark, token
[Lat sgnum]seglian WII sail
- pret 3 sg seglode
segnian (snian) WII make the sign of the cross, cross oneself
- ptc segniende
seldan (seldon) adv seldom
seld-c adj seldom known, unusual, rare
- gs -can
sele m hall
[Ger Saal]sele-dram m joy of the hall, revelry, festivity
- np -dramas
sele-secg m hero of the hall, retainer
- ap -secgas
self (seolf, sielf, silf, sylf) pron; adj self, selfsame
- ns selfa, self, silf
- gs seolfes
- ds selfum, selfre, seolfum, sylfum
- as seolfne
- np selfe, selfan, seolfan
selflce n pride, vanity (=adj, selfish, vain, puffed up)
self-willes (sylf-) (gen) adv voluntarily
slla comp adj better
- ns selle
- supl ns slest
- supl np slestan
- supl gp slestena
sellan (syllan) WI sell, give, yield
- inf syllan
- ptc syllende
- 3 sg sele, sil, syl
- imp 2 sg sele, syle
- 2 pl sella
- opt 3 sg selle
- pret 3 sg sealde
- 3 pl sealdon
- pret opt 3 sg sealde
- pp geseald
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sellic adj seldom, choice, wonderful
[<seld-lc]sllc adj better, superior
- as sllcran
sendan WI send
- 3 sg sent
- imp 2 sg send
- pret 3 pl sendon
- pp sended, send
senep m n mustard
- gs senepes
[Lat sinpi; Ger Senf]so see:s
soc (soc) adj sick
- ns soca
- as socne
seofon (syfen, syfan) num seven
- np seofone
seofon-feald adj seven-fold
- ap -fealde
seofoa num seventh
- as seofoe
seolfor n silver
- ds seolfre
- as seolfor
seolh (siolh) m seal
- gs soles, soles
seomian WII tarry, abide, continue (intr)
- 3 sg seoma
son (principal parts: pret sg:seah pret pl:swon,sgon pp:sewen,sawen ) 5 see, look
- ger sonne
seona m synod, assembly
[Lat synodus]set n seat, entrenchment
setl n seat, throne
- gs setles
- ds setle
- as setl
settan WI
- set, place
- pret 2 sg settest
- 3 sg sette
- compose, write
- pret 3 pl setton
[sittan]si, se, sig see:bon
sibb f relationship, friendship, peace
- ns sib
- gs sibbe
- as sibbe
- gp sibba
[Ger Sippe]sib-ge-dryht f peaceful host
siblc adj peaceable
- ap siblecan
sibling m relative
siccetung f sighing, sigh
- as -unge
Sicilia-land n Sicily
- ds -lande
sicol m sickle
sd adj wide, extensive
- as sdne, sde, sdan
[cf Mod side]sde adv widely
sde f side
- ds sdan
sido see:siodu
sd-weg m wide way
siendon see:bon
sgan (principal parts: pret sg:sg,sh pret pl:sigon pp:sigen ) 1 sink, settle down, approach
- 3 pl sga
- pret 3 sg sh
[son, sift]sige m victory
Sigen f the Seine
- ds Sigene
sige-wong m plain of victory
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siglan WI sail
- pret 3 sg siglde
sigor n m victory
- gp sigora
sigor-fæst adj victorious
sigor-lan m reward of victory
Sillende Zealand
simle see:symble
sn reflex poss pron his
sin, sind, sindon see:bon
sinc n treasure
- gs sinces
- as sinc
sin-caldu f perpetual cold
[symble; cf Ger Singrün]sinc-gyfa m giver of treasure, lord
sinc-egu f receiving of treasure
- as -ege
[icgan]sin-dram m everlasting joy
sin-gl adj constant, continual
- ds -glan
sin-gllce adv continually
singan (principal parts: pret sg:song pret pl:sungon pp:sungen ) 3 sing, compose poetry
- ptc singende
- imp 2 sg sing
soc see:soc
siodu (siodo, sido) m custom, morals
- ns sido
- as (or ap) siodo
[Ger Sitte]siolh see:seolh
sittan (principal parts: pret sg:sæt pret pl:ston pp:seten ) 5 sit, take one's position, remain
- ptc sittende
- 3 sg sit
- imp 2 pl sitta
- opt 2 sg sitte
s comp adv later
- s and r
[Ger seit]s m
- journey, going, motion
- gs ses
- ds se
- as s
- is se
- time, occasion
- re se ... re se on one occasion ... on another
[sendan]sie-mest supl adj latest, last
- ns -mesa (dial)
s-fæt m journey
siian WII travel, go (intr)
- opt 1 sg siie
- pret 3 sg sode
- 3 pl -edon
sian (syan, seoan < son, syan) adv (conj) since, after, that, afterwards, when
slp m sleep
- ds slpe
- on slpe
slpan (slpan) (principal parts: pret sg:slp pret pl:slpon pp:slpen ) R sleep
- ptc slpende, slpende
- 3 sg slp
- opt 3 sg slpe
slan (principal parts: pret sg:slh,slg pret pl:slgon pp:slagen,slægen,slegen ) 6
- strike, smite, slay
- imp 2 sg sleah
- pret opt 3 sg slge
- pp geslægen, geslegen
- sg geslagena (smite wth an affliction)
- construct
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slege m stroke, blow, slaughter, death
- ds slege
[slan]sliht (slieht) m slaughter, destruction
- ds slihte
[slan]sltan (principal parts: pret sg:slt pret pl:sliton pp:sliten ) 1 slit, tear (trans)
slen (sle) adj perilous, grim
smæl adj small, narrow
- comp ns smælre
- supl ns smalost
smagan (sman) WIII think, reflect upon, consider (trans and intr)
- 3 sg sma
- 3 pl smaga
- opt 3 sg smage
- pret 3 sg smade
smaung (smagung) f contemplation, reflection
- ds -unga
smi m smith
- gp smia
smie f smithy
- ds smian
smolt adj mild, peaceable
smylte adj mild, tranquil, peaceable
- ds smyltre
- is smylte
[smolt]smyltnes f smoothness, quiet, calm
[smolt]smyrian (smerian, smyrwan) WI anoint
[smeoru]snw m snow
snell adj quick, active, keen, bold
- ns snel
- np snelle
[Ger schnell]snian (principal parts: pret sg:sn pret pl:snidon pp:sniden ) 1 cut
[Ger schneiden]snwan WI snow
- opt 3 sg snwe
snotor (snottor) adj discerning, wise
- ns snottor
- np snottre
snde adv quickly
[Ger schleunig]snytro (snyttru) f discernment, wisdom
[snotor]snyttru-cræft m discerning skill or might
sfte adv softly, easily, pleasantly
- comp sftor
solor (solere) m soler, upper floor or chamber
- ds solore, solere
[Lat slrium; Ger Söller]somnian WII
- collect, gather together (trans)
- 3 sg somna
- assemble (intr)
- 3 sg (for 3 pl ?) somna
[Ger sammeln]somnunga (semninga) suddenly, forthwith
somod (samod) adv together
- somod ætgædere
sn m sound
- gs snes
[Lat sonus]sna adv soon
song (sang) m n song, poem
- gs songes
- is songe
- np song
song-cræft m art of song and poetry
sorg (sorh) f sorrow
- ns sorh
- ds sorge
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sorg-full adv sorrowful
- comp ap -fulran
s adj sooth, true
- gs san
- np se
- ds t se, adv, in truth, truly
- dp t son
s-cyning m true King, God
s-fæst adj true, faithful
s-fæstnis f truth
- gs -nysse
slice adv verily, truly, indeed
spæc see:sprecan
spca m spoke
- gs spcan
- np spcan
sptan WI spit
- pret 3 pl sptton
spearca m spark
- as spearcan
spearwa m sparrow
spd f speed, success, riches, power
- as spd
- np spda
spdan WI accede (w dat)
- 2 pl spda
[spd]spdig adj prosperous, rich, powerful
spel-boda m messenger
[bodan]spell n saying, story, narrative, message
- gs spelle
- as spell
- np spell
- gp spella
spere n spear
- ap speru
spillan WI spill, destroy
splott n splotch, blot, spot
spor n track, footprint
- ds spore
[Ger Spur]spwan (principal parts: pret sg:spow pret pl:spowan pp:spwen ) R succeed (impers w dat)
[cf Ger sputen]sprc f speech, language, saying, discourse
- gs sprce
- as sprce
- ap sprca
sprecan (specan) (principal parts: pret sg:spræc pret pl:sprcon pp:sprecen ) 5 speak
- ptc sprecende
- 3 sg spric, sprice, sprec
- pret 3 sg spæc
- 3 pl sprcan
sprengan WI fly into pieces, burst, break (intr)
- pret 3 sg sprengde
[springan]springan (principal parts: pret sg:sprong pret pl:sprungon pp:sprungen ) 3 spring (intr)
- pret 3 sg sprang
spyrian (spyrigean) WI; W II follow, search, inquire (intr)
- inf spyrigean
- 3 pl spyria
[spor]staca m stake
- ds stacan
stæde-fæst see:stede-fæst
stæf m staff, rod; letter, writing
- ds stafe
[cf Ger Buchstabe]stæl-here m predatory, marauding army or band
- dp -hergum
stæl-hrn m decoy-reindeer
- np -hrnas
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stæl-wyre adj stalwart, serviceable
stn m stone, rock
- ds stne
- np stnas
stn-clif n stony cliff
- np -clifu
standan see:stondan
stnen adj of stone
- ns stnene
- ds stænenne
- ap stnene
[stn]stn-hleo (hl) n stony declivity, cliff
- ap -hleou
stn-scylig adj stone-shelly, stony
- ap -scyligean
[scyll]stæp-mlum (dp) adv step by step
str n story, history, narrative
- gs stres
- as str
[Lat historia]stæ n shore
- ds stæe, stae
[standan; Ger Gestade]staelian WII establish
- pret 3 sg staelode
[staol, foundation]stap adj steep, lofty, precipitous
- as stape
stearc adj stark, strong
stda m steed, stallion
- as stdan
stede m stead, place
stede-fæst (stæde-) adj steadfast
- np -fæste, stæde-
stefn (stemn) f
- voice, sound
- ds stefne, stemne
- is stefne
- m, summons, term of military service
- as stemn
[Ger Stimme]stefn (stæfn) m stem, prow of a ship
- ds stefne
stemn see:stefn
stemnettan WI stem, resist, stand firm (intr)
- pret 3 pl stemnetton
stenc m stench, odor, fragrance
- as stenc
steng m stang, pole, rod, bar
- ap stengas
[stingan]stor-bord n starboard, right side of a ship
stor-rra m steersman
- ds -rran
steort m tail
- ds steorte
[cf Mod start]steppan (stæppan) (principal parts: pret sg:stp pret pl:stpon pp:stapen ) 6 step, advance, go
stician WII
- stick, stab (trans)
- pp gesticod
- stick, remain (intr)
- 3 pl sticia
stgan (principal parts: pret sg:stg,sth pret pl:stigon pp:stigen ) 1 ascend, rise, spring up
- 3 sg stge
- opt 3 sg stigge
[cf Mod sty]stihtan WI incite
- pret 3 sg stihte
[Ger stiften]stille adj still, fixed
- ds stillan
- np stille, stillu
stilnes f stillness, quiet
- ds -nesse
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stincende (ptc) adj stinking, of offensive smell
- supl ns stincendiste
[stincan]stingan (principal parts: pret sg:stong pret pl:stungon pp:stungen ) 3 sting, stab, push through (trans)
- imp 2 sg sting
- pret 3 sg stang
st adj stiff, firm, stern, resolute, brave
- as stan
st-hycgende (ptc) adj firm of purpose, resolute, brave
st-hdig (-hygdig) adj firm of purpose, resolute
stlce adv stoutly, boldly, severely
- comp stlcor
stoce m stock, stake
- ds stocce
std-hors n stallion
stondan (standan) (principal parts: pret sg:std pret pl:stdon pp:standen ) 6 stand, occupy a place, arise (intr)
- inf standan
- 3 sg stent, stynt, stonde
- 3 pl stonda
storm m storm
- is storme
- np stormas
- gp storma
stw f place
- ds stwe
- as stwe
- ap stwa
[Mod stow]strl m f arrow, dart
[Ger Strahl]strand m strand
- ds strande
strang see:strong
strangian WII strengthen
- ptc strangende
[strong]stranglc adj strong
- ds -lcre
stranglce adv strongly
strt f street, road
- ds strt
[Lat strta]stram m stream
- ap stramas
strec (stræc) adj stern, severe
- ns streca
- gs strecan
[streccan]strengu (streng) f strength
strong (strang) adj strong
- as strangne
- np stronge, strange
- comp ap strangran
stund f brief period of time
[Ger Stunde]Str-mere m estuary of the Stour (Essex)
stycce-mlum (dp) adv piecemeal; here and there
stman WI steam (intr)
- 3 sg stme
[stam]styrman WI storm (intr)
- opt 3 sg styrme
[storm]styrian WI stir, move (trans and intr)
- pret 3 sg styredon (w refl acc)
su see:sw
sub-dacon (-dacon) m subdeacon
suelc see:swilc
s-stæ n south coast
- ds -stæe
sum pron adj some, certain, some one, certain one (w gen)
- gs sumes
- ds sumum
- ds sumre
- as sumne
- is sume
- np sume, sumu
- ap sume, suma, sumu
- sum ... sum a part ... the rest
- sumes adv somewhat
- sumum ... sumum
- sume dæge one day
- sum hund about a hundred
- syxa sum one of six (with five others)
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sumor (sumer) m summer
- gs sumeres (adv)
- ds sumera
sumor-lida m summer-army (one that does not winter in the country)
[lan]sun-bearo m sunny grove
sun-beorht adj sun-bright
sundor adv apart
sund-plega m sporting in the waves, bathing
- ds -plegan
sunnan-dæg m Sunday
sunnan-hta m Sunday morning
- ds -htan
sunn-bam m sunbeam
sunne f sun
- gs sunnan
- m sunna (?)
sunu m son
- gs suna
- as sunu, suna
- ap suna
span (principal parts: pret sg:sap pret pl:supon pp:sopen ) 2 sup, drink
- ger spenne
ssl n torment
- ap sslo
s adv south, southwards
san adv from the south
- be san prep (w dat) south of
- wi san (w acc)
serne adj southern
se-weard adj southward
s-rima m south coast
- ds -riman
s-rodor m southern sky
s-ryhte adv southwards
s-s m f south-sea (the sea south of England)
S-seaxe pl m South Saxons, Sussex
- gp -seaxna
suwian see:swigian
sw (sw) adv (dem and rel) so, as (manner, degree)
- sw for so forth
- sw same in like manner
- sw ah however
- ac sw also
- sw sw sa as, just as
- sw sw
- sw ... sw as ... as
- sw ... sw sw so ... (just) as
- sw sw so that
- sw ... sw (w comp) the ... the
- sw oft sw whenever
- sw hwider sw whithersoever
- sw hw sw whosoever
- sw hwæt sw whatsoever
- b sw hwaerre efes sw on whichever side
swæcc m odor, fragrance
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swlce adv so, thus
swan m swan
- gs swanes
swn m swain, peasant, young man
swr (swr) adj heavy, grievous
[Ger schwer]sws adj beloved, own
- as swsne
swsendu pl n dainties, banquet
swt m sweat, blood
- is swte
swæ n swath, track, footprint
[swau]sweart adj swart, black, tawny
- ds sweartan
swefn (swefen) n sleep, dream
[swebban]swg m sound, harmony
- is swge
- gp swga
swgan WI sound, have sound or import (intr)
- 3 sg swg
[cf Mod swoon]swegel (swegl) n sky, heavens
- gs swegles
- ds swegle
- as swegel
swegel-condel f candle or luminary of heaven
- gs -condelle
swelc, swelce see:swilc, swilce
swelgan (principal parts: pret sg:swealg pret pl:swulgon pp:swolgen ) 3 swallow (trans)
- 3 sg swelge
sweltan (principal parts: pret sg:swealt pret pl:swulton pp:swolten ) 3 die
- 3 sg swelt
- opt 3 sg swelte
swencan WI trouble, molest, afflict, torment
- 3 sg swence
- opt 3 sg swence
- pp pl geswencte, geswencede
[swincan]sweng m stroke, blow
- gs swenges
[swingan]Swo-land n Sweden
Swom dp m the Swedes
swora (swra, swra, swra) m neck
- ds suran
- as sworan, swran, swran
sweord (swurd, swyrd) n sword
- ds swurde
- as sweord, swurd
- is sweorde
- gp sweorda
sweotol (swiotol, swutol) adj clear, manifest, distinct
[cf Goth swikuns]sweotole adv clearly
- comp sweotoler
sweotolian WII make manifest
- 3 sg sweotola
sweotolce (swutelce) adv clearly
swer m pillar, column
- ds swere
- as swer
swte adj sweet
- as swtne
- comp ns swtra
- supl as swteste
- supl ap swtestan
swtnis f sweetness
- gs -nysse
- ds -nesse
- as -nisse
swerian WII diminish, subside (intr)
- 3 sg swetra
swc-dm m deception
swift adj swift
- comp np swiftran
- supl ap swyftoste
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swgian (swugian, sugian, suwian) WIII be silent
- 3 sg swa
- imp 2 sg suwa
- pp geswged
[Ger schweigen]swilc (swylc, swelc) pron adj such
- ds swylcere, swylce, suelc
- dp swylcum, swilcum, suelcum
- as swylc swylce such as
swilce (swylce, swelce) adv conj
- (w indic) in such manner, thus, likewise
- ac swylce
- ac swelce
- (w opt) as if, as though
swimman (principal parts: pret sg:swomm pret pl:swummon pp:swummen ) 3 swim
- 3 pl swimma
swn (swn) n swine, hog
- gp swna
swincan (principal parts: pret sg:swonc pret pl:swuncon pp:swuncen ) 3 swink, labor, toil, strive (intr)
- 3 sg swinc
- 2 pl swinca
[swingan]swingan (principal parts: pret sg:swong pret pl:swungon pp:swungen ) 3 whip, swinge, scourge, strike, beat
- imp 2 pl swinga
swingel f whip, scourge
- as swingle
[swingan]swnsian WII sound, make melody, sing
- 3 sg swnsa
swnsung f melody, harmony
- ds -unge
swra see:swora
sw (sw) adj strong, active, severe
- comp ns swre, swre
- comp ds swran
- comp as swran
[Ger geschwind]swe (swe) adv very, exceedingly, severely; (in supl) especially
- for swe very severely
- comp swor, suor, swor
- suor onne rather than
- supl swost
- ealles swost most of all
- eallra swust most of all
swlc adj intense, excessive
- ds -lcre
swol n heat, burning
- gs swoles
- ds swole
[swelan, /sweal/]swongor adj heavy, inert
[Ger schwanger]swra see:swora
swurd see:sweord
swuster (sweosteor) f sister
- gs swyster
- as swuster
swutelce see:sweotolce
swylc, swylce see:swilc, swilce
swylt-cwalu f agony of death
- as -cwale
swylt-hwl f hour of death
- ds -hwle
swn see:swn
swra see:swora
sylen f gift
- as sylene
[sellan]sylf see:self
sylfren adj of silver
- ds sylfrenan
[seolfor]Page 359
syll f sill, base, support
- ds sylle
symbel n feast, banquet
- ds symble
- gp symbla
symble (symle, simle) adv ever, always
[sin + ml]symle see:symble
syn-bend m f n fetter of sin or of hell
- ap -bendas
syn-byren f burden of sin
- ap -byrenna
synd see:bon
synderlce adv specially
[sundor]syndrig adj separate, private
syndriglce adv separately, specially
syn-full adj sinful
- gs -fullan
synlc adj sinful
- ap -lcu
synn f sin
- np synna
- gp synna
synnig adj sinful
syrwan (sierwan) WI
- plot, machinate
- put on armor
- pp gesyrwed
[searu]Syr-ware pl m Syrians
- gp -wara
syan see:sian
syx (siex, six, sex) num gp syxa
syxtig num sixty
syxtig-feald adj sixty-fold
- as -fealdne
tcan (tcean) WI teach, direct
- 3 sg tc
- opt 3 pl tcean
- pret 2 sg thtest
- 3 sg thte
- 3 pl -on
tcen n token, symbol, sign, miracle
- as tcen
- is tcne
- np tcno, tcna
tcnian WII symbolize, signify, represent
tægel m tail
tlan WI reprove, blame
- pret 2 sg tldes (dial)
- pp pl getlde
tam adj tame
- np tamu
- gp tamra
tn (t, f) m twig
[cf mistel-tn /mistletoe/]tapur (tapor) m taper
tsan WI lacerate, pierce
- pret 3 sg tsde
[Mod tease]teala see:teola
tar m tear
- ap taras
tar-gotende (ptc) adj tear-shedding, tearful
- gs -gotendre
telga m branch
- np telgan
Temes f the Thames
- ds Temese
tempel n temple
- ds templ
- as templ
[Lat Templum]teohhian (tiohhian) WII arrange, appoint, direct, destine
- 3 sg tiohha
- 1 pl tiohhia
- pret 3 sg teohhode
- pp tiohhod, getiohhod
[teoh, Ger Zeche]Page 360
teola (teala, tela) adv properly, well
[til]teolian, teolung see:tilian, tilung
ton (ton) (principal parts: pret sg:tah pret pl:tugon pp:togen ) 2 draw, betake oneself, go
- 3 sg teh
- opt 3 sg to
ton (togan) irreg arrange, create
- pret 3 sg tode
[cf teohhian]tonlce adj grievously
[ton, /accuse/; Mod teen]Ter-finna gp the Terfins
tber n offering, sacrifice
- ds tbre
[cf Ger Ungeziefer]td f tide, time, hour
- ds tde
- is tde
- np tda
tgan WI tie
- pp getged
tihtan see:tyhtan
til adj good
[Ger Ziel]tilian (teolian) WII
- endeavor, strive, after
- inf teolian
- 3 sg tiola
- 3 pl tilia
- provide, treat, gain (w gen)
- 3 pl tilga opt 3 sg tilige
[Mod till]tilung (teolung) f tillage, husbandry
- gs teolunge
tma m time
- ds tman
timbran WI build, construct
- pret 3 pl timbredon
tin-treg n torment
- np tintrega
- dp tinttregum
- ap -trega, tyntrega, -trego, -tregu
tin-treglc adj full of torment
- gs -lcan
tiohhian see:teohhian
tr m fame, glory, honor
[Ger Zier]tr-adig adj glorious
tr-fæst adj famous, glorious
- as -fæste
- as -fæst
tr-meahtig adj of glorious might
tian WII grant (w dat of pers and gen of thing)
- ger tienne
t prep
- (w dat instr) to, at, for (place, time, indirect relation, condition); conducing to, for, as; sign of gerund; w verbs to inquire, seek, learn; prep adv
- t m adv, to such an extent or degree, so
- t m
- t on
- t on to that (time)
- t son truly
- t dæg to-day
- t dæge
- t earfe according to what is needed (cf for benefit)
- t r to where; belonging thereto
- r t acan in addition thereto
- (w gen)
- t æs adv [(= t æm) (hwon)] moreover, however
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t adv too
t-æt-can WI add
- pret 3 sg -æthte
[ac]t-berstan 3 burst, break asunder
- pret 3 sg -bærst
t-brdan WI spread out
- pp -brdd
t-brecan 4 break in pieces, destroy, break through
- opt 3 sg -brece
- pret 3 sg -bræc
- 3 pl -brcon
- pp -brocen
- sg -brocenan
t-ceorfan (principal parts: pret sg:-cearf pret pl:-curfon pp:-corfen ) 3 carve out
t-clofan 2 cleave asunder
- 3 sg -clofe
t-cnwan R know, acknowledge
- opt 3 sg -cnwe
t-cuman 4 come, arrive
- pp -cumen
t-cwsan WI crush
- 1 sg -cwse
- pp pl -cwsede
[Mod squeeze]t-cwsednis f crushed condition
- gs -nysse
t-cyme m arrival, advent
t-dl n separation, difference
t-dlan WI divide, separate
- 1 sg -dle
- 3 pl -dla
- pp -dled
t-emnes prep (w dat) alongside
t-faran 6 separate, disperse (intr)
- pret 3 sg -fr
t-foran prep (w dat) before (time and place)
t-gædere adv together
t-ganes prep (w dat) toward, before
t-ge-odan WI join
- pret 3 sg -odde
t-hopa m hope
- as -hopan
t-lsan see:t-lsan
t-lsnes f dissolution, violation, breach
t-licgan 5 lie between, separate
- 3 sg -l
t-lsan (-lsan) WI loosen, relax, unhinge
- pp tlsed
t-middes prep (w dat) amidst, amongst
t-niman 4 take apart, separate, open, lift up
- imp 2 pl -nyma
- pp -numen
torht adj bright, glorious
- ns torhte
torn n anger, indignation
[Ger Zorn]tscad n distinction, difference
t-slpan 2 slip away
t-smagean (-smagan) WIII think over in detail, inquire into, consider
- inf -smagian
to-stencan WI scatter, drag along
- 3 pl -stenca
[stincan]t-teran 4 tear in pieces
- pret 3 sg -tær
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t-twman WI separate
- pp -twmed
[twgen]t m tooth
- np tas
- dp tum
- ap t
t-weard adj toward, approaching, imminent, future
- gs -weardan
- as -wearde
- gp -weardra
t-weard prep (w dat) toward
t-wearde adv in advance, beforehand
t-wegan 5 disperse
- pp -wegen
t-weorpan (-wurpan) (principal parts: pret sg:-wearp pret pl:-wurpon pp:-worpen ) 3 overthrow, destroy
- inf -wurpan
- 1 sg -wurpe
t-wurpan see:t-weorpan
traht-bc f treatise
- ap -bc
[trahtian Ger trachten]tro f tree, wood
- gs trowes
- ds trowe, tro, trw
trow f faith, pledge, agreement
- as trowe
- ap trowa
trowen adj of a tree, wooden
- ds trowenre
- as trowene
Trs an ancient city on the Drausensea
trwa m confidence
- as trwan
trymm (tremm) n short distance, step
- as trym
trymman (trymian) WI confirm, exhort
- inf trymian
- pret 3 pl trymedon
- pp trymed
[Mod trim]t see:twgen
tcian WII ill-treat, torment, punish
- pret 3 sg tcode
tdor (tddor) n offspring, issue
- gs tddres
- as tdor
tn m (enclosure), town, village, homestead
- ds tne
[Ger Zaun]tunece f tunic, coat
- as tunecan
[Lat tunica]tunge f tongue
- as tungan
tn-ge-rfa m town-reeve, bailiff, steward of a manor
- ds -gerfan
tungol n (m) luminary, star
- np tungla
- gp tungla
- ap tunglu
turf f turf
- ds tyrf
twa (twwa twwa trwa) adv twice
tw see:twgen
twgen num m twain, two
- n t
- nom tw
- acc t, tw
- on t in two
- t sw lange adv twice as long
- f tw
- gen (of all genders) twga
- dat twm, twm
twelf num twelve
- nom twelfe
- dat twelfum
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twntig num twenty
twonian (twnian) WII doubt (impers)
- 3 sg twlona, twna
twonung (twnung) f doubt
- ds twnunge
tw-feald adj two-fold
tdernis (tddernis) f weakness
- as tddernysse
[tdor]tdran WI beget, bring forth
- 3 sg tdre
[tdor]tyht (tiht) m training, instruction; motion, progress
- ds tyhte
[ton]tyhtan (tihtan) WI instigate, urge, persuade, exhort
- pret 3 sg tihte
[ton]tyhting (tihting) f instruction, advice
- dp tihtingum
tman WI beget, engender
- pret 3 sg tmde
[tam]tn (ten) num ten
adv; conj (dem and rel) then, when
- then when
- h ... when he then...then
[Ger da]see:s
afian WII consent to, permit; endure, suffer
- 3 sg afa
- opt 3 sg afige
- pret 3 sg afode
m, m see:s
anc (onc) m grace, mercy, thanks
- ns onc
- gs onces
- Godes onces through the mercy of God
- mnes onces by my favor
- as anc
- ap ancas
ancian WII thank (w dat of pers and gen of thing)
- 1 sg ancige
- 1 pl ancia
- pret 3 sg ancode
anon see:onan
r (r) adv (dem and rel) there, where
- r r there where
- t r
- to where
- r inne
- r on
- r t
- r t acan
- r tan
- r wi
re, ra, ra see:s
s see:s
æs see:s
æslce [(cf yslc)] adv suitably
æt (ætte < æt e) conj that, so that
- sw æt so that
e rel particle that, which; (conj) because, or; w comp, than
- s e he that, that
- m e see:(see s)
- for m e see:(see for)
- o e see:(see o)
- e ... e
- whether...or
- hwæer ... e
Page 364
see: and s
ah (h) conj adv though, however, nevertheless
- ah e
earf f need, behoof, requirement, benefit
- ds earfe
- as earfe
[urfan]earfa m poor man
- np earfan
earfende (ptc) adj being in want
earle adv severely
earlc adj severe, cruel
aw m habit, custom, practice, behavior
- ap awas
[Mod thews]eccan WI cover
- 3 sg ece
- 3 pl ecca
- pret 3 sg eahte
[cf Mod thatch; Ger decken]egen (egn, n) m servant, thane, officer, retainer, warrior
- ns egn
- as egen, egn
- np egnas, egenas, nas
- gp egna, na
[Ger Degen]egenlce adv in a manner becoming a egen, faithfully
egnian (nian) WII
- serve (w dat)
- pret 3 sg node
- perform (a service), supply another with anything
- inf nian
h see:ah
n see:egen
encan WI think, consider, resolve, intend
- 1 sg ence
- 2 sg encest
- 3 sg enc, ence
- pret 3 sg hte
enden conj adv while, as long as
nian see:egnian
nig-monn m serving-man
- ap -men
nung (ning) f service, ministration, office; attendants; service of a meal; book of a service
- ds nunga
- as nunge
- np nunga
- ap nunga, ninga
od (od) f people, nation
- gs ode
- ds ode, oda
- as ode
- np oda, oda
- gp oda
[Ger deutsch]oden m chief, lord, prince, king
- ds odne
- as oden
od-land n inhabited country
od-scipe m service, discipline
- as -scipe
of m thief
- ap ofas
on (principal parts: pret sg:h pret pl:igon pp:igen ) 1 thrive, prosper, succeed
- pret 3 sg ah
[Mod obs thee, Ger gedeihen]Page 365
os see:s
oster-full adj full of darkness
- ap -fulle
ostro (ostro, stro) f n darkness
- gs ostro
- as (or ap) ostro, stro
- gp ostra
- dp ostrum, strum
ow (ow) m servant
- ds owe
- gp owa, owa
[cf egen]owa m servant
- np owan
ow-dm m service
owian WII serve (w dat)
- ptc owigende
- 3 sg owa
- 3 pl owia
- pret 1 sg odde
- 3 sg ode
s (os, is) dem pron this
- m ns s
- m ds eossum
- m as isne, ysne
- m is s
- f ns os, os
- f gs isse
- f ds isse, eosse
- f as s
- n ns is
- n is s
- f ds issum, ysum
- np (all genders) s
- gp (all genders) issa, issera
- dp (all genders) iosum, eossum
- r issum
- as is
- o is
iccnes f thickness
- as -nesse
icgan 5 receive, take, consume, eat
- ger icgenne
- 3 sg ige
- pret 3 pl gun
ider (yder, idres) thither
ider-weard adv thither-ward
ider-weardes adv thither-wards
n poss pron thine
- ns n
- ds nre, i-num
- as nne
- gp nra
- ap ne
nen f handmaid
- ap nena
[egen]ing n thing
- gs inges
- ds inge
- as incg
- np ing
- dp ingum
- for iosum ingum for this reason
ingere m one that pleads a cause, advocate
- np ingeras
ingian WII plead a cause, intercede for another (w dat)
- 3 pl ingia
- opt 3 sg ingie
- pret opt 3 sg ingode
ingung f advocacy, intercession, mediation
- as -unge
od see:od
ostro see:ostro
ow see:ow
owot-dm (owot-) m service
- ap -dmas
is see:s
olian WII
- suffer, endure, undergo
- ger olianne, oligenne
- pret 3 sg olade
- endure, hold out (intr)
[Ger dulden]on see:s
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onan (onon, anon) adv thence
onan-weard adj on the way thence
one see:s
onne (ænne) adv (dem and rel) then, when; w comp than
- onne onne then when
- onne onne ... onne
- onne ... onne
orn m thorn
- np ornas
oterung f lamentation
rg (rh) f time
- as rge
- rge adv for a time
- dp at times, sometimes
ragean (ragan, ran) WIII rebuke, reprove, oppress
- ger ragenne
- pret 3 sg rade
rat m crowd, troop, flock
r (re, r, row, row) num three
- nom r, ro
- gen rora
- dat rm
- acc re, r, ro
ridda num adj third
- ns ridde
- gs riddan
- ds ryddan
- as ridde, -an
ringan (principal parts: pret sg:rong pret pl:rungon pp:rungen ) 3 throng, press or crowd together
- 3 pl ringa
[Ger dringen]rnnis f trinity
- ds rnnysse
rst (rste) adj bold, confident, resolute, rash, presumptuous
- np rste
[Ger dreist]r-tne (ro-, -tne, rottne) num thirteen
rtig (rttig, rttig) num thirty
- gs rtiges, rtigra
rtig-feald adj thirty-fold
- as -fealdne
rwa adv thrice
rotu f throat
- ds rotan
rwian WII suffer
- ger rwianne
- ptc rwiende, rwigende
- 3 sg rwa
- pret 2 sg rwodest
- 3 sg -ade
rwung f suffering
- ds -unge
ryccan WI oppress, afflict
- pp rycced
[Ger druecken]rymlce adv gloriously
rymm m multitude, host, strength, force, renown, glory
- ns rym
- gp rymma
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rym-sittende (ptc) adj sitting in glory
- ds -sittendum
r (ro) f might, majesty, copiousness
- np re
- dp multitude
second pers pron thou
- gs n
- ds
- as ec, e-
- dual nom git (gyt)
- dual gen incer
- dual dat inc
- dual acc incit (inc)
- np g
- gp ower
- dp ow, ow
- ap owic (ow), ow, ow
- gyt bt both of you
unor m thunder
- gs unres
urfan PP need, be required, have occasion
- 2 sg earft
- 3 sg earf
- 1 pl urfe w
- opt 2 sg urfe
- 3 pl yrfen
- pret 3 sg orfte
- 3 pl orfton
[Ger duerfen]urh prep (w acc) through (condition, agency)
- urh æt e
urh-flon 2 fly, fly through
- opt 3 sg -flo
urh-scotan 2 shoot through, pierce
- 3 sg -scote
- pp p -scotene
urh-slan 6 smite through
- 3 sg -slyh
urh-ton 2 (draw through), fulfil, accomplish
urh-wadan (principal parts: pret sg:-wo-d pret pl:-wdon pp:-waden ) 6 go through, penetrate
urh-wunian WII continue, be steadfast
- ptc -wuniende
- pret 3 sg -wunode
- 3 pl -odon
urst m thirst
urstig adj thirsty
- ds urstigum
us adv thus
send n thousand
- gp senda
- ap sende
wan (principal parts: pret sg:wh pret pl:wgon pp:wægen ) 6 wash
- pret 3 sg wh
wyrnis (weorhnis) f perversity
- ds -nysse
- dp -nyssum
dan WI submit
- opt 1 kpl don
[od]yncan WI seem, appear
- 3 sg ynce
- opt 3 pl yncen
- pret 3 sg hte
- pret opt 3 sg hte
- pp geht
- 3 sg ync, ynce, inc
- m ync methinks
- opt 3 sg ince
- pret 3 sg hte
yrstan WI thirst after (w gen)
- opt 3 sg yrste
[urst]yslc (uslc, æslc) pron adj such
- np yslco
stro see:ostro
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ufan adv from above, above
ufe-weard adj upward, upper, higher up
- ds -weardum
ufor adv further away
hta m dawn
- gp htna
ht-song m morning song; matins
- ds -songe
- as -song
un--berendlc adj intolerable
- as -lce
un--secgendlc adj unspeakable
- ds -lcum
un--roten (pp) adj unwearied, indefatigable
- np -rotene
[rotan]un--wendendlc adj unchangeable
un-be-boht adj (ptc) unsold
- gp unbebohtra
[bebycgan]un-be-fohten (pp) adj unopposed
- np -fohtene
un-bryce adj imperishable
[brecan]uncer see:ic
un-cou f disease
- as uncoe
un-c adj unknown, uncertain
un-cyst f vice, wickedness
- ds -cyste
- ap -cyste
under prep (w dat and acc)
- under (w dat)
- (w acc)
- under bæc adv backwards [(cf ofer bæc)]
under-be-ginnan (principal parts: pret sg:-gonn pret pl:-gunnon pp:-gunnen ) 3 undertake
- ger -ginnene
under-fenge m undertaking
under-fn (principal parts: pret sg:-fng pret pl:-fngon pp:fangen ) R undertake, receive, assume
- ger -fnne
- ptc -fnde
- 3 pl -f
- opt 3 pl -fn
- pret opt 3 sg -fnge
under-gietan (-gitan -gytan) 5 perceive
- pret 3 sg -geat
undern m mid-morning, morning
under-scotan (principal parts: pret sg:-scat pret pl:-scuton pp:-scoten ) 2 support
- pp pl -scotene
under-stondan 6 understand
- inf -standan
- 3 sg -stent
under-odan see:under-edan
under-edan (-dan, -odan, -odan) WI subject to (w reflex acc and dat)
- pret opt 3 pl -odden
- pret 3 sg -odde
- pp -ed, -od, -doded
- pl -odde
under-odan see:under-edan
un-drfed (pp) adj untroubled, undisturbed, undefiled (of water)
un-earg (-earh) adj not cowardly, brave
- np -earge
un-ae adv not easily, with difficulty
un-aelce (-elce, -elce) adv with difficulty
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un-fæger adj not fair, unsightly, foul
un-feor adv not far, near
un-for-bærned (pp) adj unburned
un-for-c adj reputable, excellent, brave
un-forht adj fearless, undaunted
- np -forhte
un-forht-md adj fearless
un-fri m hostility
- ds unfrie
un-gearo adj unprepared, unready
- gs -gearowes
un-ge-cyndelc adj unnatural, terrible
- ap -cyndelce, -cyndelco
un-ge-endod (pp) adj endless
- as -endode
- ap -endodan
un-ge-fge adv excessively
un-ge-frglce adv (to an unheard of degree), unquestionably, incredibly
un-ge-fullod (pp) adj unbaptized
un-ge-hrsum adj disobedient
un-ge-lred (pp) adj unlearned, ignorant
- np -lredan
un-ge-lrednes f want of learning, ignorance
- ds -nesse
un-ge-laffull adj unbelieving
- np -fulle
- ap -fullan
un-ge-lafulnes f unbelief
- ds -nesse
un-ge-lc adj unlike (w dat)
un-ge-limplc adj unfitting, shameful
- ap -lco
un-ge-metlce adv immoderately
un-ge-rd adj at variance, discordant
- np -gerde
un-ge-rdelice (-rdelce -rdelce) adv insecurely
- supl -lcost
un-ge-slig adj unhappy
- ns -sliga
- np -slige
un-ge-sl f misfortune
- gp -sla
un-ge-scadws adj undiscerning, unintelligent, irrational
- ds -wsum
- np -wse
un-ge-sewenlc adj invisible
- np -lca
un-ge-trum adj weak, infirm
- np -trume
un-ge-wre adj at variance, discordant
un-ge-yldig adj impatient
- np -yldige
un-ge-wemmed (pp) adj undefiled, pure
un-ge-wuna m evil habit
- gs -wunan
un-ge-wyrded (pp) adj uninjured
un-glawnes f want of discernment
un-hl adj not hale, ill
- dp -hlum
un-hanlce adv not ignominiously, nobly
[Ger Hohn]un-lred (pp) adj unlearned, ignorant
- np -lrde
un-lybba m poisonous drug
- as unlybban
un-mte adj immeasurable
un-mihtig adj without might, weak
- ns -myhtig
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un-myltsiendlc adj unpardonable
unnan PP grant, favor (w dat of pers and gen of thing)
- 3 sg an
- pret 3 sg e
- pret opt 3 pl on
un-ndig adj without compulsion or restraint; of one's own volition
- np -ndige
[nad]un-nytt (-nett) useless
- ns -nyt, -net
[notan]un-ofer-swelc adj unconquerable
- np -lce
un-orne adj old
un-rd m evil counsel, folly
- dp (adv) -rdum
un-riht adj wrong, wicked, unjust
- np -rihte, -rihtan
- dp -ryhtum
un-riht n wrong, sin, injustice
un-rihtlce adv wrongfully
un-rihtnes f wrong, unrighteousness
- ds -nesse
un-riht-wsnes f unrighteousness, injustice
- gs -ryhtwsnysse
un-riht-wyrhta m evildoer
- np (voc) -wyrhtan
un-rm n countless number
un-rt adj sad, disconsolate
un-rt-md adj sadhearted
un-rtnes f sadness, contrition
un-scæig adj innocent
- gs -an
un-sceafulnes f innocence
- as -nesse
un-scyldig adj guiltless, innocent
- gs -scyldgan
- as -scyldigan
- ap -scyldge
un-sme adj not smooth, uneven, rough
- gs -smes
un-spdig adj poor
- np un-spdigan
un-staol-fæst adj unstable, unenduring
- np -fæste
un-stille adj moving
- np unstillu
un-stilnes f disturbance
- as -nesse
un-tela adv improperly, wrongly
un-trowsian WII deceive
- pp pl geuntrowsode
un-trum adj weak, infirm, ill
- as -truman
- gp -trumra
- ap -trume, -truman
un-trumnes (-try-) f weakness, illness
- ds -nesse
- np -nyssa
- dp -nyssum
- ap -nyssa
un-anc-wure adj ungrateful, unacceptable
un-aw m evil practice, vice
- np -awas
- gp -awa
- ap -awas
un-wclce adv unwaveringly
un-wær adj unwary
- np -waran
- comp ns -wærre
un-wærlce adv unwarily, rashly
un-wærscipe m carelessness, folly
un-wealt adj not 'walty,' steady
- comp np unwealtran
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un-weaxen (pp) adj not grown, young
un-wemme adj undefiled, pure
un-wiere (-wyre) adj unworthy of (w gen)
un-windan (principal parts: pret sg:-wond pret pl:-wundon, pp:-wunden ) 3 unwind, uncover
un-ws adj unwise
- np -wse
- ap -wse
un-ws-dm m unwisdom, ignorance
- ds -dme
un-wit-weorc n foolish work
- dp -weorcum
un-wi-metenlce adv incomparably
un-wlitigian WII change the appearance of beauty of anything
- 3 sg -wlitega
un-wrecen (pp) adj unpunished
[wrecan]un-wrtere m incorrect writer
p (pp, upp) adj up, upwards
- wi upp above, upwards
p--hafenes f exaltation
- ds -nesse
p--hebban 6 exalt, lift up
- 3 sg -hefe
- pp dp hafenum
p--rred (pp) adj exalted
- ns upp-
p--stgnes f ascension
- ds -nesse
p--wend pp directed upward
- dp -wendum
p-gang m
- rising (of the sun)
- ds -gange
- way up, approach
- as -gang
p-ldend (ptc) adj towering
- gp -ldendra
p-lc adj upper, heavenly
- gs upplcan, plcan
uppe adv up, above
- uppe on lande up into the land
uppon prep (w dat) upon
- on uppan
pp-stgan 1 rise, spring up
- ptc as -stgendne
p-stige m ascension
- ds p-stige
re poss pron our
- gs res
- ds rum
- as rne, re
- np re
- gp ra
urnon see:yrnan
s see:ic
ser poss pron our
- np sse
sic see:ic
t adv out, without
tan adv from without, outside
tan-bordes (gen) adv abroad
te adv out, outside, without
ter-mere m outer, open sea
tera (terra, tra, ttra) comp adj outer
- ns terre
- ap ttran
- supl uttermost, extreme, last
- supl ap tmæstan
te-weard adj outward, outside
- ds -weardum
t-gong m departure, exodus
- ds -gonge
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uton see:wuton
-wita m wise man, philosopher
- as -witan
- np -wiotan
w [(cf wa)] m
- woe
- interj
- wlw alas
- wi l wi
wc adj weak, pliant, insignificant, mean
- ds wcum
- as wcne
wæcce f watch, waking
- ap wæccan
wcian WII become weak, waver
wclc adj weak, mean
- ds -lcum
wcnis f weakness; insignificance
- ds -nysse
wacol adj awake, vigilant
- comp ns wacolre
wacollce adv vigilantly
wadan (principal parts: pret sg:wd pret pl:wdon pp:waden ) 6 wade; advance, go, travel
wdl (wl, wl) f poverty, want
- ns wel
- gs wdle
wdla m poor man
wdlian WII be poor, beg
- ptc wdligende
- opt 2 pl wdlion
wfels m n covering, dress
- ds wfelse
wfer-sn f spectacle, display
- ds -sne
wfian WII be agitated or astonished
- 3 pl wfia
wg (wg) m wave
- gp wga
- ap wgas
[wegan; Ger Woge]wagian WII wag, move (intr)
- pret 3 sg wagode
wæl n
- body of the slain, slaughter, carnage
- battle-field
[wl 'pestilence'; cf Mod Valhalla]wæl-feld m field of slaughter
- ds -felda
wæl-gfre adj greedy for slaughter
- np -gfru
wæl-hrow adj slaughterhouse, murderous, cruel
- ns -hrowa
- ds -hrowan
wæl-raf n spoil of the slain, of the destroyed
wæl-rest (-ræst) f bed of slaughter
- as -ræste
wæl-sleaht (-sliht) m slaughter
- ns -sliht
- gp -sleahta
wæl-spere n deadly spear
wæl-stw f place of slaughter, battle-field
- gs -stwe
- ds -stwe
[cf Ger Wahlstatt]wæl-wulf m slaughter-wolf, warrior
- np -wulfas
wamb see:womb
wn (wægn) m wain, wagon
- gs wænes
- as wn
wandian WII waver, hesitate
- pret 3 sg wandode
[windan]Page 373
wandrian WII wander, vary, change
- ptc wandriende
- opt 3 sg wandrige
wan-hl (wann-) adj unhealthy, weak, ill
- dp wann-
wan-hdig adj heedless, rash
wanian WII wane, diminish, fade, perish (intr)
- 3 sg wana
- 3 pl wania
wan-spdig adj destitute, poor
- ap -spdigan
wpen n weapon
- ds wpne
- as wpen
- np wpen
- gp wpna
wpen-ge-wrxl n conflict (exchange) of weapons
- gs -wrxles
wr f security, covenant, trust
- ap wra
wre, wron see:bon
wr-fæst adj covenant-keeping, faithful
warian WII guard, protect, attend
- 3 sg wara
warnian (wearnian) WII take warning, take heed
- imp 2 pl warnia
waro (waru, wearo) m shore
- ds waroe
[Ger Werder]waru f defence
- ds ware
waru f ware, article of merchandise
- as ware
wæs see:bon
wæstm m (n) growth, fruit, product, result, benefit
- ds wæstme
- as wæstm
- np wæstmas
- ap wæstma
[weaxan]wæstm-bre adj fruit bearing, fruitful
wæstmian WII grow, increase
wt n drink
- gs wtes
wæter n water
- gs wæteres
- ds wætere
- as wæter
- np wæter
- ap wæteru
wæter-fæsten n water-fastness, place protected by water
- ds -fæstenne
w f motion, going, flight
waum m wave
- gp waema
- dp waeman
w see:ic
weald m weald, forest
- ds wealda
- as weald
- np wealdas
wealdan (principal parts: pret sg:wold pret pl:woldon pp:wealden ) R wield, control, direct, govern (w gen)
- 3 sg welt
- opt 3 sg wealde
- 3 pl wealden
wealdend (waldend) m ruler, lord
- ns waldend
- np waldend
Wealh-ge-fra (or -ge-rfa) m commander of the troops on the Welsh border (or, reeve of the King's Welsh serfs)
wealh-std m interpreter, translator
- gp -stda
- ap -stdas
weall m wall, rampart
- ns weal
- gs wealles
- ds wealle
- as weall
- np weallas
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weallan (principal parts: pret sg:woll pret pl:wollon pp:weallen ) R be agitated, well, boil
- ptc weallende
- ds -endum
weal-steall m wall-place, foundation
- as -steal
wealwian WII wallow, roll
- ptc wealwigende
- opt 3 pl wealowigen
- pret 3 sg wealwode
weard m ward, guard, keeper
- ns gs weardes
weardian WII guard, keep, occupy
- 3 sg wearda
- 3 pl weardia
wearm adj warm
wearmian WII become warm
- 3 pl wearmia
wa-tcen n token of woe
weaxan (wexan) (principal parts: pret sg:wx,wox pret pl:wxon,woxon pp:weaxen ) 6 and R wax, grow, increase
- ptc as wexendne
- 3 sg wex weaxe
- 3 pl weaxa
- opt 3 sg wexe
- pret 3 sg wox
webbian WII weave; contrive
- ger webgenne
weccan WI wake, arouse (trans)
- inf 3 sg wecce
wecg m wedge
- ds wecge
wdan WI be mad, rage
- pret 3 sg wdde
[wd]weder n weather
weder-condel f (weather candle) sun
weg m way
- as weg
- dp wegas
- ap wegas
- gs weges
- his weges his way
- on weg away
- aweg away [(< on weg)]
- ealne weg always see:(see eall)
wg see:wig
wegan (principal parts: pret sg:wæg pret pl:wgon pp:wegen ) 5 carry
weg-farende ptc adj wayfaring
weg-nest n m provisions for a journey; viaticum
- is -neste
wel adv well
- ac wel likewise abundantly
- wel hwr almost everywhere
wela m weal, prosperity, riches
- gs welan
wel-dd f good deed
- dp
weler m lip
- ap weleras
welig adj wealthy, prosperous, rich
- np welige
- dp welegum
- ap welegan
wel-willende (ptc) adj well-willing, benevolent
- ds -willendum
wn f hope, expectation, supposition
[Ger Wahn]wnan WI ween, hope, expect, suppose, imagine, think
- inf ger wnanne
- 1 sg wne
- 2 sg wnst
- 3 sg wen
- 1 pl wna
- 2 sg wne
- 3 pl wndon
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wendan WI
- wend one's way, turn, go, change (intr; refl acc)
- 3 sg went
- opt 3 sg wende
- pret 3 sg wende
- 3 pl wendon
- turn, change, translate (trans)
- 3 sg went
- opt 3 sg wende
- 1 pl wenden
- 3 pl pret
- 3 pl wendon
[windan]wennan WI [(wenian W II)] accustom, entertain (trans)
- wenian mid wynnum entertain joyfully
- pret 3 sg wenede
- wenede t wiste feast
wofod see:wg-bed
Weonod-lund (Weono-) n Wendland
- ns Weono
- ds -lande
weorc n work, action, deed
- gp weorca
- ap weorc
weorold see:woruld
weorpan (wurpan) (principal parts: pret sg:wearp pret pl:wurpon pp:worpen ) 3 throw, cast
- opt 3 sg wurpe
weor (wur) n worth, value
- ns wur
- as wur
weore (weor, wyre) worthy (w gen or dat)
- ns wyre
- gs wyres (w dat)
- comp as wyrran
- supl np weoroste
weoran (wuran) (principal parts: pret sg:wear pret pl:wurdon pp:worden ) 3 become (pass aux) happen (intr)
- 2 sg wurest
- 3 sg wyr
- 3 pl weora
- opt 3 sg weore
- 3 pl weoren
- pret 3 sg
- pret opt 3 sg wurde
[Ger werden]weorian (wurian) WII honor, worship
- 3 sg wura
- 3 pl weoria
- opt 3 sg weorige
- pret 3 sg wurode
weorlc adj worthy, honorable
- as -lcne
weorlce (wurlce) adv worthily, honorably
weor-mynd (wur-mynt) f m honor, reverence, glory
- ns wurmynt
- gs wurmyntes
- ds wurmynte
- as wurmynt
weor-scipe m honor, dignity
wpan (principal parts: pret sg:wop pret pl:wopon pp:-- ) R weep
- ptc dp wpendum
wer m man
- gs weres
- ds were
- as wer
- np weras
- gp wera
[Goth wair; cog Lat vir; cf Mod Werwolf]werian WI
- defend (w refl acc)
- pret 3 sg werede
- 3 pl weredon
- clothe
- pp pl werede
[Mod wear]wrig adj weary, dejected
- as wrigne
- np wrige
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wrig-md adj spirit-weary
- ns
werod (wered, weorod) n band of men, army, host
- ds werode
- is werode werede weorode
- gp weoruda
- dp weorodum
[wer]wesan see:bon
west adv west; west, westwards
westan adv from the west
westan-wind m west-wind
- gs -windes
wste adj waste, desolate
wsten n waste, desert
- ds wstenne, wstene
- as wsten
west-dl m west quarter or region
- ap -dlas
west-lang adj extending west
West-s m f West-sea (the sea west of Norway in opposition to the East-sea ie the Baltic Sea)
West-seaxe pl m the West-Saxons; Wessex
- gp -seaxna, -seaxena
- dp -seaxan
wel see:wdl
wc m f n wick, dwelling-place, camp
wicg n horse
- ds wicge
wc-ge-fra (or better, -gerfa) m bailiff, or reeve, of a wick or village
wcian WII dwell, lodge, encamp
- 3 pl wcia
- pret 3 sg wcode
- 3 pl -odon
wicing m viking, pirate
- as gp wcinga
- ap wcingas
wc-stw f dwelling-place
- ds -stwe
wde adv widely
- sde and wde far and wide
wd-gill adj broad, extensive
- as -gillan
wd-s f open sea
wif n wife; woman
- gs wfes
- ds wfe
- as wf
- gp wfa
- ap wf
wf-c f (home or) company of a woman
- ds -ce
wf-hd m woman-hood
- gs -hdes
wfian WII marry (intr)
- pp gewfod
wg m n war, battle
- ns gs wges
- ds wge
wg (wh, wg) m altar
- as wg
[cf Ger weihen]wiga m warrior
- as wigan
- gp wigena
wg-bed (wh-bed, wobed, wofod) n altar
- as wofod
- ap wgbed, wgbedo
[-bed < bod 'table']Page 377
wgend m warrior
[Ger Weigand]wg-haga (wh-) m (war-hedge), line of battle, phalanx
- as whagan
wg-heard adj resolute in battle
- as -heardne
wg-plega m (war-play), battle
- ds -plegan
wg-smi m (war-smith), warrior
- np -smias
wiht (wuht) f n wight, person, creature; whit, thing, anything
- ns wuht
- gs wuhte
- ds wuhte
- as wihte wuht
- nnig wuht adv not at all
Wiht f Isle of Wight
wilde adj wild
- ns wilda
- np wilde wildu
- ap wildan
wildor n wild beast or animal, reindeer
wil-ge-dryht f willing retinue
wil-giefa m gracious giver, lord
willa m will, determination, purpose, desire, pleasure
- ds willan
willan irreg will, be willing, wish, be about to
[w neg see nyllan (= ne-willan)]
- 1 sg wille
- 2 sg wilt, wylt
- 1 pl willa
- 3 pl wylla
- opt 2 sg wille
- 3 sg wile
- pret 1 sg wolde
- 2 sg woldes
- 3 sg wolde
- 3 pl woldon
- pret opt 3 sg wolde
- 3 pl wolden woldon woldan
will-sele m delightful dwelling
will-wong m plain of delight
- ds -wonge
wilnian WII desire, wish (w gen or acc)
- ptc wilnigende
- 1 sg wilnige
- 3 sg wilna
- 3 pl wilnia
- opt 3 sg wilnie
- pret 2 sg wilnadest
- 3 sg wilnode
wilnung f wish, desire
- ds -unga
wil-sum adj desirable, delightful
- dp -suman
wil-sumnes f willingness
- ds -nesse
Wil-tn m Wilton (Wiltshire)
- ds -tne
wl-wendlc see:hwl-wendlc
wn n wine
- ds wne
Win-burne f Wimborne (Dorsetshire)
- ds -burnan
wind m wind
- gs windes
- ds winde
- as wind
- np windas
windan (principal parts: pret sg:wond pret pl:wundon pp:wunden ) 3
- wind, twist, brandish (trans)
- pret 3 sg wand
- turn, go, fly (intr)
windig adj windy
wine m friend, lord
- ap winas
[wynn]Winedas pl m Wends; country of the Wends
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wine-dryhten (-drihten) m friendly lord
- gs -dryhtnes
- as -drihten
wine-las adj friendless
- ns
wine-mg m friendly kinsman
- gp -mga
- ap -mgas
winnan (principal parts: pret sg:wonn pret pl:wunnon pp:wunnen ) 3 fight, strive (intr)
- 1 pl winna
- imp 2 sg wyn
- pret 3 sg wann
wn-sæl n wine-hall
- np -salo
Wintan-ceaster (Winte-) f Winchester
- ds -ceastre Winteceastre
winter m winter (in reckoning time, the equivalent of Mod year)
- gs wintres
- adv ds wintra
- as winter
- gp wintra
winter-cearig adj full of the care of years
winter-ge-wde n weed, garment or covering of winter
winter-ge-weorp n winter storm
winter-scr m winter shower
winter-td f winter-tide
- ds -tde
wiota see:wita
wiotan see:witan
Wir-hal m Wirral (Cheshire)
- ds Wrhale
wis adj wise
- ds wsan
- is wse
- np wse
ws-dm m wisdom, learning
- gs -dmes
- ds -dme
- as -dm
wse f wise, manner, condition, idiom; matter
- as wsan
wsian WII direct, guide
- pret 3 sg wsode
Wsle f the Vistula
Wsle-ma m the mouth of the Vistula
- as -muan
wslc adj wise
ws-monn m wise man
- ns -mon
wisnian WII wither, waste away
- pret 3 sg wisnode
[weornian]wissian WII direct, guide (w dat)
wist f food, provision, feast
- ds wiste
- np wista
- ap wiste
[wesan]wist-fullian WII feast (intr)
- opt 2 sg -fullige
wit, wyt see:ic
wita (wiota) m wise man, councilor
- np witan wiotan
- dp wytum
- gp witena wiotona
[witan]witan (wiotan) PP know
[w neg, see nytan (= ne-witan)]
- ger witanne, wiotonne
- 1 sg wt
- 2 sg wst
- 3 sg wt
- 1 pl witon
- imp 2 sg wite
- opt 1 pl witen
- 2 pl wite g
- pret 1 sg wiste
- 3 sg wisse
- 3 pl wiston
- pret opt 3 sg wisse
- 1 pl wissen
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wte n punishment, torment, injury
- gs wiites
- as wte
- np wtu
[Ger Verweis]wte-dm m prophecy
wtega (wtiga, wtega, wtga) m seer, prophet
- ns wtega wtga
- as wtegan wtgan
- np wtgan
- dp wtegum
[cf Mod wiseacre]wtegian WII prophesy
- pret 1 sg wtegode
- 3 sg wtgode
Wt-land n Witland (in Prussia, on the Baltic Sea)
wtnian WII punish, torment, injure
- 3 sg wtna
- 3 pl wtnia
- pret 3 sg wtnode
[wte, cf Mod twit]wtnung f torment, punishment
witodlce adv truly, indeed
wi prep (w gen dat acc)
- with (w gen) toward, to (motion, direction)
- with (w dat) toward, for, against (direction, exchange, opposition) prep adv
- with (w acc) toward, along, with, against (motion, direction, location, extension) (association, contrast, opposition);
- wi astan adv to the east
- wi upp upwards, above
- wi astan prep (w acc) east of
wierian WII oppose
- pres ptc wierigende
wier-lan n requital, reward
[cf Mod guerdon]wier-sæc n hostility, opposition
- ds -sæce
[sacan]wier-weardlce (wyer-werdlice) adv in a hostile manner
wier-winna (wer-wynna) m adversary
- ns wyerwynna
- as wyerwynnan
wi-hogian WII disregard (w gen)
- pret 3 sg -hogode
wi-innan adv from within; within
wi-metan (principal parts: pret sg:-mæt pret pl:mton pp:meten ) 5 measure or compare with (trans)
- 1 pl -mete w
wi-metenes f comparison
- ds -nesse
wi-sacan 6 strive against, renounce (w dat)
wi-stondan (-standan) 6 withstand, resist (w dat)
- inf -standan wystandan
wi-tan adv from without; without
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wlanc see:wlonc
wlencu f pride
- np wlencea
[wlonc]wltan (principal parts: pret sg:wlt pret pl:wliton pp:wliten ) 1 look (intr)
- 3 pl wlta
wlite m appearance, countenance, beauty
[wltan; cf Ger Antlitz]wlitig adj beautiful, fair, pleasing
- comp ns wlitigra
wlitig-fæst adj of enduring beauty
wlitigian WII beautify, adorn
- 3 sg wlitega
wlonc (wlanc) adj proud
- ds wlancan
- as wlancne
- np wlance
wd adj mad, raging
[Mod obs wood; Ger Wut]Wdnes-dæg m Wednesday
wdnis f madness
- ds -nysse
wh (wg, w) adj crooked, wrong
- as noun, wrong, perversion
- ds t wge
- as wh, on wh, on wn
wh-dd f wrong deed
- np -dda
[wlcum]whlc (wlic) adj wrongful
whlce (wlce) adv wrongly, amiss
whnes (wnes) f wrong, error, wickedness
- np wnessa
- dp wnessum
wolcen n cloud
- ds wolcne
- np wolcen
[Mod welkin]wlc, wlce see:whlc (-lce)
wma m noise, alarm, terror
womb (wamb) f belly
- as wambe
[Mod womb]womm (wamm) m stain, defilement, sin
wnes see:whnes
wong (wang) m plain, field
- gs wonges
wonn (wann) adj dark
- ns won
wp m weeping, lamentation
- ds wpe
[wpan]word n word
- ds worde
- as word
- np word
- gp worda
wrian WII move, totter, crumble to pieces
- 3 pl wria
worn m large number, multitude
woruld (worold, weoruld, world) f
- world
- ns weorld, world
- gs worulde, worolde
- ds worulde, weorulde
- as woruld, weoruld
- long period of time, cycle, eternity
- ds t worulde, in worulde
- as and gp on worlda world
woruld-r (worold-) f worldly honor
- as woroldre
woruld-caru f worldly care
- ap -cara
woruld-cund adj worldly, secular
- gp -cundra
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woruld-frond (world-) m worldly friend
- gp worldfronda
woruld-ge-slig adj worldly prosperous
woruld-ge-sl (weoruld-) f worldly fortune
- np weoruldgesla
woruld-ge-stron n worldly riches
woruld-hd (weoruld-) m secular life
- ds weoruldhde
- as -hd
woruldlc (worold-, world-) adj worldly
- ap woroldlecan
- gp -lcra
- ap worldlcu
woruld-rce (world-) n kingdom of the world, world
- ds world-rce
woruld-rce (world-) adj having worldly power or riches
- gp worldrcra
woruld-ing (worold-) n worldly thing or affair
- gp -inga, worold-
- ap ing
woruld-wela (worold-) m worldly weal, prosperity, riches
- gp woroldwelena
- ap -welan
woruld-wisdm m worldly wisdom
w-cræft m art of song
- is - cræfte
[wd]wræc-hwl f period of exile or of distress
- ds -hwle
wræc-lst m track or path of exile, exile
- ap -lstas
wræc-s m journey of exile or of peril, exile
- ds -se
- as s
wracu f persecution, cruelty, distress
[wrecan]wrtlc adj ornamental, splendid, wondrous
- np -lce
[wrtt, 'ornament']wrtlce adv splendidly, wondrously
wr adj wroth, angry, hostile
- gp wrra
wrau f support, sustenance
- as wrae
wrecan (principal parts: pret sg:wræc pret pl:wrcon pp:wrecen ) 5 banish, persecute, wreak, avenge, punish
- 1 pl wreca
- opt 3 sg wrece
- 3 pl wrecen (w dat)
- pret opt 3 sg wrce
wrgan WI accuse
- 3 pl wrga
- opt 3 sg wrge
- pret 3 pl wrgdon
[wrht]wrenc m wrench, bending, twist, trick, deceit; modulation
- gp wrenca
[Ger Rank]wrdan 1 grow
- 3 sg wrde
wrdian WII grow, flourish
- 3 sg wrda
writ n writ, writing
- np writu
wrtan (principal parts: pret sg:wrt pret pl:writon pp:writen ) (1) write
- 1 pl wrta
- opt 3 sg wrte
- pret 3 pl wreoton
- pp gewryten
wrtere m writer
- ds wrtere
- ap wrteras
wrxendlce adv in turn
wrxlan WI change, exchange
- 3 sg wrxle (of the play of colors)
[wrxl, Ger Wechsel]Page 382
wrht m f persecution, accusation, strife, enmity
- ap wrhtas
[Goth wrhs, Ger Ruge]wucu (wice, weoce) f week
- gs wucan
- gp wucena
wudu m wood, forest
- gs wuda
- ds wuda
- as wudu
- np wudas
wudu-bam m tree of the forest or grove
- gp -bama
wudu-bearo m forest, grove
- gs bearwes
- ds bearwe
wudu-bld (bld) f blossom of the grove
- ap -blda
wudu-fæsten n forest-fastness, place protected by woods
- ds -fæstenne
wudu-holt m n forest, grove
wuduwe (widuwe, wydewe) f widow
- gs wydewan
- as wydewan
wuht see:wiht
wuldor n glory, honor, dignity
- ds wuldre
- as wuldor
wuldor-cyning m glorious King
wuldor-fæder m glorious Father
wuldor-fæst adj immutable in glory
- ns -fæsta
wuldor-full adj glorious
- ns -fulla
- ds fulre
wuldor-fullce adv gloriously
wuldor-gst m glorious Spirit
wuldor-torht adj gloriously bright
wuldor-rymm m glorious might or excellence
- ap -rymmas
wuldrian WII glorify
- ptc wuldrigende
- imp 2 pl wuldria
wulf m wolf
wund f wound
- as wunde
- np wunda
- ap wunda
wund adj wounded
wundor n wonder, marvel
- gp wundra
- ap wundra
wundorlc adj wonderful, wondrous
- ds -lcum
wundorlce adv wondrously
- comp wundorlcor
wundrian WII wonder at a thing (w gen)
- ptc wundrigende
- 3 pl wundria
- pret 1 sg wundrode, -ade
- 3 sg -ode
- 3 pl -odon
wunian WII dwell, remain, continue, live (intr)
- ptc wunigende
- 3 sg wuna
- imp 2 sg wuna
- (w. local acc.) pret 3 sg wunode, -ade
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wunung f dwelling, abode, 'living'
- as -unge
- ap unga
wurma m (murex?) phenicine, purple red, or crimson
- dp wurman
wurpan see:weorpan
wur, wurian see:weor, weorian
wur-mynt see:weor-mynd
wuton (uton) opt 1 pl of wtan: "go"; used to introduce an imperative or an adhortative clause, "let us"
wylla (wiella, willa) m well, spring, fountain
- as willan
- np wyllan
[weallan]wylle-ge-spryng m n well-spring
wylle-stram m fountain-stream
- gp -strama
- ap -stramas
wylm (wielm, welm) m f welling, boiling, surging, fervor
- ds wylme, welme
- as wylm
[weallan]wynlc adj joyful, pleasant
wynlond n land of joy
wynn (wyn) f joy, delight; w gen crowning joy, the best
- gs wynne
- gp wynna
[Ger Wonne]wyn-sum adj winsome, delightful
- np wynsumu
- gp -sumra
- ap -sume
- comp ns -sumra
wynsumlc adj winsome
wyn-sumnes f winsomeness
- ds -nesse
wyrcan (wyrcean) WI work, make, perform, do
- 3 sg wyrc, wirc
- imp 2 sg wyrc
- opt 3 sg wyrce
- 3 pl wyrcen
- pret 3 sg worhte
- 3 pl worhtun
wyrd f weird, fate, destiny
- gs wyrde
- ds wyrde
- as wyrd
- gp wyrda
[weoran]wyrhta m wright, worker, maker
- np wyrhtan
wyrm m worm, serpent
- gs wyrmes
- gp wyrma
wyrm-lca m figure of a dragon (?); serpentine ornamentation (?)
wyrnan WI deny, refuse, withhold (w dat of pers and gen of thing)
- pret 3 sg wyrnde
- 3 pl -don
[wearn 'refusal'; Mod warn]wyrsa, wyrrest see:yfel
wyrt f wort, root, plant, herb
- np wyrta
- gp wyrta
[Ger Wurz]wyrt-truma m root
- as wyrtruman
wyre see:weore
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wscan WI wish (w dat of pers and gen of thing)
- pret 3 sg wscte
del see:del
yfel adj evil, bad
- as yflan
- np yfle, yflan
- gp yflena
- dp yflan
- comp ns wyrsa
- comp np wyrsan
- supl dp wyrrestum
- supl ap weorstan, wyrstan
yfel n evil, wickedness, mischief
- gs yfeles
- ap yfelu
- dp yflum
yfele adv badly, miserably
yfelnis f wickedness
- as -nysse
yfel-willende (ptc) adj willing evil, evil-minded
yfel-wyrcende (ptc) adj evil-doing
yflian WII wrong, injure
- 3 sg yfla
- pret 3 sg yflode
ylca see:ilca
ylding f tarrying, delay
- ds yldinge
[eald]yldo (yldu, yld, ieldu, ield) f age
- gs ylde
- as ylde, yldu
[Mod eld]yldra (ieldra) m ancestor, parent
- np ieldran, yldran
- gp yldrena
- ap yldran
[eald]ymbe (ymb, embe) prep w acc; adv around, about (place, time); concerning
ymbe-sprc f comment, remark, criticism
- as -sprce
ymb-fn R grasp, seize
- 3 sg -fh
ymb-hwyrft m circuit
ymb-hdignis (-hygdignis) f reflection, anxiety
- ds -nysse
ymb-sellan WI encompass
- pret 3 sg -sealde
ymb-settan WI surround
- 3 sg sete
- pp pl -sette
ymb-sittan 5 besiege
- pret 3 pl -ston
ymb-tan adv about, around
yrfe-numa m heir
- np yrfenuman
yrfe-weard m heir
yrhu (-yrho) f cowardice
- as yrho
[earh]yrm (yrmo, ierm, erm) f poverty, care, hardship, misery
- ns yrmu
- ds yrme
[earm]yrnan (iernan, irnan) (principal parts: pret sg:arn pret pl:urnon pp:urnen ) 3 run
- inf irnan
- ptc yrnende (of a ship; also of years)
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yrre (ierre) n anger
yrre (ierre, eorre) adj angry, enraged
ys see:bon
sen see:sen
sle f ashes
- np slan
st f storm
yteren adj of an otter
- as yterenne
[otor]tmæst see:tera
ttra see:tera
f wave
- np a
an WI lay waste (trans)
- pret 3 sg de
-faru f wave-course, flood
- ds -fare
-mere m ocean of waves